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@Dharman There's something to learn from Justin Bieber and PHP, because it's popular doesn't mean is good. ;)
By popular I meant that is is difficult to burninate it. There's too many questions.
I really do not think this is a good tag. It must go.
That's easy to solve. Blacklist ;)
Is it an offsite question and should be on SuperUser instead? https://stackoverflow.com/review/first-posts/26204254
It's a post on the first post review list :)
@jmaitrehenry The question you should ask yourself is anyone but a programmer would have this question.
@Braiam Thanks for the quick answer!
Or just "Not an answer"
Personally, I'd assume good faith and go with NAA
Although the post may be read as rude, it's entirely possible that the poster did not mean for it to come across that way. It could have been intended as a friendly reminder "hey, you'll have an easier time learning this framework if you read through the docs before jumping right in"
@NobodyNada-ReinstateMonica I think this could depend of the question, if the question is well describe and we could think the person do some research first, this answer could be rude. In the case, it's hard to say and NAA is maybe the best
Yeah, I always prefer to err on the side of caution
Spam and rude flags have serious consequences meant to deter egregious spammers and trolls; IMO it's best to avoid the risk of handing out such penalties to a well-meaning user
It's why this time I prefer to ask :) I just make one rude flag and it was rejected and I read more about the consequences of the rude flag.
User posted extremely low-quality answer which received two upvotes, and has already upvoted 13 posts after just a few minutes.
@NobodyNada-ReinstateMonica I don't have this information but amazing how fast you find it :)
@jmaitrehenry I just thought it was fishy that such a poor answer received 2 upvotes. I checked the user's profile, and it said they had already cast 13 votes
@NobodyNada-ReinstateMonica Suspected voting rings should be mod-flagged.
@Makyen I've done that, I just figured that in the meantime deleting the post might be helpful so that the user can't upvote anymore
If it's not helpful feel free to bin my request
@NobodyNada-ReinstateMonica I'm going to bin it, due to the stated reason. That reason is something that mods should handle. OTOH, if you want to submit a del-pls request for the post to have it deleted because it's at least NAA and potentially rude to just tell someone asking a question to read the manual, I wouldn't have a problem with that.
No need, as it'd been deleted by a moderator.
@Makyen Fair enough, sorry and thank you. A mod just took care of it anyways
@NobodyNada-ReinstateMonica np. To be honest, I was frustrated when I initially saw the answer (prior to seeing your request) that I couldn't delete-vote. I would have been happy to do so. While that post might not rise to the level of an R/A flag, I do consider it rude to just tell someone who's asking a question to generically RTFM, even if said in a moderately polite way. It's really not something that a person asking is going to feel good about hearing, and is, ultimately, completely unhelpful.
OTOH, if the suggestion is to read a specific section of the documentation that is directly relevant to the question, and the suggestion is stated well, then it can be OK as a comment, but not an answer. By "well" I mean considerably above just RTFM. I'd probably say that it needs to be clear that the person is obviously trying to help, rather than being dismissive. Such comments are ones which OPs are predisposed to finding objectionable, so it would need to be done with considerable care.
Hum... what do you think of this question: stackoverflow.com/review/triage/26203892
For me it's too broad but don't really know how to categorize it
@Makyen regarding voting rings, I noticed a couple days ago there were a bunch of questions and answers about “BasisCore” (whatever that is) that were all posted (by various people) in a short amount of time and suddenly all mostly got exactly 7 upvotes on both the question and answer stackoverflow.com/search?tab=votes&q=basiscore
…I figured it would get caught pretty quickly by moderators and they would take whatever moderator action that gets taken in such cases — but today I notice they’re all still there stackoverflow.com/search?tab=votes&q=basiscore
@sideshowbarker That sounds suspicious. There's really nothing that can be done, other than raising a custom mod flag and explaining your concerns to the fullest extent possible.
@sideshowbarker They have no way to know without someone raising a flag.
well I figured there might be some kind of automation in place to catch such cases — from SOBotics work or somewhere. But I guess not?
anyway, will mod-flag one now
@sideshowbarker thanks, great
I've never seen something like that...
@sideshowbarker Being able to tell that sort of thing requires being able to see the connections in voting patterns between accounts. That's only exposed to moderators, or employees. I'm not aware of any automation that finds that sort of thing, other than the serial voting reversal script, which, as far as I know, doesn't look for activity from multiple accounts, only the activity of single accounts towards single other accounts.
I see
yeah if the necessary data isn’t exposed, I can imagine it not being practical to automate it
still, as a human, I can see the pattern right away — so my great faith in AI leads me to believe it must be possible to make a machine figure it out
actually, the way I noticed is was by look at the Most Upvotes page
or whatever that page is called
/me looks
Tools page stackoverflow.com/tools » Questions with extreme votes » Highest voted
@sideshowbarker I'm sure it's possible. I'm just not sure that it's been done, or that the information that's necessary to making a determination is available, without access to PII, which has significant access controls.
well, two days ago roughly half of the 15 highest-voted questions there were had the string BasisCore in the title
so I can imagine a naïve tool that would scrape that page and look for questions with a lot of upvotes that all have the same string in the title
that would roughly emulate what alerted me to it when I looked at that page
anyway, just thinking out loud
1 hour later…
Is it possible to cast a delete vote on a Question that is not closed?
@Scratte No, unless you count Spam or R/A flags
(which are, in a way, delete votes, in the sense that a post getting six of them gets deleted)
@RyanM Ok. Thanks :)
(I should disclaim that I cannot cast delete votes, but I'm fairly confident of this from quite a lot of evidence)
@RyanM I should probably have done some homework on it. It seem that the 10K privilege is saying the same thing :)
@Scratte As a single datapoint, this question was reopened via mod flag: stackoverflow.com/questions/60407016/…
I just reviewed this as off-topic, but I'm not sure if it's really spam.
Hmm.. it's coincidentally also the latest smokey report.
Hmm. Actually I'm not sure. Pretty suspicious it is though.
Given how far off-topic it is, and the fact that it links to that site with a keyword they'd like to rank for, I'm betting it's spam
@RyanM Yeah.. that's how I was feeling about it as well.. could this be just a very off-topic thing? Or is it deliberate?
I didn't click the link though.
@RyanM Ahh.. Once a moderator undeleted it, can it be deleted again by the user?
oh just kidding it's a spam seeeeed
(the last SD report)
@Scratte I believe the moderator also upvoted the answer, preventing that
the user later accepted the answer, which was a pleasant surprise...
@RyanM So.. that would be a yes, they can just redelete it unless other stuff prevents them
@Scratte The authoritative meta question doesn't mention that as an exception to when you can delete, at least...
People are misusing the loopback tag again. There's currently 67 questions tagging loopback with loopback4 instead of loopbackjs. I've already suggested an edit removing the incorrect information from loopback's tag wiki but will it irritate people if I fix the tags?
I'd be doing complete edits of the questions (not ignoring formatting/grammar errors if they exist) so it's not like I'm going to flood the Active tab with all 67 of them tonight.
@BSMP That's generally the size for which you should seek support/approval from Meta.
The general guideline is that at < 50 questions, it's something that can be done using an abbreviated process where you just have to seek agreement from at least one other user with >20k rep and experience in the affected areas/tags. At >=50 questions, it's something that needs to go through Meta.
Q: [fatal-error]: Redundant tag detected, aborting

iBugWhile surfing on Stack Overflow I encountered a fatal-error. Here are the error logs I collected: Fatal error log started ... Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? And is it unambiguous? Not to a meaningful extent. "fatal error" comes from many pl...

@Makyen Thanks. I knew that was a number for that but couldn't remember what it was. I'll write up a quick post.
Speaking of vexing tags, the tag continues to vex me with its existence...it has a lot of questions, though, so it's probably never going away...it almost exclusively appears on opinion-based questions
Oh, there's actually a ton using both loopback and loopbackjs :(
Am I reading this right? They're asking how to do something that's on their own web page? If so, isn't that spam?
@Scratte I don't think they're really asking anything. I'm pretty sure it's just straight spam.
@Scratte to be honest, I don't even understand what that's asking. At the very least it needs details but it might even be spam.
@VLAZ I read it as: I want something like what's on this page. Which would be off-topic at best. But as Mike M. is saying, it's probably just spam
I would agree with spam. Has the usual markers - user name is the same as the website they link to and they even have it listed in their profile. However, if we are to ignore that, the question is "I want something like <url>" and I don't know whether they want the same data, a similar data but for something else, or what that data even is. Not without visiting that site. It might even be "I have this but doesn't work" in a broken English request.
@VLAZ Admittedly.. I did not click on the site.
I'm not a clicker on Saturday mornings..
@Scratte Yep. You're reading that correctly. It's spam. That's a moderately common pattern.
I think smokey is trying to tell me something :)
Could someone be so kind as to reject this edit please? Hopefully the editor will get the hint...
@bad_coder done
@VLAZ thanks! I appreciate it :)
Sorry, I only read messages with random words as code. :P
@VLAZ Really good joke, I laughed out loud with that one :D
@bad_coder I think you can just do a [tag:review-pls] with a reason on the suggested edit
@Scratte that is true and we need to be invited to review, not just to reject. /cc @bad_coder
@rene Explain.
@Scratte thanks I didn't know about that.
@bad_coder Ahh.. did you read the room FAQ? :) I think in above example you should have done a "[tag:review-pls] I'm not sure code inlining is appropriate or adds value <link>" instead of just saying: reject this edit :)
I often just see "[tag:review-pls] <link>" with no reason. I think it's to have people make up their own mind entirely.
@bad_coder FAQ item.
@Scratte I looked at the faq a while back but didn't give it much use. thanks for reminding me.
@bad_coder I reread a section every time someone else "messes up". It keeps it fresh in memory :D
Don't moderate users: nº20
This one is noteworthy, since on the queue I happen to come across the same editors doing the same systematic mistakes...dunno...
@bad_coder Yup.. it's important to keep the room impartial to users, but partial to content.
@bad_coder There's nothing wrong with raising a custom moderator flag if you think a user needs moderating :)
@Scratte it's an ethical issue of not ostracizing nor stalking, that's what targeting means. You should be afforded a measure of privacy and discretion on principle even if almost all your actions here are public by nature.
@bad_coder I'm sure lots of stalking goes on.. in private :)
1 hour later…
What is the of this tag? It seems like it's applicable to most questions.
Hello to you too, @VLAZ's cat
@bad_coder there's generally no need to flag-pls NAAs, as a single flag will ensure they're dealt with
@bad_coder reject the edit as well
(unless you're out of flags, in which case you could note that)
@mickmackusa well spotted, I rejected it
@Ryan that duplicate that you suggested definitely does not do what is required. The task is far more complex than just getting the next month. Or were you just interpretting the bad answer on the page? Please be more selective about your duplicates.
@bad_coder Sure, an answer is not a number.
@mickmackusa When someone asks an overly broad question with what is, in my opinion, only a single difficult part (in this case, getting the next month), I will tend to suggest a dupe of hat difficult part.
I 100% disagree with that philosophy. @RyanM I find that to be unfair to users and a misappropriation of the feature.
although in retrospect, it's not exactly correct since strtotime as specified there can't add a month to a specific date
I deleted my comment since the one I suggested isn't a particularly good fit here
I'm curious why you think it's unfair to users if I had suggested a better dupe, though
I'm trying to answer their question while not spoon-feeding them an implementation of the entire requirements-dump
If the duplicate provides the answer to the question, definitely good. But closing a complex question with any page that answers a fraction of the solution is a rancid decision. I am all the way onboard with not spoonfeeding people. I expect some shred of effort in the question. (this is how I raise my children as well)
You can post links that show them where to find pieces of the solution, but definitely don't close the whole page because you found part of the solution.
To be clear: I would only do this if the question should be closed
if the question is answerable, I don't ever suggest incomplete dupes
When a question (requirements dumps especially) show no effort and there are multiple moving parts, I prefer Needs More Focus / Too Broad. I wish this was a hammerable close reason, but it is not.
(again, this particular one I suggested a bad dupe for - you were correct to point that out)
okay, no worries. thank you for retracting.
@E4netisheretodownvote I noticed.
@bad_coder ... You did. Great!
@RyanM arguably 6 user NAA flags save the mods 1 item...
@bad_coder no, this is for red flags
I think, but am not certain, that 4 NAA flags deletes an answer?
since it's 4 "votes" to Recommend Deletion
@double-beep what the ?
@bad_coder I mainly mention it since this came up the other day
@RyanM ok...Eventually I'll try to read the FAQ in more detail about this. Thanks.
@RyanM It's easy to test, isn't it. Tell me, how many votes is on it now?
Well, I flagged it, I assume bad_coder flagged it...
I can't see flags though, just close/reopen votes
so.. there's 4 votes to deletes, you say.. (close/reopen? does that apply to answers?)
I just added another flag, so it you are correct, there should be 5.
This looks like spam. The same link was posted as an answer with a different ID yesterday. And is also posted here
@RyanM The review is still there though
I wasn't feeling super confident about the spamminess, but I couldn't see the deleted one
Am I going crazy? Does randomness = uniqueness? stackoverflow.com/a/61970379/2943403
@Scratte Yeah, I'm now thinking I misread Shog's post...
@RyanM And knowing this room, there may even be several more NAA's flags than the 5 we know about :)
Yeah, the number of flags sets the number of Looks OK reviews required to punt it out of the queue
meta.stackexchange.com/questions/226092/… is the Shog post in question
@RyanM Yes, that's different :)
@double-beep aha, good citation
amusingly, I'm not able to see it in review...so maybe more of us flagging it makes it take longer to be handled, to the extent we also check the LQP queue...
@mickmackusa I think randomness is used for UUID calculations, but I never studied it.
@Scratte it is, but uh, I think UUIDs have a bit more randomness than $suffix = '-' . zeroise( wp_rand( 0, 9999 ), 4 );...
@RyanM I would expect the UUID calculation to be very unlikely to hit the same ID twice :) But that doesn't make it impossible, if it's just very unlikely.
UUIDs have enough bits that if you generate a billion every second for 100 years, you'll have a 50% chance of a collision
* assuming your random numbers are actually random
As that answer notes, you're more likely to be hit by a meteorite than experience a UUID collision.
Your odds of experiencing a "random number between 0 and 9999" collision, however, are ...substantially higher.
I just want the numbers on my lottery ticket to collide with the chosen ones :D
But I'm not sure they're correct about the likelihood of "being hit by a meteorite", unless the meteorite has to have a certain size to count.
4 is a random number. How random is that?
Make it depth-wise random. :)
@RyanM :D However, I'm sorry to disappoint but I don't have a cat or any pets. I was reshuffling stuff including keyboard. So, unfortunately, it was just me being clumsy.
@Dharman depends, did you use a fair dice roll to derive that number? If so, then it's random. But if you used a dodgy die then it's probably not very random.
@halfer OP edited
1 hour later…
He is just a high school kid... I've edited the question, reopen it?
@ArdentCoder it is still missing what the problem is with the current code. No re-open from me.
@rene Okay, I'll add the expected output vs actual output
Lol actually his code is correct, it's just that he used void main instead of int main
@rene Will you talk to him?
Nah, wait
No. I'm not a C++ dev. I've no idea what I'm talking about
He has just hardcoded it, but the problem is that it should work for any input
Wait, I'll edit it and this time it should be eligible for reopening
I call that an unclear question.
@rene Is it clear now?
@rene Shall I leave now or do you want to clarify anything more?
I have still no idea what the problem is, nor how that code doesn't work or what they are struggling with. Maybe someone who is brighter then me can have a look but I'm out on that one
I've updated my ReviewQueueHelper userscript to show full post menus in reviews (mod/share/follow/edit/close/delete/flag) with CV counts
@ArdentCoder I can't help you with reopen votes. It's still lacking an actual question. "How to I make my program take an input, so it works for any value, not just 10?" Another thing I noticed is that the clarification of how the series is calculated is in the comments. In the question itself it's just described as "the simple sum". Also, nowhere does it say that the program is actually working for the value 10.
It's there in the question: 1. The code doesn't work for inputs other than 10. 2. OP is struggling to get it work for other inputs as well.
@ArdentCoder That is a statement, not a question :)
@Scratte Yeah, I'll add that info from the comments. It works for the sample given to OP (which inputs 10), that's why he put it in the comments
@Scratte That was a reply to rene, forgot to tag
@ArdentCoder As far as I can see, the first struggle it to make the program take an input. Do they want that from the command line? Or as a variable? :)
@Scratte As an input variable of course, cuz OP has hardcoded it just to meet his demo sample of input=10.
@ArdentCoder I don't know.. nevermind :)
@Scratte I'll give it one last try.. I'm doing it just cuz it feels when new users are treated like that. I know he didn't read the rules before posting like many others do, but he had genuinely tried to write his code, and the original title was to get help asap.. Maybe a silly carelessness could cost him grades..
@ArdentCoder I think my point is that it (all the details) needs to be there. Else people will assume, and some will assume something that the Question author didn't really want. I think it's great that you're helping them out though :) I would just have put a long list of what they need to include in their question in a comment.. :/
@Scratte I understand, thanks.
@ArdentCoder It wasn't me. It was rene really that pointed out the unclarity :)
We have another one. I wonder how long it takes for the post to be locked.
@E4netisheretodownvote Could that 'rollback war' be a case of the OP (answerer) not having a readily available "Delete" button on a mobile phone? I've come across comments (from an RO in here, IIRC) that it's not there for questions in the phone UI. (I'm not yet allowed to use a smartphone, as the vendors aren't happy with the "Certificate of Sanity" I provided, even though it was written with my best crayons.)
@AdrianMole No idea, but defacing is a no-no.
Agreed - but maybe the UI needs to be 'fixed' to make it more obvious to new users that self-deletion is an option.
@E4netisheretodownvote OP got pissed and then vandalized one of their own questions. was soon suspended to cool down for next 23hrs
no wait looks like they went on a rampage. it was more than I had originally though. That explains the suspension now.
have some roll back to do.
@Nkosi Whatever! :)
i get it.
I got myself in a chatroom with them and other peers, it seems an account removal is pending too.
oh, voting ring?
They didn't understand that we're not just here to answer every question.
Nope, just a self decision to leave SO.
A 24 hr suspension is the minimum, I guess.
oh, no biggy then
right, so back to our regularly scheduled SOCVR
Ooh! I just got two revenge downvotes! Guess I must be doing something right?
@AdrianMole How do you know it's not a cosmic coincidence? :)
Cos Cosmic Cody Couldn't.
@AdrianMole Is that a reference to a superhero?
Define 'super'! Define 'hero'!
@AdrianMole I think you need more beer :)
Any good-aligned humanoid with supernatural abilities or other abilities that humans usually don't have.
Like line walking?
that's not supernatural
".. or other abilities that humans usually don't have."
"usually don't have" = "without genetic modification or augments"
Are there actual humans in this room?
None.. see the badges. Not one of us have the "Not a Robot" badge.
Is this actually a room?
It's a virtual room
@Machavity Could you do me a favour and close this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/27394710/…
I don't understand why it was reopened.
@Dharman I dunno. Hammered
Thanks. I appreciate.
@AdrianMole We don't talk about the traitor :P
@AdrianMole There's at least one more. I noticed them on a Question the other day and wondered why @Machavity had changed their username
Can it be closed as a duplicate?
@double-beep Thanks. They have received new feedback on the Q, it needs another edit
@halfer did you read the title?
I think my message was removed.. :)
@Scratte Yes, did I miss something?
@halfer What is an Indian phonenumber? Is the limit per user or per table?... and what exact error are you getting :)
Hello, one of my questions got closed recently. Is this the right place to talk about it?
@halfer ..and what does your table look like? :)
@Scratte My questions are terrible, I need to sit in the naughty corner
@ShihabShahriarKhan Yes Shihab, go ahead. Pop the link in here!
@halfer Only if you removed my comment :)
@Scratte Your comment? I have definitely missed something. Snoozy today!
@halfer I had a comment on the question with all mentioned questions. It's just vanished :)
@Scratte It wasn't me guv'nor :-/
@ShihabShahriarKhan Reading now...
@ShihabShahriarKhan We're happy to look at the question and explain what we can (e.g. about the process, why it might have been closed, what might be done to improve it, etc.). However, just so you know, actually asking us to reopen it isn't permitted.
Of course I understand
@ShihabShahriarKhan It's not a close reason, but my feedback is that it could do with some clarity. One good trick is to repeat the theme of the title in the body itself. In the second para, "the right way to measure this" doesn't have a subject, other than the one set up in the title.
It also uses the word "discussions" (referring to past questions), and that can be a trigger word - Stack Overflow doesn't do discussions at all ;-)
It's a Q&A site - discussions are off-topic.
I agree it probably isn't opinion based, in the sense that one function might measure time better than other - can you expand (in the question) about what is "weird" about time()?
@ShihabShahriarKhan "Recommended" in the title is also something that's going to tend to get people thinking that it's looking for opinion based responses. I've removed it.
@halfer, thanks a lot for your feedback
I personally quite strongly disagree with the votes. I know I can be mistaken, but lack of comments left in the dark, and quite honestly a bit frustrated
@ShihabShahriarKhan Rather than just mention that you know about prior questions which are about benchmarking execution time, you should explain, at least briefly, why your question is not a duplicate of those. Without having actually looked at those other questions, just their titles make them appear quite similar. I don't see that the fact that you're looking for something to benchmark ML changes this from what answers would be to a general benchmarking question.
@ShihabShahriarKhan No worries. I've made an amendment based on my "subject in body" feedback - it doesn't change whether something is on-topic, but it aids readability.
@TylerH You voted to close the question being discussed, so may want to provide some input.
I agree with Makyen, if you can explain in your first para why those questions did not answer the specific question, that would help. Also expand on "weird" since that may not mean very much.
The question seems too broad to me. Don't quite remember exactly how I voted on it but it was almost certainly that or POB (Any question where the ask begins with "should I" is asking for opinions).
1 hour later…
@TylerH I wonder if the essence of that question was "How can I get reliable timing benchmarks regardless of CPU load".
"several prominent libraries like scikit-learn, pyod etc. use time() or datetime.now() to benchmark- so those options can't be dismissed as wrong either" eeeeeek! I'm gonna go ahead and dismiss that option as wrong; no one should ever use wall-clock time for benchmarking :'(
(it is, however, a very common mistake: Kotlin's standard library has a completely useless function due to this mistake)
Correctly written benchmarking code is a rare unicorn indeed
I always get the feeling that benchmarking code is usually done in early optimization
Code that produce the correct result may not be the fastest, but it produces the correct result.
After you are done, then you can use pareto to see what are the pain points and improve that.
@halfer if you ever figure out the answer to how to get reliable timing benchmarks regardless of CPU load, let me know :D
(I left a couple comments on the post, but I'm also unclear on what's ML-specific there that's not covered by the previously linked questions)
Any room owners: please bin my request at chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/49453237#49453237 (OP updated the question)
(general question: should we ping room members when reopen-pls-ing a question they voted to close?)
@RyanM I don't have a lot of experience in this area, but I would have thought system clocks would do sub-second accuracy these days, and they are maintained by a system that is independent of the CPU.
But I suppose the best approach is to run the test on a machine that is not under any other load?
@RyanM That's not really a great answer. Notice that the alarm Intents are implicit, its Notification handling is out of date, and it has an unexplained RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED permission that's presumably there for resetting the alarms at boot, but that is nowhere demonstrated, or even mentioned.
@MikeM. hmmmm...good point, I missed the boot completed thing. The rest is fixable with some minor editing, but ugh, that'd be more annoying. Do you have a link to a good answer to the question "how do I run X at a specific time?"? This was less wrong than all the other answers I found, which all tried to coerce JobScheduler or WorkManager into running at a specific time, which is...not what they're for.
I saw the boot completed permission and thought "oh good they even got that part" and didn't think to check that they actually did it because why would you include the permission if you didn't actually add the code that uses it...silly me, I should know better.
Yeah, that one has too many minor issues to justify a "quick fix" edit. We'd be changing too much.
Unfortunately, I've yet to come across a really good, recent AlarmManager example.
It's nontrivial...I've tried to persuade the WorkManager folks to add it because it already does like 95% of the work for other things...
You could always write one, if you like.
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request
Yeah, I might do that at some point...add that to the backlog of questions and answers to write.
@Makyen could you bin chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/49454168#49454168? Mike has convinced me it's fairly mediocre after all.
@MikeM. Why not adding a correct answer?
BTW, that requirement of not using service, it is sane?
Yes, there's no reason to use a service
Using a service to do this would be a questionable solution
Would it make it more complex using service?
Or more expensive?
More complex for sure. A broadcast receiver with an explicit intent (or at least a non-exported implicit intent, if you insist on an implicit intent) is the correct solution. I think you can start a service with a PendingIntent, but then you'd have to handle the service's lifecycle properly, which can be a bit complex.
Ok. It just seemed weird that someone was requiring not using something, without explanation as of why.
@Braiam I'm far too lazy for that. That's why I was subtly hinting that Ryan might want to do it. :-)
I'm holding out hope that WorkManager will add it and then I can write like 10 lines instead of 50 :D
(no idea if they will though)
That'd be nice, so it likely won't happen.
^ It's "I have no idea" in Slovenian, repeatedly. (I'd go with R/A.)
I just wrote an amazing query. I think I will become a human roomba. data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/1242297/…
@Dharman 15,332 results - that should keep your delete vote quota 'satisfied' for a while! :-)
@Vickel This looks like sock puppets. Do you think this is the same user?
@Dharman well, they could be colleagues, I didn't check their profiles... it's just the same question, with a different order of view and controller
I happened to comment on the earlier one...
I am 99% sure this is a sock puppet and one of these accounts needs to be deleted.
Compare the titles of all 3 questions.
If you do not want to flag, I will. Let me know.
@Dharman please go ahead, I'm not sure, it could be a group of students, who got the same question and run into that problem, both have 1rep, so no advantage for them anyway...
except of being able to ask the same question twice

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