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I saw it, it crashed flash, I cried.
I know I am using chrome, purely due to the flash crash.
Sad thing is I use soundcloud for music and a flash crash half way through a set is totes annoying
but I can't grumble, its free.
is @wes on strike ?
@mikedidthis Aww. What do you use otherwise?
@Wes Did you really stop coming in here because some people spoke about poop a few times? :/
last message 3d ago
last seen 3d ago
hope he's ok
@SomeGuy usually something online, but they are all flash related.
No, I meant the browser
He was on main 27mins ago, so he is fine :D
Thought you're using Chrome because it crashes on other browsers
@SomeGuy no, I am using Chrome and it just crashes.
I use Google Music, and it's pretty good
Has an HTML5 option too
I think Grooveshark has an HTML5 option
yep, I may have to stay over there :(
Or stop clicking video links.
SoundCloud works fine without Flash for me
(I have click-to-play enabled, so I have to enable Flash for websites individually)
(And SoundCloud doesn't request Flash anywhere)
So try that!
Yeah I thought it would do to, but when flash crashes, soundcloud does
Flash crashes unrelated tabs a lot of the times for me as well
That was on Ubuntu
On Windows it's fine
Might be driver problems
Uh can't remember what crashed it now. :D
When has windows/windows app ever needed a reason to crash.
My personal favorite is a BSOD on shutdown
Enabled click to play
So the visualisation thing is flash.
hi all
could have sworn it was js
me too
I remember a big dance about HTML5
will you do the same in this situation ? i think i will :D
something about moving the code to github and making it public
@SomeGuy thanks for the tip :D
@franchez hello
@franchez lol yes
@mikedidthis So odd! It doesn't even request it for me
@SomeGuy :(
I blocked Flash altogether to test and SoundCloud still works fine
Yeah it works fine, there is just this tiny element that seems to use it
Yeah, there's nothing that uses it as far as I can tell for me
Anyway, for your video troubles, you should probably also enable HTML5 on YouTube
Or just stop watching videos and do some work :D
one does not simply not procrastinate @mikedidthis
Correct. I wrote more code in 6 hours today, than in the last 3 days.
I kinda wish I didn't understand and was still hacking stuff together.
I write code whenever I can :D
I do, then I delete it :(
Why do you delete it? :o
because it's baaaaaaad!
not semantic enough
I dunno really, I don't feel its fitting.
never... enough... .semantics
semantics haunt my dreams and nightmares
semantics.... se...man........TICS
fuck semantics. There is a difference between a header and headings.
fuck you mike </3
posted on February 21, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} GaymerX2 is kickstarterizing! This is the first time I've ever s

not sure if insult or invitation to sex
not with that attitude :)
thecodinglove is just so spot-on xD
it stopped loading for me, you broke it Liam!
god I'm dieing xD
trying not to laugh in front of my coworkers
I didn' break anything :(
the gifs are just... perfect :')
@mikedidthis <3
@mikedidthis <3 * 2
@mikedidthis <3 * 3
1 message moved to Trash can
no1 says that to mike ^^^
@rlemon you free?
Single and ready to mingle
depends on what you are packing.
> Don't want no short **** man.
big sausage pizza ?
how old is everyone here?
@rlemon what are the bad points if I inject the markup and styles onkeyup to an iframe
Gillette - Short Dick Man might be too old of a song for you
sauce ?
@Mr.Alien lol
@DarkAshelin ;)
@Mr.Alien can you give me your use case?
I gave that bitch a mike, bitches love mike
If someone saves than I'll encode the markup and will save to db
he needs to buy this for every women he's had
true story
@Mr.Alien now I have to ask why you are re-inventing this?
trying to make a jsfiddle like clone?
lol yes
just tell me, is that fine or not, fyi, it's not clone, I've live there, not like jsfiddle, you need to click on run everytime you make changes
(codepen, jsbin, etc)
jsfiddle-like service
better? :P
well there are certain things you could probably do better. but for the most part that is okay.
yea... but I'll push on git anyways after I program that with php so that I can save the fiddles
@rlemon aaa thanks, will keep pinging you if I have a doubt somewhere
and do you plan on using jQuery to expand the ui somehow?
if not...
( I will always bitch about people using jQuery for like 5 lines of code :P )
yup, I am going to work on UI, basically it wil be windows 8 like UI
\and no, not jquery for UI, I always try to do max with CSS, rest if calculations come in the scenario, I opt for jQuery over JS
> I opt for jQuery over JS
:( :( :(
Yes, cuz as of now I suck at JS
Fellas, I am blushing.
@Mr.Alien Which is why you shouldn't be using jQuery over JS for hobby projects
@mikedidthis Maybe the woman can wear that top? :p
honestly, the only place I use jQuery is on work projects
@SomeGuy I will use jQuery till I am done with eloquent...
@SomeGuy I would prefer is she wore a smile instead :D
@Mr.Alien Whatever works best for you!
I personally couldn't learn well by just reading and copying examples
Took a few projects to get used to it
I learn much more about forcing myself to do things without libraries
+1 from me.
in the end I will probably use a battle tested solution, but at least I know a lot more about how said solution was made
@SomeGuy yea, but I've not reached till that stage, how did I learnt CSS and PHP? by developing many many projects and scrapped at the end, each project used to teach me new stuff, but till now am learning the concepts of JS
Plus I feel like this when I don't use a lib:
@Mr.Alien Did they remove the too localized close vote option?
@SomeGuy long long time ago
Haha, I guess I just never noticed
@SomeGuy they altered the options twice after that
!!afk Studying
@SomeGuy cya
@rlemon jquery is a way more powerful language than js though
27bslash6.com @mikedidthis
he has a lot of parody articles.
I imagine he's exaggerated a bit for comedy
But still funny as hell
he is where "the ducks in the bathroom are not mine" started
!!google the ducks in the bathroom are not mine
first link
@rlemon oh handsome one. I maybe dreaming but did you do something with canvas , images and getting the dominant color for it?
I can.
what do you need
@rlemon x.x
(will only take five minutes)
I've mostly done colour changes, and average colour in a given area.
!!afk office happy hour
but I can get dominant colour for an image.
do you want thresholds as well?
I have some text over an image. If the image is black I need to switch the text to white, etc.
What ever is easiest. TBH I wasn't even going to bother, but it seems I need to.
do you have the bounds for your text?
nope, it changes, because responsive and fat fingers.
because looking behind the text would be more performant than taking an average of the image.
Can anyone tell what is causing my flexslider to not work here?: wonkeywillowfriends.com
I could fix it with a gradient.
well I will show you how to do the canvas thing too.
you can decide.
You sir are a star.
When you get time btw, no rush at all.
@Michael the multiple versions of jquery aren't helping
no doubt from thats from this damn cart
@Michael I would also imagine that flexslider doesn't work with the newer versions of jquery
i've had it working with 1.10
like usual when this happens tho, i've done a bunch of edits since last night and last night was the last time i noticed it working
urm ok, well I am stabbing in the dark here :)
the only change to the slider itself was that it had 5 slides, and consequently 5 control containers to the left, i took it down to 3 slides and had to adjust the height
i've come here as a last resort because i've been stabbing in the dark too ;)
For me, I would only include the one version of jquery and I would upgrade: github.com/woothemes/FlexSlider/blob/master/…
function isLight(imgResource) {
	// create a new canvas element and set its height / width to that of the image resource
	var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
		context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
		height = canvas.height = imgResource.height,
		width = canvas.width = imgResource.width,
		idata, data, lum = 0; // image matrix data holders, luminance
	context.drawImage(imgResource, 0, 0); // draw your image
	idata = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); // get the image matrix
	data = idata.data; // shorter to write later
and you need to define the THRESHOLD with testing
and i'm not sure if it makes sense to * the opacity on the end of the lum calc in the loop
You are a star
but in my head it makes sense that transparent items should be seen as "less light"
but if that isn't the case then you just don't add that in, and you need to change your average thing as well.
actually that is wrong .
let me test it
I see 1 bug already
black gets lum of 0, white of 255.
my gravatar is around 100 (so dark)
awesome sauce! Thank you!
Hi lemon ;D
hopefully you understand what is happening with the comments.
if you have questions let me know.
o/ hi @LiamMartens
@rlemon impressive
tnks. I do similar stuff (minus the lum calcs) with my image demos
@rlemon ha, oddly I can follow it.
some people have a hard time following the image matrix loop
@mikedidthis You were right, it was the jquery conflict, found where the cart was injecting it and removed it
didn't even notice it was doing it, thanks
No worries.
Feels like ground hog day :/
@mikedidthis it might make more sense to just turn that into an averageLuminance function.
return the lum and not a bool.
more flexible
@rlemon I am going to get it to return a string. light or dark
Then I can just add it as a class and let the css do the work
return lum > 127 ? 'light' : 'dark';
you love ternary ops!
in situations like this they make sense.
I hate assignment in them however
they should return something that will be assigned
unrelated, your boys are kicking our ass at throwing stones down an icey path way.
I love ternary
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/Q32yc better demo I think
you can see it working.
php man
what about when you need to do this on the client.
what then punk? huh?! HUH?!
is there an in-memory server storage mechanism in php?
session storage?
that persists between requests but is independent of session
lets say
i'm trying to
cache some application config without loading from db/disk
check out APC
like memcache but for php only.
I like being called "a creative" as much as a marketer likes being called a "shit florist" or a developer a "shape robot"
would this be the best method of storing lets say some stats, that have to be pulled really quickly (like in-memory as opposed to db)
so store them in an array..
know what I mean?
honestly better to ask in the php room
I use php. doesn't mean i'm good at it :P
I don't wanna give you bad advice.
@rlemon Remember how we were talking about missing how Chrome on Linux lets you scroll through tabs?
Because Windows doesn't have that
AutoHotKey is magical
If you want to set it up, I can send you the script I'm using
I got used to the tabs
ctrl + tab, ctrl + shift + tab
Yeah, I got used to it too
But every now and then I find myself trying to scroll through them
And having the solution finally feels amazing
Just for reference of what I was using it for
yea see if you could get the bounding rects of the text (dynamically even) I could check the luminescence of just behind the image.
that would improve the results for the balloon image
it would always be the bottom left quarter of the image
but I am using some js to crop images to fit a ratio, so I dunno if that would mess it up
idata = context.getImageData(x1, y1, x2, y2);
all you need to change to only scan specific areas
everything else uses the data taken from that, so you are all good.
so crop and then work out the area the text is over?
you. legend.
umm not sure how the cropping will work.
are you cropping on the client?
because that is from the 0,0 of the image canvas which is the actual image resource dimensions
yeah I am cropping on the client
I will figure it out, thanks man :D
ugh 1 more hour
@rlemon How do I 'continue' to next item in an Array.forEach(function (foo) { ... });
@crypticツ return
forEach invokes a callback to handle the item
return jumps out of that callback
hears door
pretends to work
@SomeGuy NSFF!
Hahaha, it's just a heart!
@mikedidthis for F?
But that might be a funnier alternative, haha
@SomeGuy ha, just a heart.
1 hour later…
@rlemon Ooh, just saw the demos. I love that canvas can find the contrast for images
@SomeGuy yea I gotta find something useful for that function now :P
Hahaha yeah, that might prove a bit more difficult
well mikedidthis is using it to determine what colour his text overlays should be
Yeah, that might very well be the most common use
honestly, I was surprised at how well it worked for a first write.
having never had to calculate luminescence before
You did use the equation the first time around, right?
I just googled how to check luminescence and read the wiki article.
so yea.
I imagine figuring it out by yourself would be a real pain
Props to whoever did

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