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Anyone around to give feedback on a slide deck I made for an intro to web dev?
@ZachSaucier (just in case you didn't see my message)
who's the audience? People with 0 knowledge of html/css?
and it's meant to go fast
ah, good one :)
and maybe <!doctype html>?
ehhhh, I don't think that one is quite necessary for this
that's be in like a level 2 to me
do you have some way to indicate what is what when looking at the code? For example which bit is a selector: slides.com/zachsaucier/cc2#/1/1
I'll explain each bullet (including selectors - see other slides)
It'll flow better when I'm actually presenting
do you have some way to say this bit of code the is the selector? e.g. like will you be able to point to it or have a laser pointer or something?
cool, just checking
looks good me
will you also be explaining the theory behind html / css? As in why have css separate and things like that?
Yes, I touch on it with the separation of markup and styling
sounds good
@Abe I thought British people are supposed to be proper
they also published the photos. public humiliation. daily mail is fantastic LOL
usually when this kind of things happens here there is just news no names and everything gets forgotten after few days. this is much better xD
in fact this is the same news in italian ansa.it/lazio/notizie/2015/09/27/… just a random text, no names, no photos
How do I do this on HTML using CSS?
@roadtocode what have you tried?
<img src="https://image.freepik.com/free-vector/successful-business-infographic_23-21‌​47507883.jpg" /> is the easiest way
Inside the "startups" box I want to have that
I don't think I've ever see a more "do my work for me" request in my life
What if I want to animate it using svg?
loll no worries I'm not necessarily asking for a quick fix solution
I'm trying to figure out what's the best way forward
maybe a hint
hint is use SVG for the lines and rocket
hmm okay
@Loktar my mind already built a wall over ftwd. i can't watch it without getting bored in 0.2ms i mean wtf 1 episode left and nothing happened yet :|
posted on September 29, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Overflow hidden doesn't work on firefox?
@ivinraj I have problems with css on firefox as well. If im trying to achieve line-clamping
Is there anyone out there who has an idea why are overflow: ellipsis jumping around when collapsing a panel. jsfiddle.net/kristjanrei/Wc4xt/3014 This seems to only occur on the newest version of chrome
Also providing stack question. stackoverflow.com/questions/32823545/…
@ivinraj sry don't mind me. overflow hidden does work.
Who let Ubisoft program Florida? http://t.co/gn6wq7UmPx
@Mr.Alien ^
ok sir @kristjanreinhold
3 hours later…
@Loktar happy bday buddy!!
1 hour later…
chat is dead :(
Not anymore!
@StephanMuller What are you up to?
watching the game, having a bud
Living the life
I'm working on a presentation for college
any one have any experience with browserify or any modular libraries ?

I am reading overflow from Mozilla Developer Network, can anybody explain what does this mean: Using the overflow property with a value different to visible (its default) will create a new block formatting context. This is technically necessary — if a float intersected with the scrolling element it would forcibly rewrap the content.
@edwardtorvalds do you at least understand the last part of that regarding floats?
thats the part I am confuse in
@cimmanon I understand how to fix floated elements layout, but i didnt understand this part: This is technically necessary — if a float intersected with the scrolling element it would forcibly rewrap the content.
here, this one has better diagrams: css-tricks.com/all-about-floats
see "Problems with Floats"
it is just that statement is too technical for me
@Mr.Alien still alive here?
Yeah he is @PraxisAshelin
@SomeGuy Watcha presenting?
@Sippy A simplified version of the shunting-yard algorithm
Basically something that converts "a+b" to "ab+" (Reverse Polish Notation)
I'm excited
It'll be the first time I'll be live-coding for an audience
Sounds fun ^_^
The only problem is that the class is like 80 people, and we don't have a mic
I'm not so sure I'll be able to yell explanations for code
@SomeGuy I feel your pain
been sleeping at 4AM to 9AM lately, last night I went to bed at like 12:30AM instead
was great, but I woke up at like 5:30AM and had trouble going back to sleep -_-
Haha, how'd you mess your sleep cycle up so bad?
Hey guys, can I get some CVs on meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/307039/formatting-sandbox ? OP literally copy-pasted the meta SE sandbox over to meta SO, so users don't have to register on meta SE...
was drinking with some friends and was at a gas station later on getting more drinks and they "urged" me to get a 24 oz red bull
That alone is enough reason to CV as dupe...
Hah, and now someone upvoted all comments on there except mine
@TylerH Haha, that sucks
so I drank it and was up until like 6:30AM that morning
I remember my vacations
I'd go to bed at 7-8am
Those were some good days
i still do this sometimes -.-
I don't mind staying up late (I prefer it) but I have to get up for work which sucks and it's not a healthy cycle to be in
plus it's like half as much sleep each night as I should be getting
Yeah, I have to get up for college now
I wake up early enough to get in an hour of work before I have to leave for college now
@GNi33 Give me a week's worth of holiday, and I'll slip right back into that schedule
I fall into that scheme almost immediatly at times
I used to on the weekends earlier
Weekend? Girl's not here? Don't want to go out? I'll find something to do all night, definitely
Now I try really hard to not fuck it up so that Mondays aren't as painful
@GNi33 @Kitler's mom?
getting up early is great. I'm just not a morning person at all
@Loktar congrats on making it another year! :D
@SomeGuy :)
I don't think I am either, but I manage alright
Just need to make sure I don't sleep too little / too much
I just have to make sure to go to bed early enough, then it works out
that's apparently not an easy thing to do for me though
Yeah, I do that by making sure I wake up early enough
By the end of the day, I'm almost always tired enough to sleep when I'm supposed to
that just doesn't work for me :D
Q: Looking for tv series title about space ship hidden on earth

Akar_ZaephyrI've seen this show as a kid, and sadly - was not able to find any info using Google. Back at the time it was aired in Poland, its title was translated as "Andromeda" (or "Andromeda" was part of the title), but as with any early-90s title translations, it had nothing to do with its English counte...

I wonder what percentage of questions like these on SciFi.SE the answerers just know from experience/their past, and what percentage they just look up
because there are some pretty esoteric ones that have been asked
@Cerbrus already cv'd
but the OP and all the defendants are SOCVR regulars so they will likely easily reopen it
interesting how this: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/274881/… actually was created in the form of First Posts Review Queue
@NullPoiиteя @ZachSaucier thanks guys
@Abe yea idk last EP wasn't too bad
Thanks, @TylerH.
And thanks for the upvote on that site-breaking issue's bug report. ;-)
yeah really amateurish of them
they might as well have written the site in php
i know right
I'm curious why you typed &lt; instead of just using the key for it
There should be a capital punishment on writing a flaw like that into your code.
in your post
Then it filters out the whole <x>
As it's invalid HTML
SO should support escaping with \
another killer bug
That wouldn't be valid HTML
Well, it would
But it would be an invalid interpretation of HTML
well it shouldn't be interpreted as HTML anyway
it should be interpreted as plain text
But then you'd have to whitelist specific tags
Which can get messy
Oh, it got a downvote
I don't care if they have to sacrifice their children
it should just work that way
yessss Agents of Shield returns tonight
@Cerbrus The 100 rep association bonus don't seem to count towards the 10 rep required in order to answer protected questions, so I'm unable to add my own answer, and instead have to hijack other people's posts. — Siguza 6 mins ago
They're seriously arguing that 10 rep is reason enough to keep the exact duplicate.
@Cerbrus that's not true
rep is rep
if you have 100 rep, you get access to all the 100> rep features, regardless of how you got it
Also that
I should've thought of that.
I wonder what is at play there
I don't doubt his experience, but it definitely shouldn't be that way
The Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl all start up in October too
\o/ can't wait!
I am experiencing a bug where a slider plugin (bxslider) is removing the translate3d inline style only when one slide is animated in - the slider is used a lot across the site with exactly the same implementation (back end produces same markup every time). But this one instance has the bug and none of the others do.. Any ideas? We (3 front-enders) are all stumped atm. Buggy instance is here (click second slide)
@TylerH thats not entirely true. sometimes questions get a "you must have earned at least 100 points on this network" protection
@cimmanon I've never heard of that or seen it before
have you ever clicked on the questions under the "Hot Network Questions"? those questions often get it
hm, maybe its not 100 points, but you have to have earned a certain amount of points on that network
the trusted bonus doesnt work there
yes I click on those all the time, but I've never noticed any such protection
so much for "trusted"
you can still use the trusted bonus to upvote/comment/etc
hm, seems like it's just the normal protection: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/52764/… but it's not mentioned in the actual protection dialogue attached to questions
@Billy That's too much of an ambiguous, instance-specific debugging request for the room. If you'd like to hire me for debugging I am available on CodeMentor
Q: Make Facebook comment box responsible?

chenghuayangI tried to make a Facebook comment box below Wordpress post. But it seemed to fail to be responsible. A temp demo for it According to this previous question, I have to assign width: 100% to some divs. But in fact, I can't make style on divs inside an <iframe>. (So failed) Any solution with thi...

how is position:fixed handled by mobiles today . Is it safe to use again?
Asking Facebook to be responsible is a big ask
@ZachSaucier Well, that's all the info I have - that's why we're all so stumped. If there were any obvious leads -I think we would have twigged onto them by now
like I said, we can't help unless we check out the environment itself and play around a bit
Feel free, you have as much access as I do (at the moment)
Feel free to do my homework too
I'd be glad to help if I can
What's funny? That's the core ethos of this site, isn't it?
Alright, write a report analyzing some literary technique of "The Plague of Doves"
I don't think I'd be of much help in that area
The writer users multiple narrative voices which just serves to confuse the reader
The issue isn't the request for help, it is that the problem is not able to be solved without a lot of debugging, so you are essentially requesting free work
And if someone wants to do that, then they are welcome to, if not, that's fine. I didn't even ask for that, I asked if anyone had "any ideas".
why would someone post a question and then immediately remove the first two
@BoltClock why does anyone do anything? :p
A: paragraph's text does not render below floated image but paragraph itself does

dSumner.1289Put a clear:both; on the paragraph if you want to keep using a float. Float isn't the best solution here though.

@BoltClock trying to get css-float to appear first?
I know I tried that when I was new, trying to manually reorder tags before I realized you couldn't
@TylerH "soon" you can :)
Does anyone in here work with HTML POST ?
I suppose you can to some extent with flexbox currently
Your question is stupid from what I understand. word wrap will not work if div will not have width specified where it should so, there's no use for it. — Maciej Paprocki 41 secs ago
@BoltClock potential title rename: "How does CSS float work?"
@ZachSaucier is that an upcoming feature?
I'm aware of the spec, I'm not sure how that would let end users do it on Stack Overflow, though
"let end users do it on SO"?
are we talking about the same thing? Letting users decide which tag appears first on their question?
And they STILL haven't published a new WD for selectors-4
@TylerH Ah, no. I thought you meant ordering of elements regardless of their HTML position
Oh, nope. That's practically infinitely doable already with flexbox and order like you mentioned
Yes, I thought by tags he meant elements :P
A: Change div order with CSS depending on device-width

TylerHThis is doable in CSS now thanks to the wonderful flexbox spec. Using the order and flex-flow properties, we can achieve what you want. Unprefixed, IE11 and all evergreen browsers will support this. IE10 prefixes -ms-order and doesn't support flex-flow. The solution takes into consideration all ...

Shameless relevant plug
inb4 @BoltClock finds a 4-year-old duplicate question target
Speaking of duplicates
I have a question, and sure enough there is but one question on the exact same topic on SO. But it's so shitty, it got enough views to avoid Tumbleweed, but it never got any attention beyond that
Q: How to read Package.manifest file windows phone 8.1 programmatically?

Subhash GogineniI want to read the "Version" and the "Package display name" of a Windows Phone 8.1 application programmatically from a package.manifest file and use them in C# code. I don't want to hardcode these values, I just want to read them from the manifest file. If any one comes across this, please upda...

I bet if it's that bad we can coerce convince the SOCVR room to get it Roomba-qualified
> If any one comes across this, please update.
edit and bounty it?
or just ask a new one and close that as dupe of yours
@ZachSaucier I would have to practically rewrite it - I might as well ask my own
then I get shit on by some for asking a dupe
Don't you love SO
turn it into CW question?
not if you close it first :P
What's the roomba threshold? -1 and no answers?
@ZachSaucier mod abuse, great idea
@TylerH I have no idea either
It's so shitty I'm not motivated to polish it exactly, but it's there :(
@BoltClock we can close it for you :D
I'll bring it up on SOCVR
Oh and for the record
For all that MS touts WP8.1 having a converged API with Windows 8.1
They never said anything about half of the APIs not actually being present
I can't wait till every 8.x device in the world gets upgraded to 10
@BoltClock you're gonna have to
It's disappointing
Windows Phone 7/8 is pretty, but its APIs are hideous
DV'd the question
now you can wait 30 days and it will be deleted
@TylerH By which time, hopefully, a dozen or so phones will have made the jump to 10
@BoltClock mind looking into this flag with your handy dandy mod tools? stackoverflow.com/questions/72682/…
@TylerH This guy
(not you, the commenter)
First two questions I looked at, and he's left comments complaining about how the votes are ruining Stack Overflow
What the hell, I think I'm going to write up and post my question
Other mods are more familiar with peterh, I'll see if any of them wants to give him a hug
(fun fact, I am terrible with hugs IRL)
1 hour later…
Q: Workaround for Windows.ApplicationModel.Package limitations on Windows Phone?

BoltClockI'm creating an About page for a WinRT app targeting Windows Phone 8.1. On Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 UWP, it's all but trivial to display most of the basic information about an app by using an API called Windows.ApplicationModel.Package. But, for reasons beyond my comprehension, Windows.Applica...

writing question titles is hard
@BoltClock I'll hug you
I like to help people with their issues.
Crabs do this.
Yeah well help me with the question I just posted then
The community goes apeshit any time Jon Skeet posts a question
with good reason
Q: Can a checkbox be checked by default in the stylesheet, rather than in an inline css?

RachelLike the title says: can a checkbox be checked by default in the stylesheet, rather than in an inline css? Example from w3schools.com, the "car" box is checked: <form action="demo_form.asp"> <input type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="Bike"> I have a bike<br> <input type="checkbox" name="vehic...

User wants an "I agree to the ToC" checkbox checked by default, smart
@BoltClock ugh
was the upvote on my question yours
It's looking a whole lot less like a dupe of that crappy question now that I've written it up, which comforts me
aw shucks
don't let false positives inflate your feelings
A: Can a checkbox be checked by default in the stylesheet, rather than in an HTML attribute?

RachelEveryone had good answers for working around, but @TylerH had the most useful comment: "I'm not sure this is legal". I should leave the T&C box UNCHECKED by default, since the user has to actively agree to the T&C. Otherwise, there might be some sort of legal vulnerability. Thanks everyone fo...

Leaving useful comments since 2015
Fine, you win
I hope you weren't writing up a long answer
Hmm, I wonder who favorited my question. Certainly not me
LOL going through my favorites list
Q: Writing a XML file with C# to a specific XML structure

AnuyaThe Usual way, i code to write a XML file is, XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create("Products.xml", settings); writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteComment("This file is generated by the program...

possibly the guy who asked the first time
scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/103968/… At first I thought this question was trolling
@TylerH Judging by the OP who posted that question, I see where you're coming from
who would've guessed that JK Rowling stole her ideas
That question I just linked to? The code is from a homework assignment I had just submitted a week before it was asked
@BoltClock Sorry, misunderstood
@approxiblue No I see you were answering who favorited my question
Favorite but no upvote :'(
@BoltClock Oh no, you have put me in an awkward position
(I have certainly upvoted you in the past)
no biggie, it's not like it's going to give my question any more visibility anyway :'( #windowsphone #literallydozensofus
I should get into WP
Invest now, and when it gets popular, sit back and enjoy the votes
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Meanwhile, on Mars – #8
@approxiblue you will never be sitting back
it will never be popular
@Luggage this resource is very good to learn css. Before applying css, am thinking to complete this tut
@overexchange good idea
@overexchange is that a promise to read tutorials before asking questions?
its too bad he couldnt have been off leash for that picture (too close to the road)
photoshop battle
well I was gonng ask for one of him in the same position, but I guess that one 'll have to do
he lays like this all the time
My Web application https://myapplication.com has a third party application configured that can be accessible from my web application menu Items.

The third party application is configured such that it uses the hostname of my application and rest of its URI is configured in the properties files as below


When I click on this application from the menu, the home page of this application gets loaded with all the css and images files, but the javascript files of the third party application do not load. When i checked with the firebug for the request, I get
@ZachSaucier I can send one
alright, 1 more time please
you sent it to the same place? New message?
Yeah, same subject though
I received the first, setup forwarding, didn't receive the second on either acct
I hate email
we should back to couriers on horseback
much more effective
well, probably not, but way cooler
just received your message...
the weird thing is that I received a different one from myself that I sent after before I received that
whatever, it works well enough
the email gods are trolling you
Its better than no answer - which was the state when the answer was written. It guides the asker to the solution. — Vlad K 5 hours ago
Technically my answer was around for ~60 seconds before he posted his answer.
1 hour later…
What a time to be alive. http://t.co/yy9nxaDpig

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