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@Sippy AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd thats my queue to leave
@skibbi_bizzle bye
@Sippy I hate your face!!! Just want to punch you in the eye!
demands a snackrifice
@skibbi_bizzle u r so in love with me
@Sippy >.< you are impossible
@skibbi_bizzle shadap skibbi bieber
haahaha @gemtastic that made me chuckle
@Sippy Are you still here?
Dont you have something better to do? Like get a life or clean a toilet
@skibbi_bizzle That's your job
@Eirinn lol
look at this :)
@Julo0sS I am too weak to refuse
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal is this how you feel when i irritate you?
omg julo pls
there's a style section on jsfiddle for a reason boy!
this is what "mpdf" needs to render it as wanted x)
@skibbi_bizzle how
not following
@skibbi_bizzle you cannot irritate anyone
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I'm barely trying and skib is already annoyed
@Eirinn you underestimate my powers
Shut your mouth your dirty whote
@Julo0sS uuuuuh... that's weird Oo guess it automatically autosizes everything - well grats!
@skibbi_bizzle you're fluffy on the inside
i know, i checked
I give up on life
@skibbi_bizzle bye
wut in the butt
are you guys serious
oh yeah
@Sippy no need to do that, that will not work properly on jsfiddle, that will look like... crap... like it is now...^^
@Eirinn thx :P hope it's finally over with that mpdf thing...
@Julo0sS yeeeeeah probably not, but enjoy the brief satisfaction is gives you! :D
@Julo0sS Have you heard of css classes
"I'm sorry sir, do you have a moment to talk about CSS Classes?"
@Sippy yes, this is copy/paste for testing, I copy/cut/paste/move/ & so on... no need for "proper" code to do that job^^
@Eirinn :P
@Julo0sS u make me sik
i cri
@Sippy lol
@skib i have a new enemy
ur still #1
wait i'll make it proper for you if you want, ok? :-P
I don't have time to look anyway
Was just nitpicking
I know,....
screw you guys i want lunch
and it's lunch time!
@Eirinn I just ate a sandwhich and I feel bad now, maybe it went bad
who here likes C.S.S.
@SomeGuy faq you and your mother
well I mean, the sandwhich was past expiration date, but who really looks at those things anyway?
brb toilet
@StephanMuller same people who like that ECMAscript thing
you mean Jamoscript?
Q: Why is jamoscript taken as equivalent to javascript?

sootsnootI inherited a website, and just came across this curiosity: <a href="/delete" onClick="jamoscript:return confirm('Do you really want to do that?');">Delete all</a> I can display the page containing it and click the link to get the confirmation dialog box exactly the same as I do when I change...

Haha that was a funny one
@StephanMuller counterstrike?
@StephanMuller That question is somewhat like Chuck Norris question
Q: Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?

user456584How come certain random strings produce various colors when entered as background colors in HTML? For example: <body bgcolor="chucknorris"> test </body> ...produces a document with a red background across all browsers and platforms. Interestingly, while chucknorri produces a red back...

funny languages
Originally, it wasn't going to be part of HTML 1.1, but it inserted itself into the specifications after the first time Chuck Norris used a browser. The color is said to be modeled after the color of his beard. Fact: setting your background color to chucknorris will crash IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, and versions of IE yet to be invented. It will also crash your computer and roundhouse kick you in the face. — slothario Feb 6 '13 at 0:35
@TylerH Robbie Amell is the guy I was thinking of to play The Flash
@SomeGuy wow, I think am the only one over here who doesn't have his blog
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Looks good to me.
@Mr.Alien Who else here has a blog?
I experimented with several approaches in the past, and I find that one to be the most readable and simple.
@SomeGuy zach, easewee has his site to showcase stuff, @loktar has a really dirty site to show his vintage screensavers and a cool site using tetris, lemon has lot of different stuff to showcase.. obi nullpointer(mayank) has a blog, madara has his blog now
github question. someone made a pull request for a bug fix, it was reviewed and needed some more work but the original contributor is awol. can I contribute to his PR? or do I create a new one?
I mean, it's all git so I guess I should be able to but I'm not sure how
@Mr.Alien Sites that show your stuff aren't really blogs. Aren't you clearly aren't the only one
@Mr.Alien Hey man, Loktar's site is a relic of a lost age.
Patsy, Mike, Mario, Sippy, skibbi don't have one
I used to have a blog but I never updated it so it's gone now
@StephanMuller yes just pull the branch on your local machine and start working on it, then commit & push
@SomeGuy yea I can't say them as blogs but still, I don't even have that to showcase
@SomeGuy I have one
Hmm... I dunno what I learn javascript faster from; just reading on the w3schools description pages or watch the incredibly slow and attentionlosing tutorials....
It's all about cats
@Sippy Oh, well, no one cares, so it doesn't count
@SomeGuy all those are lazy rats with hunger of money so they will never go for a blog am sure
@DarkAshelin github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/pull/2517 where does it say what the branch is?
@SomeGuy I lied.
I figured.
@Mr.Alien :(
With a table, no set widths or heights except for on the table.
I was thinking about making one
@StephanMuller I don't know github exactly but doesn't your company have a naming convention? for example having the ticket number in the branchname
But no one would give a fuck
So what's the point
@Sippy yes, that vintage dude has some good old stuff as well as he programs new ones quiet well
@Sippy What would it be about?
@DarkAshelin Yeah we do but this isn't my company. It's just an open source project I'd like to contribute a fix to
@StephanMuller or maybe guenter-wolf:patch-1 is the branchname
@Sippy lol don't be sad, even am one of you
@SomeGuy My development as a graduate developer.
ah I could try that
I've only been in my career for about 5 months so
I might read it
@SecondRikudo thx
If you want to blog, just do it. If you're consistent, people will eventually take notice
Thing is, a lot of the stuff I know now is probably wrong, and other things I learn will be wrong, and I don't wanna write about stuff that's wrong for new devs to read and learn in a way that is wrong.
@DarkAshelin hmm, doesn't seem to be the case
owait it's just patch-1
@Sippy haha truest statement you have ever made :P
@skibbi_bizzle True of you as well ;)
@Sippy I wouldnt make a shitty blog knowing it was shitty O.o
@skibbi_bizzle Hence why I haven't made one
I'm 21 I don't know shit
good lord!
@Sippy There are people younger than you on here that know a shit load... whats your excuse
@skibbi_bizzle I was pushed into this career by my parents when I was 19
No one can force you to do anything so don't give me that crap
It made sense, was good with computers, didn't know what I wanted to do
Still don't know if I wanna stick with this
So if you were good with computers and its 2 years later now, means you know a pretty decent amount
stop selling yourself so short
I know some stuff, but what I know is not infallible
@Sippy shut up you are a crab
@DarkAshelin K fucking O'd yoh... coooooold
@DarkAshelin come at me bro
@Sippy "under the seaaaaa"
Think I just sneezed so hard I popped a gill
posted on January 06, 2015 by Jane Bailey

Once upon a time, in a far off kingdom named 1996, there was a developer named Jack. Jack worked for a poor company that could barely afford to buy grain with which to bake objects; they had to make do with Delphi forms, pinching and scraping what they could into an application. Instead of methods, they were stuck with button events, from which they milked database tables. One day, Jack came

Anyone using vim as their main editor in here?
There's a few in the JS room, I believe
copy does there. Can't remember others
Guys, some issue with my fiddle related to CSS3 column-gap. http://jsfiddle.net/6b2ok5s7/
How do I fix it?
@RahulDesai Interesting
How do you fix what? What is the expected behavior, and what is it that's going wrong?
If you reduce the right margin from 2px to 1px it changes dramatically
@SecondRikudo Yes, it does. How do I get the list to fill up to bottom? Meaning, 1-6 in the first column and the rest in the next column, same as it was earlier.
@StephanMuller column-gap doesnt seem to be 4px
@RahulDesai It is
Because columns take 1/n of the width of the container.
Plus your 4px
So either shrink your container, or widen your children.
@SecondRikudo I see. Is there a way that I can make the gap of just 2px?
@RahulDesai Read one message above yours.
@skibbi_bizzle Damn it I just remembered that episode about Fry's dog
u and ur feels
Damn ninjas punched me in the eyes when I watched that one
@SecondRikudo and how about $user->setError(iUser::ERROR_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST) ?
I prefer $user->addError(new NotFoundException('User ID does not exist in database')) or something similar
A: How to change the floating list order horizonal to verticle

Rahul DesaiUse column-count property of CSS3 accordingly: .pink_box{ background: pink; height: 110px; width: 180px; } .list_container{ width: 81px; } .pink_box ul{ list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0; -webkit-column-count: 2; column-count: 2; -webkit-column-gap...

why exception?
Is there a way that I can improve this answer?
@Sippy It just brought a tear to my eye </3
@RahulDesai yes add more explanation
@RahulDesai If it's a duplicate why did you answer it?
@Sippy O my God the feels >.<
> Bad code wastes CPU cycles; bad essays waste brain cycles.
@skibbi_bizzle SKIBBI PLS
@SecondRikudo reps :-|
@RahulDesai Write canonicals
I think it's the best way to get bang for your buck
@SecondRikudo What is that?
See the link in my profile
@Sippy I tear up every time... and not ashamed to admit it
I haven't seen that episode
And I don't want to see it.
@skibbi_bizzle With the amount of time travelling bullshit that happens in Futurama I am surprised Fry never went back for him.
I've seen some unnerving shit, but neglected dogs is my #1 weakness.
@SecondRikudo Its deep man... its fucking deep
Fuck your manliness, you will feel fuzzy inside
@skibbi_bizzle I watched Elfen Lied without as much as blinking
Except for the one scene where they kill a dog by beating it
@SecondRikudo So far, I have got only 1 bounty :D I havent attempted much though. Just like 2 maybe.
There's about a metric ton of blood spilled in those 13 episodes, it has decapitations, organ ripping, child nudity, very sad death scenes, the whole deal
And the dog scene is the only one that made me blink
@SecondRikudo when i get an instance updated i check if the form targeted the right version
user A loads the form for the edit
user B loads the form for the edit
user B changes a field and saves it
user A changes a field and saves it (but he gets an error, since his "base" version [the one loaded in his form] was deprecated meanwhile by user B)
version is accessible through $myEntity->getVersion()
in your opinion is this error part of the domain object? $myEntity->addError(iEntity::ERROR_DEPRECATED)
let's summon also the flying dutchman @PeeHaa
> During the terminal count engineers observed drift on one of the two thrust vector actuators on the second stage that would likely have caused an automatic abort. Engineers called a hold in order to take a closer look. SpaceX is scrubbed for today and we are now targeting launch on Jan. 9th at 5:09am ET.
what's spacex?
ah, the paypal guy
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Yes, that's a Domain error.
so i can fit basically all errors in the domain object, instead of using the TransitionResult class we talked about yesterday
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I throw exceptions on errors.
If an error was discovered in a Domain Object's internal validation methods, it will throw.
i don't agree on this, validation errors are not exceptions imho
If it throws, it bubbles back until someone can handle it, and it gets handled (at best, by displaying a friendly error message, at worst rendering a 500 page)
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal They are if you validated client-side. Someone bypassing client-side restrictions and submitting bad data is exceptional.
That's how I see it at least.
i see you point, but i do client side and server side validation at the same way
because i mostly do client side validation using html5 only, and old browsers will get the server side validation
If you care about old browsers, you should use a shim for the HTML5 validation attributes
4gb ram mobile + 1080p display for 199$ asus.com/Phones/ZenFone_2_ZE551ML awesome
since when android works <ins>smooth</ins> on intel processors? lol
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal its been more than tow years :P Xolo X900 23 april 2012
Friggin downvote!
Q: jQuery translate value adding by jQuery

Shibin RaghwHeight = $(window).height(); .css({"-moz-transform":"translate(0," +wHeight+ ")" }); This is my code , but I am getting an error ? How to add value by jQuery

@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal i have used zenfone 5 and it was quite good
Is it really that bad?
@RahulDesai It should be a comment.
@RahulDesai what a bad idea posting your answer here :D
The question is that poor that you shouldn't have answered it, that's probably the reason for downvotes.
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal i suppose you can ask :p
@RahulDesai really bad answer
Maybe I am too hungry for reps :P
@cimmanon will you hurt my feelings? :( :D
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal indeed
@cimmanon anyway i sorted it out already. was going (more) retard (than usual) about isolation levels and row locks
no, i wont hurt your feelings :p
!!youtube 10 hours what is love
damn you caprica
thank you for ruining my day @Sippy
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi First thing I read when starting Javascript lol
Not sure why
Was a good read though
:D idk why but i am doing same learning JS and come to that :D
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi It's a good starting place if you plan to use jQuery or Angular, which is a pretty solid bet seeing as they're both fairly well used.
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal This is actually really easy listening
@Sippy BUT 10 HOURS
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Mate I'm 8 minutes in and still head bopping
@Sippy challenge accepted?
Oh I'm doing it
But I won't do the whole ten hours today
I'll do 5 hours and then start again tomorrow morning lol
I'd rather go home :P
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi Gonna need updating when 2.0 comes out :P
that's easy
@BasementKeyboardHero moarning
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Does it loop the whole song or just part of it?
part of it i guess
I feel sad for animals dying on the screen, fuck them humans though
@SecondRikudo meh animals shouldn't be in movies
@skibbi_bizzle It makes quite a bit more impact though
@BasementKeyboardHero awesome
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal 25 minutes still dancing
@BasementKeyboardHero lol rly
@BasementKeyboardHero monkey :V
So tired i almost clicked publish site instead of publish item T_T
Wutcha using ?
at work, an ancient version of sitecore -.-
at home, silverstripe

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