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That's why I always drool on anime/games OSTs
it was mostly instrumental iirc
plastic beach
Q: Firefox is destroying my website

Cassondra BazelowI created a portfolio website from scratch, and recently gave it a new design layout. Everything appears fine in Safari and Chrome (haven't checked IE), but it looks horrible in Firefox! I have a header and navigation, which appears to be floating correctly in all three browsers, but both my ga...

@BasementKeyboardHero dat title though
I think that is my fav title
shakes fist darn firefox!
It doesn't surprise me that it is downvoted
op will never come back
Q: An "urgent" tag for questions that need answers within minutes

JarvisI often find myself in a spot of trouble, and when I have minutes left to fix it, I sometimes turn to SO/SF to start the "community help process". I suppose a tag like "urgent" or "immediate-attention" could enable contributors with spare time easily find the most desperate situations, giving mor...

I wonder if it would have been less downvoted had it been IE instead
@Neil nuked would be the term
@Neil it would have been less downvoted if it didnt have a retarded title
maybe ask how it looks in IE
I secretly wonder if Microsoft has a massive squad of people who simply surf the internet and try to write positive comments about Microsoft and trash their opponents like Firefox
Such things have been done before
@Neil why does microsoft need to do that when plenty of people will do that of their own free will? :p
@cimmanon How much do they pay you. ಠ_ಠ
eating chillies is fun
Down with Firefox! And IE!
Google pays my wages.
You see, I'm getting paid by Firefox to drop suggestive comments that make you think badly of Microsoft. Just wanted to compare salaries
@Neil they dont need to. as a disgruntled webdev, i am happy to bash firefox any chance i get
and quite frankly, with opera officially dropping support for their presto browser, IE is looking like the best choice at this point
@Neil I'm fairly sure @BoltClock gets paid for his negative comments about Chrome ;D
I sort of figured that the negative commentary still heavily weighted on IE of all the browsers
@cimmanon the sole fact that you use Opera kinda invalidates everything
@Neil I get a single crisp per comment.
@Mr.Alien starring because I'm a pepperhead. I recently go a bottle of ghost pepper sauce...mmmmm.
Frankly I'm a little surprised.
@Eirinn ead
@Sippy You get paid more than me then :(
@mikedidthis I was hoping for a star wars theme
@mikedidthis Lol strangely appropriate to the comment I'm replying to, you remember that float vs. column thing you solved
IE renders the whole lot totally differently.
@DarkAshelin awwww they love me! they really love me!
But I don't think I can be fucked to change it.
Just gonna tell the client IE is broken and they're bad.
@rlemon <3
yea I'm a young-old fart
True fact: rlemon's mustache transcends the concepts of space and time.
It is the source of his knowledge.
True fact, that moustache was gone the next day
@rlemon Motherfuck
k it is 10:12 but who is counting
@KeyboardWarrior it's 8:15am numb nuts
@rlemon Someone said 10am EST was at 3pm!!!
they lied
@Sippy There's a term for that: lovecraftian
wait what
Ever read anything from Lovecraft?
No sir
@rlemon Well at least I was being considerate fucksakes
@KeyboardWarrior 3pm where xD
@KeyboardWarrior 3pm gmt you nerd
He liked to talk about non-euclidean geometry
@rlemon still mad at me for ditching you on hangout :( I am sorry ok!!!
@KeyboardWarrior by using complex mathemathics, I have hereby calculated that you reside in GMT+2
@Sippy Your masapoes ekse... moenie met my kak soek nie bra... Ek sal jou hard moer!!!
I wonder how far back I can load older messages in this chat
@DarkAshelin Correct :)
and You googled "Where is it 3pm" didn't you -.-
@StephanMuller So far that if you searched for messages older than that date, you wouldn't find any
I actually just know the difference lol
@KeyboardWarrior no I didn't, I used my brains!
@DarkAshelin ...
true story
Awesome, brb writing a script that loads all chat messages
@Sippy Try translate that bitch!!! I bet not even the Dutchies here can :D
@KeyboardWarrior the 2nd part is "Don't try to mess with me" or something
@StephanMuller setInterval(function() { $('#getmore').click() }, 5000);
yeah but
yeah, you're right
@KeyboardWarrior No.
@DarkAshelin fuck :/ well played
same meaning but it actually means "don't look for shit with me" :D
last part is I'll hit you hard
@StephanMuller there are 440k messages
@StephanMuller FUCK >.<
That was Afrikaans slang and still you understand
@KeyboardWarrior ata yahol lalehet la'azazel im haholandit shelcha.
my browser is starting to crash
Who will translate that? ^ :)
@SecondRikudo What language is it? Elvish?
@KeyboardWarrior I already told you where I'm from.
@StephanMuller Let me know when it finishes by a long series of random binary strings
What exactly is XPath?
@Unihedro XPath is a way to select nodes in DOM
@SecondRikudo So then Hebrew?
arire tbaan tvir lbh hc, arire tbaan yrg lbh qbja, arire tbaan eha nebhaq naq qrfreg lbh.
It's stronger and more complex than CSS selectors.
@KeyboardWarrior Yup.
Google translate not working :(
@Unihedro css2xpath.appspot.com take some examples from this
Thank you!!
But know that XPath is capable for more (for instance, selecting by text)
@KeyboardWarrior I know
@SecondRikudo Bleh booboobieboo bleh!!!
אם הייתי כותב ככה, גוגל תרגום היה מצליח לתרגם את זה.
Setting up meetings are ruining my life
If I had the impression that, Google Translate been able to translate it
lbh ner nyy n ohapu bs qbexf
@SecondRikudo Alien symbols!
@KeyboardWarrior Yeah, רושם is both the verb to "write" and the noun for "impression"
Google Translate fails at context.
@KeyboardWarrior Since when do I live in Italy?
Yeah, he lives under the sea...
@Sippy Wrong person, I don't want to visit you anyway
I hate you
I love crabs Sippy
@rlemon Crabs are cool too though
yea, but they itch
@KeyboardWarrior :O
Is this legit?
@SecondRikudo Cool hey :D
I don't know
@rlemon You need to pour some sand on them
But saw it a while back
Then they don't get so riled up.
@SecondRikudo Seems like it is, if you watch carefully the word sometimes jumps back to its original language and then back again telling me it is probably legit
I'm installing it now
@SecondRikudo It is legit yeah :D Download it and test
I'll let you know
@rlemon cool :)
Can someone optimize the length of that? :S
haha this made me chuckle, I am talking with a Solar Company to get Solar panels and he responds every email with
"Solar regards,
Werner Fischer"
@Unihedro whaaaa? What did you use to generate an Xpath expression from CSS??
8 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
@Unihedro http://css2xpath.appspot.com/ take some examples from this
@KeyboardWarrior It is
The is fucking amazing
@SecondRikudo And it works?
like properly?
With clear enough texts, yes.
As long as it can give you the idea of what is said
it doesn't need to be 100 percent correct
it's okay
not perfect
@KeyboardWarrior Afrikaans slang which sounds quite alike to Dutch slang xD
why are you slowly stripping?
@DarkAshelin haha how can different languages have similar slang... its weird >.<
@DarkAshelin it's a panda riding a bicycle in space!
@rlemon I came
@KeyboardWarrior ek sla op u mulle
@DarkAshelin sal* :P
no this is dutch slang
sla O.o
that is unheard of
sla = slagen = to hit
Kykie my bru, hoeganit met jou? Naai bra, eks duidelik
and other slang for the same sentence: kslaag op uw bakkes
Look here dude, how are you?
No man, I'm good
hah yes sounds alike dutch slang
@DarkAshelin I can't understand any of that O.o
Guys, when you have a background image on your site like uhh
"hoegaatet me u" = how are you
	background-image: url(../Content/Images/background.jpg);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-attachment: fixed;
	background-size: 100%;
How do you make it not look retarded on different ratios?
@DarkAshelin now that I can undesterstand :)
@KeyboardWarrior it's dutch slang
Cos in the viewport thing I have, there's whitespace under it in 4:3 ratio viewports
background-size: cover; @Sippy
@KeyboardWarrior but we have a lot of different slangs, and comparing 1 slang to another can be like 2 different languages
@crypticツ like that too but unfortunately I can't intake much of the spicy food else my tummy burns
for example another slang for the same sentence would be "hoeist met aaw?"
@rlemon Nice, thanks man
@DarkAshelin We call our slang Afrikaaps = Slang Afrikaans in Cape Town
@DarkAshelin Since it is Kaapstad :D
@rlemon prizes
we call our slang "straight up gangsta"
@ZachSaucier it isn't 10am EST!
we have flemmish, west-flemmish, east-flemmish, brussels, antwerps, kempisch, and lots and lots more
weird, if I go via google search on steam page the price of gta v is 49.99 and if I go via first place slider it shows me 39.99
I'm still finishing my coffee
no, but I'm leaving for a while :P
@KeyboardWarrior even small towns that are 10 min away from eachother will have their own separate slang
@Mr.Alien 2015 is the year of no pre-orders
@DarkAshelin Antwerpen is that a Belgian Surname?
too many games were released in a POS state last year
@KeyboardWarrior no it's the name of a province
@DarkAshelin But I know someone with that surname :D
stop the madness! stop the preorders of digital content!
@KeyboardWarrior I myself speak a mix of these slangs: antwerps, herenthouts, herentals, nodderwaaks, kortrijks, west-vlaams, brussels, deinzes
@Unihedro why the fek is @Sippy in your hair O.o
@KeyboardWarrior not a belgian then
@DarkAshelin Those are all languages O.o
@KeyboardWarrior He has crabs. It's not me.
@KeyboardWarrior all different slangs, but if you hear them they might as well be different languages sometimes
@DarkAshelin That is Cray cray
fucking cray cray
I speak English, Broken English, Hick, Fake French, Ebonics, and a little bit of Polish
@rlemon yea I know how people are crying after buying watching dogs and cod
ooga booga shooga dooga = establish comprehensive trauma recovery
Nodderwaaks: kunde gij mij wel verstoan as kik zoewe klap?
Antwerps: kunde gij maa wel verstaan asse kik zoe iet zeg?
West-vlaams: verstoa gi mi wel oik iet zag?
Deinzes: versta ge mij wel als ik zo iets zag?
@KeyboardWarrior o.O
@rlemon I speak English, Broken Vlgar Slang English When Drunk, Afrikaans (to a certain Degree) Afrikaaps and then Piglatin when face on the floor wrekced
@Mr.Alien Assassins Creed was just terrible
watch dogs servers stabilized, but it was a little too late
@KeyboardWarrior do those sentences make any sense at all to you?
@DarkAshelin Klap means slap
that is pretty much all I got
@KeyboardWarrior wrong
@rlemon the newer one? didn't played that yet, I loved 1 2 3 brotherhood and revelations... I did saw the gameplay though, is that the game where they have introduced those old age politicians / war leaders like napoleon bonaparte and similar guys?
@KeyboardWarrior klap = to speak
@DarkAshelin Well Klap is Afrikaans for slap :P
@Mr.Alien newest one is FULL of bugs - it's a slap in the face to anyone who purchased it.
well in regular dutch it is as well
Ek sal jou hard klap meneer
but I was speaking slang in these sentences
not slang
@DarkAshelin How can you use a normal word in slang for something different? that makes NO sense
I don't get how talk became 'klap'
@KeyboardWarrior does it make sense in a dialect?
Slang is meant to be made up words -.-
although in Dutch you do have 'achterklap' which means gossip
as in talking (klap) behind (achter) one's back
wonder if that came from Belgian
@DarkAshelin Nope it doesnt
@rlemon I think most of the companies are hyping their games too much these days and releasing way before they test their products thoroughly thinking its a digital disto platform so they will release the bug fixes often but they end up in more mess.. I remember how good planetary annihilation was during alpha and how bad it is now after they released
our dialects we often use the same words in different meanings
and sometimes we make up new words too
or at least, some dialects use words which other dialects have never heard of
like "talloor" means plate in some dialects
@KeyboardWarrior 'pussy' used to be slang before it was adopted into common english. it means cat, but in slang it means vagina
same thing
but it doesn't exist in other dialects/languages
'cat' meant cool guy in '30s slang
It's just weird -.-
it's just how language works
Yeah of course it is
what DA describes goes for all languages
btw I thought it was telloor, is that another dialect?
what does Urbanus speak?
So it's Dialects of the same language
now that I can understand
@Mr.Alien yea but Ubisoft isn't new to the game
they should know better
I don't know if he speaks a dialect from a certain region, besides Kempisch
We have Xhosa, Zulu, Setswana etc
which are all different dialects
like a Black South African can understand all the languages
the funny thing for me is that you can travel 30 minutes to the east/west, and you won't be able to understand a thing of what people say there, even though it's the same language, just another dialect
I know a black dude that speaks all 11 official SA languages
@rlemon half of the people get pissed off because of double sign in, cuz you need the steam login as well as a uplay account iirc
Southern Sotho
Northern Sotho
Those are the Official SA Language
@Mr.Alien yea I'm quite pissed about that for FarCry4 actually
it's annoying as hell and uplay crashes a lot on me
@SecondRikudo There are unofficial ones too :P Most are just Different Dialects
@DarkAshelin Man, Ostens is incomprehensible
It's lucky that Hebrew doesn't have different dialects
@StephanMuller tried Iepers?
Because we have a canon piece of Hebrew we can compare to
(namely the bible)
@SecondRikudo Well the reason there are so many is because of the vast amount of Bantu Tribes that were here
English has man dialects, and if you don't know them, you can just make up your own! Yay English!
my native language has 4 main dialects and like 200 unofficial ones
@rlemon love that game series, played till 3... but yea it will be annoying if their distro crashes every time when you play
I'm sad because my home town's dialect isn't even on that list... so they're missing some

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