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I had similar rebuild problems on windows when using phantomjs and twitbot
however solved it by switching ms visual studio version target to the on I had installed
it was such a simple fix. I have spent days trying to figure this out
npm clean; npm install nw-gyp -g; node-pre-gyp rebuild --runtime=node-webkit --target=0.11.2 # then rename the folder from node-webkit-v0.11.2* to node-webkit-v14*
@rlemon guess what i just started watching (again) ?
:D nope, a night at the roxbury
> I nosseld you my friend!
> Totally got me!
how the fuck do you spell nossled? nosseld? noseled?
i don't even know what it means
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Nozzled Complete Obliteration of the female anatomy to the point where gender is unidentifiable.
it's like the 10th entry in UD
i only see 3 entries
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal when he sticks the twizzler up his brothers nose
@rlemon yes i got the scene now. i don't remember how they translated it in italian :P
eh, my mind is fried today I'm too sleepy @CarrieKendall data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/263150/… It's a start
jeans are kind of like sex dolls
the ones with holes in them are more expensive
i wish i could find jeans that fit. i cant remember the last time i bought a pair where i didnt have to wear a belt with it :-(
@TylerH stop smoking the pot then
@rlemon I wish I had some
@cimmanon eat a burger
@TylerH what state are you in?
@rlemon it doesnt matter what i weigh, the proportions stay the same.
@cimmanon so, big ass tiny hips?
you could be in a hiphop music video.
big ass, tiny waist
my issue is that I like fitted jeans, but since the gym my thighs are bulking.. now it's hard to find pants again
I have to get 1-2 sizes larger and belt it
This is why we should go back to togas
they're still around
we just call them Muumuu's now
nah those are just dresses
a toga is wrapped
and tucked
Hello everyone. I don't know if this is the proper place but I would like a help with a feature that I am trying to implement to my website. I found jsfiffle with an auto scroll feature. I tried to add to my website but it doesnt work. I made a simplified version of my website just for the forum. SHould I post a link to my question?
In my question you can see my steps/debugging etc..
Do you have jQuery installed on your website?
installed... ><
yes it has everything. It's a website made with Muse and then exported in HTML
It runs perfect..
@cimmanon well... "linked"
@Billef32 Okay, "has everything" doesn't really answer my question
The only thing is that when I tried to add the new script I am must do something wrong with the anchors
If you aren't already loading jQuery 2.1.0, then it won't work. I am just checking to make sure you're doing that first
Please this is already inside the script..
on the top... and it's also posted in my question
as one of the steps
THe problem is not the script the problem is calling the script by using name attributes (accroding always to the Jsfiffle)
are you including the script in the same tag you have code in?
Take a look at this jsfiffle. . IT''s pretty simple.
It is JSFiddle, by the way, not JSFiffle
As far as the jQuery goes, I can't help you past making sure it's included in your HTML file, unfortunately
but the commenter is right in that you should post your HTML in the question rather than insisting on a dropbox link
I did post the html ...
but he wont be able to see how it works..
@CarrieKendall meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/281880/… Maybe it'll get added
there're several local scripts generated by Muse that help its functionality..
@Billef32 as a side note: you really shouldn't be doing the measurements on every scroll event. do them on page load and on resize and just reference those positions in the scroll event
then there is MUCH less DOM Access
Sorry I don't understand what you're saying. I am just an amateur. I just liked this feature and I tried my best to make it work but I can't
can you tell my where should I put the "name" attribute in order for the script to work?
what doesn't work about it
As you can see in the JSfiddle the script uses the name attributes ( #A1 #A2 etc). I tried to give the same names to my anchors but it doesn't work. I also tried to put each DIV into a <a name=#A1 /> but then again nothing
Don't mind the typos here please :)
Anyone have a recommended payment processing company for higher risk industries? BrainTreePayments rejected my clients application.
Pay Line Data I hear is good with high risk merchants
one sec
@Billef32 yes, but "doesn't work" doesn't tell me anything
what doesn't work, what should it do
I get no errors and the smooth scroll-to seems to work for me
@JosephCasey Might want to look into Stripe as well
It was made for web developers in mind
Excuse me you talk about my site or the JsFiffle?
Thanks. I was considering them. Just wish each online payment processor had the industries they considered too risky on an easy to find page.

You're always on here... Do you work for stackoverflow?
@Billef32 there is no fiffle. its fiDDle >.>
@JosephCasey No, not even close. Many devs frequently lurk in this (and other) chat rooms
but that doesn't mean we work here :-D
no need to correct someone for mistyping I don't do it on purpose.
@TylerH XP I was suspicious!
@Billef32 you did it at least twice.
@Billef32 Wrong. There is a need to correct someone for mistyping regularly. Whether you're doing it on purpose or not is irrelevant. :-)
@Billef32 jsfiddle works for me
@JosephCasey Yes well it's not in the industry's interest to be transparent about their denial reasons
or at least seems to
They want as much leeway as possible. If they list the reasons, then they will have a hard time defending a reason not on the list
But JsFiddle is the one I am trying to implement to my site.. OF course it works
If they don't list the reason, then they can just make up a new reason whenever they see fit
@Billef32 and what issues do you get on your site
and if you say "it doesn't work" I'm done helping you
@Billef32 First you should try debugging it, you know
throw in a test console.log("pancakes"); or something at the beginning of the script
work your way through the script until you get to a part that isn't firing/working
Excuse me but you were thinking that I was talking about JSfiddle when I was pretty clear here and in my posted Question. And I don't know if you even read my posted question I did debugging and I posted the results. "Its doens't work" means that It doen't reproduce the same feature that JSfiddle has.
and then if you can't fix that problem, come back and share details about exactly what part of the script isn't working
"it doesn't work" isn't acceptable when you are trying to get help. you need to clearly state the expected behavior and what it is currently doing
@Billef32 The problem is that we understand what "It doesn't work" means. It means you aren't getting what you want. But that doesn't help us solve the problem at all. We aren't going to do any debugging for you
and I'm sorry I'm not goign out of my way to look for your code - we are helping you after all.
This is the same principle of you asking a tech support guy "I'm getting an error. The website doesn't work" And the tech asking you "What error code are you receiving?"
specific information is needed
expected behavior and what it is currently doing are a must
Exuse my guys but I was pretty clear. In my question I have all the details. JSFifdle has a very specific behavior when scrolling down - that feature is what I am talking about. It does an autoscroll everytime from one anchor point to another. In my site it doesn't do that. I just have the normal scrolling.
The problem is not in the script itself.
The problem is in the actual html code when I have to put name attributes that script is using.
I guess I put them in the wrong place or something
no, that isn't the problem
if you're using the same convention as the fiddle
then it is fine
and 1) post your question, some of us are late comers. 2) link to the not-working site 3) remember on SO others are helping you for free, if we ask for more clarification there is no point arguing with the person, it just puts them off helping you
Well it's not fine because I already have id in my anchors (generated by muse) and the debugging says that an extra name attribute is obsolete
hint: you don't need to put it in names, you can use ID's for it
Q: Autoscroll to anchor tag implementation (need help)

Billef32I need your help. I have this jsfiffle with an autoscroll-to-anchor-tag feature. http://jsfiddle.net/t6LLybx8/12/ or "12/show" I tried to implement this to my website which is made in Muse and then exported to html. I can't do it. My steps: 1. I added the Javascript to my code. "script" ...

<a href="#foo">foo</a>

<div id="foo"> the link will take me here </div>
the problem might be that you're using name instead of id
for the anchor
again no.. the script is written in a way to use names from A1 to Ax... My ids generated by muse are used for styling and they have strange "names" .. I can't change them as it will mess the style ..
Muse uses ID's for styling? ouch
that is horrible
jsfiddle.net/1m4t934r This is an approximate JSFiddle of Bllef32's actual site with the extra stuff taken out
Yes muse generates ids for almost everything in my code
@Billef32 You may want to remove your script at the bottom of your HTML that loads jQuery 1.8.3
Because you're loading 2.1.0 at the top
but then overriding it with an older version
whereas the JSFiddle example you found on the internet uses only 2.1.0
I will check this out.
But let's say that the 2.1.0 is ok and lets assume that script is ok..
how do I call the tags ?
I have to put #A1
The potential problem I just mentioned isn't with 2.1.0, it's with 1.8.3
as seen in the initial JSfiddle
I still don't really understand the problem. but use querySelector and you can actually run selectors for matches
Rlemon.. ... this is an original excerpt from my site ..
You are loading 2.1.0 (the good version), and THEN overriding it with 1.8.3 (unknown version) later on in the file. I'm suggesting removing 1.8.3 from your code
<a class="anchor_item colelem" id="antag2"></a>
<div class="clearfix colelem" id="u75-4"><!-- content -->
<p>TAG 2</p>
@Billef32 and here is an excerpt from the problem I was facing earlier.
   if (!abi) {
        throw new Error("Unsupported target version: " + target);
    if (abi > 1) {
        return runtime+'-v' + (+abi);
    } else {
        // no support for node-webkit unless > 0.10.x
        if (runtime != 'node') {
            throw new Error("Runtime '" + runtime + "' unsupported for target version: " + target);
        if (!abi_crosswalk[target]) {
            throw new Error("Unsupported target version: " + target);
        abi = abi_crosswalk[target].v8;
see how helpful it is ;)
^ Should have used PHP
ok Mario
guys you should give me some credits .. I am just an amateur and I am trying my best :)
If I want to make the script to work I have to change it into this ...
<a name="#A2" class="anchor_item colelem" id="antag2"></a>
<div class="clearfix colelem" id="u75-4"><!-- content -->
<p>TAG 2</p>
I will check it TylerH
@Billef32 we're sticking with you, so there is that. we want to help, but we need your assistance to understand your issue.
@Billef32 Yeah there are some considerable barriers here, for sure. But one lesson to take away from this, success or no, is to try and avoid just using scripts you find off the internet :-)
yes but if you see my actual you wouldn't believe that an amateur did it.. It's just that everytime I am trying to implement a new feature. and now I am stuck :/
I will make a few changes right now following TylerH suggestions
and I will be back
A good rule of thumb is to not use code snippets you can't at least somewhat understand e.g. "okay this section does this action, that section does that action" etc.
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
fuck fof

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 '12 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 '12 at 13:40 by rlemon

The gov't spied on her via the US Postal Service?
Now I need a dog
I deleted the old version. Now the scrolbar is not working properly like before.. I can't scroll down - only up... :/ The script is right. I must put the name attribute somewhere else... :/
According to the debugger . This is not valid ...
<a name="#A2" class="anchor_item colelem" id="antag2"></a>
name is obsolete
it is
But I can't change the id
so I have to find another way to add the name
use data-* attributes
then use querySelectorAll to grab them back
Chinese to me :) thanks though.. My logic is.. given that the scripts needs only this <a name="#A1">Tag #1.</a> ... I have to add it to my anchor somehow.. What if put the whole Div inside the <a name="#A1">DIV</a>
ok, well if it is Chinese to you, maybe go read about it ;)
I've given you lots of juicy terms to google
and you can't put a div inside of a anchor tag
guys it's no school. I am trying to do things in a more simple way. The guy here did this amazing feature by using just a few lines of code in the html .. I guess that I could somehow do the same with my site But I don't know where to place the name attributes.
lol, we're here to help people learn
it is school (in a sense)
That's the way you see it. Anyway thanks for your efforts. Good night to everyone.
I will figure out a way :)
If you are really having trouble still why don't you just start from the working fiddle and then just fill your content in around the fiddle's markup?
good luck
I did that already but the thing is that my anchors already have IDs ...
IDs that they cannot be removed
IDs that cannot be removed
If there were no Ids then I guess the code would run properly .. (let me check on that now that I've mentioned it)...
@rlemon in HTML5 you can
@easwee you can put block elements inside inline elements?
yep as long as you use html5 doctype
it's perfectly valid
I had to double check it last day I had a chat with don't remember who
html5 is stupid
they ditched a lot of stuff in html5
that was a good rule if you ask me
indeed it is
kept a lot of silly HTML from being written
they figure people will just do display: flex; anyway
i guess this was done because it was dumb to set all inline elements to block when nesting deep in DOM
you had anchor tag wrapping like a list item
next you'll tell me I can put something other than LI inside of a UL/OL
yeah a div
and there are images and text inside - to be valid all had to be done with inline elements, but to style it as you want you mainly need block
@TylerH that can't be or?
you can put a div in a li
which can be in a ul
so technically you can put a div in a ul
hey something interesting...
no, you cannot put anything but a LI
it isn't compliant
Permitted contents
Zero or more li elements
I realized that the feature is working in reverse.. :/
It means that the auto scroll works from down to up
permitted content = flow elements
div is a flow element
yes, you can put a DIV in an LI
but not as a direct child of a UL
yeah that would be ultimately silly
people try it
even having a div inside li is weird to me
  <a class="title">foo</a>
I've seen this in quite a bit of code
yep - so did I
anyways, home time. I'll be back
it's one of the most common problems back when suckerfish menu was popular
someone remind me when I'm back to deliver the prizes (@TylerH)
Okay. I'm going home too
@rlemon deliver the prizes
have a safe trip back home @TylerH @rlemon
I don't know if I'll be back until later later
11pm here
I'll be hitting bed soon probably today
rlemon how did you checked the problem with the script ?
** if (!abi) {
throw new Error .... ... ..
I look forward to having virtual projection (video) be more common
@rlemon the display type of an element doesnt dictate what elements it can contain. anchor tags are inline elements, but allowed to contain block elements like div.
@cimmanon rlemon is afk: home tyme
interesting :)
@cimmanon thanks for the additional information
@Billef32 just be aware that strange things might happen in older browsers that dont recognize this and try to "fix" your markup for you because it doesnt understand the new rules for html5
well I guess me and the "markup" are on the same side as I don't understand the new rules for html5 either :) :P :)
@cimmanon now, yea. previously you couldn't have block elements inside inline elements
it worked, but it wasn't standards-compliant
they dont use inline/block in the spec anymore. i think they use "flow content" and i dont know what the other one is called
like I said, yea, now it is changed. I was unaware of that previously. you can see I've already been corrected ;)

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