if I use a transaction to do 2 inserts does its have the same performance as doing one insert with 2 rows? Or is it just more secure because it does them at the same time?
A set of 12 houses and building icons coming in four different formats, ready to use in your next housing or rental related project. Freebie: Houses & Buildings Icons (AI, PDF, SVG, PNG) was written by Manuela Langella and published on Codrops.
@TylerH yeah. For some reason I had to nest the element being flipped inside a parent element which has the property: perspective:value. Also perspective can currently only be used in IE10+/Edge without a prefix. I didn't know that.
In CSS to apply multiple transformations to the same element in one rule it must be written like this:
.selector{ transform:translateY( *value* ) scale( *value*) rotateZ(*value*) etc. But how do I add multiple transformations in multiple animations? Example:
@import 'https://necolas.github....