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The annoying moment when a JS code works in the fiddle but in a document it borks and can't find the element :/
2 hours later…
can anyone tell me if there's something with this code that may cause it not not work: jsfiddle.net/oyw5yaLh ?
1 hour later…
@Gemtastic it is working, no?
@cimmanon @TylerH Also, wtf? "CSS Generated Content 3" -> gcpm? I mean sure if they want to kill off css3-content, but at least use the right title for gcpm
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal It's working in the fiddle but not in my code, but that's because I'm a n00b so I didn't know jsfiddle has a built in function that it won't run JavaScript until the document is fully loaded. In my code, the document was not fully loaded :/
In other words, I've fixed it
you need DOMContentLoaded
What's a generic class in HTML, CSS?
@BoltClock think we'll ever get good rendering of CSS gradients?
on Chrome they still seem to be very line-y, not very gradient-y
is it possible to display different div in IE?
going to try SVG gradients soon to see if I can get a better results
@winresh24 yes, how you do so varies on which IEs you're targeting
google it
how about IE 9 and up?
10 & 11
31 secs ago, by Zach Saucier
google it
ok thanks
@ZachSaucier dunno
Hey gys !!
I have <input type="file" name="photos[]" id="files" multiple="true" style="color:#fff"/>
and i m doing
echo count($_FILES['photos']['name']);
it shows me count = 2 when
no file is selected why
I m confused !!
@ZachSaucier for example?
the only problem i have with gradient is that offsets aren't precise enough sometimes
So how do I show the mobile version of a webpage in a phone with fullHD resolution? I'm not sure what to do as because of the high res, its showing the desktop version
Q: Webkit linear gradient stops render incorrectly

easweeI have come across a weird problem in webkit browsers (Chrome, Opera). Test case: http://sample.easwee.net/gradient-bug/ (check in Chrome or latest Opera) I have two columns wrapped by a container. I'm applying a CSS gradient to create backgrounds for this two columns. The color stop is set to ...

@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal ^
@doodla add this inside <head>: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
@easwee yea i know
that is kinda sucky
if you want i have several alternative solutions
yeah me too
thanks. it works. but i'd like to hear the alternate solutions also
@doodla that's the only solution
was talking with easwee
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Thanks, then. :)
Firefox or Chrome : which is the best for CSS3
exactly : we need to implement this shape
using css3
another design .
Do you have an actual question? :)
how to build like this shape using css3
SVG or canvas ?
Is there a specific reason as to why you don't just use an image and optionally handle text through divs?
@SecondRikudo I hate AOT :'(
@KeyboardWarrior aaah so how many have died yet?
@Eirinn haha glad you know why i hate it
@KeyboardWarrior it's an anime game of thrones
you die, you die errybodday dies!
I was like no fucking waaaays >.<
how many episodes`?
posted on January 23, 2015 by Tom Fonder

It’s a serious problem. The post Running Late appeared first on The Adventures of Business Cat.

posted on January 23, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by patricio */

@Eirinn on 7 now
fuck this show
@KeyboardWarrior haha describe the ep where u at
@DarkAshelin Eren is dead :(
@KeyboardWarrior oh yes
I was like "wuh... you can't just... kill off the main character.... ._."
@DarkAshelin how the fuck can you kill the main character -.-
only know that it gets better after this
I just began to like him :(
I never liked him
Mikasa <3
@KeyboardWarrior what @DarkAshelin said :)
btw, are you managing to avoid spoilers on the internet? they're like all over the place
@DarkAshelin tbh i think the series would have been better if they kept the plot they had up until ep7 where Eren dies. I kinda feel it gets a bit weird after that. But we'll see in season 2 :)
no spoilers^
@Eirinn I don't know which plot u mean
@DarkAshelin can't elaborate without spoiling anything
type and delete it quickly
or do it like this Hover to see spoiler
wasn't that always their plan from the start?
what else were they planning to do?
Well yeah, I just liked the "minority struggle"
ah I see what u mean
I thought you meant the author actually had different plans at the start, but changed his plot
apparently he did do that ^
ah crap didn't read it xD
anyway when's season 2?
@DarkAshelin makes sense actually
in one go? xD
read all?
seems a bit excessive
I don't know any more details
It looks like they planned for it to be one season and then went "aaah you know what? This is too good"
@KeyboardWarrior :D :D :D
yeah maybe
It gets better
How do you like it so far?
@DarkAshelin Yeah he did
@SecondRikudo yeah read my removed messages
@SecondRikudo I fucking hate it
@KeyboardWarrior xD
I found it funny how Thomas was just absolutely useless
died in the first second of battle lol
14 mins ago, by Dark Ashelin
btw, are you managing to avoid spoilers on the internet? they're like all over the place
@KeyboardWarrior Good :D
@DarkAshelin Durarara!! X2 is entertaining. They're doing it right.
@Eirinn haven't started it yet
GOoooooooooooooooooooooooood morning
@Sippy crab morning to you as well
uuuurgh google analytics
@SecondRikudo @Eirinn @DarkAshelin Ill have you know, I have only almost cried 5 times in 7 episodes
@KeyboardWarrior Oh you will just adore FMA
@KeyboardWarrior so you're not a heartless monster after all
first ep did it for me brah Q.Q
so cruel!
@KeyboardWarrior answer mah question above!
@DarkAshelin I think the first ep was the most intense
though the later episodes (in the woods) were also super intense
always ending on a cliffhanger too D:<
When the others started dying all I could think of "You send rookies with no battle experience to the first lines, what the hell did you think was going to happen?!"
@DarkAshelin Oh yeah, that whole saga was extremely well done
when, in the beginning or?
@DarkAshelin Yeah, where @KeyboardWarrior is now
oh yes xD
@DarkAshelin Like in Pokemon.
Cerulean forest is mad, brah
@Sippy wat xD
@DarkAshelin no I am not heartless :P\
Dunno I can't remember pokemon that well.
@SecondRikudo episode 8
@DarkAshelin Find little girl in a dark forest. Kill her pet. Take her money. Get phone number.
@SecondRikudo hahahahaha
And she'll call you again demanding you to kill her pets and take her money again.
I once lost a battle against a wild pokemon (was trying to capture a legendary while he continuously hit my team)
When I was out of pokemon
I had to pay him (the wild pokemon) for him to let me get away XD
Me and my brother saw this live, we couldn't stop laughing for like 5 minutes
wild monster be like "ooh monehs, can get me a nice snack off this"
For so long we wondered who it was that drew amazing pictures on the milk at work
how do u draw on milk?
On the carton
Lemme find the one I first saw
How u upload from phone
It's been going on months and months
It was Kingsley
And yes his name is Kingsley.
love me some Masterchef.
Also, wtf is up with green / red top milk!
Normal people drink green top milk.
Fat people drink blue top
Weird people drink red top
Blue top milk is like .. custard
blue all the way
@mikedidthis dirty!
Did you partake in the bullying of Skib btw?
@SecondRikudo @DarkAShelin OK end of episode 8 WTF!!!
@KeyboardWarrior Describe
I had a feeling it was him re-incarnated but coming out of it
Also @KeyboardWarrior I thought you were changin yo name yesterday?
@Sippy nope
@SecondRikudo WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT the actual fuck
@Sippy wouldnt let me
@KeyboardWarrior you have to sign up on a new SE site btw
@Sippy screw that shit
@KeyboardWarrior u found er-boy?
All it takes is going to the site and logging in ..
@DarkAshelin YES
u so noob
@KeyboardWarrior this episode gave me trust issues
I never believe ppl to be dead again
@DarkAshelin I had a feeling it was him though
I hadn't
Saving Mikasa like that
But I had no idea
he would come out of it and be alive again O.o
1 hour ago, by Dark Ashelin
btw, are you managing to avoid spoilers on the internet? they're like all over the place
@DarkAshelin I have been yes :P
I managed to spoil myself big time near ep 17 :'(
i read that as soil
was like damn
@DarkAshelin how many episodes of AOT?
@DarkAshelin er-boy?
@KeyboardWarrior Total of 24 IIRC
@SecondRikudo Eren
@SecondRikudo not to bad
@DarkAshelin you haven't read the manga though, right?
@SecondRikudo no, the artstyle of the manga is fugly
I cant take this shit
episode 9 is fucking with my brain
posted on January 23, 2015 by Mark Bowytz

"I travel a lot for work and watch my 'premier (elite) qualification' with United fairly closely," writes Lincoln, "Imagine my surprise when I was looking at my account and United was showing 4,100 qualifying segments as my beginning balance. Sadly, like many aspects of the new United, 4100 plus 37 equals....78."   "Hmmm...I wonder if my eStatement is really ready though?" writes Dave

which is ep9 again?
@DarkAshelin When Eren bites himself and makes the skeleton :/
@mikedidthis Hahahaha
I got two HTML files using the same CSS file. How do I make fonts different for each, without changing the font for each element.
@media tag is considered in firefox
css having @media tag, IE does not take this setting
why is that>
Take a wild guess.
IE does not follow CSS spec?
IE9+ supports @media ?
It only supports in IE9+
Fuck you mike dammit
I hate the versioning of IE I really do.
oh ok
Q: Is this a Chrome CSS bug?

Dan AbramovI noticed with today's Chrome 40 update that justify-content does not seem to get properly overriden by subsequent style declarations. See this fiddle for an example: <div class="flex-parent"> <div class="flex-child"></div> <div class="flex-child"></div> </div> and .flex-parent {...

@mikedidthis at-media is supported by IE5 and later
Media queries were added in IE9
It really depends on what's in the at-media rule
@BoltClock maybe I am miss understanding the question
also \o
Well, what can you expect from
9 mins ago, by overexchange
css having @media tag, IE does not take this setting
Is it any wonder their questions are so poorly-received
Is that gonna get flagged as should be comment or does that count as a full answer?
Asking for understanding
I still have champagne on hold for element based media queries.
@Sippy The question asks "is this a Chrome bug or am I misunderstanding?" and I'm saying it's a Chrome bug
If the question were posed as a bug report, then the question would be off-topic
In this case the OP just wants assurance that they're not going crazy
Ah okey :)
I wonder if Chrome would benefit from allowing people to emulate earlier versions of chrome in the dev tools
Like then new IE dev tools allow you to do
Rapid release cycle, evergreen browser. Probably pointless
posted on January 23, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@BoltClock is this a bad question?
no code? make some effort!!!1 — Rachel Gallen 3 hours ago
Sure there wasn't a better way for that user to express that considering the OP at least said they tried something?
It looks OK now that they've edited it to add some concrete code for answerers to work on
so he has to post code to show he tryed out the problem himself?
is there something on fridays.. people get tired of voting...
lesser votes each friday
@SecondRikudo fuck this is amazing dude... getting goosebumps
the black friday
@Persijn Saying "I tried a few things" without actually specifying what those things are is as good as not saying anything at all
You could provide only a bit of code and say "I tried floating this element to the left" and that would be fine without having to provide everything
@Persijn while some people might be in a good mood and just help users without code being present SO is about specific problems, as in I tried x and I got y what do i do now
But providing code, particularly the exact code you have, is the best way to ensure you're not inadvertently leaving out any important details
So if its a code problem post code and if its an abstract problem its fine without code
Q: Can I create an arrow using background only?

minlareI am looking for a way to create an arrow using css backgrounds only. In my case this is for a select dropdown, so cannot use pseudo elements which are not supported by select. I am aware I could use canvas to achieve this if using backgrounds only is not possible - Use <canvas> as a CSS backgr...

@Persijn Yeah
know whats a pain? being the only dev at work running on windows. when i have a problem, i get a "lolwindows" response and i am on my own >.>
why are you running windows ?
You of all people :P
because vidya? what kind of question is that?
Q: jQuery autocomplete with google map address lookup

tusarHow I can reproduce this plugin in jsfiddle ? Code so far is here. My problem is- I can see response data is coming for each request using firebug, but the autocomplete list is not showing up. Thanks for your time guys. Adding the code directly from fiddle - HTML : <!-- required js libraries --> <

nuttin works in that q
Cos the github repos are gone
Or deletable?
@cimmanon let me rephrase, why are you developing on windows
@BasementKeyboardHero Why not?
Unless you're .neting windows is shiat for deving
well for starters if you're deploying on linux why the hell would you dev in another env
Remind me how node, ruby and python play with windows
@BasementKeyboardHero Bull in a China Store?
something like that
@BasementKeyboardHero vagrant all the things
@BasementKeyboardHero i use virtual machines for my development. i dont normally have a problem, but this particular vm is configured to use shared folders and you have to jump through a million hoops to get symlinks to work on it
@BasementKeyboardHero If your business runs on Linux then yeah
then by all means windows all the things
I tend to avoid VMs when I can
I'm still trying to get them to let me take an image of my work machine so I can use it as a VM on my desktop at home :(
@BasementKeyboardHero i dont have a choice in this case. even if my host was linux, i would still have to use this vm
We're on a mix of ubuntu and OSX
@cimmanon wutcha working on/with
@BasementKeyboardHero I would never dream of working with OSX
@BasementKeyboardHero replacing a nightmare
And I don't even particularly like Linux based operating systems
well you are a .net developer :P
The terminal shit annoys the crap out of me
the gui shit annoys me
i cli all the things :P
even deployment
but i guess that's just a preference
Yeah, it's weird how preference can be so radically different though
In this context
Do you dev in terminal as well?
i dont mind the cli to some extent. depends on what i am working with and how easy the commands are to remember
pls say no
I gave it a shot recently but the amount of time i need to invest in order to get up to par with how i perform on sublime isn't worth it
Only reason I develop using Windows is because I'm used to it
I like Sublime
If I tried on OS X or Linux now I'd be too distracted by the novelty
If I were brought up in any of those environments I might have had a chance
+ 1 for windows
I hate developing on my mac
doesn't take a lot of time to get used to linux
@BoltClock I guess that's why I like it, but I found it really finicky doing development on a mac
I was on windows up until a few months ago
6 iirc
When I was doing Qt++ shit that was on a Mac, and I just found everything such an effort
I dual-booted with Ubuntu for like half a year. I was never not awed by its sheer amazingness
Also Qt++ is awful don't use it.
I'm still on Windows 7, I'm still surrounded by Aero Glass windows, but I don't really pay attention to it
Linux here ^_^

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