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@GrahamChiu a little less frenetic maybe: blackhighlighter.org ... I want to improve it but honestly I'm a bit frazzled so I think I'm going to have to put a limit on my development of it until at least one other person in the universe gets involved w/it. There's lots of other stuff to do.
@HostileFork so why are some actions underlined text and others are buttons??
Instead of Protect I'd say, Select Text for Redaction or something
@GrahamChiu The demo is supposed to sort of have an arrow of flow. Underlines are "go back" and buttons are "go forward", to try and promote the natural progression.
Everywhere on the web I see arrows for that as buttons
I was trying to avoid the word redaction.
Select text to hide then
Hide isn't good either. I like protect. Perhaps "Select text to protect".
add & remove certificates goes forward and not back
Not really...it depends on how you look at it. As you discovered there are two inbound links to the post. If you have a certificate, you start by pasting the certificate. If you don't, then you usually are inbound to viewing it with redactions.
Do remember the demo is just the demo...it's a container, but it's not the only workflow. It's wonky and uses jQuery UI.
You could do the whole thing and not have tabs, but just have it sitting there such as in a comment on a single page.
The transition from a single tab to a second tab is confusing.
@GrahamChiu What single tab/second tab?
Select text to protect is probably better than the more nebulous "Next Step: Protect", I agree on that. I don't really want to change the animation right now, but I agree. :-)
I'd put "Finished selection. Now, publish" or something
Going from the Write tab to the Read tab
And what does add & remove certificates mean??
@GrahamChiu In the animation, I actually am missing some steps. I think scenario-wise a picture of someone getting the certificate in the mail and clicking on it, etc. would be better. But I just want to make the point that doing this is incredibly labor intensive.
@HostileFork If you want more feedback (the hard way), one could always submit it to Hacker News (and/or Reddit).
Cost less than $4 that way!
@earl I'll wait for the hard way until the easy way has been exhausted a bit. :-) Also I just submitted it to the free open source hosting program at Nodejitsu; I haven't actually gotten to the approval point on that, but I put their logo and all on it in order to try and make a case for it being a good bet for them. If they say yes I'll stick with them and trust it to be up in a few days, otherwise I'll have to think about where to host it.
I'd also suggest to add a brief description of the crypto aspects first, somewhere. Then you may get some free feedback on that as well.
@earl Similar "waiting for the hosting to solidify" on the sci.crypt post. But I'm pretty sure that part is done right.
Typically exactly the wrong answer for crypto.
(Unless at least one other person has reviewed it in depth already.)
Well, more eyes are good. But it's the part I thought about more than (say) these animations.
I also think a brief diagram illustrating the flow would help.
And as Graham mentioned as well, a brief text insert in between the write and read steps of the animation.
Well that can be a bit akin to describing the flow of using a rich text editing widget, or otherwise. Mapping out the flow of the sandbox doesn't necessarily capture the point; it's a widget. The sandbox is an attempt to enforce a lockstep on it so you "get" what it's capable of.
@earl I think it is missing the step where you see it's two different users, which might be demonstrated with two different desktops...browsers...a gmail that's been faked to [email protected] or something receiving it. Even be kind of funny with a desktop wallpaper of Bo the dog or similar.
@HostileFork Right, that's what's missing.
Just a text insert in between the two browser sessions would do fine as well.
"Later that day, in the oval office ..."
Re the diagram: won't there always be flows of "author, redact, publish" and separate stages of reading redacted, and partially revealing & reading revealed?
That sounds simpler, but actually going through and remaking all those PNGs and numbering them and going through the export mire actually affords being more creative.
@HostileFork If Obama had more than one dog, they would be Rebo .. correct?
@GrahamChiu No, that would reduce him, and he would be in Dr. Rebmu's bag.
@HostileFork Get it right as an animated GIF or even video first, and only transform to the PNGs after that.
Drafting/experimenting via using the PNGs right away sounds rather painful.
@earl "It's easier said than done"... and if you don't believe it, try proving that it's easier done than said, and you'll see that "it's easier said that 'it's easier done than said' than it is done", which really proves that "it's easier said than done". :-)
Yes, it is painful, and I probably should have just gotten out paper and mapped it out, but the thing is that people probably wouldn't watch the paper... and I'd have to scan it... and I wouldn't have gotten experience testing the tool and the medium to understand it.
Were I experienced with the medium, and certain I wanted to use it, and knew its limits and how big the files would come out as, etc. etc. then yes I'd have probably done it differently. But it's experiment that has grown into something better than what I had.
So the data is good, but I don't want to run modifying it just yet nor retreating into a draftier methodology...rather get the good suggestions and assemble them and then go back and do another full take.
It's missing on that write to read transition, I sensed that too, now you've both said it... so... yeah, I'll fix that.
I guess the hard part is that I didn't want to go right to the certificate entry, because then you skip seeing the fact that the information requires a certificate to see.
You could even add a NSA branded browser user trying to figure out the redacted text
The interesting thing about this in a crypto sense, is actually that it tells you how many characters were redacted. It doesn't let you redact line breaks (I equate that with redacting the edge of the page)... although a hostile client could put line breaks in, there's no way of stopping that, you can just not verify anything with line breaks...but that's like typing garbage
But because it tells you the characters, and it's salted and then text, it actually makes it harder to attack with a collision and generate a false positive in the verify
Is this something that you could run for free on Goggle's appengine?
Most collision exploitation depends on the idea that the data you have is big and junky, and you can permute things like the shades of gray/black in a video until the numbers line up to get the same hash. This is more constrained.
The only place you can probably attack with noise is in the salt, and it's half the size of the hash.
Anyway, relatively hard to attack.
Q: why is javascript node.js not on google app engine

Chris G.Google created the V8 JavaScript engine: V8 compiles JavaScript source code directly into machine code when it is first executed. Node.js is build on V8 - why is Google not offering any Node.js servers like Microsoft Azure? Google App Engine would be a natural place to put Node.js. Do you know...

I got it to run back when it was in Python on appengine, but that ship has sailed now; I mothballed the Python server code. It's in node now.
appengine wasn't very good, in my opinion.
Write applications in some of the most popular programming languages: Python, Java, PHP and Go. Use existing frameworks such as Django, Flask, Spring and webapp2. Develop locally with language-specific SDKs. Pair your applications with Compute Engine to integrate other familiar technologies such as Node.js, C++, Scala, Hadoop, MongoDB, Redis and more.
Hm, haven't heard of "Compute Engine" before.
Well if I get turned down by Nodejitsu then I'll look into that. If they rubber-stamp it and just host it for me I'll stick with them because that's where it is right now.
So far it's been a nicer experience than I had with appengine.
And they seem much more responsive than Google.
All things considered, it would seem in their best interest to have their ad on the work. Cheap advertising. And they don't even have to host the DB, that's somewhere else.
We shall see. I don't think it's the long shot that the GSoC was, to ask for.
google have python, why not rebol on app engine?
@GrahamChiu I talked to one of the head guys from Cloud Foundry, who was one of the people who encouraged me to port Blackhighlighter to Node.JS, and he had used to be a dev lead on appengine. In his slide deck explaining why he thought the platform-as-a-service should be open source, he showed something like "issue #12" that had been raised against appengine which was "why don't you support PHP"
And the issue was one of the most commented on, with the appengine team saying "because we don't like it and it would be a support nightmare" and this had gone on for years.
He contrasted this with showing that after two weeks of Cloud Foundry being public, someone had adapted it to host PHP in their fork, and then went on to create a hosting company that provided a platform-as-a-service based on it.
So that's in part why he was proud to evangelize the project and supported it's goals.
I checked recently and he now works for Microsoft, so, I guess allegiances change... but this was around when VMWare acquired Cloud Foundry, I imagine there was a bit of cultural shift in response.
And the moral is that someone will make a company hosting rebol??
Anyway, if Google will ignore teeming masses crying for PHP for years on end, don't think they're going to jump at the gun to support Rebol.
Well, if there were a market for it, someone might. But if you haven't used PaaS systems then you don't necessarily understand the ethos and experience of it. Rebol doesn't have enough of a turnkey "packaging" model to enable it.
It wouldn't be hard to make a model, but the goal is to make a good model. I think that's a bit out of reach at the moment.
To bring Blackhighlighter back on topic, I think it's reasonable to ask "why is it all written in JavaScript, server and client side, and how far-out would it be to achieve the effect with Rebol/Red?"
Extremely, extremely far out in this particular case, I think.
The server side is where you have more control, but actually, Node.JS doesn't do too bad a job. Given how well they manage packaging and deployment, it's hard to see the strengths of Rebol outweighing the downside. You can actually use the Chrome developer tools on Node with "node inspector", even
If people wonder why I'm insisting Rebol and Red "up the ideological game" in terms of language and word use, and thinking about REMOLD and REJOIN and FUNCT and PRIN... it's because one of the big legs to stand on is literacy and beauty. If you're going to throw that down the drain, these guys are going to thrash you and thrash you good.
And yes, the "real war" is against software complexity, and especially in a language that uses English words but has a very high number of non-native speakers you might say "why care? why worry? isn't it about byte count, character count?"
What is the reasoning behind Rebols two-byte-ness with binary! ?
If I put on my Dr. Rebmu hat (and beard/glasses) I will make a joking agreement and say "yes, yes, this is the point exact, you making"
@kealist Hmm? Binary is a series of bytes, though as there is no byte type the series operations just work with 0-255 integer values and check you on that.
>> append #{} 256
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-out-of-range.html
    *** ERROR
** Script error: value out of range: 256
** Where: append
** Near: append #{} 256
>> append #{} 255
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== #{FF}
Seems pretty one-byte-ness to me.
>> #{F}
@kealist What do you mean?
@RebolBot I know!
@kealist That's a nibble. :-)
A hex digit is 4 bits.
Of course, I need to make a fool of myself
@kealist Don't worry about it, that's what the internet is for. We shouldn't have to remember everything all the time. In fact, that whole REJOIN thing actually reducing was something I forgot, I didn't quite remember my argument from before.
It gets hard to bookkeep a universe of information in your head, especially if you're like me and drink a lot and stay up more than 24 hours at a time, and program and draw PNGs in that time.
It seems I tend to forget low level stuff. I guess that's why I make my living as an English teacher
I liked making coffee. I should have stuck with that.
I got to the point where I could foam soy milk pretty effectively.
@kealist But in any case, if you want to apply English skills, I'll just reiterate my "please help me" with a look at blackhighlighter.org - linguistic/presentation edits as valuable as technical contribution right now.
@HostileFork I'll take a look at it tomorrow again. I spent 6 hours working on serial protocols today and I'm not doing anything thinking now.
@kealist Serial protocols will do that to you, but try Javascript.
>> print "We have a shorthand for eval now, @rlemon, stolen from the JS bot."
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
We have a shorthand for eval now, @rlemon, stolen from the JS bot.
rebol2> print "We can specify languages, but Rebol3 is default."
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
We can specify languages, but Rebol3 is default.
rebol2> print system/version
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
red> print "Which bot answers this, now?"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
Which bot answers this, now?
The right one. Good. :-)
javascript> console.log(["Badger","Mushroom","Snake"].forEach(function(a,b,c) { b<1&&(b--);console.log(Array(c.length-b).join(a + ' ') + a); }));
@rlemon It will work, but the issue is that our IDEone bridge broke somehow. It's being looked into.
But yes, that will work hopefully shortly.
It will work when I finish that bit. Only r3 r2 and red atm
JavaScript: clunky but fun!
@rlemon I pressed run, then F12, and weird widget things jumped around but it had nothing to do with your script. Speaking of clunky but fun: new homepage here for my first epic all-JavaScript client server nightmare project: blackhighlighter.org
@hostilefork making coffee is hard. My attempts never quite match up to tell baristas
@johnk I could never quite get the design shapes to look interesting, but I did get the foam quality good for drinking.
I was 15 when I was first hired by the DOD to do satellite mapping work, so I got kind of gypped out of the kid jobs.
And it gets hard to get that kind of job when you're in your 30s and all your experience is in software research, but I knew a guy.
@rlemon I just dealt with CSS loading, and I couldn't figure out how to get this to work: codepen.io/austinmzach/pen/wxrAj
likely why yours didn't work
That's what I wanted but I wound up with what I'm using now: preload.gif...and I guess all things considered, the simpler solution is fine.
@rlemon I don't know what that means, but I copy pasted that stuff verbatim into a Jsfiddle and it wouldn't work.
include that in the head and it will work
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prefixfree/1.0.7/prefixfree.min.js"></script>
I've sort of gotten attached to the current method and it seems to run in older browsers. My thing runs in IE8 all right. Should it? I dunno, but it does.
tl;dr - vendor prefixes suck.
The little circly thing is kind of cute. I leave it up for a minimum time during load so you see it no matter how fast your connection is.
well if you want to know. the reason it didn't work is the css isn't supported by your browser without vendor prefixes (-webkit-,-moz-,-ms-,etc)
that script takes care of that
Ok. But weird because I did, as I said, paste it verbatim.
But JSfiddle has all kinds of "options" off on the side.
I guess other sites might have those assumptions encoded or optioned too.
@rlemon Ah, well, yes. That's what I mean.
@rlemon Incidentally, as I am trying to do some formalization around here, is it really the case that JS toString() is implementation dependent? If I had an integer 4 and called toString() on that and got "four" could that implementation call itself "standard"?
Rebol and Red are kind of trying to nail down that sort of space and commit to it and not say "implementation dependent" but rather "deterministic"
@rlemon Just numbers, then?
but all of js is implementation dependent if the vendors do not wish to follow the standards
that was a huge issue, getting better
Well I'm only speaking about the standard.
Interestingly, a guy using Rebol at--I think it was NIST--who had contacts at ECMA contacted Carl about standardizing Rebol. ECMA is more lax than ANSI apparently.
Carl said "Nope, not ready."
js has some serious fallacies, but like I said, it is fun
It'll never be ready if people don't start having a standards mindset.
@rlemon The fun bit, about JavaScript, as far as I can fathom... has little to do with the quality of the language. Rather that you can put your work or demonstrations in front of people in real-time. I compared it to newsprint. Do you get papercuts and ink on your hands, and was typesetting a nightmare? Sure isn't as good as telepathy. But if that's what people can read, you are sharing, and being able to share is the baby in the bathwater of technology.
A technology that has not managed to succeed in its deployment to the point where it empowers the sharing of good ideas has not done its job; merits or no.
I'm too drunk to come up with a coherent debate about the subject so I concede with "uhhh... yeah.".
(looks off camera) "Judges?"
"We will accept that answer."
weebl: function [blk] [
    foreach [count word] blk [
        loop count [prin [word space]]
        prin newline

weebl [4 Badger 2 Mushroom 1 Snake]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
Badger  Badger  Badger  Badger
Mushroom  Mushroom
32 mins ago, by rlemon
javascript> console.log(["Badger","Mushroom","Snake"].forEach(function(a,b,c) { b<1&&(b--);console.log(Array(c.length-b).join(a + ' ') + a); }));
@rlemon Anyway, close enough, this actually hits on something I want to change. But what do you mean when you say JavaScript is fun? It has nothing on Rebol.
If I get my way that will not put in two spaces, and would read as:
weebl: function [blk] [
    foreach [count word] blk [
        loop count [print/only [word space]]
        print/only newline

weebl [4 Badger 2 Mushroom 1 Snake]
More literate and matching the paradigm
That's the tip of the iceberg of how badly Rebol trounces JavaScript. I didn't even have to think about it.
Then take Red and you get it compiled, JIT compiled, or interpreted as a last resort.
Douglas Crockford, the grand poobah of JS, tells everyone to go look at Rebol.
I had to check to see if I said that right, apparently I did. Grand Poobah
>> prin ["a" "b" "c"]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
a b c
PRIN sucks. PRINT/ONLY is better.
@HostileFork Should be Grand Foobar
print/only ["a" "b" "c"] => abc
print/only ["a" space "b" space "c"] => a b c
The next question is "does print/only reduce" I would say probably not.
print/with/only ["a" "b" "c"] space => a b c —perhaps? I'd prefer something like print/trim. Maybe.
The rule I have in my mind for /ONLY is that it is to go to the base of what the word means; the primitive. The baseline thing that when composed with other routines you could always achieve your result.
print/only [1 + 2] => 1+2
@rgchris any luck with rebol zip?
print/only reduce [1 + 2] => 3
@GrahamChiu Some—I got things to ZIP. I have a model in mind for taking it to the next step.
@rgchris sounds like good progress then :)
@GrahamChiu I think so. Will know when I try to do it :) I was thinking of doing an object model like with XML, where loading a ZIP would give you an object with an API.
@rgchris so this is beyond ePub scope
With an .epub, you would load a skeleton file, add the content and close up again.
@GrahamChiu No, very much with .epub in mind.
@rgchris Ah. I see.
Don't want to have to fiddle with manipulating a whole filesystem to put one together, would be a case of: template: load-zip %template.zip template/add %content/page.html "<html>" template/save or something.
Once you sign up for Travis, git push --force on amended commits gets noisy.
"But no one saw that commit!" (...Travis did...)
1 hour later…
I've been looking at the red source code to get a better understanding, and I noticed in the header there's the title and author, pretty self explanatory, but what is tabs?
@kennycoc 1 tab is 4 spaces ?
>> source detab
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
detab: make native! [[
    "Converts tabs to spaces (default tab size is 4)."
    string [any-string!] "(modified)"
    /size "Specifies the number of spaces per tab"
    number [integer!]
Ah..is that used for the print function? Or is it just documenting what the style is for future developers
@kennycoc style documentation I suspect
Okay. What are the rules for when things in parenthesis get run?
>>test: function [ arg [integer!]] [
(print "hello")
print (arg +1)
test 3
test 11
Test: function [arg [integer!]] [
(Print "hello")
Print (arg + 1)
Test 3
Test 11
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
Test: context [
(Print "this is a test")
Something: "something"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
this is a test
== RESULT is an object of value:
   Something       string!   "something"
@HostileFork After I saw your blackhighlighter page and shut down the computer I still saw the light and dark stripes.
@kennycoc ( ) are used for precedence but otherwise do not affect evaluation, and a target for compose
If you look at the last example, it printed out "this is a test" even though the function was never called
@kennycoc function??
parse "hellohello" ["hello"
(print "there has been one hello")
(Print "there has been two hellos")
Your last 'test was to create a context and not a function
I'm sorry, I'm not sure what the difference is yet, but the question is the same
test: context [
print "i will not be printed"
(print "I will be printed")
@rebolbot test: context [
Print "I will not be printed"
(Print "I will be printed")
@kennycoc Please continue.
>> test: context [
print "I will print"
(print "and so will I" )
@GrahamChiu Please continue.
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
I will print
and so will I
== RESULT is an object of value:
I thought for sure it wasn't earlier. Sorry I sound dumb haha
Have you figured out how to do a fixed font rebolbot evaluation now?
And then parenthesis in parse is just something in that dialect to be able to run code while parsing
I'm not even sure what that means actually
@kennycoc Yes, it switches out of the parse dialect to use the do dialect instead.
It can be confusing because each dialect has its own rules
>> parse "abcdef" [ (print "start in do dialect") "abc" (print "into do dialect") "def" (print "at end of parse and back in do dialect") end ]
@GrahamChiu That's very interesting.
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
start in do dialect
into do dialect
at end of parse and back in do dialect
== true
@HostileFork Sorry but they are now supporting php. See developers.google.com/appengine/features
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 20 so chat away!
3 hours later…
@kennycoc Parentheses are actually a very interesting tinkertoy in the parts box Rebol offers. Computationally speaking you could get away with just one block type as lisp does... Throw a word in front like [print paren [1 + 2]].
But having a native value carrying a different type, that you can pass around as a single different dynamically-typed value to be polymorphic with, is much cooler.
@iArnold I see my secret steganographic hack is working; that's phase one. You're probably in phase two by now.
@GrahamChiu You don't have to be sorry, but it's just in preview and I was at that talk years ago, and it had already been years and they hadn't supported it.
posted on March 27, 2014 by qtxie

FEAT: with #622 granted (Add a complement? function) TESTS: Added tests for 'complement?

@kealist @kennycoc Woke up in a sarcastic mood: github.com/red/red/issues/737
@HostileFork I knew it was you, just from reading the subject :-)
@ingo Well, I am trying to be the "new user advocate". I know Rebol culture has come to love the warts, but we are talking about a cosmic takeover operation here. Red lists its location as "Earth, for starters". But I don't think a language that has gained limited traction and doesn't listen to feedback will involve. If you noticed, I got enough people saying they didn't get blackhighlighter just from the demo write page that I stayed up 24 hours and made blackhighlighter.org
BTW, if it was you who coined "flipping the inbox" (I think?) let me know if you want personal attribution. I like that term.
When I work on something, I consider feedback crucial and while I may gnash my teeth a little, the customer is often right. (Not always, but often.)
posted on March 27, 2014 by iArnold

New description better in line with style with added hints to testing

@HostileFork I know a lot of people who would fiercely disagree on the customer being right. Most of the time. though, if he is really wrong, the system could (should) have prevented him going there. (When talking about computer systems, at least.)
@ingo It is a balance, but I think the fact that I've been looking at it for a few years now and still look at something like REJOIN as being a lousy name... or the awkwardness of rejoin ["abc" either condition ["some text"] [] "def"] vs. join ["abc" (if condition "some text") "def"] is valid input.
@HostileFork Well, it could have been me, but I don't remember. Well, yes, I think while talking about blackhighlighter. Would be great to have an officialy attibuted publication, butI guess it's not worth it.
There's such a thing as "nailing it", and Rebol doesn't seem to care much about that final blow... as if I wouldn't make the homepage for blackhighlighter. The customer might not always be right, but being a stubborn person isn't right either.
@HostileFork For me, they're not a problem, maybe because I'm not a native speaker.
@ingo You don't have to be a native speaker to realize that NONE values in the join operation for strings should have no effect...
Of course, something seems to be less than optimal, otherwise all the world would use Rebol. And even Carl talks about cleaning up the errors from the past.
Well he approved my changes that--ironically--added /ONLY to IF, UNLESS, and EITHER... when I used to speak quite openly of my dislike of /ONLY.
It got rid of /ELSE but added /ONLY. Quite a twist of history.
The question is, what's important to keep, and what better be changed.
>> if/only (1 < 2) [print "Not evaluated"]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
== [print "Not evaluated"]
Kind of weird that it would be me putting that in there, eh?
But I think it all has to do with putting a certain sanity onto /only that was missing.
I think it's pretty cool.
only do the conditional, don't evaluate blocks
I think that with enough thought, the /only in APPEND can seem natural and not broken.
My emerging rules for /only are slippery. @ShixinZeng added it to WAIT, and I don't know if that is quite what I have in mind for it, though it's not obviously against the new rule.
But I think IF/ONLY and PRINT/ONLY as a PRIN replacement are good examples that fit nicely with COMPOSE/ONLY and APPEND/ONLY etc.
One key for /ONLY is that metrically, it should be the exception that you need to use it.
The idea is that if you work in a limited space of words, and you find usually that you use a word and want conveniences that are more than the minimum "primitive" which that word implies... then you don't steal the word for the primitive, but for the common case.
I'd say if /ONLY is needed as a refinement on an invocation more than 20% of the time, you probably didn't have a good case for defining your function in terms of /ONLY
I'd say it's quite refreshing that Rebol by default turns print ["a" value "b"] gives you a 10 b (assuming value is 10). But you realize that if you need a foundational print primitive, that's a lot of "magic" and assumption...spaces inserted, a newline, evaluation of variables...
But what better word for that common operation is there, than print?
Should it be mega-print or should you have to suppress the "magic" with a request to suppress? I think /ONLY becomes okay as the suppressor.
print/only ["a" value "b"] making avalueb and no newline is all right by me, because it's "giving back" the word print to what print actually does. The reduce is gone, the spaces are gone. If you want the reduce you add it: print/only reduce ["a" value "b"] and get a10b.
Anyway, Carl agreed enough to throw in the changes to IF, EITHER, and UNLESS. I don't know if anyone besides me is using them, but I think they're a great and poetic way of teaching people about the nuance of the language right up front.
And it's kind of funny to go through the history, and learn there wasn't an EITHER or UNLESS in the beginning. IF/ELSE wasn't an afterthought... that's how it was done at first! I thought it was put in to appease people asking "where's your else".
Refreshing and waiting for @DocKimbel to create the trolling tag in GitHub... wait for it, wait for it...
@HostileFork Now, if/only sounds really funny to me. The old usage of /only was mostly just vocabulary. It doesn't make sense, just learn it.
@ingo It can make sense. That's the point--taking it from something everyone hates and has to say "It doesn't make sense, just learn it." to something that is rational. You don't have to use IF/ONLY if you don't want to, and as with the statistics above you almost never would.
I must admit, I'll have a hard time to learn some of the new things there, but they seem more logical.
The only time you would use IF/ONLY, EITHER/ONLY or UNLESS/ONLY would be if you wanted the block itself. if/only condition [blahblah] is a shortcut for if condition [[blahblah]]
@HostileFork Magic sometimes bites back if you don't need it, and want to get rid of it, but don't know how. Sadly /unmagic sounds silly.
@ingo to my mind, the "onlyness" is encoded better in /only as opposed to a weird block-in a block. [[ and ]] don't trigger the right "what's that for" instinct to me.
either condition [[blahblahone]] [[blahblahtwo]] is garbage to my senses. either/only condition [blahblahone] [blahblahtwo] is better. What can I say, I think it is just better.
At least it is much easier to spot. May lead to some "What's that?" moments the first time, but then it's hard to miss.
But again, the great thing is... you don't have to use it.
It's highly symmetric with append [a b c] [[d]] vs append/only [a b c] [d]
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== 27-Mar-2014/13:31:28+1:00
Basically I resigned myself to the fact that append/only and friends weren't going away, and when I did, I reverse engineered the design from that acceptance.
Ladislav actually said he thought it was biased wrong and should have been append/splice if you wanted splicing, but it was just too late to make that kind of change.
That's a great thing to be able to do.
Which I would almost agree with except for one problem.
append "abc" "def" ... there is no /only there. If splicing isn't the default, what does it mean to not splice non-structural series?
That discomfort made me think that splicing sort of has to be the default, and suppression is the right answer.
As the "need for suppression" became a rational thing, in spirit, I wanted to make it actually rational.
Which turned me from an enemy of /ONLY to its biggest fan, under conditions.
It's an uphill battle in a language used by 20 mostly non-English speakers. And I don't mean that in a disparaging sense, I find a lot of inspiration and cleverness in the cult (else why noodle around in here so often?) But I'm a metrics and numbers person also. I want it to be fun, and explainable, and I don't want to stop every 5 seconds and say "It doesn't make sense, just learn it.", because I talk to a lot of smart people and they demand good design if they are to care.
Attention spans are shrinking, every failure counts.
I want ammunition in my explanations.
It does not help when people are emptying my arsenal, and @kennycoc kind of hit the nail on the head with his comment.
2 days ago, by kennycoc
I know my opinion doesn't mean much, but "because language x that we make no claim to be compatible with doesn't do this we won't either" is never a valid reason. It's not so much that he is against making func safe or having multiline comments that bothers me. It would be perfectly fine if there was a valid reason for it, but when you are defining a new language, that is the time to think about these design choices logically and decide what the best choice really is.
On a more positive note, having used JavaScript for my transparency and accountability mega-time-sink, I can say it's garbage by comparison. We know this.
So the question of the day is: "Why are people using garbage?" I think I have some answers. @DocKimbel has told me that he thinks Rebol failed to drive adoption in a timely manner due to a lack of a freedom-based policy; open development, open source, and if Carl had played his cards better it would be Rebol in the browser and not JS.
I'm certain he is right that the failure to see the necessity of open source and open process was an absolute death sentence. That's 100% provably true and we continue to see that the weakness in process on the rebol/rebol GitHub repo is killing innovation as the clock ticks--thankfully red/red isn't suffering that fate.
But I'm not certain that success would have been guaranteed by being open, I do think that details matter... icons, marketing, REFORM REMOLD REJOIN FUNCT and anything making your language look like garbage.
People are ready to jump on my blackhighlighter website for minor details (and I value the feedback, @earl and @GrahamChiu). But that homepage was built in 24 hours and it BLOWS ANY REBOL OR RED WEBSITE THAT EXISTS OUT OF THE WATER.
"Brian, please" => "you're welcome"
@DocKimbel is tying my hands; he won't sort the I/O and let me make a video telling a personal story about a dungeon game I played on the Intellivision, and a funny attempt to recreate it in ASCII for Red that can be compiled from any platform to any other. That's another "I did it in an evening" tinker. I think it could be told, and I'm willing to work on it and follow it through.
"Help me, help you."
(in that scene, I'm Jerry, and @DocKimbel is Rod. :-P)
@HostileFork I think there were 2 problems: Rebol wasn't open soure was one. And I know from personal experience that it is one. The other one was Carls repeated total disappearence.
Thankfully, the first of these has been solved.
@ingo Well, we still want to rally around a flag and a brand and a name. We don't have to push it to rebol/rebol or rebol.org or whatever. We could make up a name and a github repository and draw a new icon and move on. I think there's a mix of wanting to give Carl his due credit for the invention (despite the seeming lack of empathy with the needs of his community), and the realization that Red is really the new brand if one is to change brands.
Carl is a nice guy, never speaks ill, but he does sort of retreat to his own interests with that "lack of empathy". I sure wish people were passionate about my projects and talking about them. I'd jump up and down and respond as best I could. Maybe he has a lot of other things competing for his attention, but any blackhighlighter bug issued would be responded to as soon as I was awake... same for all my projects.
We put together a conference, people flew, sponsored Nenad's ticket (that alone cost me $400 plus paypal fees), I drove from Texas and slept in my car. I mean, if people were that passionate I'd give them at least 10 minutes tapping on my phone per day on the train.
I've laid out plans, iconography, schematics. I am paid nothing. And I'm not really treated that well. The project doesn't give back what I put in. I suppose if you invest in things based on an idealism and expect a return "ur doing it rong"... sure, I know that. I'm just saddened that the return is almost zero, beyond the intellectual intrigue that being a user provides. But I do want to explicitly thank everyone who provides feedback on blackhighlighter--your time is valued.
@HostileFork I certainly do not want to be a "cost" for anyone here. Can you provide me with your paypal or bank account please so I can refund you that "cost"?
@DocKimbel Oh, watch the movie clip, and realize that sometimes people trying to do things who are friends can still be at odds over something.
I realize that you work very hard for little return, out of principle.
And you hope for progress.
But sometimes, I do feel "not listened to" or "not taken seriously" or whatever you might call it, which seems unfair given how much obvious sincere effort I am putting in.
And we are getting some new pulses on the language design angle, and the answers aren't so great. "I never needed it." "If you implement X I'll burn your house down without explaining what's wrong or flawed in your proposal". It's cultural. I think we should be able to agree on thinking rightly.
@HostileFork We went through this in the past already. When you start acting irrationally and are trying to force my hand on your personal ideas, I prefer focusing on work rather than loosing time in endless discussions about minor points, when there are so many much more important tasks.
@DocKimbel And I was actually sort of more speaking about Carl, just as a contrast, which is "how can you have this much attention to your idea and not feel a sense of obligation"... which I'm sure you understand all too well, because when you hinge your plans on someone's ideas a lot can hang in the balance.
@DocKimbel You invoke a term like "irrational" when you are not, entirely, willing to go to the foundations to examine a possible "irrationality" in your thinking. And you think these are minor points--but my advice is about realizing when the "minor" may be major. It's hard to tell. Should the icon be an R, should it be a tower, eh who cares it's the same language either way... yes but no.
Some language has a single word for "yes and no", I don't remember which.
@HostileFork When you are trying to force my hand for changing the default behavior of FUNC/FUNCTION to something nobody never expressed any need for during 17 years of Rebol existence and you don't care about my answers, I really prefer getting back to real work.
@DocKimbel All 20 of them never challenged it? Funny.
I do care about your answers, enough to critique them when they don't hold water.
I'm not your enemy: remember it. If I didn't think what I were saying had value to "the right answer", I would not waste your time.
Again: watch the movie scene.
@HostileFork Video not available from France.
@HostileFork You keep dismissing the experience gained by the Rebol community during many years, you are very wrong there.
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