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@TylerH sad
1 hour later…
posted on July 07, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

hi. any one know why i can't make any change to img using css?
img {
position: fixed;
left: 10px;
top: 10px;
right : 90px;
width : 20000px;

I'm using this very simple css code , and a "<img src="h.png">" for html
thanks it's solved :D
3 hours later…
@All hi.
i need some help in media query breakpoints
@SamSam go ahead
Is the hamburger button "≡" or "☰"?
@JennaSloan they r just different in size, second one looks much better though
@Mr.Alien - im new to media query, so in case of some beginners question please bear with me

i have a daterangepicker...for which i have written the media query
DateRangePicker has two controls..TO and From..what ever u click the same popup comes.
in that we have a <UL> which has multiple options.
when i select option A suppose then from and to calender is shown.
where im stuck up is..i have written some default styles..
when the dtp is loaded in mobile view.
but when the user click on the date..the style of the same component has to change.
n moreOver im trying to overlap three controls over one another..
1. from calendar
2. To Calendar
3. OPtion
for which i used
z-index: 1
but when i apply this style
control is getting hidden
What you are explaining is too complicated. An example and a full code will be helpful to debug this further
Hello. Is anyone here? I need to ask a general question regarding backend code of a website.
Sometimes I visit websites that have for example "counter time" html animated text which runs without having to load the page. What kind of asset this is? I know that JS code and CSS and other stuff in order to work they need you to load the page first. How a website can run a code all the time in the background even if the page is not loaded..
@Mr.Alien the first thing im trying to do is...overlap the controls one over the other..
for that i did this
z-index: 1
@Mr.Alien but when i apply these styles the control is getting display:none
2 hours later…
@Mdermez wat
@SamSam like Alien said, provide a minimal demo if you want to get help like the room rules require
@JennaSloan those are both hamburger menus. Hamburger menu is just a style of menu
and Hamburger is the combination of beef and Ham ;)
luckily not
ohhh...my apologies...first time in europe...someone said that to me...
Hi there,
I have seen in many templates they provides different color schemes, that user can change template color scheme with those provided colors
I'm wondering what method does they use to change color scheme of entire web template
different stylesheets or SASS or JS?
And how?
1 hour later…
hello guys, any1 here knows how to work with npm?
check the JS room
2 hours later…
@AbhishekPandey - my guess would be different SASS or CSS for each theme/template. Depending on how the template is setup, it could most likely be done in JS or in whatever back-end language they're using. I created a dynamic landing page where the content changed based on the URL parameters but the dynamic content was set on the back-end, not the front-end.
been a while since I've touched javascript.. what am I looking for in javascript when I want to wait for the user to update a dropdown field?
nvm, i think i have another way
2 hours later…
@clickhere where've you been
not doing javascript heh..
@AbhishekPandey sass just compiles to CSS. They could be doing it in a plethora of ways
you're asking the wrong question
I miss cimmanon and her quick action on all things sass :-(
3 hours later…
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