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> And to be honest I don't have time to read be-nice and on-topic parts. Thanks
@TinyGiant haha..
@SamuelLiew You should invite Yvette over. She is an Aussie.
@SamuelLiew What will be served? Possum?
@NathanOliver Thanks, I'll take note of that!
@πάνταῥεῖ spearrels
@SamuelLiew Be careful with what you say. We might take this serious and come alltogether at the same time :-)
@πάνταῥεῖ He's an Aussie. Kangaroo, of course
@ColdFire I hope cooked, not roasted :P
@Machavity I prefer koala
The SO Food Reviewers strike again
@Olaf koala? Too gamey
waffle and cheese pizza
@Olaf Too much eucalyptus taste probably.
@πάνταῥεῖ aye captain forwards list to samuels
@Machavity maybe, but it does not just jump from the grill
@Olaf The more the merrier (I'm being serious)
@Gothdo You can hammer it if someone else edits the tag in. And vice versa
@πάνταῥεῖ There's nothing a good barbecue sauce can't hide (that's what they actually were invented for )
Did you know that curry was originally used by the british invaders of india to cover up the smell of rotten meat that they were feeding their troops?
@TinyGiant That's what I meant. Same for mustard and other hot sauce.
@TinyGiant of india o_o
@Olaf That's why I usually do not use sauce over my steak. Just a bit of salt & peppa.
But IIRC, "curry" is actually just some kind of stew. Spices in curry were a family secret. (any indian here cmiiw)
@ColdFire When the british had "occupied" india
@πάνταῥεῖ At most a good herb-butter (what's that in English?).
@TinyGiant damn them
@Olaf any indian here cmiiw @Cold is from india.
@Olaf herb-butter translated to english is herb-butter
@Olaf herb butter
@Olaf what is a stew exactly?
@Olaf Yeah there's where I got it from :)
@TinyGiant Sorry, I meant: "Is that the correct english term?" Butter mixed with herbs.
@ColdFire It is meat and veggies in a broth with spices
@TinyGiant then nope noway near curry
@ColdFire Vegetables, possibly meat cooked for some time.
dangit, now I'm hungry
@Olaf I don't recall experiencing such a thing as herb butter... well there was that one time, but I don't think that is the same kind of herb you're talking about
@TylerH I just have a bowl of spaghetti in front with some good sauce :-)
@ColdFire A stew is something where you cannot exactly judge the quality and kind of meat in it ;)
trump should run for mod in SO
curries are pure veg
atleast that is what we eat
@AsafFisher He might win if the only other candidate was YCS
@TinyGiant WP say "compound butter" - sounds more like "processed cheese" to me. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compound_butter
Hes not a programmer but hell still win
@Olaf I've seen that before, thankfully it is not common 'round these parts
:34137195 Then an indian co-student told me wrong or I missunderstood him.
@FOX9000 attempt to reply
@Olaf what he told you
by promising to demolish java dens from the US and make a buildin firewall against java
actually what you are referring as curry is different
@TinyGiant Actually it is very tasty. You can make it yourself very easily and it is really good on baked potatoes or grilled meat.
I have somewhat of an aversion to excessive amounts of butter
@AsafFisher Well he actually is a programmer with exactly 3 buttons to program: <Bomb> <Kill> <F**ck>
@ColdFire I'm very sure there are also curries with meat. As I wrote, that's at least he told me when he invited us. Could there be regional diferences?
@Olaf yes i got it as i said they are 2 types of curries, i actually thought you referred to ours one, now i got what you meant
@Olaf That may be "indian folklore" in indian restaurants in GB and germany.
@ColdFire I don't remember the exact words, buit I do know he served something with chicken, vegetables koops for quite some time and told us it was a curry. Pretty spicy, of course.
But well, I still remember that incredibly hot lamb curry I had in Kapstadt.
@Olaf there is also a single dish that is called curry and its pure veg and its awesome , you will love it
Oooh food. Mmm. And then there's the coconut milk base in Thai curry.
my boss loves Thai curry
indian food is awesome
@πάνταῥεῖ See above. I know for sure he was from india. But can't remember from where. Just remember, In germany we also have different dishes with the same name. Just take "Leberkäs"
Eat more cheese
@ColdFire That's true
@ColdFire so vibrant and well-spiced. I love it.
yeah if anybody comes to india you are invited at my home :)
@Olaf Hawaii? ;)
for some nice food
@rene aww not too much cheese
@Olaf must be from southindia
@rene Americans are overly infatuated with cheese nowadays. It's too much.
has anyone tasted indian raita?
@ColdFire Oh, I had quite a lot of different dishes. He served various, including vegtetarian. I somewhere have a recipie for a califlour curry.
but ... but ... they are going to kill the cows here because there is too much milk produced ... Eat more cheese, save our cows ...
@ColdFire that's the yogurty sauce?
@ryanyuyu nope not sauce, but yogurts
(I really should try my cookbook of asian citchen I bought in Kuala-Lumpur)
@ColdFire That stuff with potatoes and yoghurt? Yes, I like that.
@πάνταῥεῖ no
@ColdFire Isn't that something similar to turkish Ayran? Joghurt with salt and some spices.
@rene or just eat a nice beef when they are done.
@ColdFire How you do that originally? That's how the indian delivery service here does it.
@πάνταῥεῖ i have never seen raita with potatoes must be a different variety
@ColdFire ah. I was focusing too much on the "condiment" aspect of it. So I don't think I've had it without mixing it into other food.
@ColdFire Oh. Horseradish sounds tempting. I love that.
@PetterFriberg the only sensible answer ;)
@πάνταῥεῖ we use bundi instead of potatoes
bundi raita is the best of lot
There are only a few food that I don't like.
@ColdFire Ya know Sheldon needed to learn mandarin to tell the chinese deli a.s.o. ...
@ColdFire Oh, that's something different. But it looks good from the description. Although here it is more the time of the year to heat up, not cool down.
@Olaf yeah i know its different just was sharing because its awesome
@Olaf actually this is the curry i was saying , but we call it curry in hindi my bad vegrecipesofindia.com/rajasthani-kadhi-recipe-kadhi-recipes
@ColdFire I prefer my joghurt with fruit actually. But not those ready-made sh** - too much sugar, too little fruit.
I prefer my yogurt to have no chunks
just like peanut butter should be
500g Joghurt + 500g fresh Strawberries, a littlle sugar - great
smooth and creamy
@Olaf raita is not readymade sh**
@TylerH That stuff is only good for Sauce. I never understood why one eats this on bread. (yes, I tried)
@TylerH I prefer my yogurt made from dairy products
@Olaf peanut butter for sauce?
@ColdFire I meant the read-made fruit-joghurts! Not raita!
I keep forgetting just how uniquely American peanut butter is.
@TylerH That is very common in parts of the world
@TylerH Heretic! You don't like chrunchy peanut butter?
but it's not a sauce
@Olaf ohh
it's a spread
@ryanyuyu Canadians like peanut butter
@πάνταῥεῖ crunchy peanut butter is not peanut butter
it's peanut mash
@TinyGiant fine. North American.
you might as well just eat peanuts if you want crunchy peanut butter
@TylerH When you add it to a sauce it is very good
@TinyGiant I feel like it would just congeal grossly
@TylerH I put it into a hot sauce of (coconut)milk, etc.
@ryanyuyu That term has too much american in it for my liking
@Olaf well neither milk, nor coconut, nor peanut butter are hot...
@TylerH It doesn't, it thins out nicely
@TylerH I think he was referring to the temperature
Gives a tasty, creamy peanut-sauce. Or I use it as a marinade: honey, peanut-butter, some oil, salt, chilies, put the meat in for 1-2 days and grill
@TinyGiant right, my statement stands
you don't heat up any of those three things
if you do you're doing it wrong
@TylerH Temperature!
If I heat them up, they are hot.
@Olaf yes, and that's wrong
@TylerH You ever make a cheese sauce without milk?
Peanut butter is actually pretty good in a sauce.
@TinyGiant milk is the one exception
ohk guys good night enjoy some nice foood
I believe by (coconut)milk he meant milk, possibly coconut milk
there are certain things in cuisine that should be sacred
@TinyGiant Of course! Use cream only. ;)
like not ruining peanut butter
@TylerH Just try it out, you might be surprised. Ever hear about sate? (although the sauce depends on the region: from spicy hot to creamy, peanutbuttery)
@TylerH like not eating bitter melon.
I wonder how a peanut butter gravy would taste...
@Olaf yes, that sauce is good. Although the grilled meat is tasty enough without it.
@TylerH It sometimes is good to be open for new ideas.
@Olaf yes but not bad ones ;-)
Just be glad, by me not partaking in your hot peanut butter heresy, that just leaves more for you
@TinyGiant Oh that's lekker. Often with thai food and such.
@ryanyuyu I had the best sate from a streetfoot stand in Malaysia. Really spycy sauce, a bit of rice and good duck. Actually I really love streetfood all over the world.
in the US we have street food as well but we call it something different
road kill :-)
@πάνταῥεῖ Hmm, now I wonder how a poutine with peanut butter gravy would taste
@TylerH road pizza?
@TylerH Said someone ruining good bread with peanutbutter :-P
@Olaf nah, you are probably thinking good bread is something like sourdough
@Olaf that's the thing. Grocery store bread in the US is generally not very good.
which shouldn't have peanut butter on it
@TylerH Funny, I always thought it was called "diner"
@TinyGiant What's a poutine can't get a quick translate just now.
@TylerH Have you ever been to Germany?
@Olaf yes
@πάνταῥεῖ cheesy fries things
@Olaf I think you mean dinner, in that respect diner doesn't make much sense
@πάνταῥεῖ -> google.com/…
@TylerH So you should know we have excellent bread even in the supermarkets. (although I prefer my local bakery)
@Olaf I didn't have much of your bread but it was OK
not great
@TylerH Ah facepalm, I even seen and read that before :P
so far I haven't seen Europeans able to make soft bread
which is the best bread
@TylerH I regret clicking the link, now I am hungry
like, the UK can't even make bread
Italian bread is pretty good
French as well
Poutine is french for "terrible mess"
German is OK IMHO but not as good as French or Italian
@TinyGiant No, I don't think it would fit well there. Though the gravy is strange in that combi anyways.
@Enzokie That is my favorite dish
@πάνταῥεῖ It is wonderful, a true canadian staple
@TylerH Europe is very different, depending where you are. And the variety of bread is quite a German speciality.
does not own a bakery
@TylerH Don't you think this is oversimplification?
@TylerH Depends a bit. Ask for a good rye bread in Italy or France :)
@Olaf well it is enough for me to make an initial assumption after having just nondescript "bread" a few times in the country
@πάνταῥεῖ Ask for good bread in the USA
@TinyGiant they will bring you sister shubert rolls or king hawaiian rolls
Or twinkies
@TinyGiant Hopeless, I tried already :)
@TinyGiant I'm certain there are good bakeries. But you need spectrometer to find them ...
@yellowantphil Welcome, this is SOCVR, check out this for the FAQ etc (For socvr folks this is a good flagger helping us out in SOBotics, so I pointed him to this room also)
There used to be, now they are all breweries /runs away
the US is somewhat unique in that in the US, good bread is soft bread
not crunchy like many european nations
but we also have lots of those crunchy breads here
@TylerH Americans consider wonderbread good bread
I've helped a guy, after I posted a solution he deleted the content and now I receive downvotes for a context free review is this fair? stackoverflow.com/questions/40637910/…
@TylerH Every bread gets eventually crunchy ...
@Olaf well yes but some are stale at that point
I actually prefer some of my bread slightly stale.
@PetterFriberg that site is blocked at work
@ryanyuyu Most US bread I had was even stale when called "fresh".
I mean like the fresh baked French bread from a Vietnamese bakery after 2 days.
@stacker The question there seems unclear. I'm not sure whether the user wants to sort each character in the string, or each word...
@TylerH It's seriously not about the softness. Good fresh rye bread is soft (except the crust).
@πάνταῥεῖ good fresh rye bread is soft-ish
but still somewhat coarse
@TinyGiant What is "wonderbread"? You wonder why you bought this stuff after the first bite?
soft, light, fluffy
@Olaf cheap unhealthy artificial white bread
@Olaf It is a bread-like substance
@TinyGiant Thanks for respponding, the solution was to replace one line of his code which did the rest just a minor bug fixing.
They haye SOYLENT already =:O How could we oversee that??
@yellowantphil you could try the SOCVR Room info on github
@stacker I see that, but the question itself is still unclear. Maybe you could edit the question to clarify the intent? Not sure why your answer was downvoted, but everything is fair in love and voting, so long as it isn't fraudulent.
@πάνταῥεῖ I almost had a heart attack when I found that out.
@TinyGiant The closest trhing to this are the Smacks I have in the kitchen. I buy them every few years just to confirm they are still not really what I like. I call this the "McDonalds effect".
@πάνταῥεῖ Soylent green is humans!
@TinyGiant I will just delete my post and never respond to noob questions. Thanks guys. But I can't it was accepted...
@ryanyuyu that link works. thanks.
Why texts.io is blacklisted?
@stacker You would rather not improve the question? That is your choice but it is disappointing.
@TinyGiant I don't know how rephase the original question so that it could be easily understood.
Dear Youtube: If I'm done watching Season 28 Episode 1 of something, perhaps Season 28 Episode 2 should be the next one to play, or at least in the recommended list, given that Ep 3 and 4 are in that list? Just a thought.
I thought this room didn't organize feeding the roomba anymore, but this page mentions that as an activity here: github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/SOCVR-RoomInformation
@yellowantphil It's intended as closing questions... not down-voting
and the git is old, the site has latest info... check it out tonight
@JanDvorak Youtube's list feeds into all sorts of things, like what you've watched before. It's super-annoying because if I'm watching a music video then I would like things similar to that, not programming talks or whatever I watched before
Number one reason why I disable cookies for youtube...
pause history?
Not sure what that is?
A setting?
Disabling cookies is not enough, the Chrome records your history and send it to Google server
But then I need to make an account and log in and whatnot
@yellowantphil it's related to this meta meta.stackexchange.com/questions/173513/…
@Enzokie Does it actually send it off?
All Google products are picking those tiny informations
We are not safe :)
I used Firefox for ages but it's gotten too slow with a few websites I have to use for work :-( Many webdevs don't seem to actually test the crap they write with anything other than Chrome these days
More like: "Many webdevs don't seem to actually test the crap they write"
True, Firefox is totally slow now
@PetterFriberg I was thinking of this comment
I use chromium now. I saw there are also some "privacy-enhanced" flavours of chromium. Might try that when I have some time
@yellowantphil Yeah that have been an even older problem, I will find the old meta..
@Olaf Yeah! I wonder how they get it soo fluffy and soft :P
@πάνταῥεῖ Humans can be very fluffy. Not that fluffy like tribbles, but then they reproduce slightly less often:-)
@yellowantphil here , that's why SOCVR do not use that organized approach anymore.
@rene you should consider the phrase "and feeding the roomba" in the presentation of the room, it's easily interpreted as organized down voting (see discussion with @yellowantphil)
And, of course, by the time I'm done watching Ep2, Youtube's already forgotten they wanted me to watch Ep3 and Ep4.
That's probably spam, but I still think a NAA flag is better.... first post from user, no spam from that site previously...
^ from a mod
@ryanyuyu You'll excuse me, but I nuked the whole repo from orbit instead of merging your PR :D.
Not even sure what that did to it, lost in the underworld now.
As compensation, there is a shiny new socvr.org/nominations page :).
@JanDvorak meeh can we be sure?, first post from user, nothing in metasmoke, it had attribution "my".
Thomas was
and you?
I haven't even looked at the post
@Tunaki ah no worries. I only noticed because I had to provide the link somewhere else.
You missed our discussion about food. And bread.
Bread is life
Also rice. And pasta. And really any delicious carbohydrate.
@stacker Well you understood it enough to correctly answer the intended question, so you just have to edit the question so that it actually asks the question which your solution answers
Close for software/tool recommendation: stackoverflow.com/questions/1118138/…
Actually Life = Swamp + Energy
@FREEZE Welcome to the SOCVR, for various reasons we request that close vote requests be formatted as [tag:cv-pls] reason link-to-question
Sorry, I'm new here
This is the first time I use this chat room, I'm gonna edit it
Not an issue at all
Ah a perfect time to mention the SOCVR FAQ @FREEZE
@FREEZE You may want to take our tour and check out our FAQ
Thx guys
@FREEZE NP. But hold back now: We're also allowed to have fun here to some degree ;)
@πάνταῥεῖ shh, never use that 3-lettered-f-word unless you want to summon rene.
I'm not sure this CV is valid anymore. Doesn't seem to be lacking MCVE
@ryanyuyu fun fun fun
@TinyGiant actually there are only a couple of reasons. reason 1: makes it easier to spot close vote requests posted in the middle of conversations | reason 2: the room owners use a script to move completed cv/reopen/(un)deletion requests to chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/90230/socvr-request-graveyard, which needs tag markup to spot requests and check if they're acted upon
@Tunaki and waffles are a type of bread. waffles are therefore life!
waffles for life!

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