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Q: Cloud9 git push -> fatal: Authentication failed

Noah HuppertIn Cloud9 whenever I try and push to a github repository with the terminal I get the following error: fatal: Authentication failed I am using git push origin master to push to the repository. I have my ssh key added in github so that is not the problem.

5 hours later…
In USA, if a consumer wants his own personal internet usage details i.e. the destinations websites/ip addresses, can they get it easily or is it something that only the police and gov. is privileged to?
@AnujKaithwas Whatever the gov and police can get their hands on you can attempt to get as well using a FOIA request or one of the many state based open records acts. Your mileage may vary.
1 hour later…
ouch, I knew someone who was that stupid.
Wow. People having fun and sharing imgs \o/
pastebin.com/eX881CPh <- why is this applying the clear left to the 2nd article only, instead of the 5th as well?
but I thought that it would first apply the 4+5 and only after the resizing it would use the 2+1
use jsfiddle.net to show a live example
mocking up
jsfiddle.net/M2ZcW IDK if it's the jsfiddle that applies the thingy but it seems to work in jsfiddle :o
yep, the jsfiddle auto-fits the thing; That css is not working properly on local server [dont have a live one to show]
on your local server, do you have more elements in the same container as them articles?
nope, only articles on that container (sorry about forgetting that) articles are inside a <div class="horizontal-gallery"></div> container that the only rule is a bottom 20px
remove that and see if it works.
nth-child acts in a mysterious way.
I'll try, but I'm counting on that element to target it by javascript so it will be a "hard-rewrite"; Ill check if it has anything to do with using both classes on the element (the col-*) but i thought they'd only get applied if it were that size (changing the size of the article from px to % didnt affect the behaviour as I hoped)
uwot mike
il av u
@Wes is bad at making pizza.
indeed since i never tried
after all those pictures of pizza last night I went out for pizza :P
i had...
spaghetti bolognese
@Will me too (well not out, but got pizza)
@Purify I swear you are a troll.
1 min ago, by Purify
@Wes is bad at making pizza.
This guy was born near naples and is italian. That is like saying the Mario Bros are bad at plumbing... oh wait...
i'm aware :p
I love the Mario Bros, but on reflection, I can't figure out what they were good at.
Driving karts?
Bashing their head into a brick that makes a coin pop out?
Aren't we doing this anyway? fluid + max-width: pauladamdavis.com/blog/2013/11/maximum-fluid-widths
posted on November 12, 2013 by Wilson Page

    Click, touch, load, drag, change, input, error, resize — the list of possible DOM events is lengthy. Events can be triggered on any part of a document, whether by a user’s interaction or by the browser. They don’t just start and end in one place; they flow though the document, on a life cycle of their own. This life cycle is what makes DOM events so extensible an

I do support for a load of sites. Check this one out parkrowproperties.co.uk
hello guys.. anyone up for some easy rep? :)
gimme that rep
Q: How to keep both checkbox and text in the same line

no9I am having problem keeping checkbox and text in the same line. This is the HTML code: <span class="list-item"> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="payment[]" value="Some payment">&nbsp;Some payment </label> </span> How can I make this work. The only display attribute on element tha...

It already is inline
you must have another style applied to it
i cant find it
take a look
if you can...
it has a display prop inherited, but that makes no diference
It's something with the element around it. It's cramping it up so it places it below the checkbox.
The text, that is.
yea i understand
i checked all the spans that are keeping this but i cant find a problem
just re-do it.
I think its the input
Redoing it might have you find out what the issue is. Let me try help you.
Before you redo it.
<label for=""></label>
<input id="" class="" name="" type="checkbox" value="">
yea its the freakin input
display block
i will have to separate the checkbox input from the others
input[type="checkbox"] {
    display: inline-block;
the input itself
is actually display:block
not inline-block;
true true
sometimes i feel such a noob
that fixes it.
thanks a lot guys
I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.
god bless or somethn :)
no problem.
Its ok, we are all noobs.
especially @mikedidthis
Speak for yo'self brah.
will return occasionaly to throw a few jokes, so I dont look like a help vampire ;)
my code is adding invisible padding
Must be a default property from an element then.
... or not?
nope. :<
Invisible padding... Quite spooky.
i blame @mikedidthis
everythings his fault
@Purify the temptation to remove you as a room owner and mute you is so strong at the moment
but you won't.
you love me too much.
@Purify you really want to test that theory?
it's not a theory
it's scientifically validated.
I feel it.
The mutual love radiates from the both of you.
oh yes
jsfiddle.net/GMpZs/19 Y U NO WORK?!
As I try to add a checkbox, the page reloads. I know iI most've called something incorrectly in the script.
whatcha trying to do?
When .addcb is pressed, a clone of the checkbox is added to the div.
But it reloads after doing so.
hello @purify @mikedidthis
<button class="mp_ addAnswer group" method="POST">Antwoord toevoegen</button>
it's posting the data
@Scorpion hallo
how u ppl doin
You're saying I should remove the method and it'll work?
good you?
not bad
interesting landing page @will
well no
you could've made it easier on yourself though
@Scorpion haha cheers
How, brother? Enlighten me!
@Will :p
I took down my portfolio and haven't got around to putting anything back up. The stove suppliers was my first online shop I tried to make. I remade it before that one got finished.
pretty cool
@Purify How, brother? Enlighten me!
@Scorpion this is the shop im working on atm. dev.tiny-rhino.co.uk/store/index.php
Problem is I hardly spend any time on it when im at home
I would've split it up into PHP and jQuery @FarizFakkel
presuming it's a contact form of sorts?
Always to tired from work to do more coding when I get home :/
are u using any ecommerce platform @will ?
same here @will :(
Nah its something im making myself
i have some side projects I have been trying to complete @will
I have done most of the work on the backend. which cant be seen haha
i have another one that a started a year ago and barely did anything since (it's linux related) @will
Im the same haha
@Purify I suggested that at the workplace. People here are using another IDE and want me to stick to using it. It's a form for creating another question form.
i sleep at 1AM in hope of getting something done @will
I have two apps and like 3 sites that im half way through :P @Scorpion
not much gets done when you're tired as f***
Be back after lunch
yeah haha
maybe we can be unproductive-buddies @will
haha ;)
what you working on atm?
at work i have some 4 bitchy clients that are always complaining about something
and side projects are websites that haven't even left my local machine lol
and the linux thing is a sort of robot
lol fair enough!
which is quite time consuming, and im not that good with electronics yet so i just say fukkit
mostly im on wordpress though
I got myself a raspberry pi but have done hardly anything with it for the same reason. I have done a little bit with wordpress but not much. I tend to make complex systems. Like at work I have done lots of work on creating a CMS and I have just finished a wysiwyg mail client
same here, raspberry pi robot @will
why not use widely available cms' ?
I did make a media centre but it ran quite slow. Think I needed a faster SD card.
We use coldfusion so we needed one for that. Plus ours it like a skeleton of a cms
mm maybe, if the sd card class is > than 6 you shouldnt have any issues
Its so we can build our application a bit quicker
makes sense
Yeah the SD card was an old one. I did buy a quick new one for it but cant fine what I did with the bloodly thing!!!
tiny bast*rds aren't they
Thought about installing it on a USB a few people have said that it quicker
i sometimes try to be cautious where i place them
yea heard the same thing about usbs
i once made it into a surveillance camera
I have a box of computery thing that I normally keep it in
me too :D
Thats cool
did it work well?
i have a bunch of graphics cards, sd cards, fans etc
well - not as much as i thought it would
same :P
what did you use as the camera ?
I used a normal desktop webcam, and since the RPI isn't that powerful, some frames were being processed incorrectly by the CPU resulting in a corrupted image/JPG as the webcam wasn't receiving as much current as it should
I see.
but now they released the pi camera which i think should work perfectly with it
was pretty cool , i use to keep an eye of my house via the cam
I met someone that made his pi into a little remote control robot car thing. Was quite cool
caught a guy knocking on our door trying to sell kitchen supplies to my mom LOL
remote control robot car?
like those little rc cars?
yeah but was pi powered
so basically you can control an rc car over the internet too
sort of like the CIA
imagine my security camera pi + the rc car pi
$$ profit
Saw a video online of some guy that had made a mini tank with a pi and controlled it with wifi.
so badass
The bot has and extend it could drop to increass the range when it started to run out :P
alot of neat stuff you can do
I would really like to set my lights up in the house so I could control them using my iphone and the pi
Dont have any idea how to do it though :P
that was the first thing i wanted to do!
then i realized
i barely know how to chance a light bulb
haha XD
how many developers does it take to change a light bulb .....
it's a hardware problem :D
@Scorpion hey scorpion
haha true true
yo mikey
et werks
Easy fix?
nope :<
Well, me and my half dead and tired brain didn't find out why this page is reloading either.
I'm not pressing that button you specifically pointed out either.
1 hour later…
nvm :p
so it kinda works
but it sucks
What do you mean? It looks cleaan.
resize it a few times
Hmm, let's see.
maybe i'll just add some extra load to the page
and have it load on the page, just hide it
Huh, it worked just a second ago... =S
Window went gone after reloading the page.
possibly not quite the right room to ask, we record about 25m stats a year, i was thinking of using a hash to make each stat record unique... would that be silly?
That's quite a DB you'll be having then...
actually 25m might be a bit high.. possibly more like 18-23m
@Jarede Still a whole lot.
Best to take advise from someone else than me. You're talking to a complete rook'. =P
heh cool
@Purify Your iframe stopped working in the fiddle.
doesn't matter now. Gotta workaround
Alrighty then
@Purify I just opened your fiddle and was like "can't see anything..." then realised my screen was too small
Quick question. How come you write jQuery('#ytvid').hide(); rather than $('#ytvid').hide();
It did work for me with the standard screen size.
for some reason my server doesn't pick up $
@Will Or did you mean your physical screen?
I have a vertical screen so i didnt see the video
it understands when I write jQuery though
thats random
well it's probs not random but I dont understand why
1.9.1 should pick up '$'
1.4 picks up $
Yeah... Hahah...
some of my clients are still on 1.4
Is there good reason for that? Inform this rook' of that will ya? xD
Is it just because the client can't or doesn't want to upgrade?
just old systems. If I upgrade it stuff will break. They dont want to pay me to fix it.
Or is it just more applicable on some webapplications?
Riight, okay...
They are having a new system built as well so this is cost they don't want.
Not to much of a problem unless they want a feature that it only in the newer ones.
@Purify $ and jQuery? Really?
@Purify you are using both.
not using the code
kids these days :D
30 videos and I am finally done (unless I have to rerecord any). I also lost my voice.
Again, if anyone visits a blog the like the style of, please feel free to share.
@mikedidthis Hey, Mike! Any idea why this isn't working?
`$(document).on("click", ".addcb", function() {
var idx = $(this).siblings('[id^="checkbox"]:last').find('div[name^="answer"]:last').index()+1;
var newCB = $(clone1).clone().attr('class', 'checkbox_' + idx);

$('div checkbox_0').attr('class', 'checkbox_'+idx);
@FarizFakkel sorry, I don't.
Try in the JS room, I dunno if I am tired, but that code made me dizzy.
I get what you're saying.
I was like WTF when I wrote that second line after declarign the kind of event...
I would suggest isolating the case and explaining what isn't working.
!!afk finding my marbles
@mikedidthis Stay safe.
Purpose of this is that people on the back-end of the application are able to make a form for others to fill in.
When the dropdown is set on checkboxes, people are able to configure the possibilities of answers clients can choose from.
When trying to add these checkboxes with the button that has selector .addcb, the page reloads.
It does append the clone, but the page refreshes after doing so.
@mikedidthis I have to write a case study for the project I have finished now. I hate writing :/
@Will mikedidthis is afk: finding my marbles
Ah ok :P
Q: Divs won't fit within container

BatmanI'm trying to create a layout with a sidebar along the left and 3 divs stacked on top of each other. However, I'm having through getting my divs to fit within the container. I'm also having issues getting the container to fit the width of the page without forcing horizontal scroll #container{ ...

'sup brothers and sisters
I've changed my homepage slider, it's now working the way I want it to with regards to the width. However, how do i get it so that the image stays central to the frame (so the 960px in the centre of the image) is always that?
@mikedidthis Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
@Will you and me both.
@CapricaSix shhh
@Daffy is it possible to stop the slideshow or pause it
every time I debug, it moves :(
@mikedidthis I will have a look, sorry!!! Might be able to just set on image quickly.
@mikedidthis turned that off now
@Daffy no images
I can fudge it I think
Yeah you are not going to do what you want sadly.
You want the image to be cropped if the screen size is smaller and remain central
That's exactly it.... damn it. No way I can fudge that, I'm quite chuffed I got it to the stage its at now!!
I've tested 3 different sliders today alone, its getting tedious now!
Sadly not, as the image has a natural fluidity to it, as in it will respond to the parent element.
Ideally you want to use background images here.
The designer nicked the idea from John Lewis, theirs is nice.
Well I think so.
Thats something I need to think about
Sadly I need it to be as simple as creating a div with a style attribute, don't think any of these jquery sliders will like that.
worth a go though
@Wes Sup!
@Wes I know that feel.
Right, I've tweaked the code to include a div which uses the image as a background instead, it works in terms of pulling the image through... should I be putting an invisible image of 960px over this or something. Think i could be on the road to success with this idea (thought this 4 sliders ago.......(
That last one looks like a sad one eyed emoticon .( yarrrrrr
I spent most the week on a screen 1200 x 800px going to 1920 x 1200px has broken my eyes.

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