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didn't realize rep had actual weight.
> you don't deserve a single ounce of that "reputation" you have
I just realized that first Q is mine lol
@Machavity With a comment from me and an edit by Tyler H :)
Whatever it was you wanted flagged I presume has gone now?
@StephenKennedy Yeah. This was his screed
Oh, now I remember him. He had all those rude comments Queen reported
@Nkosi We're under attack. ? :)
I've been flagging
Nah I mean that attack on you. You can ask for a flag-pls if it's still there. That seems to be this evening's theme.
SOCVR flag day
The theme is to have FUN
5 hours ago, by cs95
FUN - Flag Unwanted coNtent
No I was quoting the SD on Machavity's post
@Nkosi Oh. I can't keep up :(
yep its been a bit hectic of recent
I could go and post a rude comment on one of your posts if you like, so you don't feel left out?
it does improve the readability but does not change it from a dupe
The edit doesn't change the duplicate closereason. I approved the edi, becasue it improved the q, but it doesn't merit reopening.
I rejected as the edit doesn't bring it on-topic and it would push it into the reopen queue, wasting reviewers' time.
noted. just saw your comment when I went back to check after the review
dv and vtd and moved on
yep, nothing to see here
Yeah, that's a point I didn't consider. Not sure it's quite fair to reject the edit for that reason, though; it sort of punishes the editor as a result b/c of the rejected edit. I'm not sure that's more fair than a q ending up in the review queue that won't get reopened b/c it's a dupe.
@cs95 ^ SD feedback can be also be done in chat (I tend do this in SOCVR as a kind of triage)
@KenWhite That's typically how we deal with suggested edits which don't bring the question on topic, but I agree it doesn't seem fair. It would be nice if we could "reject without prejudice".
or even "Approve but don't send to reopen queue"
Ok. Noted for future reference. The "without prejudice" would be a good idea. Have you considered it as a feature request @ meta?
If I see a reasonable edit before the question is closed I try to get it approved
@KenWhite Not much point really. There's a huge backlog of less edge-case feature requests and nothing much seems to happen with most of them :(
@StephenKennedy gotcha, thanks
@StephenKennedy Probably spending too much time on the touchy-feely stuff for the new users. :-)
^ and trying to pay back the millions of dollars in VC
the whole lets be more welcoming campaign
@Nkosi AKA the "Let's forget how we got here in the first place and who got us here" campaign?
@StephenKennedy need a second pair of eye on something. I dupe hammered this based on my understanding of what was being asked. OP says they do not solve their problem. Your view?
Full disclosure: the dupe targets are mine
@Nkosi Sorry, that's not an area I know much about. Your answer on the 1st target looks comprehensive. Perhaps you should ping the user and ask them what they feel is missing?
Trying to avoid getting sucked in.
which is why i ask for second opinion
Ask in the C# room?
ok I'll check
wow room almost deserted
I put the very first line of DI code into our repo just this week :D (and it's .NET Core). We do use Web API, and I did most of the plumbing, but I did such an awesome job I haven't had to touch it since ;)
best kind of code
which is why i get annoyed when they come with lets make changes.
if it aint broke.....
no lets add the new shiny stuff
how does it work?
hell if I know, but its all the rage now
yadda yadda yadda
Yeah, it's quite annoying that we added this shiny new Web API into our legacy WebForms project and now the shiny new thing is obsolete already :/
@StephenKennedy The DI is certainly very nice to use with dotnet core API. There are a couple gotchas relating to scopes however
premature optimization......
@Rob Yeah, I've been playing with .NET Core 3 in my own time for some months now, and the DI is pretty sweet.
I like the whole moduled architecture/approach they have adopted, but been doing that for as long as I can remember. now starting to see some stuff from them that I can integrate with without having to do a whole rewrite
I'm writing a .NET Core Worker as a Windows Service atm. There's a small Program.cs with some DI, and an async worker class. Really nice.
clean code is so poetic. :P
For 99% of the cases it works perfectly. However, if you need to spin up a task which will live longer than the scope, you'll end up having references to disposed services
Which aren't guaranteed to dispose, so you'll have a heisenbug
Worst culprit is using ReactiveX .subscribe for example
@Rob In that case shouldn't you be injecting a factory?
oh this be interesting...
That depends
You can also create a new scope and dispose it yourself
I'm not sure I'd want to write a factory to return a DbContext, for example. I just want the constructor to take a DbContext like everything else :)
However, the alternative is requesting an IServiceProvider and making a scope there. Not sure if there's a better way - but if there is, I haven't found it
If you use AddSingleton<T>(type, func) you still just ask for a T in the constructor don't you? docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/…
(there's no T in the signature, using that just for illustration honest :))
Yup, you can. As far as I'm aware that'll still be disposed, though
Can't be 100% sure, as I haven't injected a function too often
I suppose the main 'issue', is that capturing variables doesn't work as one might expect if the closure lasts longer than the scope
firm believer of explicit dependency principle but the factory has it uses. scoped dependencies however is still a trickly little gotchya
For example, if you had an endpoint which kicked off a long-running task and returned a response immediately
That task itself needs to create a new scope, otherwise the one given in the constructor will be disposed while the task is working
Quick question for a RO: if there's an old Meta post supporting cleanup of a tag, am I permitted to use that as justification for posting some of the questions here? (I had some close votes age away, or I'd just leave them for the queue).
@Rob I didn't know that. In fact, in my service I have code to manually dispose of the logger that is injected. Evidently I need to do some more reading.
@EJoshuaS not an RO but why not just point to the queue
@Nkosi I had some of my close votes age away, so I can't put them back in the queue for awhile now.
oh I see
@EJoshuaS Generally what NKosi says is the best way but obviously that's not feasible in this case. How many questions are we talking about?
@StephenKennedy A fair number (maybe 15 - 20) - I was trying to figure out the best way to handle them, actually.
@EJoshuaS I'll ask in the back channel and one of us will get back to you
@StephenKennedy "The back channel"? That sounds ominous... :)
@EJoshuaS What back channel?! I didn't say nuffin! :)
What happens if the answer is "no"? Do I get taken out back and beaten up or something? :)
somebody spoke about fight club when they weren't suppose to
@EJoshuaS Yes, by an angry blurry flower. Get your weedkiller ready!
@EJoshuaS funny you would say that
Jeepers. Moderators must not have much to do these days. I just flagged 6 NAAs in the last 9 minutes and they're all marked helpful already.
That's the Aussie crew taking over their shift
They come in all energized. Watch and you see it putter out soon enough. lol
Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. It's 11:30am already out there
Yeah, sounds about right
I had some simple comment flags which were 2 hours old, and a few NAAs then boom all handled. So, yeah, somebody woke up with a spring in their step.
Hey, not all of us are Aussies ;)
or maybe it was this gent ^ :)
A simple click on the deleted answer might confirm my statement ...
Sorry I meant Eastern Hemisphere crew
@BhargavRao How about we make you an honorary fair dinkum Aussie mate?
<10k :(
Yay, I'd like that
@BhargavRao Me too. Great country and people.
and great moderators too
@BhargavRao Can I flag the original one as being Unfriendly or Unkind? :)
For referring to everyone as Aussies I mean
I assume everybody in Australia is outgoing and friendly because I watch Troy Hunt and he's outgoing and friendly
Next you'll be saying That's not a knife......
I've actually met several people from Australia IRL and they've all been nice
Troy Hunt looks at a website with a Comodo certificate : "That's not a cert, mate..."
^ bust out laughing at that one
that is so meme worthy
It would be cool if he actually started saying that in his talks
for real
@EJoshuaS lol, no need..
I suppose you could flag it yourself and have it insta-apply anyway...
If we don't believe that the earth is flat, we're all Aussies :p
(btw, it's actually some 7AM here, I usually get up early just to handle flags)
We have an 8 AM daily standup call, so I usually get up at around 7:55 or so.
Oh man, morning meetings are the worst
We typically don't have any meetings before 10am, unless it's a global one
Yeah, about the best I can hope for is to sort of make sense
Heh. How's that for a weird problem description: Produces: stuff when I expect stuff ... I'm tempted to cv-pls that solely based on that sentence being utterly unclear, not that I understand any of the objective-C stuff in the post ... stackoverflow.com/questions/56783045/…
smh refresh the page
hehe ... just did ;)
Is "I'm voting to close this question as off topic because... well, I don't know why, I just am" a good enough reason?
@Rob It would be AddScoped() or AddTransient() to get a new instance each time (nice answer) but according to my reading, yes, those still get disposed when the container does - AddSingleton instances are disposed automatically IF and only if the container created them
Doesnt affect my current work afaik as it's a worker service and Dispose() will happen only when the service stops, but good to know for the ASP.NET side of things - thanks
(so it appears I had it the wrong way round - inject an already instantiated singleton, not a factory, if you want to control the lifecycle)
Hmm, that second example I was unaware of
/me 's eyes glaze over ...
@tink This is how Rene became blurry...
Not the vaseline on the lens, then ;)
Is this question valid? for me not because he is asking for documentation to be added to a library with the characteristics that the OP wants, and obviously that is out of our hands. If it is not valid, what would be the reason for closure? As the OP is requesting a link to an external resource I voted to close it by requesting an external resource.
@EJoshuaS No, you are not permitted to use that meta as justification for posting cv-pls requests about questions which don't otherwise qualify. That qualification in the FAQ is intended for actions on tags that are officially approved on meta. It doesn't mean that all that's necessary to qualify all questions in a tag is a meta post about the tag, regardless of the post's status.
The solutions that people have been directed to in the past are: A) Put some questions in the CV queue and ask people to filter on the tag in the CV queue. B) Make a list somewhere off-site (usually a GitHub Gist) and ask people to go through it.
I know you've said your CVs have aged away. That can be quite frustrating. But, it's something that happens to all of us. Your primary option is to wait until you can CV them again and put them in back in the CV queue. At that point, you can ask people to filter the CV queue on the tag.
I believe you've had this happen previously. The fact that it does happen is why there is benefit to coordinating actions in the CV queue. Given that CVs can start to age away after 4 days on posts with > 100 views, which is more likely with older posts, it's often important to start the coordination at the beginning of the process, not later.
It's also a good idea to think about how many CV other people have, or are willing to spend, on the tag that you want to focus on. Everyone here usually has other questions they are interested in having closed in a day. That usually means that they aren't willing to use all of their CVs, and sometimes not even very many CVs, on the tag you happen to be focused on. So, you will probably find it more effective to put a limited number of questions in the CV queue (i.e. not your entire 50) at once.
If so, you can space out the questions over a few days. If you monitor the number of questions in the tag that have CVs and the number that get serviced (i.e. added votes/closed). Then you can get a rough estimate the number of CVs which you might expect to get in a day and when to add additional questions to the queue.
Yeah, figured I'd better ask first
Still... that tag is terrible and the whole thing ought to be burned with fire. I suppose I should create a separate Meta post for that at some point, or request that one of the current ones on the tag be featured, or something like that.
@EJoshuaS Yes, if that is what you want, then you should go through the normal process for handling significant tag changes (e.g. burnination).
3 hours later…
@EJoshuaS I've participated in your efforts, and the result is 100+ closed questions. Keep up filling CV queue
2 hours later…
^not sure if its trolling
1 hour later…
@HovercraftFullOfEels the title of the dup looks more search friendly and meaningful while the one in the original question is ambiguous.
@Cœur Why would those words indicate scam? Is this a common pattern?
@Dharman Why would you ask me? :)
@Dharman It's a common pattern. This is one of the few false positives
Not sure :D
2 hours later…
@RiggsFolly You could save a lot of time there by just using "Too Broad" :-P
@PatrickHofman OP has added code - does it constitute an MCVE now?
Is the site dragging for anyone else?
@Machavity seems to be zippy for me atm
I lost the game!!!
got sucked into an XY problem. :(
it's now zero (0) days since it last happened.
such a good run lost.
@Tito It's not clear what you're saying there. Copying part of a CV doesn't make sense
what you're saying there
IMO it should be DEL-PLS
the question was answered by himself and it is so old
@Dharman One step at a time. It needs to be closed before it can be deleted.
Closed now
Q: Burninate the [project-management] tag

EJoshuaSRelated: Blacklist [agile], [scrum] and [project-management] Also related: Do we really need these Software Engineering related tags? While the project-management tag isn't a Meta tag and unambiguously identifies a topic, it unambiguously identifies something that's very clearly off-topic. We ...

@Makyen Why doesn't your Roomba Forecaster detect rejected migrations as eligible for Roomba?
@gparyani Do you have an example question?
It shows "no Roomba".
It's too early to gauge whether it's a daily or weekly script, I'll just have to wait until it gets deleted...
@HovercraftFullOfEels pending edit
@Machavity Mind sharing a link to the review task?
@Machavity It seemed like a good edit to me...but given that it's closed, it probably shouldn't enter Reopen Votes with that edit.
@gparyani That's the general idea. If an edit doesn't fix the problems for closure, it should be rejected
If it were still open, I'd say it should be approved
@gparyani There are some criteria not specified in the Roomba documentation (i.e. there are some questions which don't get Roomba'd which otherwise fit the stated criteria). The script assumes that if the question would otherwise qualify, but has not actually been Roomba'd through two cycles where it should have Roomba'd, then whatever those criteria are are applicable to the question. It then states that it won't be Roomba'd.
@Makyen Actually, I did some testing, and while the help page says that rejected migrations that are 30 days old are deleted, it's actually the case that rejected migrations that have been rejected 30 days ago are deleted.
So that code that checks for two cycles needs an exception for this case.
@gparyani I'll keep an eye on it to see if it Roomba's at that time. If what you say is accurate, then the Roomba document should be updated to accurately reflect what actually happens.
@Makyen Thanks. Keep in mind that it could be a weekly script
I have some other cases where this happened, but I can't find them
@gparyani I would expect that it's the weekly script. That question, assuming what you've proposed is the actual criteria, won't qualify this week, but will next week.
Morning all /o
@Makyen Is it written anywhere what time do those checks run and on what day?
@Dharman hmm, it is not covered here but I think they still run at 03:00 UTC where the weekly scripts run on Saturday in that same timeslot. /cc @Makyen
@Dharman IIRC, there are a couple of Meta posts that mention the times, but I'm not recalling off the top of my head which ones or if they were authoritative (i.e. based on actual knowledge, or just watching when the scripts took effect). The times I used in Roomba Forecaster were based on when I saw the different versions of the script (daily/weekly) were actually deleting questions.
This was determined by following questions through the process of hold➞closed➞deleted, looking at the date/time the deletion was recorded in questions, and the downward spike in the number of questions across indicating the scripts had run. Unfortunately, the site which was getting the question data and displaying graphs, grafoverflow.com, is no longer active. However, that was all a couple of years ago now, so the actual times the scripts run may have been adjusted since then.
As @rene has mentioned, the nominal time appeared to be 03:00UTC. However, the deletion data indicated, IIRC, the actual delete times can span 00:20UTC to about 04:30UTC.
@SmokeDetector this post is either the most amazing first post I have seen anywhere in the past five years, or a fabrication.
@Makyen yeah, some script runs at 0:00, some at 03:00 data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/1070971#graph
@Compass It's not actually their first post on SE. They have accounts on other SE sites with posts dating back to at least 2018-08.
@rene Thanks. Yeah, that graph makes it clear there are definitely two separate spikes.
Thanks both, this was very informative :)
so... it's an amazing post :O
1 hour later…
@TylerH, can you move this: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/46601313#46601313 to the graveyard? Seems to have been resolved (and post was undeleted for a bit) but still shows in search.
Thanks, rene.
They really need to remove the daily vote limits on Meta
or make them per question on a rolling scale
<shakes fists at meta>
@TylerH So we can downvote all the questions and not just 50?
I thought votes were limited to 40?
It all runs together after 20
I wish I could downvote more questions than just 40 every day... and I do not mean on Meta. I reach that limit everyday
@Dharman be careful what you wish for. With more votes come more responsibility. :P
And more pitchforks. They stopped using torches to protect the environment
@Machavity mostly I just mean comment upvotes
but yeah so we can downvote all the questions and not just 50 :-)
@Zoe you get 50 if you combine them the right way between answers and questions
I forget which direction it is but something like if you vote on answers first, you can vote up to 50 times. Or vice versa? If you vote on questions first, you can vote up to 50 times?
or wait, no it is 40, and it's 30 otherwise
30 times on answers, or 40 times on questions
and they share the same counter
@Dharman Related question -- would you downvote 40 questions a day if it cost you -1 rep per vote like answers?
yes! definitely. Look at my reputation page...
@TylerH It's a max of 40 votes. 10 are question only, and must be made prior to getting down to having < 5 Q&A votes (of 30) remaining. See: What are the limits on how I can cast, change, and retract votes?
@Makyen Yeah, caught that myself as I was looking at the privilege page on upvoting
@Dharman We can't see your down vote rep (that is by design)
@Nkosi ohh ok then here is today: imgur.com/a/pea45mm
Funnily I still can't see it because imgur is blocked at my workplace :-P
@Machavity Is there a filter for Natty which would find answers with only code block? e.g How to convert mysql data base table data in json using php
Thanks @Zoe I is learning. I will downvote it tomorrow.
1 hour later…
@E_net4theAbusedDownvoter Seems like there are duplicates to that though, see What are the downsides using random values in Unit Testing? or Random data in Unit Tests?.
@dbc hammered

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