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but at least now you know another way of visualizing the same concept
maybe you can draw some inspiration from elements that you liked
@DarkAshelin and for that i thank you :)
(if any) xD
@cimmanon would a pen and paper icon button work better with the current text?
target group is teens i guess... and their moms xD
@Eirinn I think a pen and paper button would be more fitting with your concept. But it must remain clear what the button does
target group is teens? I highly doubt they would use a site like that, while they have Facebook
@Eirinn You're gonna have to take it on the chin then if you ask for criticism because it doesn't really come soft
I would think the target group to be more elderly :D
@DarkAshelin target groups is teens - you should target mobile first
If you want you can view it from the perspective that people criticising your work are actually just trying to further your perspective on design
And so are helping you.
@easwee but why wouldn't they just use a text instead then
Which is actually true, probably.
@Sippy and if over 10% of the population weren't HSP that would be fine :)
@DarkAshelin text?
@easwee SMS
Hyper Sensitive
@Eirinn I'm the wrong person to be talking to about all that stuff.
If you use it as an excuse you already let it beat you
@Sippy I think most internet users are
I'm not that kinda person. :)
it's not an excuse it's a genetic variance man :)
And? :P
@DarkAshelin I don't know - I'm not the product owner :)
you can't just "ignore it"
even if you want to
just saying that if you plan to target teens you should start at mobile phones first
That's still not a valid reason to say you can't handle criticism
@Eirinn it doesnt even need to have an icon. it just needs to be impossible to miss, to compel the user to use it
kids don't use pc browsers anymore
I think what Sippy is trying to say is: you yourself must learn how to deal with your HSP, because other people won't do it for you. Others won't take care of what they say
anyway this is hardly on-topic
actually most of the site is mobile ready, at least tablet ready
I'm genetically predisposed to be a highly anxious person which causes all kinds of problems
I refuse to use that as an excuse for anything.
@DarkAshelin and that's fine and stuff, but that's not how it works :)
@DarkAshelin Hey that's right
You smart
@Sippy see I understand u
ye u do
now kiss
Well sorry to lay it down on you like this, but asking for feedback and then saying "you're being mean I have HSP" is not how it works either
no we listen to electroswing!
@Sippy so you did ask me for music taste before
@StephanMuller Henoch–Schönlein purpura ?
@StephanMuller i asked for kind feedback, it's not hard :)
@DarkAshelin Yes I remembered literally as you told me what you liked lol
@Eirinn there is no kind feedback if you want to improve :P
And when you said electro swing I listened to it for like 3 days solid
It's funkay
@BasementKeyboardHero This.
this criticism is nothing compared to the douchebaggery i have seen here in the past >.>
Do you want to learn or do you want us to smile and wave ^^
@cimmanon And that
@BasementKeyboardHero fortunately you're wrong :) you can say something is shit like this "the design right now isn't working, honestly i don't think it looks very good" OR you could say "it looks like shit" meaning is pretty much the same
People are actually being constructive and friendly here
@Eirinn Your design looks really really really bad
@BasementKeyboardHero Y U KEEP DOING @EL
It's not designed
@Eirinn when I ask for feedback and criticism on someone, I tell people to do their worst
about a month ago, i saw someone try to pass off "your design makes me want to vomit" as criticism
@cimmanon That's valid!
I ask them to rip my code apart and show me everything that's wrong and stupid and ugly with it.
@StephanMuller i do not disagree i was talking answering questions about the subject
@cimmanon Translated: "You need to change the colour scheme of your design as it makes me nauseous."
@Eirinn you would sink so fast in corporate world
Let's move on from this topic before someone gets salty.
@easwee I work at a fortune 500 company and doing fine
@Eirinn I agree that when someone says "it looks bad" or "it looks like shit" that really isn't helpful. When someone says that though, I ask them "what exactly is bad about it? which part?" and that helps me improve
@Eirinn O_o
@DarkAshelin you're missing the point. The thing here is not the message, it's the way it's delivered. Which is why it doesn't make any sense when people say "i won't evolve" from soft criticism. The end result is the same.
@easwee surprise :)
Are you the web designer in that firm? :P
okok lemme rephrase then, "soft criticism" = "say what you want, but don't be a cunt"
Fortunately I'm not :P I'm a developer
Lol good :P
@ZachSaucier probably not showing up in the CV queue
@BasementKeyboardHero lol cunt :D
i'll do them by hand
@Eirinn That's why your design sucks then lol
Devs can't design
Wrong brain
@Eirinn I dunno, but asking everyone around you to change their wording for you just isn't always going to work. I don't know a lot about HSP but if you are going to expect everyone to change themselves for you, you're going to get offended even harder. Just not mentioning it (unless someone is really making an ass out of himself) would imo work better. But I'm just a random internet stranger which doesn't really know anything about this so don't take it to heart
actually according to the company I have a rare "specialist" profile which both encompasses design AND code. Thing is i never get to work with it so it's pretty bad.
@Eirinn Well, your company doesn't define what you can do, you do.
@DarkAshelin " so don't take it to heart" this part here is what doesn't work when you're HS. If you call me an idiot i get genuinely sad :)
Your company will tell you that you are a designer and a developer so they don't have to hire a designer and a developer.
@sippy and that's why I'm in here getting advice on a page I'm designing myself :P
naw we have a full team here
As a developer who gets lumped with the same shit
okay so back to your design
My advice is use Bootstrap
Bootstrap is like easy mode.
do you have any plans of what you will change yet?
@sippy two developers, and art director, a horde of graphical artists and so on
@Sippy This is the most offensive thing anyone has said in the past hour
@StephanMuller NO U
Screw bootstrap
Well fuck you all I like it
@DarkAshelin well obviously the header. 0% of the people i ask like the header. There's a problem with the text and the button on the front page too.
@Sippy css newb
@easwee #truth
Next time a js noob comes in here with a js noob question I'll tell him "just use jQuery, it's easy mode"
@Eirinn do you have any idea's yet about what you will do with the header?
I can't web design for shit :D
@DarkAshelin unsure about the fonts honestly. I'm deffinitely keeping tangerine, but i may change the base font.
or are you going to check those inspirations sites I linked before?
@StephanMuller That's what I would say roflmao
@Sippy Then refrain from giving design advice instead of saying shitty things like "just use bootstrap"
@DarkAshelin i think I'll check out the link @cimmanon posted
@Eirinn Tangerine? don't see that anywhere
is it embedded properly?
@StephanMuller Plenty of people use Bootstrap effectively.
It's on the letter To & from, it's used sparcely since it's very strong
Just because this chat houses the elitists of the coding world doesn't mean that Bootstrap is entirely invalid in every implementation
Nor is jQuery
@Eirinn that's just an image
@Sippy I'm not saying that at all. I use bootstrap
anyway yes, the font on the letter itself looks fine
but bootstrap is not a design framework
@DarkAshelin did you only visit the front page? :)
it's a CSS framework
@Eirinn I clicked on start writing and got horrified by the amount of scrolling
For someone who need only use a minimal amount of JS and needn't learn the entirety of the language, jQuery is a good alternative, especially as someone in that position will not be serving a largely consumed service in majority of cases
Same with bootstrap
if you want to start learning / improve designing, bootstrap is NOT what you're looking for in any way
bootstrap is useful only when you need to throw a backend layout fast together
That's why I suggested it
If you wanna build a perfect site to serve to a wide audience, don't use newb frameworks.
Anyone with half a brain knows that
@Eirinn oh the animation is fancy
Ok, I agree with you on the jquery part
And anyone building sites like that will already have that required knowledge in most cases
my point is, bootstrap is a dev tool, not a design tool
@DarkAshelin thx works down to like... IE6
@StephanMuller True, but it encompasses a lot of the design for you.
Not the way you lay out your site sure
But the way it actually looks is done for you a lot of the time.
@Sippy a bunch of borders and colors != design
@DarkAshelin the compose page is long because it has three steps before you can send the letter. But i could probably make the process a little easier on the user
@Eirinn btw a suggestion for the "Compose" page: Right now you need to scroll a LOT and when you scroll down it looks like the pages are... separated, the different parts don't fit together. I think you could rework this to make it look a lot cleaner and so it fits together
yes that
@easwee Not entirely, but borders and colours are a part of it.
Aesthetics is part of design
always simplify things when you can
@DarkAshelin I could maybe made the headers the same color as the section
@DarkAshelin but they're separated on purpose
there's a difference between separation, and actually looking like a different page in a page
the 3 parts can be separated, but still fit together
they all use the same layout
sec I'll try to find an example
please :)
@Sippy been using bootstrap for a year and a half as our core for a site builder we have - we threw it out since we realized we are wasting so much time overriding it's rules that ti's faster to write it from scratch for any custom design
@easwee That's at least somewhat contextual
Cos I use Bootstrap for virtually all my applications and I don't change much of it.
But I write internal apps, so
and in 90% of cases you won't be using more than 50% bootstrap features
true you have a custom builder... but still
@Sippy fine for that
@easwee Aye, in my case it matters not if I include the whole of Bootstrap and the whole of jQuery
Cos it's all internal
not exactly what you are making but I hope you get what I mean
your Compose page basically consists out of 3 steps
@DarkAshelin clicks
3 clicks?
@Sippy meh we look at each kb that can be saved - our products get embeded on client websites
+ it's mobile
@DarkAshelin haha yeah that's actually what i started with, but i dropped it due to complexity. But it seems that I've introduced another type of complexity that's at least as confusing
@easwee Yeah that was my point earlier, for a widely consumed service you want to make it as cost effective and fast as possible
So custom design would easily outweigh Bootstrap as a design choice
I make enterprise applications where filesize matter jack shit. Think our latest one is 400Mb
@Eirinn PER PAGE?
per application :P but since it's a one page app, yeah
Does the client have to download 400MB to load the application??
naw "only" about 15Mb :P and all the images on the front page so about 50
@DarkAshelin I was promised bum
@Eirinn lolwat
Still high, internal not as big a problem but that's still gonna be a couple seconds load time on a fast network
@sippy it's true, the config xml is 8mb alone
@Eirinn wat the fuk is in it
everything is client side generated to work in ipads
i know what you're going to say :P
but assume no net connection
@Eirinn well right now, when someone is on the Compose page and finishes the first step/part, they click next and the page jumps to the next step, but there is no visual indicator anywhere that this is still the same mail/card they are making. they could feel "lost" because the page looks different and their previous information/what they filled in seems to be gone
Oh it's an actual application?
it's a web app with a wrapper, yeah
@DarkAshelin oi that was golden I'll save that somewhere
And it just communicates with itself, pages are loaded from the ipad?
@Eirinn if you look at the Facebook example, it says on top which Step someone is on. It tells you where you are in the process, how long it will take, and which steps you already completed. It's a very useful visual indicator
there's no pre-generated html
I just realised my fantastic crab hat has gone :(
Guys, Gaben broke d2 servers again
@Sippy Oh no :(
@DarkAshelin I've actually written a small library to handle stuff like that rosefalk.dk/library/base/index.html it's free
@Sippy Your problems are so small, they give me cancer
@DarkAshelin I meant to use it, but decided not to in the last moment. I'll try to re-implement it
see this is soft criticism :)
@Eirinn the 2nd image that I linked is meant to show that you don't necessarily need to add "Step 1 > Step 2 > etc", but you can use nice icons for example and highlight the icon of which step you are on. Works the same way but different layout
@skibbi_bizzle Are you on your period or something?
So mad today
All it takes is for people to calm down, see what's happening and comment on it. When people comment on a whim it's often just "uhh looks like poop" or "unicorn buttsecks"
!!tell Sippy EaD
this whore -.- well you got the message
^^like that guy
@Eirinn It looks like an abortion gone wrong
@Sippy first day back at work... and I am alone at the office >.<
@BasementKeyboardHero You calling me an abortion gone wrong? I will steal your goat boy!
I actually can ignore comments if i know people well enough @BasementKeyboardHero :P
@Eirinn I m the designated cunt I have to make these comments :(
@BasementKeyboardHero You're not ..
You're quite nice as people on chat go
@skibbi_bizzle you grab the goat I'll get his camel
are jokes about bombs acceptable?
@DarkAshelin Roger that, lets DO THIS!!!
@Eirinn YES
Yup, arab here, totally makes it ok
@basementkeyboard terrorist sammy over here
@skibbi_bizzle I'm not sure if we wear a facemask for this or if that would be considered regular clothes then
Where from?
@DarkAshelin hahahahahahahaha this is GOLDEN
@DarkAshelin LOL
Lah ya ayre له يا ايري :P
He is the closest thing we have to a terrorist ok!! SO we improvised
And it sounds like "LHR HRYAAHRYRE"
hahaha I heard a funny joke the other day
@skibbi_bizzle congrats
kidding, love you @BasementKeyboardHero habibi-san
So a plane lands safely and every says o thank the lord... When I shout "allahu akbar " I get escorted off the plane
@skibbi_bizzle HAHAHAHAHAHA
I am going to hell
Which one?
@skibbi_bizzle alu lol
There's loads
Dunno i don't think anyone have yelled "PRAISE JESUS" and blown something up
maybe the IRA?
There are some hardcore christians that bomb abortion clinics though
Fuck religion though...
Spaghetti Monster ftw
@Eirinn Well, in the Boondock Saints they recite a bible passage before murdering people.
Should get that certification
@Sippy that's a movie :V
@Eirinn you serious? ever read some history books?
And Samuel L. Jaskson in Pulp Fiction, but I don't think he's Christian in that.
Depicting actual shit :P
inquisition, templars etc? witch burning?
@easwee no i live under a rock man
seems so
@Eirinn I can easily see Irish members of the IRA doing the same thing lol
I have proof my God Exists!!!
Your move Christians/Muslims
@easwee that was a bit different, but I do get your reference :P
@Eirinn a bit different?? loool
it's out of context is what i meant
yeah - different - like 100x worse
i never said anything about the severity n,n
@easwee Yaaay for once my country isn't being shunned :D
I'm betting Germany
go for it
@skibbi_bizzle SA is the best - except you kill rhinos - you bastards
Its them Dirty Asians
@BasementKeyboardHero Ghana*
Fucking Lacist asian dicks...
are you fat? Cause then it's the US
I am Senegalese
@Eirinn is racist
I like her/him
You can stay
hates himself
From South Africa
can we ahte me together?
The best Goddam country in the world it is yeah
Much worse
Lousy internet though
The only good thing you have is Trevor Noah!
Shitty shitty internet
@Sippy the worst thing about your country
is that you are still in it
We have export in SA, connection is terrible
Depends really...
Some places have a stable 50 meg con
others have a 1 meg
A private housing area has 100 meg where I'm from
Well we can now get that
your village internet need not apply
As of 2015
We can get up2 100 meg lines
Costs about R1500 $150 to install and then $280 a month for uncapped
I'm locked on 15 meg :/ stupid copper cables
@skibbi_bizzle trololol
I pay £60/mo for 150mbit
but all internet is uncapped :)
You're all peasants
@Sippy i hate you so much... SO godam much
@Eirinn what 100meg for whole area lol?
@easwee yup, fiber cables
lol poor
I have 100meg at home lol
for 30€
I got a 5mb 50gb quota, free night traffic 12-6 for 108$ per months
@Eirinn And now you have met the biggest Qunt of the room... One of my best mates...
it's mostly retired people there anyway :) you can get 100 meg dedicated though
was paying ~230$ for an 8mb con when i lived in downtown
@BasementKeyboardHero 4meg uncapped at $50 a month for me
@skibbi_bizzle nerd
@BasementKeyboardHero lol so bad
No that's @BasementKeyboardHero's name
@SomeGuy You just hide in the shadows and lol
it's mostly retired people there anyway :) you can get 100 meg dedicated though
@skibbi_bizzle I use workspaces, so I just check in every now and then :p
But you legit always start with "hahaha" :P
I missed you guys <3
@Sippy not you though, definitely not you
Yeah i missed you fuckers as well x.x #nohomo
where's @rlemon
It is because we are a family <3
@rlemon HELLO Native American dude... helloooo
You guys think skibbi treats me mean cos he loves me?
also smoke signals
Native canadian then :P
@Sippy I hope you die of rat poisoning
@skibbi_bizzle Nawwww
@BasementKeyboardHero He hasn't been around for a while
sprinkler fluid is worse
I'm in a meeting till noonish my time
Or at least I haven't seen him
@rlemon OHAI!
I know you all miss me
Yes we doooo :D
@rlemon <3 hugs
Vacation ended today.
Same here, also i got the book :D
Soberiety sucks
Hey @rlemon getting drunk over skype soon!!!
laters brolemon
@BasementKeyboardHero fuck that everyone won except me
I know mario is in so a 3 way so far... who else is keen?
and I entered every day
@easwee I didn't either and also everyday
@easwee I didn't win, twas a bday gift
@skibbi_bizzle when what how
@BasementKeyboardHero ah ok - happy birthday
Also we're missing an old fart in here, where's @mikedidthis
@easwee you're only a month late :D
@BasementKeyboardHero we all get a conference video call.. talk shit all night and drink/smoke weed :D
Now send me stuff :P
@rlemon Herro
I probably wished than already :D
my memory is short
@mikedidthis is still doing what Brits do best I suspect.
@BasementKeyboardHero I'll send you some shit.
You guys know what a chillum is ?
next bday I'll send you something
@Sippy Drinking tea?
@SomeGuy Drinking something ..
Send me something for my birthday :( I am poor
@SomeGuy Make sure it's solid, I don't want your curry kind
@BasementKeyboardHero O God I just ate curry >.<
@BasementKeyboardHero I'll send it in a bottle
thanks for that
Any of you guys watching gotham ?
Now i need to shit
fuck you guys
@skibbi_bizzle You're too easy
@skibbi_bizzle ^
Some Guy pushin all your buttons bro.

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