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I am 16 :)
Is that a problem? :p
*Disclaimer: we are in no way liable to any emotional scarring that you will probably be subjected to.
Yes, really.
not at all, I think it's great for kids to get interested in coding at a young age. In fact getting interested in any real skills at a young age is usually always good.
A 16 year old isn't really a "kid"
@KillerR ?
hi guys
@SomeGuy In my eyes it is.
Fine, grandpa
!!welcome mehul9595
yah thats what i am thinking
@Purify @16 i was raving :P
20 is where I think young adult.
@rlemon caprica is deadz ?
got a question hope anyone here could help me
@mehul9595 shoot
@mehul9595 sure, shoot
its about CDN (code delivery network)
I started at 13 though xD
go ahead.
but by the way, cdn is content delivery network
i believe it caches the media files or any script or css
not code.
@LiamMartens any interest in a particular field ?
oops sorry content
@mehul9595 that's highly possible.
which cdn are you using?
so if there is a change in any content of it how the end user gets the updated one
normally, they will cache your resources
@Purify: not using any as of now, I was studying about blobs and cdn for one of my cloud projects requirement
and after you've updated them, roll them out slowly.
it really depends on which cdn you use.
some deal with it differently.
If it's a crappy cdn you ll have a bad time
^basically this
And CDNs are usually used for static content that doesn't change often
@mehul9595 I'd recommend someone like CloudFlare
but is it a good choice to use it with JS files , once i have stable code it will not change
libs and such, if it's your project's css that gets updated every 2-3 days then using a CDN would defeat it's purpose
yes definitely
I like web development but also windows
@LiamMartens ever tried linux ?
I looked at one attribute i.e TTL of cdn
Only using mono
its a range in some seconds
by anyway can we gaurantee that user gets the updated content?
Entirely depends on what cdn you use and how frequently you update it tbh
once the ttl expires the cdn will serve the updated files
Can't seem to type today x.x
@Mr.Alien @SomeGuy ola
How did ya do
@PatsyIssa thanks
@PatsyIssa Pretty well!
@mehul9595 np ^^
@Purify thanks
@mehul9595 no problem, anytime.
@PatsyIssa ssup ~
@Mr.Alien nth much, sup @ your end
@SomeGuy was going to ask the same question, hope my bro did well .... and btw projects.decodingweb.com/css_wreck <--- @PatsyIssa looking to complete this by the end of this week :)
lookin good ^^
Aww, you removed the server part?
We can't share are penis spam anymore?
@SomeGuy as of now, yes, but will integrate that by the end of the week, so when you press save, it will save, not sure whether I'll integrate user signups :p
@PatsyIssa thanks bro..
github it if you want contributors :d
yes, I'll push that to git by nyt..
cool stuff, don't forget to ping us
I am thinking to keep the name as live fiddler..
I am always afraid people will steal my ideas if I put them on GitHub xD
@PatsyIssa yea sure, I just used img tag, turns out that it works well, will integrate jquery and js optionally by nyt
@LiamMartens don't worry unless you have an idea which may earn u millions :)
@LiamMartens People who want to steal them will steal them regardless
Not if I copyright them first ;D
only costs a lot of money :|
@LiamMartens on internet you cannot do anything, even if your stuff is copyrighted
see, one made jsfiddle was followed by jsbin, codepen, dabblet, and now mine, live fiddler :D
well it does give you somekind of protection
Not really.
A license helps, but it doesn't stop people stealing things.
look at king.com and candy crush saga.
no of course, but it does stop them from taking your name
doesn't it?
Name doesn't mean anything.
You call it tom, I call it thom.
there's something we call poor man copyrighting, the concept is you print/put on a usb what ever it is that you made and then go to the post and send it to yourself
haha, nice.
when you get the package keep it sealed
if you ever do need to prove that you are the owner of the idea you bring the doc out
The only way to stop someone from stealing your idea is to never make :(
:( well that is just a sad truth
or make it in a way that it will only work if you are involved :P
Or have a lot of money and crush competitors? ;D
you don't need ideas if you can crush your competition.
Hai Facebook.
but Facebook had to begin with something right
anyways who cares.. if you wrote that, you should be happy that you wrote some code, if someone copies, don't give a damn, as I say, THEY CAN COPY YOUR CODE, BUT NOT YOUR TALENT \m/
in the beginning it was just a student project
Yeah it did, an idea. But its soo large now that I don't think an idea would make / break it.
It needs to buy the competition to retain its crown.
WhatsApp for 19 Billion...
@Mr.Alien very true.
But don't be scared to put something on github incase its stolen. Someone may take it, add something and push it back to you.
That's the awesomeness right there.
@mikedidthis true as well, but it's my lifeswork so.. I am just scared ;D
Morning all
@LiamMartens ahh , you will learn. Code is throw away :D
ola @Will
@LiamMartens if you start working on your github account @16 by the time you graduate you ll be ahead of the curve
Im going to sit in a coffee shop on my mac in a min. What a hippster
@PatsyIssa why do you think so?
An active open source portfolio is something good companies keep an eye out for
If it's a project that you think will make you money use a private repo, if you can't pay for a private repo on github bitbucket offers it for free.
hmm, thanks for the tip :)
@Will mornin
It's really easy to push files on git using the software, instead of command line...
git bash > gay gui
sourcetree :)
I was stuck with the GUI as well, didn't knew I had to copy the SHA1 in the software to get the files synced
aww, ran out of 9gag posts to read
@PatsyIssa Git bash is incredible
@DarkAshelin Go to Reddit, then
I love Salma Hayek..
@DarkAshelin I hate 9gag ;D
@Mr.Alien + 1
this is me right now
dafuq xD
what did you even... search to get that
Had it saved :p
@SomeGuy have you seen This is the end?
@Will Hahaha
@mikedidthis What's that?
I need to junk all those crap... this ones most horibble
A movie?
Seeing that I hadn't heard of it, it's obvious enough that I haven't :p
Would you recommend it?
@SomeGuy eat a dick.
@SomeGuy its alright for what it is. Worth wasting your time watching it if you want a giggle.
Awesome. I'll add it to the list
Its in the same vein as Pineapple Express.
Even Last Vegas was good
The nice thing about This is the end, is they all play themselves, which is pretty fun.
I don't watch a whole lot of movies
@mikedidthis Ooh, that sounds interesting
I have Pineapple Express on my list too
I tend to in the evening when I code and the woman wants to spend time together.
Pineapple Express is a good one.
Hahaha, "the woman"
mike is codesexual, attracted to code in it's purest form. Women do nothing for him
Im off to be a poser in a coffee shop. have a good weekend guys
@DarkAshelin I have an appetite for both thank you!
^ ultimate porn for mike
too monospace for my liking.
Image overload
Looks good!
I'm not really into FPSs, though
Did you make it @PatsyIssa ?
Haha, no
I'm not saying that Patsy's lazy or anything. (Which he is)
But he's just linking me to the game because it's cool
i wish :P
it's music based b/w
Ooh, that's awesome!
I've wanted to make a music based game for a while
iirc its by the rock band guys?
Yep, seems like it
> Are you or anyone in your immediate family a member of the press?
While signing up for the alpha
I like how they aren't being discrete :p
check out race the sun
Yeah, I've seen it
Ohh haha :D would be cool if you made it :p
@PatsyIssa Have you made any games?
audio surf 2 is in alpha
made an escape the maze one first sem of uni, was fun as hell to make
A* pathfinding? Oh, nevermind, it wasn't automated
main reason why i got into development was to make games but i kind of strayed away from it
I made a couple of games btw
mostly for school assignments
Show us!
none are online atm
We get no assignments that let us make games :/
the coolest one was a pc game that used the Kinect
the concept is: Guitar Hero with your hands
on the screen you see a circle that moves at the beat, and you're supposed to make hand movements that follow the circle
your hand movements generated a stream of particles
Sounds awesome
if you went too far away from the circle, the song would distort
I think I barely passed that assignment -.-
btw the assignment was: make an application with kinect
That sounds pretty impressive
my school course was great and all, but also seriously terrible. an awesome super-hard application with great details and artwork = 12/20 score
(I think it fails to load if you have AdBlock)
@DarkAshelin Aww
hold on I'll find some stuff
- Create a campaign for an A-rank company
- The campaign should be about breaking a world record
- Something never done before
- Must be interactive
- Must be available for everyone in the world, all ages all genders all everything
- Create a website (php + database interaction required)
- Create an app for this
- Create an advertisement video
Deadline: 2 weeks
oh and the website should have css3 animations and javascript
Hahaha, damn
I spent 1 week trying to get my concept approved (since they usually disapprove everything u came up within the first few days)
Where'd you study?
then I had 1 week left to build everything, I came up with this:
- Website http://student.howest.be/sara.peeters/20122013/MAIII/RECORD/index.php
- Video http://vimeo.com/59225424
- No app (seriously, where would I find time?)
got me a 8/20, failed the course
Intense deadlines o.o
oh wait and it had to include social media interaction, and more than a like + share button
there also had to be a facebook campaign tied to it
> Kick a ball as high as possible! Can you break the current record of 68.4 meters?
in 2 weeks ? alone ?
see where I'm getting at? the course is insane
there is not a single person ever to pass it without failing at least 1-2 courses in it
I think the final (3rd) year had 2 people left that weren't held back a year? out of the 300 that started in the first year
challenge accepted, just need sm1 to pay for my tuition :P
no tuition
it's europe
entry is free afaik
< not a citizen
< referred to as the shawarma man in the west.
actually I think there may have been a €100-500 fee to start the course
Anyone know of a saner way of doing this: jsbin.com/yihoz/2/edit
paid 20k$ to waste 4 years
@mikedidthis wutcha tryin to do
ahaha someone just flagged an elephant gif
yeah, America is great at wasting your money on stupid unnecessary but "required" fees
i m in lebanon :P
@PatsyIssa a responsive thumbnail with hover events and dynamic meta data?
@DarkAshelin Why can't I find anything funny in your folder?
what are u looking for
first year project, flash website as promo compaign for a beer brand
think I got a 12/20 outta that
try clicking everything
The URL :p
@SomeGuy failed that assignment too
I don't even know why
it was made in 4 days
Hahaha, did I just place a huge turd?
haha ye :D
And is the vegetable going and cleaning the turd?
it turns him into a nerd
it eats it
I like how it walks
@DarkAshelin you may not know what a heading is, but damn that is some impressive stuff!
btw, another failed assignment: http://student.howest.be/sara.peeters/20112012/MAIV/MLYLT/
campaign for a magazine
see this is what I mean, everyone's all like "wow", "impressive", especially when I tell them most were made in less than a week
but you know I FAILED those assignments, I failed the course!
I got grades like 8/20 on that
Well from a guy who has zero idea about that sorta thing, good job.
btw the magazine campaign, they required a flash + js version
they wanted a flash site, but also compatible with mobile xD
so resize the site and you'll get js version
These guys have high standards :O
no shit
lemme see if I can find projects of classmates
oh I have a video of the guitar hero game
featuring... ME vimeo.com/56560733
Hahaha I love the end
@DarkAshelin I really like that one. The sound is great.
that's my bf x3
I was just thinking about someone thinking you were waving at them
one of my bf's projects vimeo.com/60211541
@SomeGuy it's an in-joke really, because that always happened while making the program in class
Lama Scene is an awesome name
both company's are fictional btw: Lama Scene and Navinci
all created in 1 week too, including concept and getting all props + location
the requirement of the assignment was also:
- Get 1000 views within 1 day
- Get 100 likes within 1 day
- Make it in the news
oh this is the showreel of the course vimeo.com/69304501
@DarkAshelin I see how much you are frustrated
@DarkAshelin whatever you guys were smoking when you made those i want some.
well yes I spent 3 years there and never got my diploma
@DarkAshelin the ceo seems douchy
idk it was just some random guy (talking about Navinci vid right?)
hes a random guy?
he said he was the ceo
everyone in the video is 12 years old.
3 mins ago, by Dark Ashelin
both company's are fictional btw: Lama Scene and Navinci
those are all classmates in the video
i see
Steve Highroad
so high :D
Mike Unt
1 min ago, by Purify
everyone in the video is 12 years old.
btw... I'm also in the video xD
you are?
She's the car
hidden in the background
today I learned @DarkAshelin is 12.
you mean the navinci one?
totes gonna go looking now.
lunch break > afk
found you already
That's not her
totes is
Na uh
> Canada VS USA hockey game tomorrow. This is a billboard in Chicago
12 mins ago, by Some Guy
That's not her
it's not me
for a minute I thought you meant the lama
posted on February 21, 2014 by Alex Moss

    2013 was a busy year for me for conferences and travel. It was also the year I attended my first (and second) WordCamp. The first was WordCamp UK in July, where I met Mike Little, one of the two co-founders of WordPress. Three months later, I was honored to meet the other co-founder, Matt Mullenweg, twice in three weeks: at WordCamp Europe in Leiden, and at The Summit.

anyway, great course and whatnot, I learned a lot there, but also I'm dead inside now
Some Guy has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
^ whenever I see that I think the feed is being vague xD "some guy"
Added SMBC
typo3 is giving me the sad feels again :(
@GNi33 it gives you the sad feels alot?
@GNi33 can you point at where the typo3 has hurt you?
my heart... typo3 broke it
in JavaScript, 22 mins ago, by Octavian Damiean
WAT!? http://themittani.com/media/goat-simulator-yes-real-game @Zirak @rlemon @SomeGuy

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