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Now on the Chromium bug tracker: code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=446072
Q: If she floats then she is not a witch like we thought

syb0rgContinuing my C++ saga, this is the third project for my CS1 class: Buoyancy is the ability of an object to float. Archimedes' principle states that the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid that is displaced by the submerged object. The buoyant force can be computed by ...

I have a question about kendo UI. Is this appropriate to ask here?
is it html and/or css related?
@cimmanon That title... XD
Well no, probably not but it could be? I want to default a combo box list to blank
4 hours later…
A: Why was the closing of this question so unusual?

Shog9In spite of all the downvotes on his answer, nicael is absolutely correct - the notion that privileged users would have to vote to close was a somewhat late addition to the Stack Overflow system: As an active Stack Overflow user, one of the abilities you’ll gain at 3,000 reputation is the abi...

Is the chat dead or is there anyone awake?
Is ES5 Strict now running in Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 11?
how to remove class when scroll down and bring it back when scroll up
posted on January 05, 2015

Dilbert readers - Please visit Dilbert.com to read this feature. Due to changes with our feeds, we are now making this RSS feed a link to Dilbert.com.

posted on January 05, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Morning :/
@SomeGuy I can see the sun rising in your asss.... epic aahahahahaha
@SomeGuy sad when people like them earn in bulk and we earn pennies working so hard... I think we should change our streams...
You dirty indians!!!
also I am sure either that crowd was from other video or that crowd was paid .. ahahaha
@skibbi_bizzle bwahahahaha
posted on January 05, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by regendigi */

@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal chrome uses a separate process for each tab instance whereas firefox doesnt... also chrome uses so much ram that isn't even required... test this.. open few websites on separate tabs
and then you close few, memory won't freed, it uses that if you want to open that website again
@Mr.Alien Haha, it's India. And he's some kind of saint. I don't find it too hard to believe that that many people did actually show up
@SomeGuy I don't see that crowd even for metallica
currently trending in earning money is to become a saint...
@Mr.Alien chrome runs separate processes already just with 1 tab
1 tab in firefox 1 tab in chrome
@easwee must have closed tabs after opening in chrome also thats the reason I prefer ff
@Mr.Alien no i did not
that's a freshs tartup of both
so that sucks even more
to tell the truth, I don't really care - as long as it's smooth and works fast it can have 100 processes
problem is that it's not faster
firefox eats less ram now
@ZachSaucier There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[percentage]"
Off-topic: Do any of you use Instagram on the iPad mini?
I don't use Instagram on any device, and am sure other's don't as well cuz no ones here socially active
...I use Instagram on my phone.
i was wrong
Yeah, haha
I do use social media a bunch
now the next thing he says is I click selfies and post everyday
Hahaha, no, I don't take selfies
@Mr.Alien like it a lot - I'm a great fan of videogame music
do you know OCremix?
neh, I was listening to random soundtracks and I liked this playlist was sure you would like
morning & Happy new years all
@DarkAshelin a very happy new year to you :)
@DarkAshelin happy happy to you too
@easwee checking out.. aah am bored, boring day
Guys, what is the best way to have a textbox occupy all available width? jsfiddle.net/tdm4yshh
posted on January 05, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Florian Sey */

@SecondRikudo Thanks. I wanted it in Firefox actually.
Not Firefox
Ah, my bad
@SecondRikudo To get the element to be flexible, do all of its parents need to be display: flex ?
@RahulDesai No.
Only the direct parent.
Flex containers can also be flex items though, you can have nested flex contexts easily.
first day at work after 4 weeks of vacation
How I imagine you looking right now ^
hopefully after a coffee or two I'll start to resemble that
As a new year freebie I've finished a skin for SE chat rooms - github.com/easwee/SEChatTerminalSkin/tree/master - feel free to use it if you like retro designs :)
even the thumb hurts my eyes, but thanks anyway 8-)
boring holidays - had to do something
@SecondRikudo Thanks man. I almost broke my head banging over the %ages.
@SecondRikudo How do I get the float: right element to float to the right with flex parent? jsfiddle.net/tdm4yshh/4
I tried flex: 0 on it but it didnt help.
I have returned.
You were gone?
I don't think anyone realized.
@skibbi_bizzle did.
He will lie but inside he was crying.
Only because he's your alternate account
Ah yeah true
hai pat
Back to the office :P
Oo awesome
First thing that happens: VS locks up
I am back.
@rlemon I had a package on my desk, it said canada I assumed dick pics. Turned out to be the book :D
Which book?
@SomeGuy A book of dick pics!
The singularity is near
@rlemon I am glad I won :D
How do I get the ebooks?
@Sippy Did what I am confused
@skibbi_bizzle u no xactly wat m8
O I disappeared, yeah I did... You see @Sippy they notice I am missing, they don't give a fuck about you
@skibbi_bizzle o/
u w8 m8? U avin a giggle the'ir sun? I'l pops ye ead in, me swears on me mums
@basementkeyboardhero howdy bud, how was your trip? Some great pics
@skibbi_bizzle This is all people talk about on WoW nowadays.
rekt 420 noscope etc
gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8 - great bait mate, i rate 8 out of 8 (for the non lingo people) :P
Their other fav thing to do is link achievements and put the word 'anal' before it.
I think anal_sippy is a great name
@skibbi_bizzle anal_bizzle is better.
difference is, I embrace anal
I dunno if I want you to elaborate on that
You don't need too... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
I'm just picturing some guy with a scraggy beard hugging an ass...
Is that basically it?
my beard is getting beastly now
@skibbi_bizzle Hahahaha
@Sippy Picture me all you want ;)
@someguy I lold more than I should have :P
Would get awkward when your beard gets tangled with the anal beard of the guy you're embracing.
No, that's how you form a bond
Some guy on NYE came up to me tripping on God knows what, starts grabbing at my beard and says " Please can I make dreads from your beard, I have never made ginger dreads before"
@SomeGuy Bonding at its finest
@skibbi_bizzle But did you let him
@skibbi_bizzle Hahaha
I just stood there confused and incapable of a response
he eventually waddled away
wasted opporunity
you could've had face dreads
As they say "You never run from a bear"
I would also have no job
yeah but .. face dreads
you wouldn't need a job
people would pay homage
If only he'd asked you if you wanted bangs for your hair. Then you could end the year with a bang
Have my anal comment starred will definitely take it out of context haha
@SomeGuy hahahaha
@skibbi_bizzle It's hilarious even with context :p
You're a RO you can remove it :P
>.< damnit
If that gets 10 stars... I will not touch my beard for another 2 months
Will be ragged as fuck... but lets do it
Hahaha, let's get it 10 stars!
@BasementKeyboardHero Again... my question is why do terrorists get amazing beards when they just blow themselves up? such a waste
calling pubes facial hair
It definitely matches my pubes... wont even deny it
my 8yd cousin is more rugged
and she just hit puberty
@BasementKeyboardHero LOL
@BasementKeyboardHero is that why Muslim woman cover their faces?
@BasementKeyboardHero Getting WoD yet?
that and the tentacles
@Sippy nope
Tentacle porn at its finest
why not zoidberg
@ZachSaucier who works for Microsoft? :O
@DarkAshelin Zoidberg
@DarkAshelin @JonathanSampson does
you are a girl - you should be informed with all the room gossip
@DarkAshelin Can I come do sprint work with you pls
Have decided I am bored of having to pretend to do work when I have nothing left to do
@Sippy but it's exactly the same here?
@DarkAshelin nuhhh you get to watch anime and shit
Or are you just sly
@Sippy just sly
@BasementKeyboardHero lol that's awesome
@DarkAshelin o
@Sippy we have an open office but I'll just go sit in a corner spot and put in my mp3 ears
@DarkAshelin damn
I will maintain hope that there are sprint jobs in the world where I may finish my work and fuck off to do my own thing
@Sippy I agree, I wonder why it's not like that everywhere, would be so much more motivating to work faster
@DarkAshelin Massively
@BasementKeyboardHero photos? :D
I ll get to it eventually :P
@BasementKeyboardHero ooooooooooo that's neat
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I ll pull some pics when i get home ^^
basically it's monkeys, temples and the himalayas :P
I wonder how many people in the world know what year the internet was created in, or roughly how old it is
@Sippy 42
did you ride a yak?
@Sippy I remember studying that for a test
was like... 70s?
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I can't cheat on my camel with a yak bro, not cool
@DarkAshelin The first networks were in the 60s
but well what do you consider "the internet" ?
What we know as the internet today is 21 years old.
That thing with cats
oh I remember seeing "the first gif on the internet"
was a pic of like 3 girls, crappily cut out or something
with glitter on it
@BasementKeyboardHero Where did you go? :O
can you copy me in when you upload the pics pls
@Sippy he just said there were already monkeys on the pics!
@DarkAshelin there's some yaks as well so you don't feel left out <3
@BasementKeyboardHero ;D
@DarkAshelin trolol
ow my brain
I want to tell him to improve his question but I don't even know what to say

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