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Well I had a decent dump
so im good
Here we go
Now I'm crashing
Wondered how long that'd take
Retard coding mode for the next 4 hours
Haha, sounds like fun
2 hours sleep ftw
Lol @ 3
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal he wears out a pen each year
should add - get a new pen as point 7
I found 4 the best
Happy New Year all! 2015 better be good or I'm writing a bad review
Haha yeah, 4 is great
@BasementKeyboardHero I saw the first three episodes of Gotham but I'm waiting until the season ends, I think, so I can binge watch it one weekend. I don't have time to keep up with it in addition to the rest of the shows I want to watch each week
I watched the first 3 yesterday as well :D
@Mr.Alien o/
@BasementKeyboardHero biatch I missed you so much
are you guys watching homeland? it's a damn good series
where have you been or being whatever
@Mr.Alien manigah :D I was in nepal
got that but I thought you will be back before jan
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal they portrayed one of the most crowded and hip streets in lebanon (hamra) as a terrorist nest
fuck homeland
I cam back yesterday
I want to disable div using jquery..I have tried by setting disabled property as a true but still it not disabled div, following is the code
Can moderators see edit history for comments?
$('.fadedButton').prop('disabled', true);
Some guy called me a name and then edited the comment
Its not working in firefox
@TylerH they probably can
@Chets since when can div elements be disabled?
ahahaha nice question
Q: how to create inline style with :before and :after

Nick GinantoI generated a bubble chat thingy from http://www.ilikepixels.co.uk/drop/bubbler/ In my page I put a number inside of it .bubble { position: relative; width: 20px; height: 15px; padding: 0; background: #FFF; border: 1px solid #000; border-radius: 5px; } .bubble:after { content: ...

how can they be disabled since they have no practical purpose? you mean hide? or remove?
you can disable input, select, textarea, button, and fieldset. i think thats it?
does anyone understand how this process function works? stackoverflow.com/a/27638728/2539335
@BasementKeyboardHero lets meet up when you go next
@Loktar dude please tell me which game is this.... that is so hilarious youtu.be/iwGm7d0Qw4k?t=17m43s also it is in the start of the video and some clippings in the middle
Next year I m going back, though I might go to india instead
@DarkAshelin i probably do, what do you want to know?
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I'm having trouble implementing it... after I strip the exif data, I need to make the blob into an object again because the upload module expects an object
@Mr.Alien It looks like gta
@BasementKeyboardHero watch top gear patagonia special. chile looks even better than himalaya
@BasementKeyboardHero 5? cuz I've not seen in like 1234 sa and vc
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal but I'm having trouble converting the blob to a correct object
I thought its 5 at the start but this dance thing is so fun
No idea
But the minimap looks like a rockstar game
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I've been googling but I just don't find how to convert a blob back to an (image?) object
neh then 1-4 not possi also not from SA and VC
could be 5
Definitely GTA
so how was your trip bro
It was amazing
I ll probably upload the pictures tonight
Pretty sure it's GTA V
It's not
I see the gangster white dude from the cover in a red dust jacket
Wait no it is
@cimmanon I have used a div as a button in my code and i need to make it disabled
@BasementKeyboardHero link me then
@TylerH may be
and omg this is so funny, just see the guy dragging youtu.be/iwGm7d0Qw4k?t=19m47s
Yeah gonna link you guys
I ll toss it on imgur or something
Need to filter the pics first
var x = document.createElement("img");
x.src = "data:image/png;base64," + btoa(blobData);

@Chets well maybe the problem here is that you're using the div element incorrectly.
As in remove the flu ones and such not add filters :P
@Chets Instead of setting disabled to it, give it a class disabled with the styling you need it to have
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I don't want to do anything on my DOM tho
@BasementKeyboardHero aah make an album on plus instead
@DarkAshelin so object how? jsfiddle something
Either that or fb
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal well uhm, are there different kinds of objects? When I try typeof() it just says "object"
it's all node and weird magicks stuff so I doubt I can make something working on a fiddle
@DarkAshelin I love how clueless you are x.x
@BasementKeyboardHero that wont prevent js events from firing
@BasementKeyboardHero :'(
@DarkAshelin object is a generic term, pretty much everything in js is an object :P
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal well then how do I determine what exact format I need?
@cimmanon It will as long as you check for the class
@BasementKeyboardHero fb :(
@BasementKeyboardHero Is there any option to make it disabled using jquery insted of css class
@DarkAshelin format you need for what?
this is my question. I have an image object (in javascript) of which I need to strip the exif data before uploading it through node
you want to display the image? POST it to server?
@Chets use a tag that takes a disabled attribute instead of a div
ah lol i didn't notice you were the OP
now the node upload module expects a specific kind of object, of the same type that it is before I convert stuff through the Arraybuffer
@Chets you sure like making a lot of extra work for yourself. you would be done by now if you were using the correct element for the job
after removing the exif data, what do you want to do with the image?
so I need to convert my image object through an ArrayBuffer, strip out the data, and then convert it back
after removing it I just need to obtain the same type of object that I had in the start
not display it or anything
On a side note @ZachSaucier remember our discussion about no mouse usage awesome.naquadah.org
are you going to POST it to a server? @DarkAshelin
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal no
i'm not getting you. you remove the exif data and then? you want to display the image with the correct orientation i'm guessing
no I don't want to display
this is what happens with the image object:
@DarkAshelin "It's all Node and weird magic and stuff" I couldn't have said it better myself
	url: serviceUrl,
	data: {
		isPrivate: pr
	file: file.data,
	fileFormDataName: file.formDataName
file.data being the image object I suppose
so right before this upload function, I need to do the stripping
the hell is that. so you are uploading the image to a server
through node
I don't know how it works
Node is the server
there is no php-side
either way, file.data is the object that includes the EXIF data
so I convert file.data to an ArrayBuffer, strip the exif data, etc, then I end up with a blob
I can haz context?
what I need is to obtain the same kind of object as file.data originally was
@BasementKeyboardHero my question
And the answer isn't working ?
well the answer results in a blob
I need an image object in order to send it through node
but I find no way of converting a blob to an image object
I dunno
you need to check its specs
I have no clue how
there's no image object in node
only "byte sequences"
but isn't there a way to convert this blob or Dataview back into an image object?
so basically just a string. try doing yourBlob.toString()
or whichever kind of object that it originally was
Is this in Node??
why are you using node? @DarkAshelin y u listen to those @BasementKeyboardHero and @rlemon freaks!
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal this gives a string "[object Blob]" and doesn't work
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal it's my company
I'm just here pretending to know this stuff
I m not the node guy :P
He is the ember guy
1 more star and im fucked >.<
I was just about to say that :P
@Sippy but I don't want to display it
I have no DOM element for this
wat u wanna do wid it
@BasementKeyboardHero its starting to smell O.o
@Sippy upload it through node
to wat
@skibbi_bizzle shampoo it man and brush it x.x
doesn't matter what I wanna do with it though, I just need to convert this into a proper object
I shampoo it everynight
I dont have a brush though
4 mins ago, by Jecebahn Yaledimac Ondestal
what is $upload
One similar does wonders
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I don't know
@DarkAshelin You can upload a blob as a string
You needn't upload it as an image object because it already is one
@BasementKeyboardHero It is sooo sxc O.o
I need it
@DarkAshelin it's your code
Do not ignore your beard bra
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal no
Brush it each morning and night
@BasementKeyboardHero we sir... are the only real men in this room :D
console.log($upload) or whatever it's done in node
That is stacheception
@Sippy yikes, is that guy wearing a shag carpet?
Apparently "Stacheception" is a thing
^ this is how my object looks like (before I strip the exifdata) and what I need it to be in the end
@DarkAshelin you need to modify $upload.upload to accept both Blob and File
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I don't think I even have access to editing $upload
(File extends Blob, so it could work)
but you can't make a File out of a Blob iirc
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal ye u can bra
Although admittedly possibly not in Javascript, but I'd be surprised if you can't.
i am talking of js
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal well it doesn't work if I just give the blob in the upload function
"Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html"
wait that might be normal
Can't you just access it through myImageObject.exifdata ?
@BasementKeyboardHero says undefined
undefined at the time of logging
@BasementKeyboardHero as a matter of fact when I logged the object earlier that attribute wasn't even in there
Of course it wasn't
Are you using express ?
not that I know of... then again I didn't write this code
using angular and node
Just node on it's lonesome ?
how do I check?
oh angular good, what promise lib comes with it
Can someone please explain to me how people can be this stupid?
I swear I am going to get cancer from how stupid people are
look I just refreshed and now the exifdata is gone again D:<
yes yes
Js is asynch
sometimes it's filled in, other times it's not
At the time of logging it wasn't present
I put a settimeout
still nothing
That's why you use promises to make sure it's there
before i refreshed I had no timeout, and it was there
Timeout dsn't really mean it's there :P
so what do I do?
@DarkAshelin get a php job?
Can you not do a strikethrough on a post?
I thought it was three dashes
^ doesn't work for a post
@DarkAshelin can you access the source of $upload.upload ?
Pinging @BoltClock
or at least do console.log($upload)
what do you wanna see of the log?
the api, so we can search for the source on the net
I don't think it tells the api in it's console.log?
it's in __proto__ maybe
name: "" ?
is $upload.upload angular or node?
good question :'(
node is server sided
I hate this
feel so helpless and useless
well I think it's node
angularjs: this.upload = function(config) {
antipattern a go go
i think it's angular @DarkAshelin :P
could be
tho I can't edit it

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