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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

what does "it" refer to?
Is this syntax combining two selectors(.key & p.key) and making a more specific selector? as mentioned above?
Q: What do commas and spaces in multiple classes mean in CSS?

RomanHere is an example that I do not understand: .container_12 .grid_6, .container_16 .grid_8 { width: 460px; } It seems to me that width: 460px is applied to all above mentioned classes. But why some classes are separated by a comma (,), and some just by a space? I assume that width: 460px w...

you seriously need to do a better job of googling this shit.
"css selector comma"
MDN says: You can also combine selectors, making a more specific selector. Not sure what does that mean from syntax aspect?
what part of that sentence from MDN, specifically, do you not understand?
<div class="foo">

div.foo <-- more specific by combining element selector and class selector
@overexchange google.ca/…
Because you seem to be at least conversationally fluent in English, but you ask these basic comprehension questions that makes me doubt it, so I just wanna know exactly where you stand
And I mean that in a sincere way
@cimmanon yes I had been thru that reference, MDN talks about those selectors under based on relationships, in the same page article
@TylerH where do I not understand? I do not understand, when MDN gives an example for this specific selector saying: For example, the selector .key selects all elements that have the class name key. The selector p.key selects only <p> elements that have the class name key.. I would have understand this example with corresponding syntax given for that example.
@overexchange so you know how JSFiddle works?
you can edit code live, save it, update, etc.?
okay, so open this fiddle jsfiddle.net/608oy5wx
and I want you to change only the paragraph's text color to blue
then save it and show me
jsfiddle.net/608oy5wx/1 this is working
now do it without changing the markup at all
oh combining selector, you mean tag selector p and class selector key combined as p.key
@overexchange yep, so now that you've used p.key successfully, what's your question?
ok, so p.key is that specific selector after combining tag and class selector. This is the answer for my question above.
Yep, and you were able to figure it out without any of us telling you
because JSFiddle is awesome and lets you test things
But your point: now do it without changing the markup at all had made me do the code change
@overexchange code markdown should only be used for code
24 mins ago, by rlemon
<div class="foo">

div.foo <-- more specific by combining element selector and class selector
Can't paragraph text be blue here? because If the stylesheet has conflicting rules and they are equally specific, then CSS gives priority to the rule that is later in the stylesheet.
you duplicated the class attribute
the latter instances of it are ignored
combine classes in the "class" attribute with spaces
<div class="foo bar">
you guys realize he is a help vampire, right?
he does this in JS as well
@rlemon sorry didn't mean to ignore you bb <3
asks mundane questions about core implementations
I think he's just got a poor way of going about learning it, but meh. who am I to tell someone how to learn.
YEAH YOURE NOT A TEACHER we should leave teaching to the states
we don't have states
wait wrong room
@rlemon I did see a cool image the other day about Canada
was it of snow?
about how something like 97% of Canadians live below this red line and it was basically just like the bottom 20 miles of Canada near the great lakes
HUGE space, not many people
ofc we congregate near the nicer places
as our population grows the less habitable places are being moved into
I can't find your line image
but this shows the same trend
I can't find it either, but here's a similar one www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2006/as-sa/97-550/…
@overexchange This article might explain some things about CSS for you: webcache.googleusercontent.com/…
ignore the terrible comma splices throughout the article
youre just encouraging him to come back >.>
you're free to ignore him
Is it a bad practice to put a loop inside of a <li> ?
that doesn't make sense
something like this:
<li class="<%= @fax.status %>">
      <%= @fax.status.titleize if [email protected]? %>
      <% if @fax.fax_histories.present? %>
          <% @fax_histories.each do |fax_history| %>
            <div class="mtop06"></div>
            <%= fax_history.status.titleize unless fax_history.status.blank? %>
          <% end %>
      <% end %>
ohh you mean ejs
thats erb
erb, same diff
are these really list *items*
is ul/li the right construct to begin with ??
is life even real ???
or is it fantasy
im pretty sure it should be a table
I won't get caught in a landslide
not this time
@JoelL is it tabular data?
what are you displaying
@JoelL probably, but it depends a lot on the data.
Yeah im pretty sure it should be in a table
almost sounds like a good use for <article>
Havent used <article>
Going to look into it. Thanks
html5 for teh win
why does everyone think em is equivalent to the width of the letter E? i cant find anything in the css spec that indicates that is the case
looks like they are just wrong
it is was 'M'
adobe links keep changing
> The name "em" was originally a reference to the width of the capital "M" in the typeface and size being used, which was often the same as the point size.[2]
An em is a unit in the field of typography, equal to the currently specified point size. For example, one em in a 16-point typeface is 16 points. Therefore, this unit is the same for all typefaces at a given point size. Typographic measurements using this unit are frequently expressed in decimal notation (e.g., 0.7 em) or as fractions of 100 or 1000 (e.g. 70/100 em or 700/1000 em). The name "em" was originally a reference to the width of the capital "M" in the typeface and size being used, which was often the same as the point size. == History == In metal type, the point size (and hence the em...
fine, M :p
@cimmanon it is m
@rlemon ^ 100 fucking points sir
@Kitler you have a new profile pic ^
@TylerH I already made it my whatsapp profile pic :D
identity theft
you're such a pistorius
that was low bro :P
and highly culturally relevant
1 hour later…
anyone knows how to remove the black bars from youtube iframe?
what black bars? the ones if you have it at a different aspect ratio?
Isn't there something like background-size: cover ?
@Maurize so you want to cut off the top & bottom of the video?
@cimmanon My laptop is 16:9 - Let me send you screens.
this is before video start
and this after:
ok, thats different. i dont have an answer for you, though.
step by step...
Bonjour, Je suis Richard
is my bad attempt at humour having read the rules
@Maurize that's definitely not part of the video? Maybe that is the max height / width of the video so it doesn't distort it? not sure...
No it is a known problem with aspect ratio through the iframe. There is no good (yes, I say good) solution out there. So convert it to mp4, optimize it and use the video tag.
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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