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Sup guys.
I was taking a look at the w3c link checker: validator.w3.org/checklink/docs/…
And when I inspected the page using my browser(Firefox) I noticed that somehow the page is being loaded lazily to show the results.
Do you know how are they doing this?
2 hours later…
@MatthewSirkin if you put it below the other it should work. Put it in a jsfiddle
@MatthewSirkin ` only works for single line embedded, not multi line
@LucasPiske have you googled "lazy load js" or something similar?
Hi @ZachSaucier. Yes, but I didn't find something that does what they are apparently doing. They are showing partial results and not just waiting for the final complete result.
@LucasPiske right, but it's the same basic technique
7 hours later…
whos here
What does this mean: font: normal 13px/1.4 verdana,arial, sans-serif;

-> 13px / 1.4
@TylerH omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg
ok nevermind its the line-height I first though that the font-size gets divided :D
1 hour later…
@TylerH why people hate littlefinger so much? he's not bad for the pleasure of hurting people contrarily to cersei. he just wants powar and he enjoys playing the game, fucking noblemen from all positions :B
i wouldn't call that evil
evil is what cersei did to tyrion for years, what tywin did to the martells
and of course joffri too, that's very much evil
not bad for the pleasure of hurting people contrarily to cersei. cersei doesnt hurt for the pleasure of it. she does so to protect her children
$(".className").each(function(i, obj) {}
how do i get the children of the element returned with obj?
the same way you get the child of any element you have
i generally go the $(this) way
like $(this).children()
what should 'this' change to in your case?
have you tried that? Console.logged it to see what it is?
yeah, it returned the properties of the element's children on the first level
@ZachSaucier Okay, I switched the order that I enqueued my style sheets and it worked.. what did you mean by "single line embedded"? Google has failed me once again =/
i would like to access the value of a child 3 levels down
@MatthewSirkin this is a single line
this is
a multi line
oh gotcha thanks
2 hours later…
@WesStark Different levels of evil
littlefinger is self-serving, even at the cost of the lives of others
that's why people hate him; no honor, no loyalty, etc. except to himself
IRL people hate him for the same reason and also because he has a tendency to get their fav characters killed or in a tight spot
I'm so happy that the episodes will be long to make up for the fact that the season is shorter
same old stuff, bored wanna build an app
facebook killer
what's an app that people need
Debugging a new version of my website. Phone was having the html element only take up about half the width of the device. Requested "desktop site" and it had it take up 1.5 times the width. Toggled it back off and now it works correctly
I don't understand
but it never refreshed the page
and I made no changes to the document
I use that explanation for things all the time not even for programming stuff
can't explain why someone walking down the street just did something? youshouldblamecaching
Hi guys codepen.io/rusticblonde/details/GEBYwp for some reason my right hand image is not responsive. Tried flex shrink and everything. Any ideas where I'm going wrong? 😔
Or point me in the direction of an article, would really appreciate it :)
@KirstyMarks not sure what you're trying to do, but you do have a typo it seems.. you have class"div2image" instead of class="div2image"
is jsfiddle down for anyone else right now
@TylerH It's working for me
yeah it's back up
1 hour later…
@TylerH I don't get it how people are still on fb
I have used it like 4 years back
1 hour later…
@Mr.Alien people get addicted I guess
posting articles, photos, videos
I miss when it was just an augmenting tool to our social presence
you could post statuses and share pictures of yourself
no one ever posts their own content anymore really, it's all just reposts of pages and sites and articles. Except a lot of girls post pictures or albums of themselves, but I think they just have it set up on their phones to automatically post the exact same thing to instagram, facebook, twitter, snapchat etc.
because I see that a lot
@TylerH addiction or show off? I find these things pretty weird..
@Mr.Alien both

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