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10:03 PM
Huh?!? I don't even really want to know what's going on here :-P ...
Is this the infamous close voters "mafia"?
Nope, we're the friendly janitor team
@John Is it my closure flags go here for discussion?
@TheDude Everyone here has Canute syndrome.
it's better than the downvoters mafia from the python room :)
10:12 PM
Is that allowed? May we do it too? :P
I'm just not sure about what's the impact of my flags, and what they trigger. They mostly come along downvotes BTW.
I agree most of these cv requests I see here.
That was weird.. Instead of close-voting or deleting, I answered a question, got an upvote and an accept. I had forgotten that kind of 'normal' behaviour was possible:(
@TheDude depending on which flags you raise but they end-up in a queue for others to review, sometimes up to moderator level but the bulk is handled by users with review privileges. The close vote reviews are handled by users with > 3K.
@rene Thanks for clarifying.
10:24 PM
Hi all! o/
@MartinJames I can confirm that this feels weird sometimes.
@baum \o Hey, I've seen you :-)
@TheDude Oh hi, fellow C++ guy! Nice to see you here! :)
@JohnDvorak "janitor team" Like The facility managers?
@TheDude Keep it up with the dupe flags, you appear to be quite good at those! :)
(Unless I got you confused, but not so likely.)
10:34 PM
@BaummitAugen FAQ stuff mostly.
@TheDude bluefeet's answer to Question flags, queues, edits, roomba, community♦, how does this actually work? gives a good overview of how flags, queues, etc. are related. The short version is this. It doesn't cover everything, but it's good information.
@TheDude I suppose most of those get hammered (gold badge closed) fairly fast anyways, but your flags are certainly useful for those that slip through.
@Baum At some point I was shocked how all these newbz attend to Stack Overflow their concerns nowadays. I'm an old-school self learner in programming, and when I started to do so, there weren't those wide fields of information you'll get from the interwebz.
@TheDude Yeah, it's a mess. Shame the non-dupes are so hard to close IMO.
Back in the days when men were men and coders wrote code with butterflies
10:45 PM
@NathanOliver Well, I started out welding transitors, capacitors and resistors together ;-) (butterflies?)
Laterz all
11:09 PM
@TheDude If you're looking for bots, then you might want to check out SOBotics.
11:20 PM
@JakeSymons they also say they are learning java and that this is homework.
@MartinJames :-)
11:35 PM
@Makyen Holy 'lyptus! I always thought about how I could do some automation when attending here (still chewing ...).
@JarrodRoberson Yeah! That's definitely a good reason.
11:54 PM
they forgot to include the spam link ^ but it is a spam post
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