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@rlemon ahahahahahahahahahahha
TIL "degree of arc" is not part of international system of units. instead radians are
i don't know in other countries but here most of people don't even remember what radians are
and how they work
that username
at least hes honest
cc @TylerH ^
Q: PHP help needed noob

user1894764i need some help on PHP. I'm not a coder so go easy on me. The problem is, i have an auction website and i need the ability to refund users when i delete an auction. i need to update the field balance a DB table when i delete the auction. there´s 3 tables where i need to work and query. let's sa...

@Worf wat
5 mins ago, by Worf
TIL "degree of arc" is not part of international system of units. instead radians are
Yep :-)
i call this bs
@Kitler yap, heard about that last month
I wish they would just do that for searches performed on mobile devices
Obviously mobile-friendly doesn't matter to me if I'm searching from a real computer
it is like that
Now I can take it one step further and say google stahp
but they will penalize if users fake the info
Rlemon on the bot again?
74% of sites i maintain are mobile friendly
the others aren't actually maintained anymore
but i could make them mobile too
how did you managed to get that odd figure
they are just "seo purposes blogs" (read: spam)
@Kitler That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: asians
ahaha yea am asian
i thought you were indian
is he smoking a cuban
she did it eventually
@Worf you've posted that before
i did?
rlemon's avatar you mean?
@Worf we rolled tobacco before the cubans were in cuba
so i need to blame you for my addiction
no, I need to blame you for making us fat with your pasta
@Worf neh you posted the same but in b/w
I got a B+ therefore I call bullshit
the hell is Pairing — NavigationF
Hmmm different metrics
I don't have ANY tests uploaded in any repos
and I have a bunch of junk repos with no code :D
my github is so sloppy
I have ~30 commits that are public
I say fuck a lot in issues
so that killed my respect category
31 public 334 private ones :P
@Kitler who knows what nasty codez get committed in the private ones
Tbh my public commits are crap
private ones are legit
can't let anyone know you actually are a decent coder
that's gotta stay private
@BoltClock Ugh, "we cannot register your vote at this time" get it together Microsoft
Future Proof Avoidance - F ahahah
so true
What's Conscientious Logging cuz I scored C in that and overall I got is B
one sec, looking up my Github user name
Hello! How can I center that circle made by a div? http://jsfiddle.net/geho5z9m/1/

The text-align attribute works with the text elements of the first line, but doesn't work with the div circle :(
@JoãoDaniel you are floating your circle to the left
just make it inline block and it should work well
sorry but your markup is messy, you are not supposed to write inline styles, let css do the job for styling
@Mr.Alien yup, I was just playing around, sorry! And thanks!! it worked great :)
@JoãoDaniel take a look at kitlers example as well, that's another way to do it
y u no display block x.x
@Kitler cuz spans are not supposed to be block unless req, so I keep them inline and block level
Yeah just noticed spans x.x
div all the things
he is using bootstrap
what we were doing is overriding bs shit
why i still don't like bootstrap
it's fine for quick stuff that you can't be arsed to think about
like seriously screw writing your own thing and maintaining it for projects with low budgets
Even got rid of the inline styles for you
Infact I take more time to make templates using bootstrap cuz when it comes to overrides it takes messy css ... but yea depends on users of what they want to use
@TylerH sweet, btw you can merge common property selectors i.e last 2
yeah I originally was doing something else with the ID selector and then got lazy
Actually we need to override that rating-small class that is not bootstrap.. but agreed, it's complex when need to override things
@JoãoDaniel ignore my words, I have an habit to speak against those libs :) ..
nyt ... cya all tomorrow
can someone tell me name of this element, I want to search on google to create this element
range input
input type="range"
thank you @rlemon
guys.. when I load a .swf file in the Flashplayer div, the html text layer does not show above the .swf file. What am I doing wrong? any suggesstions.. jsfiddle.net/ba0ohb4n
it only works in Chrome
i am guessing I am not doing positioning correctly?
hard to tell because we don't see what the flashplayer crap is doign
I assume some jQuery plugin
and therefore anything could be the issue
Flash... shudders
ok ty very much
i did use jquery.tools your right rlemon
maybe I will add the tags by hand to test that instead of using jquery.tools flashembed
@Neil bummer, that demo doesn't work in Firefox
Why does Chrome 42(stable) use Arial Unicode MS but Chrome 44(canary) use Segoe UI Symbol for rendering this HTML entity ➨? jsfiddle.net/79rgwyy2
because it just uses a different fallback font
(i guess)
my guess is that arial doesn't contain that glyph so it fallbacks to tahoma
but fallbacks to segoe in canary
yes, i'm right! :D
+2 pasta points
tahoma used to be the default font for windows, now it's segoe (which is based on tahoma btw)
so try using tahoma rather than arial @MLM
hangouts ?
going to bed
and i'm asocial
i know you weren't asking me
one of these days you ll join us on hangouts x.x
before while i was on call i started drawing how i imagine you guys
i started from you @Kitler
And you ll understand that no one cares about your english we all have accents
but then i realized i was drawing something too offensive
but since i'm an asshole you deserved it sketchtoy.com/64992341
I love you man x.x that just made my day
that was too much
It's amazing
I want a digital print
bahahahahhaha needed 1 last goat ei? :P
lol yeah empty space
Man that's talent right there
How is that offensive btw, it's hilarious
@rlemon wes just 1 upped you
I can't draw
he can
how i imagine rlemon: wait for it
they should add an option to download it as a gif
I just got it as a png
hell I m making this my profile pic
Actually nah would have to change the name to go along with it
@Worf Thanks, setting them explicitly to either fallback works to get them solid across browsers of course. I am wondering what the fallback is for Mac. Can't find a bug/commit where they switched over.
anyone know how I can inspect controls for html5 inputs? (like the input type="date" calendar?)
good question
I wanna say there is, but have no clue
that's an XY problem in fact
anyone know how to know what pseudo-selectors apply to certain html5 input controls?
for example?
it seems that ::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator actually applies to the datalist dropdown arrow too
I'm wondering if there's more of those sneaky bastards
ahh like those
@BoltClock you're needed
you know all of this crap
I know you do
boltclock for mod!
@StephanMuller You can see the default "user agent stylesheet" here: chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/blink/+/…
Looks like that is the only one -webkit-calendar-picker-indicator
@MLM That's pretty interesting, but it doesn't really answer my question
it doesn't state which elements are actually affected by that pseudo-class
still bookmarked for further reading
(that is from the latest commit btw, 17 minutes ago)
@rlemon sketchtoy.com/64993410 @Kitler
@Worf rlemon is afk: Hamster on a piano.
!!afk sleep, thanks in advance boltclock!
@Worf you should offer a service on fiver
stupid drawings for 5 bucks?
i already do that
it's called
"my job"
@StephanMuller In Chrome, in the dev tools, Click the cog in the top right. Under the General->Elements, check "Show user agent shadow DOM".
@MLM StephanMuller is afk: sleep, thanks in advance boltclock!
gn folks
night bra
can someone help me, how to create just simple tooltip like this i.imgur.com/04HpLBn.jpg , only using html css
what have you tried doing so far
really i don't have any idea how to create tooltip
!!tell igorsimic google html/css tooltip
some effort man
like really
@Caprica Six thanks
i created tool tip but how to set position on bottom, in this case tooltip is on top
can you put it in a fiddle?
@Kitler http://jsfiddle.net/cp8mhu21/
imgur.com/a/hoWou i like it!
what's the best way to download a file using javascript? (e.g. when someone clicks a button). I've seen some things saying its not possible due to security reasons but Google Drive seems to do it somehow
looks like the html5 download attribute does that but it's not supported very well
@rlemon cool to look at, don't think i d ever get something like that though
Since when does soundcloud have endorsed tracks and ads
the fuck
@joshhunt I was playing around with this for a while. Interesting problem. I knew about the download attribute but IE was tricky. Here is what I came up with: jsfiddle.net/MadLittleMods/dywbo5vx
thanks will take a look
posted on April 23, 2015 by Jeff Atwood

I'm a little tired of writing about passwords. But like taxes, email and pinkeye, they're not going away any time soon. Here's what I know to be true, and backed up by plenty of empirical data: No matter what you tell them, users will always choose simple passwords. No matter

@MLM what do you think about this? cwestblog.com/2014/10/21/…
probably not the best performance wise unfortunately
@joshhunt Doesn't work?
I got a solution for FF as well. Cleaning up demo and stuff
what doesn't?
@joshhunt The demo in the article you linked doesn't start a download on Chrome or FF for me
nvm, I was confused by the output
TBH i did't even try, was just looking at the code below it
but I don't think its a very good way to do it especially if you have large files
I really want to know how Google Drive does it
I am going to keep working on it after dinner. I'll ping you with my results

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