would it be valuable to learn the Node backend in addition to a framework built on top of it (like Express), or should I just learn how to use the framework? I'd like to become pretty good with JS backend
@Mario drag and drop is similar to local storage.. in that we use setItem and getItem and here we use setData and getData but exactly where is the data stored here? in the session?
@SecondRikudo for many people it is because of lack of knowledge. there are plenty of people out there that jump straight to jquery because it is easier than learning how to do it with vanilla js
I am using the below code using Jquery to set my form fields
above is the code I use to reset the fields in the below form
<form name='frmlogin' method='POST' id="login_form" style="margin:0 auto; margin-top:50px; width: 40%; height:300px; text-align:center;">
thinking of starting a new side project. i built a subscription based application for my last job, but they are doing fuckall with it. so i was thinking i might build a new one from scratch.