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@ZachSaucier skill baby
I always disliked how he said, "Olpha" for "alpha"
@Zach you there?
it depends on the purpose of your asking
Well, i have a problem with inline-block
Look at the last box scratchpad.io/violent-help-7742
Its not in same line
Any idea how to fix it?
lot's. But I don't feed vamps
@NiKoLaPrO you understand that importing that giant pile of bootstrap's css pushes you over 41 lines of code, right?
anyone here?
ye, bud i did not added bootstrap yet xD
it looks imported to me
I added just font awesome
@NiKoLaPrO are you talking to me
nope :D
@NiKoLaPrO ok i though you were talking to me but thanks
btw, broken age is the worst game ever.
And + you must to buy it xD
what does the second rule mean?
what? don't be a dick?
!!tell Jack urban dick
Its retarded rule xD
@Jack [dick](http://dick.urbanup.com/95030) 1.The male genitals
2.An abrasive man
3.Short-form for "Richard"
that is my bathroom
i think i passed out when i saw it
someone needs to make a kickstarter to ban tim schafer from making another game
@JackSmith please stop posting random photos to the room
i will
It's okay
google it.
@ZachSaucier youtube it
@ZachSaucier bing it
@JackSmith no...
@JackSmith are you trying to be a dick?
@ZachSaucier no whenever people say google it i like to say youtube it they always say google
3 messages moved to Trash
@Zach i cant find that
stupid google xd
user error
is zach having a bad day? :p
I am tired of him coming back day after day
same crap
oh, i guess i am never around when he comes in
carry on then :D
@ZachSaucier :) :) it takes 2
@JackSmith you must be on drugs or something
of course not you thing i am on drugs hell no
i don't know who set you on that path
youre a different variety of weird than what this room is used to seeing
well said
would someone tell me why google maps is not working properly
too broad of a question to answer
i try to move forward than it moves to the side
if you're talking about street view then it's likely because it can only be on streets...
yes on street view
no it is a street but i can not turn in to it it just moves side to side
the cars likely didn't travel down it
ok thanks
who is the smartest guy you? @ZachSaucier
in what terms?
just wondering who knows the most code and languages on here?
On all of StackOverflow?
no just on the chat right now
It'd likely be either cimmanon or I given only a couple people are active
we have different programming fields for the most part
most of the regulars know multiple languages outside of html/css
yeah i know html/css/php/js/jquery and learning java android xml things like that but i am not the smartest on here
jon skeet wins on account of being jon skeet, even though he isnt in this room :p
jquery isn't a language FYI
@ZachSaucier yeah it is a library
and what does FYI mean?
!!tell JackS urban fyi
@JackS FYI For your information
wtf? why is this video not available in my country? i live in the country where it was originally aired, assholes.
@Ricardo Hello
@Ricardo hi
@JackSmith can i ask for a favor? pls
anyone here know spanish?
@Ricardo yes
sorry i don't
do you know something about bootstrap?
or are you good at it rather?
@Ricardo i know a little i have made a site out of it
what is your problem?
oh nice
can i post here my question from stack?
yes go ahead
Q: Bootstrap collapse button not working due to jquery script

RicardoSo i'm working on fullcalendar and integrated it with AdminLTE. I've got my desired output but later on I realized that the bootstrap collapse button is not working or reacting and also the other clickable features. I've tried to check the scripts and figured out that it has something to do w...

so the button (-) when you click that you want it to disappear or slide up or what?
@Ricardo youre probably not getting attention on it because you dont have it tagged properly.
yes exactly
but it isn't reacting when clicked
@Ricardo i added a comment please respond
ok thanks
@JackSmith sorry but how will I show it?
paste it into the question then add 4 spaces in front of all the lines @Ricardo
@JackSmith ok thanks
or you can paste it into here and i will add it
or you can
it does not mater
just need the code
i've already revised my question
sorry if my formatting wasn't proper
ok i see it now
hey try this
wait there is also a script for that one, would like to see it too?
<script src='fullcalendar-2.5.0/lib/jquery.min.js'></script>
paste it on the top
try and see if it works
on the header part?
or head rather
head tag at the top
ok i'll try
yes the buttons works fine when I put it on top but the fullcalendar features was gone
i have one more solution
ok thanks
i am posting it as a answer
@Ricardo posted
look at it
ok thank you
see if it works if it does can you except and upvote?
@Ricardo try the top one first
then if that does not work let me know and try the next one
i'll put the script on top?
go ahead
sorry but it didn't worked
send me the code and tell me exactly what you did
actually it's not only the collapse button that don't work but also some of the clickable features
is it ok if i post it here?
1 message moved to Trash
dont paste code in here like that, make a fiddle
wait i'll edit it
i don't need the all the code just what i gave you and where you put it
ill post it on trash
and did you try the other answer?
remove the jquery code i gave you
and lets contiune in the trash
so i can see the code
and tell you what to do and how to fix
ok i'll try
how about just create a working demo and then someone can post the actual solution when they figure it out
@cimmanon but how am i going to upload the resources?
@Ricardo what resources do you need, exactly?
i edited my answer look at it
it mite work
the first answer the button one
then tell me if it works
take your debugging to another room. all you guys are doing is throwing random guesses around
@Ricardo i created another room go to it chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/97096/…
@JackSmith ok
I need help
Is it possible to make font thinner than "font-weight: 100" ?
@NiKoLaPrO what does the spec say?
its not possible? :D
nvm, i will try to find thin font
3 hours later…
posted on December 06, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

3 hours later…
3 hours later…
someselector someotherselector ~ anotherselector
it wil ltake the siblings of someselector or someselector someotherselector
@crl do you just like to hear yourself talk?
I think we should just ignore each other
I wish I could put brackets in thos css selectors...
css selectors work from left to right, no PEMDAS needed, no brackets needed
your selector says, from left to right, someselector, inside which is a someotherselector, which has a sibling anotherselector
so yes, it'll select the siblings of someotherselector, both of which are direct children of someselector
a simple jsfiddle experiment would have told you this
posted on December 06, 2015 by Pedro Botelho

Stereoscopic CSS * Flexbox Froggy * Metadata markup * Styling Sliders * Waveformer * Intro to CSS calc() Collective #197 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

thanks Stephan, saw that
(div.foo > span.active:last-child) ~ div.bar would be fun? no :)
@SomeGuy You know Matt Smith? How? haha. I know him, he's from Athens. I didn't know anyone knew him outside of Athens/Atlanta. I almost worked with him one summer but he realized that my skill and end goal is a big out of scope of his work :P
are any of our regulars from norway? christian.org.uk/news/…
wow, that's absurd
I love how America has 'taken' some Europe city names :)
@ZachSaucier I don't remember, honestly. I follow anyone I come across online who seems cool. I guess I came across some of his work at some point?
Wow, religion is fucked up.
People are (and some religions)
blanket statements of religion being bad is straight wrong
all religion is a way to exclude others.
Yes and people having their own opinions is wrong too.
You've obviously not studied religion well if you think that :P
how dare they
Zach you dont even know me m8
No, but I know truth
but anyhow that's off topic for the room
I'm a confirmed christian who decided Christianity wasnt for me.
"confirmed", heh :P
Agreed. Religion isn't a good discussion to have... Yes. I have been confirmed in a christian church as well as baptized.
not sure how we went from "government takes away 5 children from their parents for teaching them about their religion" to "religion is fucked up"
>an article about religion
>mentioning something about religion
>not mutually exclusive
kinda glad we didnt entertain the idea of moving to norway seriously
meh I'm out
religion is just some way to do mental relaxation and stretching anyway.. :p
If you'd like to continue discussion please move to other chatrooms :) I'd be happy to continue somewhere else
agreed. also cool cool. Id rather not it gets a bit intense. How has everyone been? I had leave for a week. Dreading work tomorrow
@MethodMan what'd you do with your leave?
I've been doing work on final projects for school and will continue to for the next week...
sup all! XD
Went down to Cape Town, like Kitler & Katler are doing next week. Man, Cape Town is really chilled. I miss it already :/
Ohh that sounds quite intense. So late into the year?
When do you have holidays?
@Osmond Hi :D
@Osmond yeah hes an oldfag apparently
an older user... Sorry this isnt 4chan
@MethodMan My last final is the 16th. It's late into the semester, yes
Does anyone know if Vinay Singh is someone in here?
oldfag is not an insult :P
Hmmm unfortunately not...
@MethodMan I know. :P
it sounds familiar...
@ZachSaucier it?
Anyone coding stuffs? I'm doing my 8th theme. :3
the name
@ZachSaucier Singh is Indian name, right?
s/e na/e ga/
"Vinay Singh is an Indian footballer who plays as a Goalkeeper for Mohun Bagan"
according to wiki
@crl /b/ for life
Not asking Caprica? :P
I did some googling myself :P
that's got some serious load time
really? :o
eye-osmondstudio.blogspot.com/2015/02/… lol I think you have some styling off
FYI on your about it should be "I love semicolons and resizing browser windows"
@ZachSaucier it's not done yet lel
also thanks, my english sucks xd
@Osmond where you from? :) It looks pretty cool.
@MethodMan thnx, I'm from Indonesia
I hate Facebook or I'm doing something wrong. To get a Page Access Token I have to use my personal account to generate it, well if I disable the application platform for my personal account the token is invalidated. How do I generate a token for a client's website without using my own account? FB sucks, ugh.
I don't see why they need to link a personal account to a page access token. Anything happens to that account like say the person leaves or deletes their account then any app relying on it breaks.
the only good thing I know from FB is react
their OAuth2 thing right? hmm yes
had to create a fake account and use my mom's cell to register it.
This is an old question from 2013, but wondering if anything has changed since then
Q: Does the Facebook API allow for automated changes to old post visibility?

BaumrIn other words, is there an API that would allow a Facebook user to change their posts (through a 3rd party app), which are older than a specified date, from being visible to the list "Friends" to another one such as "Only Me" or "Close Friends"? People are increasingly adding their profession...

What's the best place to bump this?
JS room? C#?
dont go posting it in random rooms. post a bounty
@cimmanon Good idea, I only posted here tho
@cimmanon Only problem is: answer will probably be as long as "no" -- so a waste of a bounty
posting it in random rooms is only going to piss people off
tbh, other things piss me off, but not in a good mood probably..
@crl The lack of that functionality in FB pisses me off
Has been pissing me off since like 2007
Can't leave FB though
FB will lead to me quitting webdev.
I knew this was the right place to post it :D
@Baumr how is that a waste of bounty if that's the correct answer?
do you want to know the right answer or do you just want to hear what you want to hear? If the latter: I've got bad news for you
so get this, changing your password will invalidate any tokens you've made with that account to say connect website to FB API. How do companies connect their sites? Do they have some trusted person make a token for the web team to use and tell them to never change their pass without telling the web team first?
hello guys, I am building a website using jquery mobile. when i navigate to page i get url like example.com#newpage
how can i make it get a link like example.com/newpage instead
one upon a time, we had this novel concept of having different documents for each page...
pretty sure you need to have your webserver setup to do this (redirect all of your urls to a specific page)
@cimmanon, so there is no jquery mobile built in way to accomplish it?
not with jquery mobile all by itself, no
@ShubhamNishad I don't know how angular does, but you can do that with it
they probably intercept the page change and interrupt it
@ShubhamNishad history push API I'm stupid spoiledmilk.com/blog/…
@crl, i know about that. I have used it while I was making a messaging feature of my social networking website
a feature like facebook message box where I get information from database using ajax and update the url
but it's kinda strange that jquery mobile forgot to give a simple way to use it
output.jsbin.com/fuzeyo made that thing using it
it takes a few lines, you can do it yourself
@cli, yeah thanks :)
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” #nostalgia https://t.co/tQzY4SdDhq
Q: Stack Exchange Chat Status - adding Hangouts-style avatars to chat

Nathan Osman About Stack Exchange chat is awesome. But there are a couple of missing features that would complete the experience: Showing how far each user has read Indicating when a user is typing This script aims to solve both of those problems. Screenshot Download / Install Instructions for ...

I hate the user is typing thing :)
that's like "user is masturbing"
will this effect lurking?
@crypticツ affect*
This gets me every time :D
I'm stuck on advent day 4 is there a way to do it without using brute force?
@joshhunt just loop it until it finds the right hash

import sys
import hashlib

baseKey = "ckczppom"
charSpan = 5
leadingZeros = "00000"
i = 0

while True:
	i += 1
	stringMD = baseKey + str(i)
	md5 = hashlib.md5(stringMD).hexdigest();
	if md5[:charSpan] == leadingZeros:
		print "MATCH!"
		print md5
		print i
I've just been using jsfiddle up until now, its solving it now but not sure if it can handle it
you can do the part 1 in javascript
part 1?
you just need to grab an md5 implementation from net
there are 2 parts
first is to find 5 leading zeros
second is to find 6 leading zeros
second part will hang in browser if you use javascript
i tried
then I went python
lol, yeah first part is already hanging my js
should have done that from begining
2 days ago, by easwee
<!DOCTYPE html>
function md5cycle(x, k) {
var a = x[0], b = x[1], c = x[2], d = x[3];

a = ff(a, b, c, d, k[0], 7, -680876936);
d = ff(d, a, b, c, k[1], 12, -389564586);
c = ff(c, d, a, b, k[2], 17,  606105819);
b = ff(b, c, d, a, k[3], 22, -1044525330);
a = ff(a, b, c, d, k[4], 7, -176418897);
d = ff(d, a, b, c, k[5], 12,  1200080426);
c = ff(c, d, a, b, k[6], 17, -1473231341);
b = ff(b, c, d, a, k[7], 22, -45705983);
a = ff(a, b, c, d, k[8], 7,  1770035416);
this is js version
messy code - but didn't want to link any files :P
the loop part is at the bottom
js should find in about 3minutes
python does it in 3sec :P
yesterday sucked
i'm really bad at regex and had no idea how to do second part
had to ask
btw at the bottom change the leading zeros back to 5 in that javascript i linked
@crl "true"
right finished that, day 5 now
While studying media queries I saw this combination of the different rules..
@media screen and (max-width: 995px) , screen and (max-height: 700px) {

Is it not a bit redundant?
why? width != height
jokes im blind

its this answer
@crl check the compiled versions to see why you don't wanna actually do that :-P
hehe yes, kinda recursive
the screen is repeated twice ... why not separete the max-width and max-heigh by a comma
because the syntax is like that, there may be a good reason
looks poor..:)
@whatever its because of ie8
!!mdn media queries
but its more like that parable about the mother who cuts the ends of the roast off because that's what her mother did. "she must have done it for a good reason". the reason being "so the roast will fit into the pot"
@cimmanon Hi!!! So what is the case in terms of media query.. as we know about the roast now..
trying to find an article here on it
okay.. I have the mdn document open before me .. but its 1:39 am and I wanted a quick answer.. :)
thanks cimmanon
:) okay got it somehow.. but mostly drowsy so will talk about it more tomorrow @cimmanon

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