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also never heard of MD5
for shizzle?
from the photo looks shit, but reading
yeah pic doesn't look nice
microwave? wtf
italian stallion rage mode engaged.
and they even wrote a recipe?
yeah, i dont know why this stupid blender felt the need to include a recipe book that contained anything other than recipes for dips or frozen drinks
at least it's not honey booboo's idea of spaghetti :p
i don't know whats that
i imagine it uses ketchup
sec, looking. youre going to love it
yummly.com << for your recipe needs
oh christ
butter and ketchup
actually, i dont think thats even butter. its probably margerine.
how possibly can that be good? the girl seems to like it... clearly she must have no tastebuds
you did see the part where they talk about eating roadkill, right?
dear god
I ate a dish once called roadkill
@Abe tis white trash
it was a hamburger with sauteed onions and mushrooms on top
@Neil ewww mushrooms
mmmm mushrooms <3
@bluefeet you don't know what you're missing then man
pstt wo
@Neil eating fungus, I'll pass
I take it you don't like cheese either
mold and fungus make the world a better place !

import sys
import hashlib

baseKey = "ckczppom"
charSpan = 6
compareString = "000000"
i = 0

while True:
	i += 1
	stringMD = baseKey + str(i)
	md5 = hashlib.md5(stringMD).hexdigest();
	if md5[:charSpan] == compareString:
		print "MATCH!"
		print md5
		print i
look at you all pythony
@ZachSaucier ^
solution to todays challenge
@Kitler I used all my python knowledge
y u no js?
i tried
too slow
part 1 was fine
since you had to match 5 zero leading md5
part 2 was "now do it with six zeros"
and javacript just hanged the browser
<!DOCTYPE html>
function md5cycle(x, k) {
var a = x[0], b = x[1], c = x[2], d = x[3];

a = ff(a, b, c, d, k[0], 7, -680876936);
d = ff(d, a, b, c, k[1], 12, -389564586);
c = ff(c, d, a, b, k[2], 17,  606105819);
b = ff(b, c, d, a, k[3], 22, -1044525330);
a = ff(a, b, c, d, k[4], 7, -176418897);
d = ff(d, a, b, c, k[5], 12,  1200080426);
c = ff(c, d, a, b, k[6], 17, -1473231341);
b = ff(b, c, d, a, k[7], 22, -45705983);
a = ff(a, b, c, d, k[8], 7,  1770035416);
Haven't even done day 1 yet :P
that's js implementation
damn that's ugly
I stole the md5 algoritm from net
damn stupid code formatter
@Kitler I wonder if there is a correlation between liking mushrooms and liking cheese
there probably is, if for no other reason than the fact that people who like foods tend to like all foods, and the opposite being true as well
Can't understand how people dislike mushrooms, tomatoes and such
i dont like mushrooms, i find the texture to be disgusting.
I wish there was a way to be able to "taste" what they taste
@cimmanon portobello ones?
or the crapy canned ones
canned ones are the worst, those are like eating rubber
ive had fresh ones, whatever they normally sell in the produce isle
canned ones are garbage
i dont think those are it? they were white on the cap
those have the skin on em, you peel it off and it's white under it
you peel off the skin?
that is where the flavour is at
well yeah if you're cooking it
just give em a quick wash and be done with it
never tried em with the skin
I love mushrooms, raw / cooked, doens't matter
I ll give it a go next time
@easwee I'm tempted to stay up late one night to try and solve it first to be at the top of the leaderboard for a day :P
@ZachSaucier it's not hard - basically you need to concatenate intigers to the string you've got (looping it) and then encrypt that string into a md5 hash and compare if that hash starts with 5 zeros
I know, I got today's already
ah you mean yesterday
for the message I sent earlier, yes
yeah that one was way harder
I had more trouble with today's
was just a pain to write python
Yesterday's just took a little thinking
what approach did you use?
just use -
nah would make it sorta kinda valid
it's chat
annnd op deleted the question ::P
does anyone know of a good place to get free certificates (for websites) from?
i think name.com offers them
ah nop 10$/year
I d pay tbh
dont have an income, though, and the site in question isnt making a dime
got a login?
the site? yeah
poop :/
guys, should i use getuikit.com ?
Got none in mind but letsencrypt.org looks legit for the duration of the beta
@Kitler yeah, we were looking at that but it seems like they expect you to run their shit as root
admin says "i am not fucking doing that, thats retarded"
@cimmanon as he should
That Javascript room sure is hyper.
hyper what?
I dunno man. You try to ask a genuine question and just get berated.
Bunch of other off topic stuff.
Kinda useless as a JS topic room.
@Plummer Nobody responded to your question, because you didn't make a question
It's not just today
you didn't get berated, you just got ignored
in JavaScript , 8 mins ago, by Plummer
I was trying to call an NG factory like so: theElement.doTheThing(); Ended up having to do factoryname.doTheThing(theElement);
not much of a question
@Plummer yea too many off-topics, hate tahat too
don't get me wrong, I don't mean to belittle you, but if you want an answer in the future, you need to be very clear with your question
otherwise people tend to ignore it
Appreciate the critique. This one instance isn't really my point.
that's why I'm here rather, people are more serious
It just always seems to be like that
We are serious
Oh, that recent drama meta thread got closed again, and re-opened once more...
link plz
I wonder how long that'll continue o.O
Bartek is a bit an ...
I know right
he's a complete poopyface
Kitler, I'd advice against that.
there fixed it to be compatible to SO standards
@Cerbrus seems strange that its been opened twice by mods
@Shog9: What's the benefit of re-opening this, as opposed to leaving it closed (But not deleted)? Does this question need a new answer? — Cerbrus yesterday
No response.
in his mind, closed questions are on death row
so i guess he wants to keep it around for something?
Closed questions are just... closed
It's not like that thread is of any value to the site
i dont have a strong opinion either way. at least it is about something relevant to the community (unlike certain other topics cough)
@cimmanon unlike C++
Shots fired. In this case, cannonballs
or maybe i just enjoy watching trainwrecks :p
We're probably what you call "Ramptoeristen" in the Netherlands :P
Literally translated: "disaster tourists"
@Cerbrus I agree with servy on this one
@Cerbrus You don't close meta questions just because you don't agree with them, don't like what they're proposing, etc. The question is on topic, and the discussions, while heated, have been largely constructive. If you don't like what the OP is proposing then vote/answer accordingly. There's no reason for the question to be closed though. Questions also don't get closed just because you like the existing answers, there's no, "the existing answers are good enough" close reason, and for good reason. — Servy yesterday
(although frankly I am getting sick of his "just because you don't like it" mantra)
@BoltClock: Did you read my reply to that?
@Cerbrus I only just did, lol sorry
I gotta read everything
My problem with Servy's comments is: 1: He assumes I close-voted it for personal reasons, and 2: He's commenting as if his opinion is fact. (Which he often appears to do)
Honestly, I'm not in the mood to assess how much of a witch hunt the post is
My problem with the issue is that it's still ongoing x.x
Anyhoe it's friday
Y u still in chat
@BoltClock On a witch hunt scale of 1-10, it probably scores somewhere over 9000
@Kitler why are you? :P
I m still at work
Had visa stuff to take care off
so came in at 2pm
also failing tests
that should be fixed now x.x
waiting on the test suite to finish up
@cimmanon did you find the free ssl?
@Kitler i got distracted. i think my husband is hoping i will forget about it
where are you hosting your site btw
i dont even know. all i know is that it is a virtual machine
@cimmanon What does he do?
@BoltClock my husband? he administrates my webserver :p
You aren't actively looking for a job right?
i wouldnt say actively, no.
though almost none of them are haskell :P
let me guess, they are all "we like people who know functional programming like haskell, but youre going to actually use ruby on rails"
hahahah yes
just read em :P
i report the ones that use the haskell tag but dont actually write code in haskell :p
I still think you should bite the bullet and up your js-fu
no way. once you get used to a language that offers type safety, you cant go back
Use typescript
loads of jobs out there
writing javascript is the worst thing i can imagine. i would rather write php
give emberjs.com a look
for real
conventions all over the place
None of that angular scope crap
and lovely ci tools
and what if my dream is to not write javascript?
but but js is life
(also run by The Onion, in case that wasn't clear)
hahahhaha I v seen that one before :P
@BoltClock sadly, i dont find that shocking at all
"yep, i bet someone somewhere is doing exactly that"
@cimmanon If you're shocked by an Onion article, you're doing it wrong
(or you're the reason why they exist :p)
did you hear about the i think it was a cop maybe? he didnt realize the onion was satire and thought some article about how terrorists were shifting their focus to telemarketing
he was all like "we gotta stop this! this is terrible" in some newspaper interview
i just think its sad that things are so fucked up, you cant even tell the difference between news and satire
@Kitler is this yours?
nein senior
whoa bluefoots was in the room
oh shit
you've done it tyler
Don't worry there's popcorn for everyone
hide yo kids
@BoltClock This guy (Yem Salat) is really upset bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1209061
who linked that 2002 chrome bug that had !important in the stylesheet?
@TylerH seems fairly calm to me
@Kitler me
but it was 2010
did it get fixed?
well, it's in the works
next stable version of chrome I think
@BoltClock oh, the worst one is on a different bug
hmm, I can't find it
but if you look at his activity, he's basically reported the same bug four times
because he really disagrees with Firefox' implementation
even though it's to the spec
TIL can't put comments in between chaining things
oh hey, theres a new south park episode this week
@TylerH aren't you supposed to be at work?
@ZachSaucier I don't work on Fridays
anyway gotta run
@crl any way to interact with the dom of an open bcowser window via terminal? (source)
oh shit forgot it only works on room 17
The perfect domain
hmmm indeed
Kitler has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
I removed commit strip, if anyone wants it back go ahead and add it
I like it better than explosm
Hey all
transparent background profile images always tempt me to use one because I like them
I have one problem with my parallax page
works fine on mozilla but background is bugged on chrome
fyi your layout fails on small screens
Know how to fix it?
why do you need it in the first place?
what does it add?
I just want to get same effect like on mozilla
@ZachSaucier I am very angry right now :P
@NiKoLaPrO That doesn't seem like a good reason to me
@BoltClock Por qué?
@ZachSaucier "parallax"
Well, i want to keep parallax effect but many people use chrome and i dont want to let them to see page like this D:
That's not answering the question I asked
What does the "parallax" effect you have add to the user's experience?
Well, everyone loves parallax
That is old verson of the page, i added UIkit now
@NiKoLaPrO I don't
I know many people that don't care for it
I don't too, but my colleague at work does
You are special guy then :P
you've still failed to answer my question :P
Hey ctrl :D
it adds confusion
@NiKoLaPrO parallax is the worst
Hi Nikola
it should be discreet, unless you build a whole demo app on that concept, I've seen some surprisingly nice ones
we hungry
it is distracting, often buggy, and only 'wows' people the first time. Then they get annoyed with it
like animated gifs
well, im using simple scripts
with jQuery
@crl 1 in 100 sadly.
it has to be crazy subtle
wow.js is awesome thing
but how to repeat animation infinite?
@NiKoLaPrO adequately named with its quality similar to doge
when scroll 2 times
I saw better script but i cant remmember the name..
!!doge js
many js
!!doge js, parallax, pop, zazz
every other week I get a freelance project with some new and revolutionary parallax effect
such js
                  many  parallax
                            much  pop
very  zazz
they always link back to some site they saw x.x
Now i want to create one page withouth parallax, i want to create it with UIkit but UIkit changed body background
weird ass chrome effect going on today, whenever I open a new tab it starts off zoomed
chrome became a shit
it remembers the last zoom applied for a domain.com, ah new tabs, weird..
How to resize image in CSS (not withouth <img>) ?
(withouth <img>)*
with background-size: 100px 100px; ?
what are you saying
I want to resize image with css
withouth using <img>
what have you tried?
what resources have you looked at?
Q: Resize image proportionally with CSS?

codingbearIs there a way to resize (scale down) images proportionally using ONLY CSS? I'm doing the JavaScript way, but just trying to see if this is possible with CSS.

but i dont want to crop my pic
just to resize
what didn't work using those approaches?
I did that once with transforms
but i forgot..
look, we're not google. You can find the solutions to the problems you have elsewhere. If you have a clear, specific question dealing with help with implementation and can show you've invested time trying to research and solve it we may help you
otherwise you'll likely be added to our ignore lists if not straight kicked from the room for spamming
nvm then
Problem is that i dont want to use <img>
I want to change width and height of "background: url();"
And i dont want to crop it
Hello!!! I just learnt about the css grid and I checked the browser support and it was so limited.. so my question will be should I use grids or not??
I think that is awesome way to se position
You can make 3 columns or something like that
I will see now
but the browser support is terrible
ye, i know
only IE and Edge
if I use grid what will be about the cross browser support??
I never used grid before
I used it once i think
But i use only mozilla..
@whatever what type of site?
meaning are people actually going to use it or not?
@ZachSaucier No I am just studying...
in that case yes, use it
Zach, one question
@NiKoLaPrO this is the float example.. I am talking about the css grid property or something like that..
I think its not a perperty at all..
Text allways hides behing fixed menu, i tried to use "margin-top" and it works but is there a better way or something?
probably not - padding on the parent would be the same
Should i use UIkit?
those are the types of questions that none of us will ever answer
nvm, i will use it
sticky is awesome :D
And its better than bootstrap i think
@ZachSaucier you asked me what type of site and are people going to use it?? so what is with people using it or not...
it will be for the users to use or whats the meaning ..
@whatever If it's for the purpose of your learning and not something that goes into production for business then sure, use CSS grids. Otherwise the support isn't good enough to use without good fallbacks
okay... that was the original question of mine..
@ZachSaucier I tried to find a way how to resize it withouth <img> but i just cant find it, here is what i tried scratchpad.io/sweet-earth-6824
which you now answered.. @ZachSaucier
!!tell Nik mdn background css
i know, but allways crop it autommaticly
see the doc..
ty :)
I've lost hope on him @crl
is anyone familiar with a software that does a Pandora type of playlist based of similarly sounding music solely using a person's local library?

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