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Reichart drew a horizontal version of the abstraction layers diagram, I put it on the contributions page: red-lang.org/p/contributions.html
2 hours later…
@PeterWAWood Are you on Skype? (can reach me at chris-rg)
@HostileFork Be useful to get this (or any diagram) as an SVG...
@HostileFork Wow, nice! Reichart contributing to Red! :)
@DocKimbel He's a fan. :-)
@AdamBrown Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 1245 so chat away!
Hello @AdamBrown. I was in Mexico City for a month a few years ago. Welcome. Have you heard of Rebol or Red?
Hello @HostileFork I've just been reading about Red and I'm watching the lecture by the creator(I think)
Up until now I hadn't heard of it. It's pretty interesting
@AdamBrown Yes, that would be @DocKimbel, who is usually busy working but will still chat with us sometimes. He's good at multitasking. :-)
So the pay mentions that the language is already in production, what is the syntax like?
just found the docs
@AdamBrown Red is derived from something that was worked on for many years called Rebol. It's not really seeking to redefine the syntax, just to attack the implementation in a different way. This article I wrote might be informative for an overview of some of what makes these languages different... but there's a lot to pick up.
Nenad notes that Rebol is really sort of only good for the same kinds of things you might use a thing like Ruby for, or maybe JavaScript. It's better and more pleasing to use :-) but you cannot write device drivers with it, or do high performance parallel computing because it is single threaded.
The syntax looks really intuitive, in the way that you simply say what you want
This is a great article you've written btw
So, its built directly on binary? Or on another language like php is on C?
@AdamBrown Thanks! Well Rebol is written in ANSI C and is very portable, and the binary is a half megabyte (uncompressed executable, no installation process). You build it with GCC or Clang or MSVC or whatever. So it's using the normal toolchain, but dependencies are carefully controlled. Yet it can do a shocking amount out of the box.
What would one be able to do with Red then?
Red is currently in a pre-bootstrap phase, and its basic levels are written in Rebol. But the majority of the work is being done in the dialect known as Red/System. The goal is to completely dispense with the need for Clang or GCC or LLVM or any of that; and be able to do cross-compilation simply; again using a < 1mb executable.
@AdamBrown The hope is "anything", though as an admirer of C++11 and many other techniques, I don't think it will be the right answer for everything. It would in largely supplant anything you'd do with basic C or Ruby or Python or Lua or JavaScript or things like that, I'd imagine.
code: ["Hello" print]
print [{Length of code is} length? code]
reverse code
do code
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> code: ["Hello" print] print ["Length of code is" length? code] reverse code do code
Length of code is 2
Wow! Sounds fantastic.
code: ["Hello" print]
protect 'code
reverse code
do code
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> code: ["Hello" print] protect 'code reverse code do code
Hm, why didn't it protect that?
Oh, wrong invocation
Don't have to quote it.
You're protecting 'code, not the value that 'code points to :)
code: ["Hello" print]
protect code
reverse code
do code
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
; rebol.com/r3/docs/errors/script-protected.html
>> code: ["Hello" print] protect code reverse code do code
** Script error: protected value or series - cannot modify
** Where: reverse
** Near: reverse code do code
@AdamBrown So it's very malleable as a language, but also has some ideas about how to put the reigns on it if that's what you want. You can do a lot of interesting things. Red is relatively new, but Rebol has been around for about a decade and a half... but only open source for a year. So there's a lot of weird history, but also a lot of very deep and interesting work.
This RebolBot looks like loads of fun! :)
@RebolBot "I'm famous"
@AdamBrown Welcome! Nice avatar image! :)
@RebolBot do/ideone ruby {
puts "We don't check to make sure the ideone integration works often enough."
RebolBot uses http://ideone.com (c) http://sphere-research.com
puts "We don't check to make sure the ideone integration works often enough."
We don't check to make sure the ideone integration works often enough.
@DocKimbel thanks :)
@RebolBot what is the time?
@AdamBrown Mon, 27 Jan 2014 05:43:22 +0000
@RebolBot what is the purpose of life?
@AdamBrown 42
Haha. I did see that coming
Predictable, yeah. ;)
@RebolBot tweet {I'm getting some attention, it's been awhile...! chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/14312991#14312991}
@RebolBot do/red
code: [print]
append code "Hello @"
append code/2 "adam-brown!"
do code
@HostileFork Sending this as a tweet: I'm getting some attention, it's been awhile...! chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/14312991#14312991
@HostileFork How long have you been getting some attention it's been awhile chat stackoverflow com/transcript/message/14312991#14312991}]?
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> code: [print]
== [print]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> code: [print] append code "Hello @" append code/2 "adam-brown!" do code
Hello @adam-brown!
(sorry, got there eventually—RebolBot knows Red too!)
Hrm, no tweet. @johnk @GrahamChiu, others? --^ We really should keep these things working. :-)
@RebolBot do/ideone ruby {
puts "You have no chance to survive make your time"
RebolBot uses http://ideone.com (c) http://sphere-research.com
puts "You have no chance to survive make your time"
You have no chance to survive make your time
@AdamBrown In any case, there are lots of little things to like about the careful choices in Rebol. For instance some languages will give you 'strings in single quotes' vs. "strings in double quotes', but then you wind up debating which to use... and written phrases use both apostrophes and double quotes... {"So isn't it nicer", {I'll propose}, "to use a string format with asymmetric delimiters that can have both as well as tolerate matched pairs of braces?"}
Or just being able to start and end your basic blocks with square brackets, which tend not to require pushing shift on (most) keyboards?
Yea, it's a good point, ease of writing in important for productive development
While PHP is a "Fractal of bad design", Rebol/Red are kind of the opposite (usually) in terms of finding that decisions aren't made arbitrarily, but thought upon. By no means perfect, of course, but those who drink the Kool-Aid tend to see the world differently.
Other languages start seeming... very... ugly.
I don't understand this 'drink the Kool-Aid' thing
Yea well, Javascript is horrible, personally speaking
"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is a metaphor commonly used in the United States that refers to a person or group holding an unquestioned belief, argument, or philosophy without critical examination. It could also refer to knowingly going along with a doomed or dangerous idea because of peer pressure. The phrase typically carries a negative connotation when applied to an individual or group. The phrase derives from the November 1978 Jonestown Massacre, where members of the Peoples Temple, who were followers of the Reverend Jim Jones committed suicide by drinking a mixture of a powdered soft drink...
Ah ok, I'm from the UK
@AdamBrown What brings you to Mexico? What part?
@AdamBrown Hopefully a soon-to-be outdated concept!
That's obscure even by our standards haha
I'm in the city, I came because my girlfriend is Mexican, I started teaching and then ended up representing UK universities and managing an english school. But I play with PHP in my free time and make pages etc
I shouldn't think I'll be here much longer than May this year though, things are getting close to civil war in some states.
But anyway ..
If many different expressions are allowed would this effect the stability of the language?
Well, take care, I was in DF in 2010 and it seemed all right then... but I hear things have changed.
@AdamBrown I've worked with Domain Specific Languages for a long time, and people ask about how the ability to adapt the language might make programs less understandable. I point out that even if you use a "fixed" and more limited language, the libraries add new rules/semantics that you have to learn to use correctly. Architects of a project must pick and piece together what is allowed as a dependency and not, and how it fits together.
I believe that giving people the freedom to adapt languages more freely to speak "in the terms of the specification" is a powerful tool. Can it be abused? Sure. (People can write bad libraries, too.) But the advantages of providing the ability are greater than worrying about the risks.
"There is not now, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be, any programming language in which it is the least bit difficult to write bad code." - Flon's Law
Yes, quite
So this is pretty interesting, it seems like it would be a fantastic introduction to programming for loads of people
@AdamBrown For an example of how nice things can look, I like to cite this example from @rgchris here of how we get the answers to questions tagged "rebol" from StackOverflow. (They give you questions, but not the answers to those questions). It's very nice: reb4.me/cc?s=http%3A//reb4.me/r/x/so-rebol-answers.r
It depends on that tokenization issue. Since a<b can be different from a < b, the specific lexical choice of how to interpret a space and then <foo> and then a space is as a unique "flavor" of string called TAG!.
This is crazy! How can it do some much with so little!
It's not really any different from a string in function. Nearly identical. But suddenly, you have this design tool where a function can do a different thing if you pass it a <foo> vs a "foo". It can be polymorphic with respect to these very similar, but subtly different types.
How come the first URL in the foreach is quoted and the second not?
help find
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> help find
    FIND series value /part length /only /case /any /with wild /skip size /last /reverse /tail /match

    Searches for a value; for series returns where found, else none.
    FIND is an action value.

    series (series! gob! port! bitset! typeset! object! none!)
    value (any-type!)

    /part -- Limits the search to a given length or position
        length (number! series! pair!)
@AdamBrown Hm. Guess you'd have to ask @rgchris. The issue I guess, more generally, is that because a URL is only recognized as something that starts e.g. foo:// then if you wanted to search for a substring in a generalized way, you'd need to use a string (or a file!, which is another string subclass where it starts with a %). Perhaps it was just a habit of not passing URLs to find because that would only match at the beginning...
(So I couldn't search for "something" in http://example.com/something using a url!)
@AdamBrown Actually, it doesn't have to be—but the return value of question/get <id> is a string!. Should probably change it...
Ah ok! that's important
Pretty clever stuff!
@AdamBrown The crazy of how much with so little goes deeper and deeper if you feel like sticking around. (We do welcome newcomers, but many people don't have time for what they consider "esoteric languages"... but I think the productivity benefits can outweigh the learning costs in short time.)
Yea well if it is aplicable and can be utilised then its worth knowing
@HostileFork Can you elaborate on that?
(^^remove the comment)
foo: func [
    {First parameter to function generators is a dialect in the function specification dialect.  First string is the documentation of what the function does.}
    value [string! integer!] {Value is either a string or integer.}
] [
   print value

help foo
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> foo: func [{First parameter to function generators is a dialect in the function specification dialect.  First string is the documentation of what the function does.} value [string! integer!] "Value is either a string or integer."] [print value] help foo
    FOO value

    First parameter to function generators is a dialect in the function specification dialect.  First string is the documentation of what the function does.
@rgchris Why no comment? :-/
'Cause RebolBot (or TryRebol) reformats the input to a single line, and removes content after a ; comment character.
Ok, I need to go to bed guys. It's past midnight and I'm shattered. Really interesting stuff, I voted the project up in the sidebar ads contest. I'll be back to read more.
Have a good week!
@AdamBrown Because it's so easy to get going, it is hard not to apply it. I use it to build web sites (desktop.rebol.info or red.reb4.me), but it's easy enough to deploy as shell scripts too...
@AdamBrown Do come back, might ping you if you don't. :-)
@rgchris You built that site with it? That's pretty special to be able to do that with a language that can search entire forums!
@HostileFork I will ha :)
@rgchris Is it typical for you to not put a space between brackets as with use [feed answers][? I like having a space there. I wouldn't call a function as foo [stuff][otherstuff]. I always space after a close unless the ensuing token is another close, e.g. )] or "]
@HostileFork For the most part, yes—personal preference: the space looks weird to me.
@gwailo59 It's fairly straightforward to get going as well—even RebolBot can do it:
do http://reb4.me/r3/makedoc
make-doc/with/custom {My Impress Presentation^/^/=step^/^/No Style, but works.} [
stylesheet: ""
template: %impress.rsp
document: %impress-doc.r
markup: %impress.r
paragraph: %impress-para.r
; Brought to you by: http://tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> do http://reb4.me/r3/makedoc make-doc/with/custom {My Impress Presentation


No Style, but works.} [stylesheet: ""] [template: %impress.rsp document: %impress-doc.r markup: %impress.r paragraph: %impress-para.r]
== {<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=1024" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
<title>My Impress Presentation</title>

<link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:regular,semibold,italic,italicsemibold|PT+Sans:400,700
Could probably use some more explanation—coming soon! The files (e.g. %impress.rsp) are relative to reb4.me/md
@YanuarAdi Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Sadly you won't be able to talk to us at present. You need a few more reputation points on Stackoverflow to join these chat rooms. If you answer some questions, or ask some, we might be able to help by upvoting you. In the meantime, have a look at a Rebol introduction.
@RanhiruCooray Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 8493 so chat away!
Greetings @RanhiruCooray. Don't have a phone or otherwise handy to see what your QR code says... does it say RanhiruCooray by chance? :-)
@HostileFork hmm .. I'll look into it
Greetings @HostileFork! It redirects to my infrequently updated blog :D
@RanhiruCooray Ah, well my good friend Dr. Rebmu has something to say about interesting applications of QR codes, if you have a minute to watch:
cheeming, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
364 2 9
@cheeming Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 364 so chat away!
Hello @cheeming. Kuala Lampur, eh? Interesting. Were you brought here by the very attractive Red sidebar ad? :-)
@WiiMaxx Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 1106 so chat away!
@WiiMaxx same as above. :-) Welcome. (The bot greets too, but I can say things like "Fan of the Wii, by chance? If using WiMax, wouldn't the latency make networked games less fun...")
@RebolBot good evening
@HostileFork good evening to you too
It will take a while before RebolBot can tell a good joke.
@WiiMaxx @cheeming @RanhiruCooray Have you had a chance to read the contributions page and get a sense for Red? Any questions?
@HostileFork this language looks very interessting :) if i have some time i will take a closer look but at the moment i'm to busy :(
@WiiMaxx Well, we are a motivated bunch, we actually solve people's problems for them in tiny amounts of code... it's like saying you're too busy to Google ... learning a new thing can sometimes create time instead of consume it. :-)
But, as the little Google Chrome music voice likes to say: "It is a new thought - Ready when you are."
@HostileFork i'm programming in c# so i have to google some stuff :D
Love that ad, and how they hit the little pizzicato strings and such to be the voice of the computer.
I like the idea of us here, being like that. "We've got something really new, and different and... don't throw it in a river."
posted on January 27, 2014 by iArnold

Added missing dash on line 32.

3 hours later…
@Odys Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 2884 so chat away!
Is Rebol code compatible with Red?
I am trying out the sample program in the FAQ in Red 041
However when I type replace code "Hello" "Ding!", Red force closes
It is close, syntax wise, but not fully compatible. Also - Red still has not full feature set implemented, so still in alpha. There might be also some bugs ...
The exception thrown is

*** Runtime Error 1: access violation
*** at: 758FB895h
Here's the site, where you might try to cross-experiment between R2, R3, Red and Boron ... tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
I see. But maybe I am doing something wrong. This seems to be a very simple sample
Yes, what is 'code in your case?
The same error occurs in the online compiler too
Replace "Hello" "o" "Cheers" might work
Well, then ok, you are right, just tried it. You just found your first bug :-)
@DocKimbel - following code seems to crash Red. Tried in tryrebol session: code: [print "Hello"]
replace code "Hello" "Cheers"
It works fine with REBOL 3. Just tried
posted on January 27, 2014 by noreply

In a few days is the Chinese New Year, the year of the Horse. This is what you can find online about its meaning: The spirit of the horse is recognized to be the Chinese people's ethos – making unremitting efforts to improve themselves. It is energetic, bright, warm-hearted, intelligent and able. Ancient people liked to designate an able person as 'Qianli Ma', a horse that covers a thousand li

@pekr Looks like a regression, please add a ticket in the tracker about that.
3 hours later…
@Jason Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 2737 so chat away!
@pareshm Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 33 so chat away!
hi can i ask question related to javascript
Hi friends
i want to control video in Iframe in ipad safari browser how to control can anyone help me
<iframe id ="videoFrame" autoplay seamless width="100%" height="90%" src="video/abc.MP4">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
i am using the above code

javascript jquery html ipad iframe
pls click the link for detailed question
Q: How to control Video in Iframe on IPAD safari browser using Javascript

pareshmI am using Following Code to run video in IFRAME <iframe id ="videoFrame" autoplay seamless width="100%" height="90%" src="video/abc.MP4"> <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p> </iframe> using above code video runs fine in all browser and on ipad also for controlling the video i am...

@seeker Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 141 so chat away!
Hi Pareshm,
This chatroom is dedicated to the Rebol and Red languages. Some of us may know javascript, but it's not the best place to ask question about it.
@Abdul1991 Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Sadly you won't be able to talk to us at present. You need a few more reputation points on Stackoverflow to join these chat rooms. If you answer some questions, or ask some, we might be able to help by upvoting you. In the meantime, have a look at a Rebol introduction.
Can someone clear up the Javascript mess / spam above? Please?
James McCormack, England, United Kingdom
4.3k 15 33
@JamesMcCormack Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 4274 so chat away!
Hello James,
Ah bot is a bit slow today ;)
@iArnold Though it is inconsiderately OT, I don't see it as worthy of flagging—that is will give the poster the benefit of the doubt that they were genuinely looking for help. Perhaps proof that even 20 rep points is not enough of a filter!
Thought you could silently remove the post somehow because poster left the group anyway. And there is a Javascript group out on SO that is not to hard to find.
@JamesMcCormack Also of the Speccy rubber keyed generation?
It looks a bit like a, well, yes.
Sorry James!
Opened a new room in another tab and while here James and Rebolbot are still in in the new one only Chris and I are around.
My conclusion: Avatars keep hanging in for too long
Ach, thought Flickr images were oneboxed: back of a ZX Spectrum 48k with a Raspberry Pi inside :)
Or Beagleboard.
@iArnold The only moderation in that respect is indeed flagging; it's a "free speech" venue and chat oriented. It's not more off-topic than my cat. I think it's just an opportunity to turn the conversation toward topical things.
@RebolBot do/red
session: code: [print "Hello"]
replace code "Hello" "Cheers"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> session: code: [print "Hello"] replace code "Hello" "Cheers"

*** Runtime Error 1: access violation
*** at: B7628ADDh
@RanhiruCooray Thanks for looking at the simple examples! You are indeed right that it is crashing. The test suite needs to cover anything that is published on the web for people to try... @PeterWAWood, take note
It is the block that blocks it. In a certain way it is correct if
replace ["Hello"] "ello" "alloween"
does not replace ello with alloween, because ello is not an item in the block. But the crash is not correct.
Ah sorry missed your earlier comment - yes I keep the uncle clive love alive!
@JamesMcCormack I learned to program on an Osborne 1... I posted my declaration of what a great basic programmer I was when I was 7.
I was trying to vote for Red, but... I need another reputation from yet another stackthing:??
@LouGit Points... yes, we know, where's the Justice? But as per DVNO, it's all about membership......
@HostileFork Hmmm...
So Big Red news is @DocKimbel moving to Beijing.
@HostileFork Hello! Yes, I've just read that on red-lang.org/2014/01/year-of-horse.html#comment-form ! (my eyes are all sore now...)
Great news! @DocKimbel, you seem to be excited by this new (ad?)venture!
I told @LouGit to come here a bit and vote for Red, but the mystery behind reputations in the stack* is getting thicker and thicker... I thought there would be just one system of reputation, which would propagate on all these related sites? Obviously, this is not the case...
@pierre So how could I get more repoints???
I'll figure it out another day... bye.
@pierre No, each site has its own reputation (including the meta sites). It's a good idea to have (say) cooking stackexchange have different reputation/moderation than programming; that keeps people who aren't really invested in the topic from leveraging their powers (as they are) in unrelated places. But I think your meta reputation should be the same as the main site for which that meta runs.
@HostileFork Excellent! You were really just 7??
@HostileFork Yes. Exposed like that, it makes some sense.
@pierre Yup. Don't have any of that code, though. But I can roughly tell you that MATH1.BAS was just something that asked questions like "Which would you like to do: Add numbers, Subtract numbers, Divide numbers, Multiply numbers". I guess MATH2.BAS was modified to do something else, maybe a kind of homework problem, but obviously nothing too fancy either.
"I discovered World War 4" is presumably my way of trying to say "Started to work on a game called World War 4", which was likely one of my choose-your-own-adventures in a basic IF/THEN/ELSE storyline with some loops.
It makes me think that I should really teach my son to program in Frebol... I'm travelling too much, not enough time at home to care of my children...
At times, I wonder if the reason I got into computers was because my dad liked them, and he didn't really do much with me... but when he bought the Osborne 1 my mom was really mad because it seemed like a large amount of money to spend, and he justified it to her by saying he could teach me to use it and it would be important.
Came back from Cameroon, Iran, now Guyana...
@HostileFork Good excuse! ;) And it actually worked!
Maybe... but I think I'd be a happier/healthier person if I'd been indoctrinated with sports or something!
I'm not a parent, but I think the real answer is to do some of everything, and do it early because you get in habits and ideas of normalcy and those patterns you repeat for a long time.
I'd probably take a lot of notes if I were a parent on how I spent time, and what the kids were spending time on, and look at it metrically and try and keep it balanced out.
@HostileFork Hm. Probably not... I'm a parent, I have 4 kids, all of them are very energic, and they litterally pump my energy out... No time left for counting, metric or whatever...
Time to go to bed. Bye!
@pierre I told you "cette fourchette en colère" must be some kind of new AI written en Rebol4/Red3. Something not ever created. Maybe Alec Sadler job... continuum
@HostileFork Not sure about happier—I can get pretty crabby playing soccer, but healthier—definitely worthwhile. Unless you play soccer and drink to celebrate/wallow...
@pierre Need to find a way to shoehorn them out the door. They get fresh air, you get some breathing space!
@gwailo59 Here live and in person... as Dr. Rebmu, have you watched the Rebmu talk?
@HostileFork yes, maybe some elaborated CGI ! weird talk but good
@gwailo59 I win the competitions, but no one notices: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/8558/57
@HostileFork you should have come to TakeOff Conf and make the show... takeoffconf.com/2014
Time to swtich to mobile, child not sleeping and it's late
MarkDown has a lot of edge cases. [[Rebol and Red] chat room](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/291/rebol-and-red). Or [Red language](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_(programming_language)). Parse can handle these things, but you have to think about it. My faux-markdown routine (which is completely horrible because I know that doing it right would require actual thinking) has become an exploration of finding these things out.
@HostileFork People who write the code should be writing the tests so this should be @dockimbel
@gwailo59 I was pushing for us to make rebol.net a place where we could establish sites of value to the Rebol community, not have to buy top-level domains, and I have a vision for the rebmu.rebol.net site with that character. It could be funny. I haven't wanted to push it yet because we're still struggling to get rebol.net and rebol.org running in the way I envisioned from the conference. my slides from my "real" talk here
@DaSh Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 334 so chat away!
@PeterWAWood Well, then I guess the heads-up to you is to give a heads-up to him. :-) I'm not super pleased with Github or Gist embedding, but it might be interesting to have a way of doing the site building process that would be pulling code snippets out of a repository that could be managed independently. So the build process would grab them out of a different place rather than inline. What do you think, @rgchris?
@DaSh Welcome. Hey, you are in the intellij-idea tag. What's your experience with that?
I am just learning IntelliJ IDEA. Thus far I like it )
I am a relatively novice developer, but am curious to learn new concepts and to contribute.
@DaSh Martin Fowler wrote about it, I don't know why but I thought he was somehow involved in working on it.
@DaSh I worked on something else that I thought was much better, but, eh, that's water under that particular bridge at this point. Nowadays we're here with Rebol and Red. Ever heard of them before?
@HostileFork You mean like this? rebol-land.blogspot.com/2013/03/…
I stumbled on Red ad by accident
@rgchris Yes, I mean that's the uncontrolled formatting I don't really care for. But I think if the little sample programs and such could be transcluded during the site build process, it would be better. Native styling, no separate fetch during page load. But still maintain all the code snippets in a separate place, ideally a repository that runs through test where applicable.
Anyway, I am still at work :)
I will read-up on Red and Rebol and then join the chat. Good luck guys!
@DaSh Please do!
I don't know if it's better to put context in the source for the site and have the tests check the site, or to have the site removing context out of a tested location. Hm. But either way, the point is that code on websites is still code that people copy/paste/use and when it goes bad, one should know that.
@HostileFork I don't see why not. I guess it depends case by case—does it make sense to break things out that way...
Well, I'm putting out a thought, not issuing a mandate... but as I work on using the w3c link checker and other things I'm just reminded how stale and broken things get. I'm fixing all the links on blog.hostilefork.com as best I can, but if a link is broken from context I remove the link and rewrite the copy or explain what used to be but now isn't.
Btw, what do you think of this style of documentation? Stripe API
@rgchris The columns are claustrophobic, which is my first impression. I like the example request/example response with language switching.
@HostileFork I like the idea of having a report of, say, links, images, code samples encountered in the build that can be reviewed apart from content. That way you could even programmatically test each.
@giampaolo Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 2337 so chat away!
Hi there
Quick question: who is behind Red? I mean, is tree a company?
-tree +there
@giampaolo Hi @giampaolo—currently it's driven by an individual: @DocKimbel
With much community support—both in donations and code.
@HostileFork great presentation. So true. I told french community same things (with less word)
@gwailo59 You can edit within two minutes of your post—just hit the up arrow key in the chat box...
@rgchris please give me 3 reasons for investing time in red, I'm curious
1) it's intended to be a full-stack language—that is you can use it from controlling hardware all the way up to abstract DSLs, 2) it's got a very modest footprint and is very easy to compile/deploy across target platforms (even mobile) and 3) it's based on Rebol—possibly the most expressive language out there!
How is learning curve?
It's different, but not prohibitively so.
@rgchris I've switched to my mobile phone. Can't find a way to edit.
@RebolBot do/red
code: [print]
append code "Hello @"
append code/2 "giampaolo"
do code
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> code: [print] append code "Hello @" append code/2 "giampaolo" do code
Hello @giampaolo
@gwailo59 If you touch your message, can you access the dropdown? (I think I switched back to the desktop interface, even on my phone)
Do you contribute actively to red?
@giampaolo I built a prototype web site intended to migrate away from Blogger, but I code in Rebol.
@giampaolo Massimilano has done a lot of works in italian. Maybe not is up to date... maxvessi.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.GuidaARebol
I will switch to Red I'm certain as it will I believe be the natural successor, but it's not there yet.
But you can see, the language ideas aren't entirely different:
@rgchris did find the link to switch to desktop interface on iOS. Too noob or too late. I found it !!! Menu button.
code: [print]
append code "Hello @"
append code/2 "giampaolo"
do code
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> code: [print] append code "Hello @" append code/2 "giampaolo" do code
Hello @giampaolo
(the same code executed in Rebol 3)
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> code: [print] append code "Hello @" append code/2 "giampaolo" do code
Hello @giampaolo
RebolBot doth repeat itself...
Question about jobs: there's quite a market for rebol/red developers?
@gwailo59: thanks for the link..
Not many that are actively seeking rebol/red developers, but I think most rebol/red developers are happy to keep quiet about the tools that make them uncommonly productive :)
Except that we could use some help in making those tools even better...
How about databases?
Can rebol use something like oracle?
I believe through ODBC—not much of an expert there, I'm afraid...
@giampaolo In Rebol2, you have MySQL and PostgreSQL protocol (driver in Rebol world). You can use Oracle thru ODBC. rebol.com/docs/database.html
@giampaolo In Red, not for the moment. For Rebol2, it's a SDK feature.
@giampaolo I've been using it with Oracle and PostgreSQL.
I use it with MySQL myself, and have used with SQLite.
Half past midnight. Time to have some rest.
Me too, good night
Do stop by again!

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