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Today I become a yearling \o/
Huh. Profile says 1 year but no badge
soon, but grats
Thanks :)
I don't like waiting :(
@AndrewLi Congrats! I think you have 18 more hours to go
@FOX9000 meh, except for the addition of 5, not sure about that
right, I don't know if that helps/hurts the answer
^ What's up with those errors constantly?
Since OP accepted the edit, shouldn't that be enough?
Not sure, I think Fox is still trying to figure it out
@Rob yes.
@Drew another one for you ^^
Good morning all
A sleep of 2 hrs is soo healthy :P
Good morning
Hi @Samuel
Hey BR o/
Hi Andrew \o
@BhargavRao Something like this‌​?
I remember a better one...
@SotiriosDelimanolis we needz teh tuna. :D
Dag nabbit @HovercraftFullOfEels always hammering before I can VTC!
Would you guys say that stackoverflow.com/questions/40987959/… is a request for off-topic or is a legit question?
I would side towards legit
> 64 GB RAM
@intboolstring Resource request by the looks of it
@Tushar and 2 1TB SSDs!
@AndrewLi Im not sure. It is too well written and well researched to really be off-topic
@intboolstring But It's asking for a library no?
That's off topic in my book
@AndrewLi I almost feel that he could be asking for default python libs
Besides, no amount of research in a question can hide the fact that it's asking for a library
That is true
It's closed now
Not spam right?
I'd go with sd n
@AndrewLi It's spam
@Tushar But it says "my site"
And does not answer question in any way
@πάνταῥεῖ Haven't seen you in a while o/
@Tushar So sd n?
@AndrewLi Really? How did you manage this?
I've been too busy with 'stuff'
@AndrewLi So it's your fault, not mine ;)
@AndrewLi It's Andrew Li's fault.
Horrible RNG smokey
Serial DV's again: stackoverflow.com/users/1413395/… People don't like me it seems.
Though I'm not doing that here to be liked or loved.
@πάνταῥεῖ All within the same hour, thankfully will be reversed
I haven't done any answering since mid-November :(
Nothing worthwhile to
@SamuelLiew Sure, I trust the reversal script.
When does it run anyway?
@AndrewLi Within 24 hours usually.
I once had some serial voting and it was reversed right away. Probably by a mod I suppose
@AndrewLi Mods can shorten that, yes.
And mine was not reversed. Meta
@Tushar That might be a case to handover a mod for inspection.
'To larson' is a verb now? Is this common,eg 'I got totally shogged yesterday:( ' — Martin James Nov 7 '15 at 11:19
> verb (used with object), shogged, shogging.
to shake; jolt.
@AndrewLi Bolt Clocked?
@πάνταῥεῖ Undone?
(as in Undo :P)
@AndrewLi Choose a mod of your preference.
^ E.g. Bluefed or Lost Minded.
> Deceased
@Tushar A new option, yes.
Spam that isn't a wall of text and nearly incomprehensible? They're getting smarter..
This video contains content from UMG_MK. It is not available in your country :(
@Rob Ahhrg. We did come over these silly GEMA restrictions in germany, and now you're telling me that :P
Australia is the worst when it comes to those kinds of things, unfortunately
*one of the worst
Same - though I know the song from the title anyway ;)
@Rob Aww, you have Koalas, Kangaroos and loads of funny people. Australia seems to be fine (my brother lives there). It's probably not as bad as you think.
It's fine - just technologically backwards heh
@Rob That makes pioneers getting into a good pole position, no?
@Rob Let's ask @YvetteColomb
@πάνταῥεῖ I don't follow
^If she's not too much busy with horses
@Rob agree
@YvetteColomb Interesting. Australia is a tech sink?
@YvetteColomb I'd suspect something is wrong with australian beer :P
We're currently in the middle of a huge rollout for an internet backbone 'upgrade'.. to be finished later than 2020, with ludicrous speeds of 35mbit/sec
Meanwhile the rest of the world has outdated tech at 100mbit
Not spam
@Rob Well, not to talk about 5G technologies. I remember when working for Siemens we had serious problems with Telstra when boars destroyed the fibre cables :P
@Rob Grunt
@Rob _"with ludicrous speeds of 35mbit/sec" _ Even a Koala Bear could handle that manually ;)
I reckon.. oh well :)
@Rob a second post just came in with the same domain, so that is now spam
@angussidney I've left a comment to them - hopefully it's just a misguided user
Also I agree that the government's fiber-to-node plan for the NBN is just bad. If Labour had won a few years ago then we might have started getting 100mbits, but even that is considered bad today
@Rob @Yvette Is it true that the most popular and effective communication channels in australia are realized using drums and digeridoos?
@QPaysTaxes I thought that 100mbits was considered outdated in most of the world, and everyone is aiming for gigabit?
Pretty much ;)
@angussidney "aiming for gigabit?" We're getting far beyond that right now.
@πάνταῥεῖ what country?
@angussidney worldwide
@SotiriosDelimanolis Deleting answers is for NAA, not answers which may or may not be correct.
@πάνταῥεῖ are you talking about like the big undersea cables which carry all the international data, or your average home network connection?
@Rob I have moderation privileges and I have demonstrated their answer is wrong. It has no value. As community members, we can vote to delete it.
And we should.
@QPaysTaxes Yes, those hogs are struggling against us :P
If it is wrong, it needs downvotes, not delete votes. That is SE policy.
Having moderation privileges doesn't mean you should follow your own guidelines. I'd suggest reading up here
It's neither extremely low quality nor NAA
You shouldn't vote to delete (let alone del-pls) simply because you have a disagreement with the author.
@QPaysTaxes Over the X-Mas holidays? That's a clear sign trying to keep the potential naggers calm :P
@QPaysTaxes "The campus is almost entirely closed" And the rest will consume eggnog to keep calm?
@Rob That seems to be the "official" guidance with a should. Meta seems to be split on the subject. I'll keep posting the , you can choose to ignore them.
@QPaysTaxes "The rest will, presumably, be operating heavy equipment" Well, the lasers get outta control. Happy X-Mas :P
@QPaysTaxes A snow plow isn't really heavy equipment, but just a fun tool :P
@QPaysTaxes That's what's making fun about using it :).
1 hour later…
I know, Meta, but here's a duplicate feature request: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/339075/… ([tag:cv-plz)]
Fix your tag ;)
Too late
^ What a question. :D
@PraveenKumar Which question? :D
The last CV plz from me man, I even said ^...
@PraveenKumar That's what I mean. I don't see any question.
I'm confused, is there a question or not?
@Glorfindel :D
@ivarni LoL. Same here. :D Where's the Question.
@ivarni Yes there is, but no, it is not.
@Cerbrus Technically, it's yesanno! :P
Oh great, someone edited it and fixed the formatting
it's crystal clear now
Also massively offtopic for the main site.
And wow, some one voted up. LoL.
@Cerbrus That got deleted by the time you posted.
Some idiot gave an approve... WTH?
@PraveenKumar done
@PraveenKumar I cast the last delete vote...
@Cerbrus And you posted here. LoL.
Before the delete vote...
When I posted it, it had only close 1 vote.
Wow... What answers: stackoverflow.com/q/40990161
I am fed up of this... ^
Okay guys... See ya. Office time.
wow 6222rep
@Cerbrus already posted by Praveen
As cv-plz?
Morning \o
Good morning all!
What to do with this post? stackoverflow.com/a/40990559/993547
It isn't quite spam, but not useful either. NAA?
@PatrickHofman atleast VLQ!
@PetterFriberg Nah, VLQ is 'unreadable gibberish'. This isn't that.
Gone. Thanks.
@PatrickHofman nope VLQ is link only answer etc, gibberish is NAA (Not an answer), that tries to answer the question so VLQ flag fits better.
Question should go too btw.
@PetterFriberg No, NAA is a link-only answer. See meta.stackexchange.com/q/225370/245360
@PatrickHofman That post is not really a post explaining difference between vlq and naa it's more a post about when to flag, the description is in dialog NAA=This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether." VLQ="This answer has severe formatting or content problems. This answer is unlikely to be salvageable through editing, and might need to be removed."
normally mods prefer VLQ on what is an attempt to answer as link only... anyway I still agree with this post meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/318952/…, who cares... just delete the stuff.
Trust me I know of declined NAA flag on link only posts, since some mods think they should be flag vlq
I would have downvoted and/or voted to delete, but refrain from flagging that answer.
@PetterFriberg Okay, I have experienced the opposite. Mods seems to be human after all :).
I think the idea is with link only OP can edit to include more info, hence he will that way automatically clear the flag, while the NAA flag does not get cleared if he edits post
@PatrickHofman There's a completely different story here meta.stackoverflow.com/a/265553/4099593
@BhargavRao Well, that is confusing. I guess the MSE policy overrules site-specific rules. Can you please discuss this in the mod team and see if there can be an updated SO policy on this subject?
@PatrickHofman exactly my thoughts.
@Glorfindel Hi neighbor.
Why would MSE's opinion overrule SO's?
@PatrickHofman Sure. I'll ping them and the Shog too.
@ivarni MSE is called as the Mother of All Metas
@ivarni Because that is the policy set by the community managers (which are employees).
Yeah, but most SE communities are generally left to run themselves
And the children are still <18 years, hence they have to listen to momma
Hiya @tuna
Hi there!
Hi all & hallo Patrick
@Glorfindel Thanks. You know I live next door to you? :)
No, I don't.
@Glorfindel We live in the same village. Well, not exactly next door I guess, but close enough.
same Village 0_o
Wow, what a coincidence. I don't recognize the street in your profile picture, though.
@ColdFire And it happens to be a rather small one too :)
@ColdFire population: 25k.
@Glorfindel Nah, that isn't very close. That was the place my wife was living in before I got married to her.
it is a small world
OK, thanks. Now my morning will be filled with Disney sing-a-longs ....
Its your fault. It was already in my head after you wrote "it is a small world"
@Glorfindel It's Thomas's fault.
Smokey disagrees.
Accepting all faults today
@PatrickHofman Goddangit.
@ColdFire It's angussidney's fault.
who is that^
a user that is very present in the Charcoal room a good spam hunter.
@ColdFire It's Samuel Liew's fault.
that one is at least familiar ...
an FR to only blame users from the room is over the top I guess?
yeah a good feature request
@rene I think angussidney has been in the room, user is pingable
that will double the chance of rene getting blamed :)
everyone should have at least one FR sitting at -1337
@rene time to post your one then
@PetterFriberg OK, I take that
how about just blame RO's
sounds awesome
not sure
you will take the crap in the end anyway... so...
.... so .... what?
damn mods got the cv :(
so lets blame'em from the start
^ not disclosing affiliation
@SmokeDetector testing my spam tolerance
yeah petter
That's spam.
leaving comment but not flagging spam
Registered today just to dump a link to his own stuff
Who was that who told that blacklisting godaddy would solve the problem? stackoverflow.com/questions/40990329/…
Was it nuked?
@Henders yeah, user nuked to...
probably someone flagged spam and mods agreed
Yeah, Passed it to the mod room. They took care of it
@Glorfindel this arrived 10 minutes before stackoverflow.com/a/40991191/5292302, check link maybe better to blacklist.
thx @Petter
@PetterFriberg check this answer (10k): stackoverflow.com/questions/39192900/… - it even has a disclaimer this time.
Yeah I would black list that website, different users and multiple answer...
Just realized that the mod hammer doesn't override the community powerz.
@BhargavRao that shouldn't be suggested to go on server fault though. It is off-topic there as well.
community vote 1; mod 0
@rene related message above yours :D .... I went with your custom close reason, But the mod hammer was overridden by the community
with the right tags, everything is possible ...
@BhargavRao As it should be ;P
@PatrickHofman there are 7 active mods atm :D
@BhargavRao Good time frame to spam in :)
@PatrickHofman on the positive side, it is tagged android and doesn't have a single up vote. That is a win.
Around 4 hrs ago, I was the only one active. So that's the best spam hour.
They know that, see the third graph here.
Hmm, Need to mass ping other mods at that time
@PatrickHofman android awwww
@Glorfindel I slept at 0000Hrs UTC when there were a lot of mods active. I got up 0200Hrs UTC, when no one was active. So I guess we need someone in between.
What's with this star fest?
not volunteering and not my stars.
no idea
@SotiriosDelimanolis cc @Tunaki
The stars go boom, Thanks to the boom script
What's this about? Highcharts make it sound like you need support to access stack overflow :P i.sstatic.net/FlYKk.png
@Henders Lol. Well formulated there.
Well, you get that 'for free' :)
Yeah, I would let my customers pay for all those servers Nick has to run ...
Seems a bit odd is all...
and so i have a NPE today and no idea why the String will be null at all
@SmokeDetector Rude answer edited in grace period to make an Abusive answer
Wow, That's a first for me
I don't have any words for it.
@ColdFire it is December, 6th. International NPE day. In celebration all code throws NPE's.
Try tomorrow, everything will be back to normal
@rene that exception was of yesterday :/
@ColdFire it's still yesterday in some timezone
that ^
see, it all makes sense
@BhargavRao that means it is 5th there
and not 6th
Happy NPE day, everyone! I got you all waffles:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at waffleOwner.Gifter.giveCelebratoryWaffles(Gifter.java:13)
@rene you lose it doesnt :/
OK, fair enough
and back to my NPE issue
@ColdFire It's 5th in Aleutian islands ... Gmt -10 :D
yeah , damn this NPE issue
(It just crossed, But it was when you typed that message)
@BhargavRao: Can you have a look at the mess on here? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/339075/…
OP just posted a "FU" comment (Which was removed after rude flags)
There are no comment flagz atm. :/
Not? I have a pending custom one there
ohh i found something must be what is causing this NPE mess
@BhargavRao can you comment on this MSE post if you have time. It seems related.
@Cerbrus Damn, I've disabled that bottom bar. ATM, I've left it for the other mods to handle, as I'm not sure about it.
@rene Done. We can't see ninja edits, That was caught by the API.
@BhargavRao Okay
Thanks for looking :-)
1 hour later…
Plop @Kyll
Plop everyone =D
Scared to click it.
It's fine
It's just a DNS tool site
^ Question is asking for spam.
I haven't checked the link, but the answer itself is imageless
I checked it... It's good one... Not spam.
Thanks to Google. LoL.
@PraveenKumar technically it isn't. It's asking for a number.
@JanDvorak LoL.
Offsite. Close.
That'll do :-)
A 404 is classic in Java? :-P
@BhargavRao Oh I know how to fix it. He forgot to include import Obama.*;
The comment is what happens when the blind lead the blind
You shouldn't have deleted you BR!
That was answerable.
Could have helped millions! :(
He BRoke it
@BhargavRao Hm?
Damn, He didn't linkify that.
THat's NAA not rude
I would say it's bordering on abusive at best
@Tunaki yep, that
@JanDvorak true, But Shog's advice is if rep>1, then NAA and blame "cats on keyboard"
This cannot be blamed on cats :-)
Shog is allergic to cats, He blames them always :D
I don't think there's a dupe @Bhargav. Honestly, the dupe is "read this"
@Tunaki Gotcha
@Henders It's Kyll's fault.
Knew it.
@ColdFire It's Petter Friberg's fault.
@Kyll If i told you : " Ask nicely" , you will kick me for that?
Ask what nicely?
@Sami I'm still feeling anger here. Conversations start with "Hello" normally.
Sami, do consider taking a break.
Last night i was suspended
bc i said : " ask nicely"
my slow internet :(
@Sami It isn't because of that, and you know it. Now I'll have to ask you to drop it, or we'll have to kick you again. You can't enter the room and throw accusations around like christmas.
Respect go both ways.
Ok im leaving.

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