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Google sucks. What good have they ever done for us?
Except a search engine, a mail client, video hosting, a social network or two...
who hasn't done a mail client?
@JanDvorak you forget: a browser
also, maps
free 15gig of space is nice too... dropbox still limits to 2gig by default
It also backs up your entire browsing history
@JanDvorak Nobody uses Google Videos
also I've got a pending Chrome crash report, would be nice to catch some cash for that :3
@KendallFrey youtube...
@KendallFrey they kept youtube alive back when it was a money sink
Google didn't make YouTube, just bought it
TIL most safari user can't see calc in their css
this is stupid
They did turn it into a legit music player, though
@Zirak yeah, yii
@PeeHaa has been poking at the source recently
That codebase is beyond horrific
@PeeHaa squash the commits
ow yeah
and can't REMOTE_ADDR be spoofed anyway?
No it can not
Well maybe you could spoof it but there is no way to create a connection with a spoofed ip
Setting up the connection simply fails in that case
Can you also squash already PR'ed commits?
/me is noob
the PR just shows the commits of a branch
just use git push -f
on your branch
k let me try to force that shit
> Cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes.
/me needs more booze :P
squashed that shit
anyone here has worked with NativeMessaging in Chrome?
maybe @BenjaminGruenbaum?
Didn't we already have this discussion?
I don't think so?
Where I say I worked with the old API which is deprecated, and you say "Ah, but I want to support the new one since that one is deprecated"
ah, didn't remember :)
Yup, pretty sure:
Dec 12 at 13:48, by Florian Margaine
have you ever written something using chrome's nativemessaging API?
yup, I remember now
Is it giving you trouble again?
What's wrong buddy?
the app is correctly spawned (it creates a file), but there is no come back... yet the length bytes and the json are correct (it used to work, and I didn't change this part in my code), and there is nothing in the logs (I run chromium from a terminal, nothing is shown)
(I also manually checked the length bytes) not sure what I can do to debug. I just know that I run port.postMessage(obj);, but port.onMessage.addListener(fn) isn't called (well, fn isn't called, the addListener is done only once ofc) if that matters, the port is in background.js
@towc fixed
:D thanks
I just don't know where to look at... I'm kinda stuck
I can log when it goes to the encrypt function, but it never enters the port.onMessage.addListener anonymous function...
Have you tried dropping the if statment to test?
and logging something in there
yeah I logged at the top of the function
never gets there
And you are sure the sending works?
there are files created behind by the app
and this is what my app sends back: pastebin.com/zP6UYS6B
@copy bytes check? ^
it's supposedly big endian
sounds fine to me... but not sure
@FlorianMargaine Dunno. Start from scratch? :P
512 + 134 = 676
@PeeHaa what scratch...
@FlorianMargaine huh? :P
I know, I mean...
A wild @copy appears
You called?
I won't delete the repository ~~
@FlorianMargaine :D
@copy in big endian, 134 2 0 0 is 676, right?
(where each number is 1 byte)
@copy no?
thats lil
Not even in little endian
big endian is MSB first
wait, 164 sorry
164 2 0 0
!!> [(164 << 24 | 2 << 16) >>> 0, 164 | 2 << 8]
@copy [2751594496,676]
That's BE, LE
ah, thanks
that wasn't the issue...
it reads them as little endian...
but no error :(
@FlorianMargaine 1) Start smoking 2) Go out for a smoke 3) ? 4) Profit!
I've already done 1 and 2
I've been a couple days at least on and off on this issue...
it's since I moved the messaging from the popup to the background
the app works fine, because it worked when it was in the popup...
trying to move to the popup again to check...
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign , 2 mins ago, by Zach Saucier
would it be valuable to learn the Node backend in addition to a framework built on top of it (like Express), or should I just learn how to use the framework? I'd like to become pretty good with JS backend
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign , 58 secs ago, by Zach Saucier
does anyone have a good starter tutorial series? There seem to be several
You'll still be using many Node APIs even when using a framework
Fair enough
What was the issue?
I guess I didn't write the bytes correctly...
it's weird because it worked with some output
So much typing :P
oh shit. noice \o/
@BenjaminGruenbaum honestly *standard-output* is a weird stream... They're usually typed, but this one is a weird mix
posted on December 26, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} For the curious, here's how Gulpo got made!

@FlorianMargaine You've used Ubuntu on a Mac, right?
I'm considering installing it on my old MacBook. It's really slow
It freezes with 2 tabs in Chrome and no other tabs open
I'm hoping Ubuntu may be lighter?
And not much of a pain
Nvm, Googled it
@SomeGuy yeah, you'll need refit
Don't even want to dual boot, really. OS X is super super slow
It's probably my old hardware
i just deployed a git repo to my openshift app. but for some reason it is several commits behind master
Sadly, it seems like AirPort won't work by default, so I'm not sure it'll be worth it
More research required
Oh, it just needs manual install. It'll still work
@SuperUberDuper Which repo is behind? The one on openshift? Where is the other one?
@SomeGuy probably you have already but still asking did you try installing a fresh coat of os x ?
ps how old is this macbook exactly ?
@darkyen00 Yeah, I have. MacBook 6,1 - 2009 model
doubtful ubuntu will be much lighter
Worth a shot since I've got nothing to lose
Arch ?
I might try Mint if Ubuntu isn't better
Try arch :P
I have before. Not too fond of it
^ see what am i using :3 ?
@SomeGuy techglobex.net/2012/08/… if you are up for experiment, I guess this is worth a shot.
@SomeGuy It'll be worse, Mint is Ubuntu with extra sugar
crunchbang.org should be good if you're already used to debian's repos
@Zirak isnt apple known for squeezing performance ? If thats the case wont a generic ubuntu be worse ?
If Ubuntu is x, and Mint is x+y, how will Mint perform better than Ubuntu?
I think Mint is more like x+y-z
@Zirak I was talking about his assertion of OS X being heavier than Ubuntu
I just answered a jQuery question, in a scale of 1 to 10 how bad should I feel :P?
@BenjaminGruenbaum 0
@KendallFrey the one on openshift
@Zirak Ah, didn't know that
the other one is one my computer
but the same branch is on github
I think 14.10 is the first ubuntu I didn't actually use on a pc since drake (6.06)
Use Arch
Use any distribution and a lightweight WM
I already have an Ubuntu disc burned so I'm going to try that now. If it doesn't help, I'll try Arch
@SuperUberDuper I don't know anything about deploying to OpenShift. is it a git clone? Presumably cloned from your local?
well basically I run the rhc deploy-app master --app space
in the git directory on my pc
so that supposedly buts the current branch onto openshift..
the app is called space on openshift
@copy the only distro I'm using on desktops atm is Debian
Does OpenShift actually contain the repo, or just the files?
I have a server with Arch though.
I do it the other way round
@SomeGuy aww comon try chromee os tooo
@BenjaminGruenbaum - shame on you for answering anything to do with jQuery, and especially for posting an answer with syntax errors and using forEach on an object.
@adeneo what syntax error?
I didn't actually test it or anything
@darkyen00 Na, not that :p
You're just a hater :P
Me and jQuery will rule the world
$.when(Q.when(Bluebird.all(Benjamin, jQuery))).then(RuleTheWorld);
Thanks for the edit @darkyen00
@BenjaminGruenbaum - jQuery should be banned for that exact reason, and Resig be sent to Guantanamo for creating it, we don't need another Benjamin as dictator of the world, it never works out well for Jon Skeet !
@BenjaminGruenbaum the app structure is a bit confusing:
Oh hey, you just randomly pinged me, I'm going to assume that was a mistake.
Stop starring these @darkyen00 :P
Adeneo is so awesome though !
hes literally making me laugh
cd app-root/
[space.rhcloud.com app-root]\> ls
build-dependencies data dependencies logs repo runtime
@adeneo probably because Jon Skeet challenged the Might of the Chuck.
@BenjaminGruenbaum - and I'm pretty sure it's a duplicate of this one
A: How do I run two pre-built jQuery animation sequences in parallel with a single callback when both are finished?

adeneoStart by returning promises from the functions instead of using callbacks function animation1(){ var div1 = $("<div />", { css : { position : 'absolute', left : '0px', top : '0px', width : '10px', height ...

@KendallFrey in the repo folder is a copy of the files but no repo
@adeneo your question is newer :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum - I know, but it's a better question ?
@SuperUberDuper Hmm, in that case it's probably more like a checkout
I don't know why it wouldn't copy whatever your current HEAD is
@adeneo to be fair there is a better duplicate of those, lemme find it. Also - your answer is on a question about how to do it concurrently and that one is about queueing it < the headers :3 were worth 5 hours of not studying and failing tomorrow :D
You're sure you have the right branch checked out before you deploy?
ok. ill ask on SO
@BenjaminGruenbaum - I'm just messing with you
yeah my local is the latest
except for the part about banning jQuery, that should be done
I'm trying to practice my git, but not having much luck :P
@adeneo do you think this is funny? This is super important.
@adeneo nothing is more important than jQuery questions on stack overflow.
As our savior has said "It's great and does all things"
@BenjaminGruenbaum - That's what the Lemon has been telling me for years, now you too ?
I think you might be having a faith problem, you need to unlock the jQuery within
its all really tricky not having root access
but at least its free
@rlemon LOL holy hell
that shot man
Also @SomeGuy if getting started with Arch was your problem, Manjaro is somewhat popular.
@Zirak Thanks!
@adeneo people using internet exploder for 1 year
... sigh they really don't have a chance of life.
Archbang is also supposed to be a decent starting point
@Zirak the link should be bbw.archbang.xxx
the os would be much better :P
@adeneo ew IE
more like oh no IED :-x, was this too dark ? or totally non - humorous ?
IE rocks, it's the best browser out there, it beats Netscape by a mile ?
@Zirak And all this time I thought "hashbang" was a computer thing.
@adeneo Flagged
@Zirak I'm tempted to try Manjaro now
But so much work!
!!google Manjaro
Regardless, Ubuntu is installing now. We'll see how it goes
@SomeGuy ^ Is that manjaro ?
@SomeGuy Goodluck
@darkyen00 I wouldn't know
@darkyen00 Move your eyes off the girl and onto the terminal, read what's written near the top
/cc @SomeGuy
@Zirak Don't be unreasonable, lower your expectations
@Zirak but the nipple !!!!!!!!!!
@Zirak Hahaha
i googled caprica -> i demand you change her avatar xD
@darkyen00 - That's not number six, Tricia is the only Caprica
well caprica six returned this ^
Number Six is a family of fictional characters from the reimagined science fiction television series, Battlestar Galactica. She is portrayed by Canadian actress and model Tricia Helfer. Of the twelve known Cylon models, she is the sixth of the "Significant Seven". Like the others of the "Significant Seven", there are several versions of her, including Caprica-Six, Shelly Godfrey, Gina Inviere, Natalie Faust, Lida and Sonja. She is the only model that does not use one particular human alias for all copies. The character was named after Number Six, Patrick McGoohan's character from the show T...
@adeneo i know
i think the lady in the pic is the actress
I didn't know
Also the actress has naked pictures online
exactly !
Caprica Six is the first member of this chat that ive seen naked
Check your email for the 2nd
@adeneo 3 now
Trivia : Tricia Helfer was in the latest episode of the really great (<- sarcastic) show The Librarians, that aired last week !
naked ?
My local hospital is quarantining for some mutated influenza strand...
@darkyen00 You know if you want to see naked women, there's entire websites devoted to that, right?
@someDoge uh oh
@Retsam that wasnt the point
Just documenting in case of sudden disappearance lmao
This is a strictly catholic chat
i m a satanist
Hail Satan
thats how we say hi...
@Meredith nema
@darkyen00 that was weird
@someDoge sorry, i read my courseware today,
my brain is probably too damaged
i thought it was funny
I thought it was funny too dw
Interesting article about some un-obvious pitfalls of premature optimization: mrale.ph/blog/2014/12/24/array-length-caching.html
Good one
MacBook runs Ubuntu, and it seems faster so far
@SomeGuy benchmark
It's not about pitfalls of premature optimization though, considering that the finale is only 2 vs 3 instructions (no speed difference)
It's about the fact that you have no idea what's going on and should benchmark and only optimize hot code
And not to use jsperf
Yeah; I couldn't quite find the right way to sum it up. Saying "it's about array.length caching" sounded far too boring.
Is he just trying to say that v8 pulls the array.length access out anyway?
Nvm I got it
> you are running your code on a slow JS interpreter on a ZX80 computer emulated inside one of your browser tabs in JavaScript;
hello every one
Is Dropbox a DFS or NFS or NONE ?
Distributed file system or native file system, you mean?
Distributed File System or Network File System
What's the difference?
As per my book
In NFS the user has knowledge that its through a network
while the DFS guy abstracts everything
I still find them similar / even wiki says so
dropbox is accessed through a web interface, isn't it?
you get a folder on your pc
then it sounds like DFS to me
are u sure ?
cause it could be none :3 ?
cause its not actually a file system :-/
but rather an application which uses the os's native file sytsem
and makes things worse [by syncing linuxes awesome file system with windows' crap
Dropbox is not a filesystem...
It's a cron rsync
Why not just abuse git?
Git isn't very good at large files that change a lot, is it?
@copy git has a plugin for binary files
for exactly that
but well @JanDvorak you can abuse unison and git togehter
or just use rsync
@FlorianMargaine i wouldn't say dropbox === rsync
Dropbox isn't a filesystem, it's just a hosting service that lets you store shit on their server, and they have a nice app that creates a virtual folder to access the content hosted on their servers.
@JanDvorak mind blown
I hate the person who posted the today's pinned star message.
@dievardump Elaborate?
Well that's something I thought might be the case, but I was not sure. And I was ok with the fact I didn't know.
I am automatically doing the `for(var i = 0, j = arr.length; i < j; i++)` and now everytime I will have to do that, I will think twice. And with my brain, thinking twice is losing a lot of time.
Then do for (var i=arr.length; i--;) { ... instead ?
I quit doing that when I understood I wouldn't be a good brocoder
@dievardump i starred it
i felt the same as you
anywas bye bye
I did too, i think it's really interesting. When I say "I hate this person" it's more "Y U BREAK MY BELIEF"
(but 20px is pretty huge for the base typo size, text just pop up in my face)
who the fuck writes for loops any ways?
@phenomnomnominal I don't always use loop structures but when I do I for

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