@DarkAshelin In JavaScript, "lambda" is a fancy name for basically having functions as objects, and being able to pass them around and call them dynamically
and... that is pretty much all I found about it. nowhere in the project does it have any "detailById" function. There was 1 match for "detailByid" in the entire project: this config file
angular seems to be what all the companies want though in Belgium. when I was looking for a job like 80% of the job decriptions required Angular knowledge
That is the case-insensitive flag for attribute selectors, introduced in Selectors 4. Apparently they snuck an implementation of that feature into Chrome, for it to recognize that syntax...
@rlemon I think I may have figured it out. The detailById is just a namespace and is not an actual function. The controller just has an initialize() function where it checks for $routeParams and can access the :id and :slug through $routeParams.id and $routeParams.slug
@Loktar Yeah we have an app here for pagers for the doctors and it requires IE8/9 so instead of migrating it (read: rewriting it) we just keep using IE8/9
@Loktar however there is no detailById function/action anywhere in the entire project. The controller also makes no mention of these functions. Yet this routing somehow works
@SecondRikudo no maybe not your writing style but frameworks are probably designed for people who aren't really power users (wordpress, etc.) and therefore don't have their own styles
@DarkAshelin well you seem to have a specific question about a specific part of Angular. Can't hurt to at least search (if not ask) for how angular handles that
CMS users often want to take a deeper step and get a bit more power over their design. Frameworks like bootstrap make it easy, so they don't have to spend months to years learning about HTML and CSS and JavaScript and all that mumbo jumbo
I've got everything for my custom video controls functioning correctly based on how most common video players work(play, pause, scrub, fullscreen).
I would just like to be able to make it so that at the end of the video it goes back to or shows the video "poster" screen again with out reloading the video buffer.
Hello guys... I'm in a little bit of a pickle when it comes to JQueries $getScript command. It seems to work however when I try to use it to load an Angular controller module I'm having some difficulties... Anyone else experienced similar problems
<video controls="controls" poster="http://gifs.gifbin.com/1233925271_8be9acc.gif" style="width:800px;">
With the above; within the HTML5 <video> tag, I can add a poster; of an image or animated .gif just fine and plays / runs before the actual video is 'played'.
NOW, how can I add an image; sp...