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posted on April 22, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Jo Labrycol */

@Feeds who approves that shit
@TylerH i lold
It's just some lame dude walking backward for two seconds
that's not even an accurate representation of ctrl-z
and you call yourself american
that's rick potato
i broke phoopstorm
@Kitler did you read about clarkson
nope what's he up 2
apparently when the punching happened was really worried about his health because 2 days before he received a phone call from his medic, who told him he may have cancer
he couldn't stop top gear filming so even a stupid thing like the cold dinner whatever made him explode
Hi, is there a way to have the default option "bold" in a select field ?
@TylerH I read "force pull"
@Neil I am your father
I really want to know where that's from
he should have said that before getting fired @Kitler
@Worf vOv how does a doctor tell you that you "may" have cancer
you either do or you don't no?
and 2 days wouldn't you go get checked out to be sure ?
yeah I would go get a full MRI
he couldn't apparently
> Two days before the “fracas”, I’d been told, sternly, by my doctor that the lump on my tongue was probably cancer and that I must get it checked out immediately. But I couldn’t do that. We were in the middle of a Top Gear series. And Top Gear always came first.
@Worf then he shouldn't be upset about his health if he is putting his show before his health
It kinda feels far fetched
he's not a very pleasant and selfless person I doubt he'd put the show before his own health
yes. but maybe he couldn't actually leave filming
especially because they werent in britain
so easy to judge from the sidelines
I think he was being sarcastic
Dang it, not even sarcastic, because that would mean it weren't true
How did he talk to his doctor/his doctor see the lump on his tongue if he was in the middle of a Top Gear series?
Ironically true perhaps?
@Kitler Doctors say these things all the time
It's not about judging, the dude has repeatedly been a dick to people around him and had he come forward with that news from the start it would have helped
@TylerH in europe you get a visit to your doctor today and you get results 3 months later
but it's free.
meanwhile tho you could be already dead
also that
@Worf he ain't exactly broke and can't afford same day tests
friend of mine recently got told she had a suspicious lump and needed to have it checked out asap. she works at a fucking hospital and it took a few days to get the actual test
then it took a few more days for the results
I doubt money is going to change that
it just feels far fetched, if it's true it's horrible and all the aws in the world, but it surfacing after all this makes it a bit less legit
he didn't get fired the second day now did he
In America the doctor who saw the lump would've ordered like 20 tests to cover his own ass
anyway there's no way for us to know what actually happened and we can only gossip like idiots :D
@rlemon doesn't ring a bell
unless you are spelling out dhtml weirdly lol
Clarkson is 55? Wow he isn't aging well
TIL: don't comment on OSS issues unless you're either reporting it for the first time or adding value to it x.x
@Loktar the guy makes some pretty cool canvas stuff
ah I've seen his CP stuff
feel bad
but I'm not overly impressed
I was expecting Mr. Doob level stuff
@Kitler Pfft, comment on whatever you want
@Loktar what is he up to by the way? haven't heard anything since some time
probably maintaining three.js
How do I add a bullet within an <li>? :)
but yeah idk I havent seen any random demos
@chronotrigga add another list inside of it?
That is correct. I have an <li>test</li> and have some sub-bullets underneath it
Is it just <li>test<ul><li>test</li></ul></li>
#2 is bs
@BoltClock o/
@Loktar how come?
eh by the letter its not
but there are plenty of deaths related to marijuana
@Loktar no one has died due to overdose of THC
I m guessing it's death by od not death while under the influence
not sure if the same metric was used for the others
but I hate articles whose titles are the opposite of what they're preaching
these things that paint a pretty picture and make light of it annoy me however
Like if you're high and you crash your car and die does it count as a weed death
and does the same apply to alcohol
> Guys looks this totally justifies me smoking weed!!
@Kitler yeah not sure actually
These things are always difficult to quantify
can't count it for one and not the other
oh god, don't scroll all the way down
Alcohol poisoning deaths can't be that high
If you want to get down to it, Chernobyl never killed anyone. The radiation poisoning did
@TylerH haha I did :/
then i closed it
friggin crazy ass ads
@Neil Guns don't kill people, kinetic energy does
@TylerH people kill people
does anyone know what would prevent the child div from auto centering here? jsfiddle.net/wo11gu1d
@ZachSaucier I was making a joke based on his statement :-P
@TylerH Kinetic energy doesn't kill people, blood loss does
@JoJo position: absolute;
@Neil nah you can die from a bullet wound without losing blood
@TylerH I was making a statement on your joke :-P
@Neil yeah you should look at the high fps ballistic videos
@ZachSaucier Now we are having a discussion about our comments :-P
@ZachSaucier ty
the amount of damage the bullets do just due to the energy is insane
@JoJo should look at the code yourself next time xD
@JoJo All the inline styles
@Loktar not just any high fps ballistic videos; the high fps ballistic videos
yeah the others are non cannon
I dont trust em
changing to relative fixed it
@KeyboardWarrior love that avatar
pretty crappy one
@Loktar I didn't do it :? but apparently it is fitting... since I am a piece of shit
@Loktar I loved your shitty pen :D
@Loktar I see what you did there
Goes well with Skibbi's latest avatar
@TylerH :D It was m colleague -.- the one who changed my name to PenisGobbler last week
I really need to remember to log out :/
don't you have your own computer?
just Win+L whenever you walk away from it
Where is secondrikudo
@TylerH Nope, shared pc at work
what was the vote count btw anyone downloaded the data ?
@TylerH Consider this: most of the ways that you die all boil down to your brain not getting sufficient amount of oxygen
since we are never in the office, don't really need my own one
@KeyboardWarrior oh, totally forgot about the election results. Sucks he didn't make it
If your heart stops, blood stops pumping, and you're still alive, but only as long as your brain can no longer survive without oxygen
@GNi33 He didn't? He had the most votes last I saw :(
if you're burnt, your blood coagulates and it doesn't pump.. you still die because your brain didn't get enough oxygen
Q: April 2015 Community Moderator Election Results

Shog9Stack Overflow's 6th moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 3 new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! For details on ...

If you're decapitated, blood no longer gets pumped into your head, and your brain didn't get enough oxygen.. etc.
@BoltClock i could have sworn i saw you without a diamond a while ago
@Neil true, but I was simply countering the fact that you said kinetic energy doesn't kill people
@MadaraUchiha sorry dude, you deserved it
@TylerH He is just being technical :P
he's just being @Neil
Well it happens to coincide with an argument, though I thought I'd share that weird piece of information
we all die from lack of blood flow to the brain
so in theory you could die of an erection :O
since the blood decides to flow in the opposite direction
@Kitler You couldn't... since you need a penis for that
Hey it's not my fault your mom's fangs are located in her vagina
@Kitler hahahahahahahaha +10
I don't wanna like point and laugh... and this will seem caddy. but Holy Hipster Batman!
@Kitler nice reference to Blade
Someone got it o/
@rlemon now I'm wondering if he went for the english or german meaning of that name
@rlemon LOL
@GNi33 pixelass?
What'd the German meaning be?
Ass would be "Ace" in german
"Fliegerass" would be a brilliant pilot for example, ("Flieger" can be a plane or someone who flies, a pilot).
so "pixelass" could refer to him being somewhat good with pixels, it just doesn't work quite well in english
Haha gotcha
Maybe it's both
@Mr.Alien I am going to let the new mods do the comment purging
objects in javascript.
sorry, I asked this question today morning, I got this above info now, just shared.
"Copy Protection Scripts"
user-select is annoying as hell
"hur dur let's just put it on the whole page so you can't select anything"
even F12 is blocked on this page
those are just to deter everyday users
really annoying
man application states that i need to write my name with a pencil on the back of the pictures, texture doesn't work with pencils -.-
because when I encounter that, it's like a challenge to my personal honor as a web developr
have to go to google, open F12 dev tools, then go to that page with them alread yopen
@BoltClock np, flagged 3-4 posts having junk comments
then delete all the scripts/offending styles
totally strip the site of non-content, then take a screenshot and e-mail it to the author saying "your site looks better this way"
posted on April 22, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Shadam */

1 hour later…
why buy button is going out of box
@Worf @mikedidthis we decided to do a gradual iterative rewrite of the website to responsive, we might have some parts that are mobile/desktop specific thoguh - thanks for the insights
@overexchange that's actually mostly correct.
and may I know the considerations you took into account?
Yes, the current html/css at tipranks was too inflexible to refactor so we need to rewrite anyway, might as well do it responsive - iteratively is a must anyway
spaghetti code?
no, morning you were talking about mobile and responsive right
what made you guys to decide to keep some parts responsive
and some parts as mobile websites?
Business requirements, the code isn't spaghetti at all - but some of it uses things that wouldn't work right in responsive.
It's not bad code, it's inflexible though because it was decided to prioritise speed of delivery over flexibility.
@BenjaminGruenbaum how's the css structure?
@VamsiPavanMahesh Because you have the text elements set to 8em height
that's like 112 to 130 px each
and you have posts set to only 15em
@Kitler I didn't write it, but you can check it out at tipranks.com (it's sass)
cool :) @ben
But box size of the .desc does not show it out of the main box .posts? @tyler
I don't know what you mean by that
from the class names it appears you guys aren't using any conventions (OOCSS, BEM, smacss...)
Would that be something you consider in a rewrite ?
The height of the .desc class is 8.4 em, which seems to be inside the box of .posts class which has a total height of 15 em! Now, I'm asking why that .buy went out of the box ... ironically, it seems to come inside when I changed the display:inline-block
There's nothing ironic about that behavior
display: inline-block; lets elements maintain their box model but also displays them inline with the previous element
Though adding that to .buy doesn't really fix the issue
how dare you :O
I hate it when chrome goes full retard
// Please wait a bit.
// Compiled script is not shown while source map is being loaded!
2 refreshes and it shows up
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
What’s wrong with IDEs
@VamsiPavanMahesh The issue is your height declarations. The reason you don't see it is because you've given the description div position: relative and have moved it around
Look at this JSFiddle to see the normal document flow: jsfiddle.net/TylerH/h30f1mLw/1
I've given your image div and your description div borders so you can see where they are placed, exactly
cool, got it ..
Thanks ..
But, how did you spot it?
@Feeds lol I love that NotePad++ frame
@VamsiPavanMahesh By looking at your CSS :-)
When you spend a lot of time with something you learn the ins and outs of that something pretty well
and I've spent a lot of time reading the W3 docs as well, that helps. Nowhere near as much time as @BoltClock of course
World Wide Web Consortium
the people who write the spec sheets for HTML and CSS
Oh, I see. That's where all the specs come from
W3Schools is just a private company that decided to capitalize on the name
and subsequently earned the ire of developers everywhere for their incomplete/simplified explanations of HTML/CSS/JavaScript
it wouldn't be so bad except their main focus is SEO so they appear at the top of EVERY GOOGLE QUERY EVER
You even click in the search bar and it's like "Do you want me to go ahead and take you to W3Schools?"
not if you add a -w3schools to the query
Until you install an add-on for killing w3schools links
I think they must be getting millions of ad revenue
you can do that @tyler
Wow quick reply, thanks for the direct link to spec as well. =]Fabrício Matté Jul 9 '13 at 19:17
Ya spec is his bible... — Mr. Alien Jul 9 '13 at 19:25
who uses mozilla anyway?
@VamsiPavanMahesh yes, see the link I just posted
@VamsiPavanMahesh I know @BoltClock does
@VamsiPavanMahesh millions of users
@BoltClock such butthurt
And why would they do that? when they get everything faster in chrome
@Mr.Alien y u so jelly
@VamsiPavanMahesh because they don't :-)
^ My pen is at the end of the video
random happy moment of my day
on an official google video!
Also Chrome doesn't have much UI customizability
and they have been regressing a bit lately
dev tools, they got right?
Firefox has dev tools as well
@TylerH Chrome is a regression
and Firebug, notably
mozilla's better than chromes?
dev tools
I dunno, I don't really use Chrome so I can't comment on their dev tools
Firefox has introduced a ton of new features to theirs recently, though
you can draw bezier curves, step through animations, pause any animation on screen, debug etc.
all within the developer tools window for any page
I see .. I think mozilla must be good
for devs
but why it loads slower than chrome?
@VamsiPavanMahesh implementation details vary between browsers and also the rendering engines are different
Mozilla uses Gecko, Chrome uses Trident Blink based on WebKit
@Loktar woop woop
@TylerH Blink. Trident is MSHTML is IE
But let's face it, Blink is practically old Trident mixed with some WebKit funsies
But some stuff no doubt loads faster in Mozilla vs Chrome
For example, as of tests late last year, Firefox parse JavaScript via SunSpider tests faster than Chrome or Opera
For things like WebGL rendering and other animations, I think Chrome is a little faster
but that stuff is not the main content of the web
does chrome support asm ?
So it's understandable if Firefox (or any browser) doesn't make WebGL their top priority
because it's used for graphics?
FF still cares about graphic stuff though
There have even been bugreports about it filed in Bugzilla
they have the VR version of FF which is awesome
But web browsers have stupid amounts of code, and updating it is a long, arduous, organic process
which one is your's in video
the last spiral one's?
awesome (y)
this thing requires canvas and js?
plain vanila js? or any library
yeah html is fine :)
nah vanilla
its actually kind of old, i think i made it last year
so surprising it was added to their vid lol
they contains of the order millions I guess @tyler
Firefox beats out Chrome (and Opera) in Google's JavaScript tester (Octane) as well.
haha .. google processes after a long time
is there any cool hack for javascript injection which actually works
I mean injection as in typing in console
of google chrome
ok, see you guys .. getting back to work
@KeyboardWarrior what are you referring to?
@MadaraUchiha he either meant where are you in the room or where are you in the election results
I assume the former
@MadaraUchiha why pay attention to the scrub
@Kitler s/scrub/steaming pile of crap
@TylerH For someone who "got hacked by my co worker" he still hasn't changed his pic :D
reminds him of his childhood maybe
@TylerH Where I am in the room?
@Kitler wut
wut again
where did the beard guy go
Man my luck sucks ass
2 issues that I v worked on in a row turned out to have unsolved issues from 2014 x.x
@Kitler awesome
scumbag coworker, stays silent about bug let's me find it and submit a ticket so I work on it -.-
Statistically speaking, 100% of sysadmins who fail to apply security patches will die eventually. Coincidence?
dunno when i was elected the regression bug guy
@Kitler i would have done the same, its fun to see when friends end up in funny mess.. feels good :D
just see me, how happy i am when you told me that
If it wasn't intentional by all means i m cool with that
but i keep on stumbling on this sort of shit
and when i tell him about it he goes like ahhh yeah i know about it, you should open a ticket and work on it
sad racist is sad :(
A: Best prefix practice for CSS transitions & transforms

BoltClockAs I mentioned in a very similar question... This is one of those cases where vendor prefixes for standardized features become extremely problematic, because you need to account for all the different prefixed and/or unprefixed implementations of different features in different versions of dif...

@Kitler does he leave his pc unlocked?
does he use chrome?
or FF for that matter
I m halfway across the globe
... I have some userscripts you might be interested in...
hi guys
has anyone here used Nanogallery?

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