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@DarkAshelin yeah, but I found codepen gave false positives, I used jsbin.
I don't think its possible to do as you need the width of the span which you can only get from inside the element.
In for tonight, tomorrow won't be home
@mikedidthis well I wanted to use span:after to set a fake block with the width
somehow couldn't get pseudo elements to work tho on the pen
@DarkAshelin yeah, you can only pull from the parent though. Negative margin on the :after doesn't effect the element next to it sadly.
why would u use negative margin?
I would put the span on absolute
and create a pseudo element of the same width/height as the span
so the content gets pushed because of the pseudo element
could also be p:before for example
it doesn't need pushing, it need pulling
@SecondRikudo asshole :P
if u put absolute it needs pushing
urm.. ok
the drop cap must sit 50% into the paragraph
put span on absolute
you'll see what I mean
but you took it out of the flow, so you can't space the paragraph
what do u mean?
I said I wanted to create a pseudo element which would fill up the space of the absolute span
behind it
so the text gets pushed
but you don't know the width / height as its a font
you can make width: 4em
but each letter of a font is a different width
well I couldn't get it to work anyway, was just an idea
you can't get content with css can you?
I vaguely remember attr()?
@mikedidthis So you basically want to outdent the drop cap and have it pull the rows of text horizontally adjacent to it along?
@BoltClock kinda, yeah. The outdent is 50% of the span width and the text should start where the grey background is.
What's wrong? And will you fix it? @SecondRikudo
@PeeHaa There's a comma missing in manifest.json
Want me to PR it or just add it by yourself?
If you want PR I'll do it in a few hours
PR it. Clicking merge is moar lazy :)
@mikedidthis is the html editable?
@DarkAshelin to a degree, yes.
@SecondRikudo need to port it to crossrider.com/developers or similar
There are some really good ones
@DaveRandom How does that work?
Is it a Tampermonkey style thing for browser extensions?
> Built-in jQuery support
oh sorry
forgot about the cap
its ok, codepen messed me up too
well you get what I want to do right? codepen.io/anon/pen/QwgdpQ
think it's possible like this?
@DarkAshelin you want to create the effect mike posted above?
(in the image)
I m getting an iphone this weekend, fuck this
my piece of shit nexus 5 keeps rebooting on it's own
@BasementKeyboardHero Well I'm getting a Lumia next month
(for my parents)
@mikedidthis with javascript this would be pretty easy
@DarkAshelin yeah easier than duping the letters.
@BoltClock After 3 years I v lost faith in android
I get the idea though, that is what i would do, but I would just hide one of them with css
@DaveRandom they didn't accept ' in my name. SQL injection much?
@SecondRikudo ugh
@mikedidthis if javascript is an option I would just set margin-left: -HalfOfLetterWidthpx
@DaveRandom yeah, they suck. Don't use them.
Fair enough
I usually have 3 strikes for new websites/platforms
I started using it 10 minutes ago and they're already at 5
There are a couple of alternatives, but if they also suck then I guess we just have to maintain x-browser manually
@DaveRandom I know how Chrome does it more or less
cv-pls already has a few abstractions and a module system for cross browser compat, it's a bit horrible though
How does Firefox do it?
@SecondRikudo bult in jquery being one? :P
@BasementKeyboardHero That alone counts as two :P
I don't know how necessary it is any more, people are supporting more and more HTML5/ECMA6 stuff
ahhh come on :P
@BasementKeyboardHero Small things
The "remember me" next to the checkbox isn't a label
No obvious Git support
Them motherfuckers !!! Kill them
@SecondRikudo There are some build tools to create the actual packages, tbh it's such a long time ago that I wrote all that stuff that I now have no clue how it all works
They don't seem like pros to me, that's all.
The code is probably not the worst code ever, though
I expect better from a platform that's 100% directed at web.
true true
I know I had some real headaches generating the package signatures etc for FF
You have to "canonicalize" the package XML in a really weird way
to the point that whitespace is significant, because you sign the generated file
it sucks
iirc FF will reject your extension if it outputs to the console
you guys know what "an intranet" is?
are you being sarcastic?
no it's just not a word that's used very often (imo)
circa 1990
oh, its a network only accessible by internal users
yeah ok
heavily used by the gov/military
and large corporations
why do you ask?
anyway, what are the benefits of using an in-house built intranet compared to using/buying an existing intranet application?
id go with the cots (commercial off the shelf) solution over an in house one
usually that means Sharepoint though
because my company has decided to start building their own intranet, and I'm probably going to have to help develop it, really not looking forward to that, it feels like reinventing the wheel for the millionth time
but home grown ones tend to be garbage, and intranet web apps/portals are rarely updated so you end up being stuck with whatever for 10 or so years lol
^ that's what I thought too
yeah idk, I guess it depends on what you guys need
but apparently they did have a meeting over this to decide whether to go in-house or buy one, so what could their motives has been to go in-house?
custom product and possibly something to sell afterwards
tl;dr - lead developer at my old job made a billing app, app became a product.
god man for an intranet id just throw up a WP installation (unless you need document hosting/versioning)
this is what they want for the intranet:
- Messageboard / Chat
- Document sharing
- Timesheet application
- Contact info for each employee
- Calendar
- Pictures
- Wiki
- Newsfeed
- E-learning module
yeah those are the tick marks on sharepoints product listing I'm pretty sure
so I really cannot fathom why they'd want in-house for this
unless you guys want a training content management system, plenty of those exist as well
because they have 30 devs that do fuck all all day ? :P
^ yeah I mean if you have nothing better to do I guess...
@BasementKeyboardHero nah I'm talking about my 2ndary company
they don't really have any available devs
thats going to be $$
I don't understand this
and thats a lot of features.
you going for the double job thing again
I mean.. a timesheet application, forums, chat and elearning module?
those are all their own medium sized apps
as long as they are paying :P
timesheet applications can be HUGE
I work for Company A
Company A sells me to Company B
I work at Company B but get paid by Company A
ah well at least you wont be at B forever I guess then lol
Company A wants the intranet and has no real available devs because they sold them all to other companies
Company B is the one with 30 devs and where I am bored all day
and no, I'm being let go by Company B in a month lol
No idea how you guys are still operational :P
Like most of you have no idea what they are doing :P
Bugs all around, 0 conventions what is this :P
No proper training to new recruits
I'm a pineapple
@DarkAshelin weird company
I trained a new recruit 2 days ago
You still don't know how to use git ffs :P
how are you training people :P
I kinda know now
U no nothing Jon snow
Jeeze everyone beating up on @DarkAshelin today lol
@Loktar it's not as bad as usual
She likes it rough
@DarkAshelin that does sound scary though, its almost like they don't know what they are getting themselves into
with the intranet project
@Loktar but there were devs at the meeting
I'm asking one of them what they were thinking xD
yeah, I mean unless they are thinking of using diff products for each portion thats not quite as bad
but developing each one.. that would take some time
maybe possibly they could use free alternatives for each app, and just build 1 overarching app which just links to each module
so it would be like a portal page
that could work
I make intranets
@Sippy and I make Facebooks for 10$
I'm available for £500 a day :D
Last company i worked at used a ready made service for their portal, something costing 16k in licenses or some shit can't remember the name
@DarkAshelin did you suggest some alternatives like hipchat, trello, slackhq etc?
Had all of the above and was written in html tables :P
@mikedidthis I wasn't at the meeting
I'm just reading up on the report now
also they wanna do it all in Angular
@DarkAshelin sweet. Guess you will be building it then :D
wtf lol
@Sippy its like a fancy hello.
sounds like a bunch of very jr/cowboy/naive devs
I am no longer available
@BasementKeyboardHero SAP?
not trying to be a dick.. but just outward it seems that way
@Loktar you're probably right
Also I know what trello is, I must have missed the point somewhere
Good luck :P
At least you ll have a job for the next 60 years :P
fucking hell man, if I had that project I would run
hahah exactly @BasementKeyboardHero itll never be done.. ever
and itll switch from angular to new super sweet framework, to something else..
Let me guess they are starting the project in angular 1 ?
@Sippy I was just naming useful tools. I think.
I'm also still really confused how the devs need to work on this while they are hired full-time for Company B
wonder how SO will change
I think if I continue working here for a year, I can write my own Air23-like stories
posted on January 23, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by AHumeniy */

^ I love how this got posted on the right time
@mikedidthis he did create the site :P
@rlemon \o/
now he is rolling in the dough
if it wasn't for this site id still be viewing google cached vs's of expert sex change, because I would never pay the monthly fee for answers.
Rolling is an understatement, he's filled his indoor underground automated hidden pool with money and set it on fire
peeps gotta keep warm yo!
You know what's the difference between him and us?
We are using his product?
He took his idea and followed it through, and got it right. We took our ideas and kept them as ideas. :D
apart from a swimming pool / fire pit?
SO isn't his only money maker
People complain about their answers getting downvoted the second they post it
A: How to find nth element using CSS having same id/class

user2966581Use nth-of-class: .someClass:nth-of-class(80) { .... }

iirc, Discourse is his as well
But when you see something like this you just can't help it
The guy skimmed through the comments and wanted to get some rep :P
Is it his fault he didn't read?
Downvoted to oblivion :P
hasnt that question already been asked before? :p
oh look, it has!
@cimmanon It depends on what the OP wants to select
Or rather, it depends on the markup
Gold hammer to the face
Strictly speaking, (//div[@class='aa'])[80] means "match the 80th div[@class='aa'] across the entire document no matter where they are or whether they share a single parent"
It could also mean match the 80th such element in its parent, assuming all the elements appear only within that context, but it's never made clear in the question
either way, the answer is no :p
@cimmanon By that logic you could close every question answered with "no" as a duplicate of the same question
Q: Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

Second RikudoWhat are the technical reasons that I shouldn't use mysql_* functions? (like mysql_query(), mysql_connect() or mysql_real_escape_string())? Why should I move away from them as long as they work on my site?

750 score \o/
Next milestone at 1k
@SecondRikudo ima go downvote just to be a dick :p
@cimmanon The best part is that you're well within your right to do so
And there's nothing he can do about it
@BoltClock I can kick her here >:)
If that makes you feel better..
@mikedidthis Am I missing something or is this just about removing the transform?
hm. pretty sure i can kick back!
It's fucking cold out ere
@SecondRikudo No, this is all about the transform
@SecondRikudo its about removing the whitespace left by transform, the paragraph text should start where the grey span ends.
Mate (Spanish: [ˈmate], Portuguese: [ˈmatʃi]; sometimes spelled maté in English, but never in Spanish or Portuguese), also known as yerba mate, chimarrão (Portuguese: [ʃimɐˈʁɐ̃w̃]) or cimarrón (Spanish: [simaˈron]), is a traditional South American caffeine-rich infused drink, particularly in Argentina (where it is defined by law as the "national infusion"), Uruguay, Paraguay, the Bolivian Chaco and Southern Brazil, and to a lesser degree in southern Chile, Syria and Lebanon. It is prepared by steeping dried leaves of yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis, known in Portuguese as erva-mate) in hot water...
Yall know this drink ?
1 hour ago, by BoltClock
@mikedidthis So you basically want to outdent the drop cap and have it pull the rows of text horizontally adjacent to it along?
@SecondRikudo episode 15
are you happy you prick ?
So mad
Q: ModelSate.IsValid returns true when posting to Web Api action and resulting Model is null

user1790300Using Chrome PostMan, I noticed that if I post to an action method without passing any form parameters the ModelState.IsValid returns true even if I have [Required] validation attribute set on the model properties. The weird thing is that the Model passed as a parameter has a value of null even ...

OP would rather put a 50 rep bounty than look for the answer for like.. 2 minutes
there are so many dupes of that question
so flag it for a mod explaining its a bounty question thats a dupe
Q: Add log-in animation in Rails

AndrewI have a Rails 4 app that utilizes Devise, and I'm trying to spice up the log-in form a bit. The basics of the Log In form: <%= form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => session_path(resource_name)) do |f| %> <%= f.email_field :email, :autofocus => true, class: "log_in_field", :placeho...

@CarrieKendall ModelSate don't return shiet
Q: What is the past tense form of s--t

LyKAre shit, shat and shitted correct and fine to use? After a little bit of searching it seems that they are, with shat being Old English. Is any of the forms more common in British or American English? Also found a reference to the subject here, claiming that shit is mostly American English and...

17min and counting, how long does it take to factory reset jesus
@mikedidthis still need help with this?
@KeyboardWarrior Clearly you've never seen Game of Thrones X-P
@TylerH Yes but I mean... meh... it was just a shock... and Game of Thrones has many main roles... this had just 1 -.-
@ZachSaucier I wonder if the markup can change
codepen.io/anon/pen/zxzZrv?editors=110 lose a bit of the drop cap but I think you can get that back with some more work
but I just woke up X-P firing on like 2 cylinders at the moment
Haven't tried using things like pseudo elements yet
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Everyday types of coders
@mikedidthis I dun it jsfiddle.net/8rohhbzh
also, I got an Illustrio acct if you have illustrations you want me to upload so I can profit off of them ;D
codepen.io/anon/pen/zxzZrv?editors=110 I don't know what "hang halfway into the margins" means
@BasementKeyboardHero three days
get it?
Unless you meant "how long does it take to factory reset, jesus"
guess how they hold a nexus together
I've got nothing
Hey, a product called FUCKING GLUE would be convincing to me
600$ for this piece of shit
what is it?
well I suspect it's a fine adhesive if you don't try to open it up and then close it back together again
Why would i ever need to open my phone's back cover right?
Well most people don't
It doesn't have a replaceable battery, does it?
never had to change a battery ?
it's removable
back cover doesn't like, snap in somehow?
it snaps
most smartphones these days have non-removable batteries
but it also has glue in the back :D
@ZachSaucier that one doesnt work right. the W dropcap in the 2nd paragraph is over top the rest of the text.
not sure how @mikedidthis wants it exactly, but jsfiddle.net/8rohhbzh/1 fixes that issue, just might not be exactly what he wants
@ZachSaucier calc :-(
@ZachSaucier it's somebody else's codepen, Mike probably just saw the opportunity for a challenge
I like that tree
but the SCSS is a couple lines longer than the uncompiled CSS X-P
damn just realized I'm no longer pro on CP
@Loktar epic fail
lol meh its alright
its pretty pricey (codepen)
its what like $80 a year?
close to the same price as Amazon Prime
I confused about the meaning of 'virtual page' I meet this expression and I dont know really what this is mean. Thanks
or $9 a month
but the yearly price saves you $33
ah wonder if they lowered it, I swear it was higher
I think they did
anyway I don't get much out of the pro features tbh
9$/month for codepen, meh
not worth the $9 right now
Last time I looked it was over $10
Self host yo demos
yeah I'm pretty sure I paid over $80 last year
Yeah it doesn't give me anything JSFiddle doesn't already give me
@BasementKeyboardHero yeah, one awesome thing about CP is it gives you views
that I would use
yeah same here, jsfiddle is great
I've always felt CP was behind on their editor
I just wish JSFiddle could hide windows
like I never use the JS window, I'd love to hide it
I just don't like the theme of it or anything, there is just something about jsfiddle thats better overall
but JSFiddle is still in beta so meh
or "alpha" technically
!!afk Red Bull and Planetside 2
haha alpha for what like 4 years now?
yeah like Gmail
they should say its beta at least, it rarely has any issues
it was in beta for 6 years
lol yea
@Loktar they do, sort of
that little fish-tailed symbol next to the JSFiddle title on the sidebar is a greek "a"
I confused about the meaning of 'virtual page' I meet this expression and I dont know really what this is mean. Thanks
which is "alpha"
@KeyboardWarrior where are you? And how are you?
@A_l I don't know what that means either. Need context
@SecondRikudo Episode 16 and starting to like Jean a LOT more than I did at first
And Cpt. Levi... That oke is badass
What's in 16?
@SecondRikudo When they all join Recon
Things are about to get very epic very fast. Keep watching :)
@SecondRikudo :D :D :D
@SecondRikudo BUT it is almost finished :(
@Loktar i prefer CP, even more so now that the save button for jsfiddle doesnt work in opera
@cimmanon oh weird it doesnt?
@SecondRikudo Survey not recon my bad -.-
my preference is jsfiddle > jsbin > codepen in terms of online editors
it hasnt worked for like 2 years now. jsbin is garbage
I can't live w/o that jsfiddle tidy button
jsbin has infinite loop protection, one of the best features imo
wish jsfiddle would add that
cp has gotten pretty bloated now, though. it flickers for like 10 seconds after the page loads. its pretty annoying
nothing like working on an unsaved revision and accidentally creating an infinite loop :/
Yeah I love the Tidy button
Hi Room
CodePen has always performed poorly in Firefox
I don't think Firefox is a concern for Chris
Q: JavaScript mapping touch events to mouse events

QuestionerI'm using the YUI slider that operates with mouse move events. I want to make it respond to touchmove events (iPhone and Android). How can I produce a mouse move event when a touchmove event occurs? I'm hoping that just by adding some script at the top that touchmove events will get mapped to the...

^ gold
@ZachSaucier pretty close. The middle of each drop cap should be on the edge of the text. It wasn't for me btw :D

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