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12:19 AM
@Nick really nice, thanks for taking the time. Interesting to see what's behind it. I'm left wondering what those byte string translate to, probably some text behind them.
12:34 AM
@Nick @Machavity after reading your meta post I'm still not entirely sure what to do with the above linked obfuscated question. (I honestly can't spare the time to do any forensic analyses of that code right now.)
1 hour later…
2:46 AM
@Shree Somebody needs to ask the question which that answers ... then we can ask a mod to move it. :)
3:23 AM
hi.. can I ask about a closed question due to duplicate reason?
3:41 AM
actually, nvm..
2 hours later…
5:45 AM
is it just me? Roomba predictor doesn't seem to work after the weekend
@tripleee Just checked, works for me.
@Shree thanks ... actually the cv-pls generator seems to be gone for me too
6:14 AM
@tripleee Both are working for me.
thanks, probably something with my browser's security settings
hmmm, I get FIRE in Charcoal but not here
your stack overflowed ...
I see myself out
whoa wait, lots of weird syntax errors in the Javascript console
if I can make any sense of it, it looks like Tampermonkey itself
7:18 AM
@tripleee That happens sometimes. Usually a browser restart fixes it. Other things to try are to re-install Tampermonkey. You can make a complete backup of your installed userscripts and data prior to reinstalling, just in case. Alternately, it's sometimes necessary to delete and reinstall individual userscripts.
For the last couple/few months, up until the most recent version of Tampermonkey, I've had to delete and reinstall one specific userscript each time I've restarted my browser. If I didn't do so, then all userscripts didn't work on pages on which that one was supposed to run. Fortunately, the most recent version of Tampermonkey fixed that particular bug.
8:49 AM
@tink I think I know what's up with that
9:40 AM
@tripleee - that may well be, but my comment is still fair; and if it's not THAT as a close reason it's still a "general compute" issue and has nothing to do with programming ;)
1 hour later…
12:42 PM
Does it make sense to mod-flag this? The behaviour described doesn't occur on a regular installation (as admitted by the asker). And I don't there is simply no way to know why this is happening on their application without actually debugging their app. Almost no code is provided (and likely no code would be sufficient but the entire thing, code + configuration).
The sizeable bounty (500 rep) is bound to attract guesses and the like.
From old chat:
Mods generally will allow a question that is off topic, but not grossly so to keep the bounty if a few days have passed. At the point the logic is they've already spent the rep and received the extra eyeballs, so just let the bounty expire and we can close later. If they cancel the bounty, the user gets the rep back so they basically get free advertisement.
@Shree So, what's your take then? Because "a few days" haven't passed in this case.
@yivi Meh, i would allow a guess. It is on-topic-ish
I already faced the same situation and the result is declined flag. So in my opinion wait.
Ok, if you say so. I do believe it's not on-topic, because it's a debugging question without debugging context. And the 500 rep bounty rubs the the wrong way, as a new user asking the same question with the same level of detail and without access to bounty-protection would probably have their question closed. But I'll defer to the wisdom of the crowds.
In any case, a custom flag would likely be handled well after the bounty expires.
1:04 PM
@Dharman the answer is a pure plagiarism of the comment
ah no. both are same person.
1:42 PM
"you are an intelligent man,do hard work patiently."
@JeanneDark What's the point in being intelligent if you have to work hard?
@AdrianMole There's probably no point to it
the answer request the mod, to make the answer as a comment
@Espresso Is that a [del-pls] request?
@Espresso Ignore it. It will get deleted when the NAA gets deleted. It's not what comments are for.
1:54 PM
@AdrianMole they seek the mod attention, so I bring it here. [This is my first time to get this type of answer]
This is not a mod room. :) We can't turn this into a comment if it should be a comment
@Espresso They don't know how the site works. It's just an NAA with no useful content and doesn't need mod attention nor should it be turned into a comment.
@Dharman yes Dharman
Besides, flagging as NAA already brings it to the attention of mods
Unless it's being dealt with in the LQP queue before (except for special circumstances like an accepted answer)?
1:57 PM
@Espresso now they have two deleted answers on that Q/A. Problam solved.
Am I the only one having trouble accessing the SOCVR FAQ (link in the description)? Wanted to link to the part about mods and this room.
@JeanneDark It's working fine for me.
Is this link-only?
@Espresso just know that we don't use this room to fast-track stuff that is meant for mods. Use flags if you need mods to handle stuff. It is fine to ask if a post warrants a mod flag.
2:08 PM
@AdrianMole I think so. The text basically says "this will help solve your problem", but it doesn't say how to do anything.
@AdrianMole q is the problem
I agree with @dharman
Anyone else noticed that the VLQ flag option has gone (again)? Is this a recurrence of an earlier bug reported/discussed on Meta.SE?
... seems to be there on some answers but not on others. Have I forgotten the 'rules' for when it's an option?
... for example, I didn't get it as an option on this one.
i mean, the downvote button works
2:22 PM
It's only on new posts on which you haven't taken an action yet
hmm... i'm in the wrong chat
@Dharman Well, I came across that one in First Posts; it's 11 days old, though. (I never encountered it before - just cast an NAA but didn't see VLQ as an option.)
or maybe it's a question
@AdrianMole The answers are too old
2:26 PM
OK - I suspected that might be the case. What's the limit for "too old?"
@AdrianMole I think 7 days. Score (upvotes) also influence it.
That one had no votes (up or down) at the time.
Yes, but more than 7 days old
Well, I guess a week is a long time in Review Queues.
2:40 PM
@bad_coder Yep, one of the 8 or so tags I have open right now inspecting for issues :-) Still have another ~1k rep to go until I can make tag edits without review.
Nice find :-P
@RyanM congrats on 15k close votes
3:51 PM
@Joshua I don't know that there are any C gold-badgers here, but that aside, the normal tagging format is , not , just for future reference :-
@AdrianMole it's very annoying; at least once a week or so I come across a post that is either positively scored, older than a week, or both, and is still VLQ.
4:19 PM
@TylerH The cleanup script is happy with cv-plz IIRC, so doesn't really matter which is used
@Nick yes it matches anything that starts with cv-pl IIRC but I like to see consistency :-)
Haha, seems like a personal problem ;-)
4:52 PM
This is an answer, right?
Yep... a good one, that's a different question
1 hour later…
5:54 PM
@DavidBuck It's easier (for us) if you link to the review rather than to the question. Just one or two less clicks. :)
@AdrianMole An excellent point.
@AdrianMole The review is complete though (I rejected it). But yes, that's more convenient.
Mak's script even adds a [review-pls] button in the review.
.. or at least, it used to, before the recent round of improvments.
6:19 PM
What should be done if initially the OP does not provide an MRE so I voted to close it and I made a request to close it but now that I have provided the MRE I realize that there is already a duplicate? The post I'm referring to is this: stackoverflow.com/questions/67570026/…
@eyllanesc not much to do except leaving a comment. From what I understand it's considered "not worth the effort" to reopen just to close again for another reason.
@Nick when you're a RO, your problems are everyone's problems! This the way in Soviet Overflow Close Vote Reviewers
@eyllanesc I don't see why you can't retract your vote and post a cv-pls as a duplicate. Too late, now ... sorry.
okay, thanks for your comments
Maybe worth mentioning that you had a 'wrong' CV that you then retracted.
isn't that, well, very focused?
Should this answer be flagged as spam?
@Tomerikoo Not sure that it deserves a red flag, but I was happy to give it NAA and a delete-vote.
7:02 PM
@HovercraftFullOfEels wow, that one user had an incredibly long answer
@TylerH I know, but most of it is copy-paste from other sources. This same question has been asked and closed several times, sometimes acrimoniously
@Tomerikoo You can. We delete posts like that on sight. Just make sure all they're doing is posting contact info and not trying to answer in some other meaningful way
@Machavity Thanks Mac. In the latter case I guess I would just edit the contact out if there is still a valueable answer
@Machavity Mole == not sure; Mod = sure. ;-(
7:15 PM
@AdrianMole You're not wrong (and a NAA flag will get it there if you're ever worried about a decline), but red flags get potentially problematic content seen quicker. In most cases we tend to simply delete rather than flag it ourselves
I don't think we have any serious legal beagle mods who would call that a misuse
Red flags are for content that needs to get removed ASAP, with prejudice
Changing gears, GCC is just the GNU C++ compiler, right? There's other ways to compile C++ I presume
@Machavity correct, there are many other C++ compilers: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_compilers#C++_compilers
it is, however, one of the only ones that works everywhere and is standards compliant for all the diff standards
But if someone asked a general C++ question, there's no reason to just mention GCC (and I mean outside of using GCC as part of the answer)
7:33 PM
@Machavity I don't know C++ really so I'd have to see the context in which it is mentioned.
If the question isn't about compiling, then yeah I would say it's unnecessary to mention GCC, probably
7:56 PM
@Tomerikoo I know you usually review on the pycharm tag, there are several pycharm cv-pls upthread if you care to take a look. (Should be trivial for a tag regular).
@bad_coder All but your last request are closed :)
8:12 PM
(edited, but still no MCVE)
@rene I got even newer fonts just now
@Tomerikoo thanks, I appreciate it. (It's generally not advisable to ping for this end, but I thought you wouldn't mind.)
@bad_coder Not at all. My cv ammunition is still high ;)
8:42 PM
@tink though I initially agreed and cast a CV, it looks like tripleee was able to figure out what was going on here and answer the question
I've retracted my CV; wanted to point it out in case you wanted to have a second look as well
9:00 PM
Anything suspicious about this and this? Or just two students with the same class assignment? OK - One of the posters claims, "we are in the same team for a group project."
... maybe that team needs to improve its inter-personnel communications skills?
@AdrianMole wow, even near-identical titles...well, this is an obvious exact dupe, but not one that can be resolved without a moderator because neither is answered.
They're way too similar, this is deliberate reposting.
they both contain "The problem is in frequency and huffmancodes functions they keep looping and i cant find the huffman codes for every character and the variables that stores the character and the frequency can not find it." as well, for instance
Not sure if (or how) to mod-flag those, though.
@AdrianMole I mod-flagged the one that was posted second noting that it was use of multiple accounts to post clearly copied questions
@gnat Hmm, this was red-flagged. I wonder why.
@cigien My guess would be that someone thought it was a rant? Also mods say that people misuse flags constantly.
probably mods just hadn't gotten around to declining that one yet
9:12 PM
Oh, I see. That makes sense, thanks.
@Machavity That's an odd question. I'm quite curious to see the context that motivated that, if you're willing/able to share.
There are, essentially, two C++ compilers: GCC (a.k.a. g++) ... and the rest.
@Tomerikoo is that actually the same question? The question is confusing, but they seem to want pairs, while the target produces n-tuples (e.g., there are several 3-length tuples).
@RyanM The dupe target is a bit more verbose, but the original is definitely answered by it
9:28 PM
@Machavity Technically, GCC is a set of compilers from the GNU organization, but folks use the term loosely to mean the C or C++ compiler(s) from that collection.
9:51 PM
@cigien I wish I could, but it's related to a user and an issue of moderation. But knowing the two aren't tightly related helps
sheesh... these whole font switches get annoying...
@Machavity Understood. Not to muddy the waters, but someone might mention GCC when they just mean some C++ compiler. It's also hard to imagine that someone could spam GCC as a product, so I was wondering what the issue might be. Anyway, hope you figure out how to tackle it.
@cigien The best context I can give is someone asks a C++ question and the answerer adds "Hey, there's GCC for this and this and...", which doesn't appear to be relevant to the question (i.e. they're not using GCC to answer)
@Machavity Hmm, that's ... odd phrasing, admittedly. My instinct is that they're not promoting GCC per se, and it's just the compiler they're familiar with. I might feel differently if I see the full context of course, but based just on that, it seems harmless.
Our C++ mod has been less active of late. Makes it hard to ask with perfect context :/
10:07 PM
Isn't Baum familiar with the C++ ecosystem as well?
TIL moderators can close questions as duplicates of questions without answers, resulting in a different duplicate message "This question already exists:"
@cigien There's more to it than just GCC, but their argument (albeit greatly oversimplified) is that they're sharing something relevant just by mentioning GCC and that doesn't seem to be the case, especially when the question isn't about compiling
Is this on-topic? Looks more fitting for either server fault or superuser.
@Machavity Playing devil's advocate here, but mentioning GCC could be relevant if it's an extension only they provide (case ranges, or Elvis operator, say). It would depend on the Q&A of course.
Do any of the Windows users find the current fonts seriously offensive? I mean, they changed source fence and literal font size today which made things even more unbearable.
10:24 PM
@Turing85 Good ol' web server question. BTW, if you ever have a problem with a web server, read the SO answer and do the opposite.
@bad_coder Only <kbd> elements look bad to me, the rest looks fine. Firefox Nightly, Win10.
@Braiam 😂
@Braiam so superuser then?
@Turing85 looks closer to serverfault to me
@RyanM I'm gonna leave this for a few days and then I'm changing the fonts for sure.
I cannot read the code right now. I may need to solve this tomorrow.
@Turing85 Whatever it is, it's not programming.
10:38 PM
@Braiam well...if you poke it, it's gone... so feel free =)
11:04 PM
@bad_coder It looks like they changed some font sizes, mostly going from values in px to values in rem. They also changed several line-height values; the --ff-mono font-family stack to use "Liberation Mono" instead of "Ubuntu Mono" and "Roboto Mono"; and the --ff-sans font-family stack to no longer use "system-ui" and "Liberation Sans" instead of "Ubuntu", "Roboto", "Noto Sans", and "Droid Sans".
Unfortunately, they now define the --ff-mono and --ff-sans font-family stacks in three different places with two different values.
@Makyen I just installed ViolentMonkey and your RoombaForecaster. Your App is excellent, just what I needed. Thank you.
@bad_coder You're welcome. Thanks for the complement. I'm glad it's doing what you want.
@Makyen OK, as for the fonts I'll have to find a solution for this sometime this week, I simply can't read the code. Is there some "one click" userscript you can suggest as of now? I'm open to suggestions otherwise I have to sift through the MSE font thread and I'm not really experienced with userscripts.
Curious what it looks like for you
@RyanM doesn't it all depend on the googles you wear/don't wear?
11:14 PM
@RyanM ok, this is a screenshot. The inline literals have no contrast whatsoever, I don't see them having any noticeable difference from normal text. The source fences have indeed larger fonts, but it's all blurry to me. (Yes I have some eyesight problems, but it worked fine before.)
@bad_coder There are a few in the MSE font thread. I haven't used any of them, so can't recommend them. I ended up wanting to be able to toggle back and forth in order to be able to do a comparison, so I first created my own bookmarklet, and then incorporated that code into my personal SE adjustments.
Given the number of places where SE explicitly defines the font-family on elements without using the variables they are switching to (i.e. --ff-sans, --ff-mono and --ff-serif), I'm unsure if any of scripts (which I've only looked at very briefly) make a complete replacement, although they probably get most of it.
@Makyen This is going to be complicated...I'll try to see what I can find this week and if nothing works I'll post (somewhere?) on MSE. I'll try the ones on the font thread to see if anything works.
It hurts my mind just looking at variable names right now...
@bad_coder I'm using a CSS-style change only. Not a user script. I found the user scripts to be somewhat slow in comparison. For a CSS-change, you're going to have to install another extension, but.. it may just be worth it.
11:29 PM
@Scratte The userscripts can be as fast, but they need to take that issue into account, which they commonly don't.
I'm using the style change in the Answer by Steven Penny to We are switching to system fonts on May 10, 2021
@bad_coder Yeah those source blocks do look a little blurry in that screenshot...they're maybe a little un-sharp on my browser but it's still quite legible. I'm not sure what it looked like before to compare, though.
@Makyen I tried several different ones. I kind of just figured I'd go with the style change, since it's easy for me to toggle (with a user script I have to turn it off first and then refresh the page). I also added the change of line height into the same file/rules. I used to have that in a user script too.
The contrast on the inline blocks is tricky...they arguably need to darken the site background so they can have more contrast between the fence and the site background while still having enough contrast against the text, or use a darker background for the inline fences like they've done for the non-inline ones.
(also just for reference for my perspective, I have perfect vision and a pretty high-quality 25-inch 1440p monitor mounted on an arm, so I've got basically the best case for readability...hence maybe why this stuff looks fine to me when it doesn't to others)
@bad_coder I'm using 2 screens, different brands and settings (synchronized them to the max.) On one that blurry appearance is not so strong, simply because the black background is darker
11:36 PM
@Vickel Well, I'm using Firefox, so no Googles here for looking at Stack Exchange :-p
(that said, screenshots are not always representative of what the picture actually looks like on the monitor especially with subpixel antialiasing tricks...I've struggled to capture these things accurately with screenshots sometimes)
sure, but the difference is notable on the one monitor which comes to have more contrast... so that setting (contrast) might be counting towards the issue of @bad_coder
@Scratte yes, this is the one I'm going to try tomorrow.
@bad_coder You'll probably want to install stylus :)
11:51 PM
@Scratte that's the part I'm not liking about it, having to install an extension just because of 1 site...Is that extension even secure and in "good standing"?
I was trying to find a new PDF editor this week, the 2nd best rated on most sites is full of chinese malware...
@bad_coder There was an issue with a different extension that was doing the same. It't called stylish, and I've opted to not install that. But I trust that stylus is fine :)
@Vickel I'm doing SO on a laptop, the screen isn't good but it worked fine before.
@Scratte ohh man...next week it'll turn out to be Elbonian malware
@RyanM if you haven't heard, folks in other parts of the world actually pay VAT on electronics. It's not that I don't own cool toys, it's just that I take 1 look at the VAT tag and rather spend my money on something else.
@bad_coder Funny that.. I find Google to be less user friendly for images searches ;)
@Scratte I've been lazy to use duckduck lately...

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