@TylerH Running from an argument? Fine, be that way, but leave your boyfriend out of it when you get pissed — Cody Richardson7 mins ago
@TylerH I already told you leave your boyfriend out of it, and I know it's him because one of you has to be the man, and it certainly isn't you. — Cody Richardson35 secs ago
Is that what meta has decided? I honestly don't know. But I wanted to try and explain to him why his rollbacks were harmful (and trust me, I haven't been stooping to his level, clearly :-)). so I figured I'd also rollback while he was still discussing it
I have long since flagged the question and now his flaming comments
This guidance at MSE recommends to favor better questions and better answers:
If the new question is a better question or has better answers, then vote to close the old one as a duplicate of the new one.
You can flag and ask a moderator to merge after closure if they're exactly the same....
I was planning on answering the older one... Screwed myself over by looking for related questions
Unfortunately, the best you can do is to group each set of vendor prefixes for both .red-va and .blue-va, but not all of them into a single ruleset:
.red-va::-webkit-input-placeholder, .blue-va::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: white;
.red-va:-moz-placeholder, .blue-va:-moz-placeholder {...
No idea what the heck ""!important" declarations are not part of the property value space and will therefore cause parse a CSS value to return null." means
yeah ::content is sort of like ::after but for ShadowHost elements that are selected by <content> tags, and ::shadowis sort of like a top-level ::after that goes on the root element in the ShadowHost.
Unfortunately it's not supported by Firefox still
the ::content and ::shadow pseudo-elements, that is
As for how exactly the browser creates the node tree, I'm afraid I don't know details of stuff that deep. I assume it varies based on the browser
Any time you want referenceable (but not traverseable) content that doesn't show up in the DOM ever but can still be used to populate the page, you can use <template>
there's a sort of "twilightDOM" that can be achieved where it's hidden but still traverseable
Thinking in terms of the CSS formatting structure - elements in a shadow tree generate boxes as do any other element; they just aren't reflected in the DOM
If you were to hop into the W3C anywhere, here would be a good place. Get with the people who created ShadowDOM and write a decent spec for it :-) Or don't join, and still write a decent guide for it :-)
i want to do jsfiddle.net/048xk8bn but instead html i want to set background image to div and i am getting this jsfiddle.net/3gxrzrzm, do i need to set height of div by javascript ?
because it will always be height and width of window
This guidance at MSE recommends to favor better questions and better answers:
If the new question is a better question or has better answers, then vote to close the old one as a duplicate of the new one.
You can flag and ask a moderator to merge after closure if they're exactly the same....
I'm curious, what's the best practice for making a complete website using the same layout? (Meaning the same header, fonts, etc., only having the actual content being different)
Could someone tell me if this is a good way to load my pages while retaining the same headers etc. ? jsfiddle.net/rhptztzm/3 I remember having quite a lot of critique when I made that one with that system
Globalize 1.0 * Kubist * Hero Slider * React Web App * Elevator.js * How to Center in CSS * 100 Days of Fonts * Project Fi Collective #165 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.