apparently when the punching happened was really worried about his health because 2 days before he received a phone call from his medic, who told him he may have cancer
> Two days before the “fracas”, I’d been told, sternly, by my doctor that the lump on my tongue was probably cancer and that I must get it checked out immediately. But I couldn’t do that. We were in the middle of a Top Gear series. And Top Gear always came first.
It's not about judging, the dude has repeatedly been a dick to people around him and had he come forward with that news from the start it would have helped
friend of mine recently got told she had a suspicious lump and needed to have it checked out asap. she works at a fucking hospital and it took a few days to get the actual test
Stack Overflow's 6th moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 3 new moderators are:
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@Worf @mikedidthis we decided to do a gradual iterative rewrite of the website to responsive, we might have some parts that are mobile/desktop specific thoguh - thanks for the insights
Yes, the current html/css at tipranks was too inflexible to refactor so we need to rewrite anyway, might as well do it responsive - iteratively is a must anyway
The height of the .desc class is 8.4 em, which seems to be inside the box of .posts class which has a total height of 15 em! Now, I'm asking why that .buy went out of the box ... ironically, it seems to come inside when I changed the display:inline-block CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers What’s wrong with IDEs CommitStrip 1429725306
@VamsiPavanMahesh The issue is your height declarations. The reason you don't see it is because you've given the description div position: relative and have moved it around
As I mentioned in a very similar question...
This is one of those cases where vendor prefixes for standardized features become extremely problematic, because you need to account for all the different prefixed and/or unprefixed implementations of different features in different versions of dif...