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need some help with creating shapes in css
@joshhunt around? i needs some english help :B
anyone online?
use svg @Inthuson
thank @Wes
i will take a look at it :D
with css you can only draw circles, squares and some variations. with svg you can do anything you want
@Wes yep
do you remember what multisets are from school? :P
very vaguely
> In mathematics, a multiset (or bag) is a generalization of the concept of a set that, unlike a set, allows multiple instances of the multiset's elements. For example, {a, a, b} and {a, b} are different multisets although they are the same set. However, order does not matter, so {a, a, b} and {a, b, a} are the same multiset.
anyway, i'm trying to name a method that takes a collection of elements and filters out duplicates
method must be a verb or begin with a verb, like "get"
can you give me an example of before and after?
is Individuals used only for people or it's ok also for things?
[1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4]->getIndividuals() returns [1,2,3,4]
its ok for things as well. Does unique fit?
unique is not a verb tho
and not even a noun
i meant like getUnique, but it doesnt fit
misses the noun. trying to keep the naming sane
other options could be getUniqueSet
which would you pick?
sql uses distinct right?
getDistinctSet or getUniqueSet?
should probably use getSet, it's correct and short
sounds strange if one doesn't know about set theory :B
I would use unique over distinct
lodash uses "uniq": lodash.com/docs#uniq
but I think that is a made up verb
or maybe they don't use verbs (I don't use lodash)
so I would probably just do getSet()
js doesn't give a fuck and just uses nouns
or even adjectives... as method names
ok I have a question for you now :D
I'm doing a multiple row insert and I also need to update a seperate relationship table with the ids of the new rows. Is there a way to do this?
you mean in one query only? nope
thats what I thought :( what would be the most efficient way to do this?
is there any way this works without doing it one query at a time?
why you think it's going to be slow?
It's for users importing csv so its possible there could be lots of rows
you can run it in a transaction, with serializable isolation level. that will speed up things for sure
ah.... yup sounds good. One sec, googling.
that sounded wrong. i meant you should be already running everything in a transaction
and unless you know what you are doing you should always be using serializable isolation
Of course I am! (I have no idea what that is)
nobody knows
in simple words, that's going to prevent others from modifying the data while you are still writing the rows
right that makes sense
say you are inserting a million rows and one loads the site while you are halfway
if you use serializable or similar isolation, that user will browse the site using a snapshot
with none of the changes you are still adding actually visible
was that clear enough? :D
yup that makes sense. Is it a global setting or something?
it's per session
also it has the advantage of speeding up things because data gets merged all together, not one piece at a time
is it only used with transactions?
i don't remember the actual syntax now because i use it through my abstraction library, but it's
ah ok, that is why I haven't heard of it.
do all your changes
if you spot errors you do $pdo->rollback()
otherwise $pdo->commit() to perform save
what do normal queries do?
normal insert and update you mean?
each query is ran in a transaction consisting of one query only and automatically committed
what isolation level does it use?
it's irrelevant as isolation level only makes sense when 2+ queries are involved
imagine this
what if it is a really big insert and someone loads the page while it is saving?
they will see an old version of the database
when in a transaction that has a strong isolation, you will change your own copy of database basically
while other clients will continue to read the committed copy of the database
i hate css so much
all i want is some purty radio buttons
but i can't figure out how to take any of the tutorials and put them to work in my use case..
makes sense?
sorry was using the toilet. SERIALIZABLE = strong isolation?
awesome, yup that makes sense
I actually did see transactions but this user said it was slow so I overlooked it :/ stackoverflow.com/a/34814477
there's way more than that clearly, but for 99% of sites you can just add serializable and be fine without changing your habits
other isolations require more care
yup that makes sense.
ok I'm going to eat lunch and then get this working. Thanks for all the help and explanations!
transactions are an actual requirement in some database. for instance in sqlite if you don't use them it will take minutes just to insert few hundreds rows
@clickhere 1. Why do you want them to look different? 2. How do you want them to look?
yw :P enjoy your meal :D
@joshhunt, i don't really know what I want. I just know this looks bad damp-sands-94356.herokuapp.com/algo/AwesomeSurveys/…
It's not terrible
I've never seen anything that is different to that
you could try turning them into squares and see how that looks
I was thinking I'd play around with making them like green circles with a darker selected center
unfortunately every tutorial seems to handle it differently
and i've yet to find an instance that harmonizes with my templating engine
TBH I think 1-10 is too many options
Some other examples:
Some more inspiration:
it's actually a dynamically generated form
a user can generate any scale with any number of questions
Though, I should probably put a limit on it.. damp-sands-94356.herokuapp.com/algo/AwesomeSurveys/over-9000
With sql injections, if I have a server that has multiple databases on it. Lets say there is a vulnerability and someone tries to delete the tables. Can they do anything to affect the other databases? Or just the tables inside the active database they were accessing?
hi is anyone on ? i have a simple question to ask
i have ajax which will return html tag (ajax.html) , to my body tag(index.html) but i have some but js and css in my (ajax.html), so should i create a whole new page a ajax.html ?
in ajax.html i just put div tag
should i make a whole new page and put <html> <head> and all that ?
so i can use link and script in css and js
idk, not something I can speak to
is alright thank you ~ just figure it out for now.
how is your day ?
@darkness why are you doing this?
click here , yeah great just had breakfast , where you live in?
joshhunt i was trying to achieve a webpage without refreshing , but one of the return page had ,alot of <script> and <link>
and other page i just put <div> inside , so i was wondering should i input html head and body tag
you should just load the page like normal
breakfast? nice, I'm nearing bedtime, are you in China?
@MadaraUchiha Growing pains. Servers under pressure, game coordinator doesn't work at least half the time, I get matched into the right servers but I don't want to keep getting matched into the same server and same map over and over again. Pyro is literally unplayable because there is a bug that prevents flames from hitting targets near walls (but that's not the worst part - the worst part is that there are people trying to justify the buggy behavior who are serious and not trolling)
"Competition begins in 30 seconds" awkward in casual matchmaking. IMO casual matchmaking should just be pubs - with matchmaking. Then again, the competitive format allows for rankings to be fairer so, whatever I guess
A: CSS selector for first element with class

BoltClockI felt this was a good place for a canonical answer as the question is general and quite clear, but the original accepted answer isn't quite right. I explain why the accepted answer is flawed in a later section, but first I'll cover how to do it the right way. The :first-child pseudo-class, intr...

Wow, the asker finally decided to accept my answer
Since, as far as I understand, my answer is not flawed in terms of technical accuracy, I've edited out that first paragraph
3 hours later…
@Wes I just went to my first professional soccer game in person. Seattle Sounders vs FC Dallas. It was about what I expected for American teams - really ugly (in terms of poor play) the first 35 minutes then ended up being a mostly enjoyable match. Nothing really impressive
Interestingly, Dallas got a red card for a handball in the box in the 4th minute and the Sounders got a red card in the ~25th minute (I think for talking back to the ref or something? I couldn't tell)
Apparently the card on Seattle was for a "slap" in the face
It was the last place vs the 1st place in the conference (Seattle is terrible this year apparently)
I never pay attention to MLS though, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@BoltClock Yeah, pretty much all of the points that bug me.
I'm planning for a talk on designing for hackability. I'd love to hear about any experience you have repurposing other's work, in any field!
"@ZachSaucier Well, this one time I repurposed part of a research paper for my thesis and I failed the subject for plagiarism."
@ZachSaucier no lol
I didn't think that'd be something you'd do :P
3 hours later…
@ZachSaucier iirc there are some veterans of the italian league playing in mls
3 hours later…
How can I prevent a floating div moving next to another div simple because it fits? For example:
<div width="300">
	<div width="100"><br />
	<div width="100" style="float: right">
How can I make sure the floating div goes underneath the other div and not just beside it? Aside from removing the float ofc
I did clear: both; btw, but this doesn't fix the issue
@icecub Float the other div. This gives the right float something to clear
@BoltClock Tried that as well, but it still didn't give me what I needed. No problem though, I managed to solve it by wrapping an invisible 100% width div around it with clear both. Thanks though :)
That works too. Glad you figured something out
Hi guys. Is there any CSS grid system out there (maybe based on flexbox), which is responsive, but allows to specify a minimum and a maximum width of the rows and which acts like Bootstrap 3 for extra small devices? (on phones for me Bootstrap's behavior is good where controls fits a full row by default)
I'm looking for a partly fixed-partly responsive approach because I have a fluid form made with Bootstrap 3 and it's not so nice that my controls are too wide on large devices and too thin on smaller ones.
@ZachSaucier as in designing a module or script to be open ended so that you can plug in your own code?
or modify it as needed
@Zsolt There is CSS Grids w3.org/TR/css3-grid-layout
but it's not really implemented in browsers very well yet: caniuse.com/#search=grid
oh wow, Edge has landed full grid support already?!
oh, no -_-
that page lied
hey @rlemon speak of the devil rankred.com/nasa-coding-rules Also @Wes since you were there too yesterday :-)
1 hour later…
@TylerH I mostly mean taking something something else built to do X but you take it, change it, add to it, and now yours does Y. But what you say as well, just less so
Do you have any experience to tell me about?
@ZachSaucier nothing in particular, I was just making sure I understood what you were talking about
Do you have an outline or framework posted anywhere yet?
not yet, still in the formulation stage - just notes
I hope to have a more clear outline/abstract by the end of the month so I can send it to places for this fall/winter
@ZachSaucier, as I understand you, i do that sort of thing pretty often with Python, not necessarily for web though, but sometimes
like what?
For example, found a script that will face swap an image. But it wasn't set up for working with batches. I introduced looping/ knowledge of my directory structure so as to batch process images
Or i've build GUIs on top of bits of other people's code, I think that might be inline with your question
most recently, took a tutorial for dynamic form generation in django and ported what I needed to my own codebase and have created/am creating a dynamic form that generates other dynamic forms
Sure, along the lines. In general I mean more full repurposement though, not just customizing something for your needs
So you mean something like if someone had a script that identified cats in picture using computer vision and you saw the potential in the codebase for something completely different say like doing some sort of image manipulation and you made it happen?
I mean something like this being turned into this (one of my first web projects)
shoot, I forgot how many projects I created that I didn't post to CodePen
Ooooold projects, haha
got to level 3
that game is too stressful for me
err.. beat level 3
It's fun :P
addictive a bit
lol, @rlemon Remember this? cssdeck.com/labs/complex-pacman-css
idk that I'll ever get remotely that good with front end tech..
no need, that's what you have me for :D
I try though to be well rounded.
But that kinda stuff is too far for me, I think. I'll stick with my simple jquery animations
master of none, I see ;)
ew please not jQuery anim
eh, i'm dangerous with python. Someday perhaps I'll be a master of django
I was kidding :P
don't get the joke, but ok :)
don't try to be a master of any language, framework, or library. Be good at getting the job done
for sure, I won't hack too much into place that shouldn't be there. I'm not using python to dynamically build my js files which generate style sheets or any of that non-sense
@Wes still not talking to me?
yes, i don't talk to crazy people
what did I do
no more <3 ?
you seriously don't know what you did? lol
no I don't
wtf did I do
you're fucking crazy i don't have the strength to deal with crazy
i bet even zach knows what you did
only a guess
I have no fucking idea that what did I do
brb, gonna pop some popcorn
no drama, just avoiding him for a while till all the rage gets released
I seriously have no idea in what fckin way did I offended him.. he is my bro but I have no idea... all am doing is collecting pokemon since morning
@Mr.Alien lamo
and over that, its fuckin sad to know that all I get is doduo all day
@Mr.Alien, lol
1 message moved to Trash
alright, I think it's time we hug and make up
he won't
how about this, you hug me and I'll hug him?
am sure his a** is burning cuz I defeat him in AOE like almost all the time
not willing to turn 5 again and continue this discussion. just deal with the fact that you are an ass
still, I have no idea whats wrong
but anyways i will wait
actually ass is incorrect, you are just crazy. not your fault i suppose
Why not just apologize?
I won't till he is clear that what I did
I did my best, I also gifted him his fav chicken
again nothing to apologize for, you can't apologize for being mad. you told me i'm a liar because i didn't actually want to play with you, while i was trying my best to fix my crashing Steam asap so that you didn't have to wait. but you didn't give me 30 seconds time to fix the problem that you already started CSGO and told me i was lying. i don't think that's the behavior of a sane person :B
what games do you guys play?
hairy chickens 3: ultimate carnage
nope that's not true. you see, i tell the truth @Mr.Alien -__-
@Wes wow wtf... so you take that seriously when I called u a liar.. claps
i binged on factorio for about 2 weeks a few weeks ago
@Mr.Alien just imagine me struggling to start the game as fast as possible because i didn't want YOU TO WAIT, just to realize you were already playing CSGO giving not even a single fuck of ME
but it's ok, i knew you were mad :B
what game?
Either of you guys play TF2?
i used to play the crap out of that game. had my own server and all
@Wes ok stay angry on that I can't help it, I was just playing casual that time by the time you can start cuz I saw you going offline the moment you used to come online but its k...
@clickhere TF2 has gone to shit since the latest matchmaking update. Nah jk it's just super awkward for now
14 hours ago, by BoltClock
@MadaraUchiha Growing pains. Servers under pressure, game coordinator doesn't work at least half the time, I get matched into the right servers but I don't want to keep getting matched into the same server and same map over and over again. Pyro is literally unplayable because there is a bug that prevents flames from hitting targets near walls (but that's not the worst part - the worst part is that there are people trying to justify the buggy behavior who are serious and not trolling)
@clickhere age of empires 3
@BoltClock, i always had my solid servers that I would hit up. And when there wasn't any good servers with good people I just joined a jump server
@Wes, people still play that? Was their an update?
yes a lot of people play it, and it's still one of the best rts ever made
@Wes you won't find one like me
another one? like one isn't enough in the galaxy?
yea keep finding
Hey guys please have a look on my Android blog hope you like it, harshalbenake.blogspot.com
I need help to improve UI
Can Anyone give me some idea
@Mr.Alien You probably have lots of games you haven't played yet anyway :-P
Like Loktar with his thousands of games he owns but hasn't played X-D
well, for me, I've played them a lot in my college days, didn't had money to buy hence paying off now xD
1 hour later…
how do front end and backend teams worktogether in large companies. seems like it'd be a communicative nightmare
Question: when you have a link that is only supposed to have an onclick event, not an actual href value, every tutorial I have ever seen says to put # in the href
But doesn't that cause the page to scroll to the top unless you have a "return false" in the javascript?
When I was originally learning this stuff, I learned to put "javascript://" in the href. Is that legit, or is it nonsense?
@Hypersapien Use <button type="button"> unless it is linking somewhere
If you really want to use <a> then use Event.preventDefault() when you are handling the click event. See: developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/Event/preventDefault
@Hypersapien that, in essence, it not a real link, better just use a <span> or something else instead
why would you use a span?? span means nothing
Hey I'm working on a simple popup chrome extension
I noticed that the position of the popup bubble changes very slightly when a button is pressed
Any way to fix this?
What my button does is it changes some the elements displayed on the body using jquery and also changes the glyphicon of the button that was just pressed
not sure sorry, never made a chrome extension before
josh, it's literally just like making a webpage, but with the addition of a manifest.json file
if you have a demo I'll have a look at it
looks like I was able to fix it by changing css properties min-width and min-height to simply width and height.
@joshhunt news with transactions? :D
Working on it now. I've decided eloquent is terrible if you want efficient queries.
eloquent is the worst thing in laravel
how is writing that stuff better than writing SQL?
it's just as bad or even worse
not saying that SQL doesn't suck, saying that they are both bad, but that has the advantage of making things slower compared to raw SQL
anyone else getting 500 error on gitlab?.
@Wes its like jquery. Nice if you don't know what you are doing and want to do things quick but long term its a noob trap.
jquery made sense at first, but now browsers are all pretty much leveled...
@Wes does "on duplicate key update" need something to update?
I guess I can just do something like id=id?
yes you can do that
a void update

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