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2 hours later…
2:32 AM
I don't know if this anonymous edit is by some kind of spammer...
@bad_coder if you read the comment it appears to be someone who wants to read the licence plate on the car in the picture they edited in.
Yeah, looks like an attempt to reply (with an off-topic follow-up question)
@Nick I read it, and thought it was worth the mention for its rarity. But anyway, spammers can try lots of things, who knows for what...
@bad_coder definitely one of the most unusual edits I've seen...
4 hours later…
6:37 AM
What are the Community bounties? I read this post, but it explains the awarding, but not the setting
@Vega It can happen if the account that offered the bounty was deleted. Then community awards the bounty. Lately such a case was discussed herein.
@JeanneDark I missed that discussion... Your explanation is very clear, thank you :)
That's some ugly spam
Too much detail and clarity
8:19 AM
Does anyone know why the GenericBot randomly sent a crying emoji? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/50716792#50716792
@Yatin it is the keep-alive message. It sends that every day to prevent a room from freezing.
Oh I thought the anti-room freeze messaging was smart and would only message if it detected no messages for a while... But I guess this works too :)
@Yatin maybe it lost the websocket connection so it doesn't know what was posted.
9:18 AM
@JeanneDark Martijn "handled" it ...
10:11 AM
@AlonEitan They post it second time :/ stackoverflow.com/q/64307444/5468463
How lovely :| I hope they get the hint now when the second question is closed
@Vega I left a comment about it for the OP too
@AlonEitan Great, thanks :)
10:37 AM
@sideshowbarker Not only they re-wrote the question, they also wrote the answer in the same post :D
@Vega yeah I guess that’s because they can’t add an actual answer while it’s closed
so, wanted to show what the intended answer is
I’ve been chatted with them
…a few hours back. I gave them a suggested for the rewrite
1 hour later…
12:25 PM
Am I wrong to edit this answer? stackoverflow.com/posts/64389693/revisions
@Dharman No, your edit looks fine
Why is he telling me to stop editing it?
@Dharman you are not - I edited, too
@Dharman Beats us.
Some people don't like their content edited, I ignore those complains
12:31 PM
@Dharman I flagged the comment as NLN
And now it only needs another flag.
@Braiam ??
@desertnaut This looks alright, but it needs some editing
@Dharman sorry, what exactly?
The question is not asking for external resources. They are asking if it's possible to use the API in this particular way.
12:43 PM
@desertnaut your comment backfired. Do not do that.
so, Dirk wants to go to an edit war stackoverflow.com/questions/64389299/…
You don't shine light into something that should happen automatically.
User is old enough to know how we roll.
Since the answer was accepted they can't delete it
I just did a rollback, so one more from OP will kick a flag off, is not?
12:46 PM
I think they are new to the platform
On 319K? Don't think so.
@Dharman cmon, he is the creator of Rcpp, a legend in the R community, and certainly not new here - that's why his behavior here is puzzling
For me it's not puzzling.
People tend to be overprotective of their content, since it's "their", and creators and project leaders more so. Challenging them on that tend to not go well for everyone, that's why I specifically ignore those complains.
@desertnaut this was closed and reopened; I guess the cv-pls should be retracted?
@tripleee sorry, which one exactly?
ah, OK
12:58 PM
Is this considered an answer? stackoverflow.com/a/64413440/11573842
@desertnaut "I expect the code to run" «Every programmer ever» :D
^ I am thinking of flagging it as NAA... seems to be more of a comment :/
@Yatin yes, me too
It does not look like an answer
ok... flagged :)
1 hour later…
2:19 PM
For anyone involved in the rcpp question, I'm not sure if you've noticed that there is a new answer complaining about the edits.
Flagged it as NAA
Two mods involved in that case now! I was posting a comment that OP should take it up on Meta when I was "pink poofed!"
2:41 PM
Well, that escalated quickly
3:36 PM
I think this is an SEO question and is therefore off-topic but, as I'm sure that neither of the tags chosen represents the abbreviations they've used, I'm really not sure. Anyone speak SEO? stackoverflow.com/q/64414165
@DavidBuck It's about page optimization to have better metrics, it would be fine if they already made a call trace about their campaign since it would include actual programming related information that can be optimized, alas it didn't.
1 hour later…
5:05 PM
Is this NAA? stackoverflow.com/a/64414708/11573842 (seems like a bad/wrong answer but seems like an answer nevertheless)
not NAA.
I wouldn't flag it either.
though so... Queen picked up the "The things reviewers let by now boggles my brain" comment... I was going to flag it as "no longer required" but I guess I will flag all the others comments (except 1 & 2) too
^^ SD report - placeholder answer?
@Yatin You could also educate the user in the process linking to the canonical not-an-answer meta post. Not the author. The complaining user. :)
5:12 PM
@Scratte sure! can you give me the link to that post :)
@JeanneDark probably, because the question had 2 CVs when the answer was posted
I'll post it on the Answer, if you don't mind :)
yeah sure
Thanks! I can't see CVs. Was a bit puzzled since the question (and first answer) are 2 hours old already.
@Yatin Edited it a bit..
1 hour later…
6:45 PM
I noticed an Answer being link only to another Answer on a similar Question. Then I explained in a comment that they should Answer the post, unless they believed it to be a duplicate. They then copied the complete Answer into their own Answer. I noticed similarities with the Questions and even though the Question with the copied Answer is older, I have raised a flag with the other as a duplicate target. What should happen to the Answer though? It has a score of 1.
Note that the older Question is also slightly off-topic as they're asking how a third party is implementing the feature.
7:56 PM
I seem to have lost some fun.
8:22 PM
@Yatin As far as I know, it just posts into rooms on a schedule. It would be considerably more complex to make it look at the traffic in the room to determine if posting was needed.
8:50 PM
@E_net4isoutofcommentflags Meh...
Do you know why you were involved at all?
9:33 PM
@Dharman Yes. I just removed some meta-commentary from one of their questions.
That people take offense for that is just yet another piece of evidence that the onboarding is still flawed.
FYI, the maintainer of Highlight.js stated that while they won't be monitoring the meta sites for issue reports, they prefer that they first be posted on a meta site so that the community can vet them and determine if they're actual issues, rather than simply directing all issues straight to the issue tracker as was done with Prettify.
2 hours later…
11:16 PM
Is this an answer to Whatsapp Automation (Selenium) - How many messages does Whatsapp Server allow to avoid blocking?? It showed up in the LQP queue, I'm kind of inclined to pick "Looks OK".
@dbc I would have said that it's more a comment than an answer, but it's definitely borderline

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