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Use gOPD on the prototype that it came from?
Quick Google search found this gist.github.com/WebReflection/3373484
Gmail: You can't send things bigger than 25mb
Me: Okay, cool. Here a 21mb .zip
Gmail: You can't send things bigger than 25mb
Me: *smashes keyboard against the wall and leaves the room*
posted on April 25, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by strangelet */

@Lorenz Just use Google Drive?
I'm sending something to my grandmother
@ZachSaucier nice man!
But yeah, it's not like I have a choice
One of these days I'll get around to making another mix
Please do :D
It just makes me mad how they say 25MB and then they ignore their own words
they check the contents of the archive
@SomeGuy how do i know the correct prototype? do i have to loop over all the inheritance chain?
@Wes Yes
I've gotten in the habit of making a giant track list over time, so for the mix I go through and just remove some songs and rearrange a bit
@Lorenz what are you sending?
High resolution photos
imgur, create a gallery
email her the link
But isn't the gallery public?
isn't there something like Object.getPropertyOwner or smt?
no one will look
Good morning!
it is, but only if you have the link iirc
you have to "make it public" to show in their listings
It's just that I have a hard time trusting anything I can't control haha
you will need to build your own server then :)
you have full control
You're right and I'll eventually do that, but for now I'm just butthurt at google making me upload things to their drive
if you don't submit it to public, they can only find it with the direct link
and you can delete it once she's downloaded them
Okay then, I'm gonna do that
HA, downloading them? Keep dreaming
She'll probably call me asking wat do
imgur pic of imgur gallery
@Mr.Alien if you were wondering, i don't need to manipulate .value if i correctly send a keypress event... basically i can write in a text field without using .value at all
@Lorenz there is a download button that iirc zips the pictures and downloads them ;)
(which means that i succeeded at something for once)
@rlemon Noice, I'll make sure she's aware of that
I need help with the Git command to update a Branch.
I'm trying to do git rebase master && git pull but it gives me error: failed to push some refs to <repository>
Is that the correct way to do it?
I think you need to clarify.
Is the branch local or on the server? Is the branch on the server up to date?
I have Master (latest) and Branch A (old) both on remote, now I want to update Branch A with Master
You need to either rebase or merge.
I don't know your workflow, so it depends what you did before.
Rebase says:
  First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
  Fast-forwarded GUI to master.
switch to Branch A, then: git-rebase master
Merge says:
  Already up-to-date.
And push give me error
Where are both the branches?
Remote, but I did git clone now
If they are remote, I don't understand why you are pushing :?
so you cloned both the branches locally right?
so you need to do the stuff locally first, then push, if I am following?
so switch / check out branch a.
rebase master
switch to master
let me see
That is what I would do anyway, but I am a one man git.
mmm.. is not working. Let me show you the output
$ git checkout GUI
Switched to branch 'GUI'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/GUI'.
$ git rebase master
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Fast-forwarded GUI to master.
$ git status
On branch GUI
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/GUI' by 7 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

nothing to commit, working directory clean
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
$ git push
Everything up-to-date
NOTE: GUI is the old branch
I'm doing something wrong but I don't understand what :(
Its ok, I got it the wrong way round
git checkout master
git merge GUI
git push
No, master doesn't need anything from GUI because Master is updated and GUI is not. I need to do reverse (I think)
haha, this is why I use the GUI :D
Oh, the orders of the commands doesn't make sense for me xD
Morning friends!
@Lucio it seems your local GUI is up to date?
So from master git merge GUI && push won't write master but only GUI right?
@mikedidthis no, I don't have any changes locally, but I don't see any option on bitbucket to do it online
@Loktar Thanks for taking that face away from me
yeah, but GUI is already up today
haha np
pft stupid fb OG debugger
Q: FB debugger says that my og:image should be larger, even though it is large

ChrisCheck out this result of debugging an article using Facebook debugger. It comes up with this warning: og:image should be larger. Provided og:image is not big enough. Please use an image that's at least 200x200 and preferably 1500x1500. But if you open the image displayed in the "og:image"...

Your branch is ahead of 'origin/GUI' by 7 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
caching all over
I'll try to make a paint to explain better
How do items flow inside an absolute positioned list?
I've tried googling this without results
they don't if you mean the li is absolutely positioned
unless you mean the ul is absolutely positioned
@Lorenz - positioned list is taken out of the flow and than a new flow is built inside of that list
they work as usual
Yes that's what I meant
ah, the UL is, the li isn't
In that case it's just a container like any other
It's a <li> with no positioning, inside is a <ul> with absolute positioning and inside are two <a> with no positioning
My doubt comes because whenever I make <ul> be position:absolute the two <a> appear on the same place
See for yourself if you want: codepen.io/LorenzMacht/pen/gpfom
I have NO idea why the positioning of the parent element affects the flow of the childs
@mikedidthis does that help?
@Lorenz Which are you taking about? it looks like it's working from what I can tell
@Lucio you need to create a pull request or do it locally.
Except if I started moving the items inside around, then it would make sense
'CREATE' should have two items flowing down instead of just 1
Compare the last one to this one: codepen.io/LorenzMacht/pen/gpfom
Yeah it does mike, in theory haha
I see
your HTML so dirty
^ that
you can't have <ul><ul>
I'm the first one to confess that :P
though it does look like some cool eyes.
reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/23wzh7/… cc: @PatsyIssa @rlemon @mikedidthis
Sadly, only some of them are new
@Lorenz Your first sub menu has 0 height
Yeah, and I transition it to have 30px height
how can I do a pull request locally?
git checkout source_branch && git pull #maybe?
Which magically works when the sub menu is not position:absolute
@Lorenz No, I mean after the hover it doesn't have a height still
they're not positioned over another, one just has 0 height
YOu mean this?
` max-height:30px;`
@Lucio you can't. You merge locally.
inspect element bro
Well I don't think you can.
Oh crap
Clone the repo locally.
Switch to master > rebase GUI > push
Everything up-to-date
when you clone, make sure you get both branches.
I hate that output
live deploy friday at 4
@mikedidthis yes
On both branches?
When I do checkout GUI && push:
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: permission denied to update branch GUI
To <repo>
 ! [remote rejected] GUI -> GUI (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to '<repo>'
The best at this point will be delete GUI and create a new branch from Master.
I really don't understand why you are checking out and pushing at the same time.
I don't. I show that to you to avoid write more :)
$ git rebase GUI
Current branch master is up to date.
$ git push
Everything up-to-date

transition: 0.6s;
you had a position:absolute there. Take it out
I suppose that's what you mean
I just realized I have two different <ul> for two each <li> next to each other
need to absolutely position the container list
After fixing that the problem became somewhat better, thanks for pointing that out
hmmm yeah, I had absolute positioning
so much code for such little function, lol
so it doesn't move the content below it down when transitioning
Yeah, I'm experimenting a lot ehehe
And you haven't seen what I've deleted until now haha!
@mikedidthis I don't see where I have <ul><ul> though
Also part of the reason my html is so dirty is because I'm afraid of moving it after I got whitespacing just because I put the code in an orderly manner
you have the original list (horizontal) then for the drop downs you have more lists, hence <ul><ul>
I guessed it's okay if it's inside a <li>, such cases.
I did it!
@Lorenz That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: parse
Sorry power cut!
38 secs ago, by Lucio
I did it!
@mikedidthis The problem was that I didn't have access to the branch. So push wasn't working
@Lucio haha, oh my.
@Lucio Read that! It says "permission denied to update branch GUI"
Good job.
@Loktar Have any idea how to toggle a velocity call?
@mikedidthis Thanks. I appreciate your help :)
@Lucio I wouldn't call it help, but glad you are sorted.
@ZachSaucier nope
I looked at it pretty breifly
hows the demo going though?
@mikedidthis If I can't put a <ul> inside a <ul>, how come they do it here? w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_lists2
@Loktar It's fine, working on the display js while in classes, I'll do the stars when I can think more after classes
@Lorenz You can put a ul in a li element, when did mike say otherwise?
I said you should not do <ul><ul>
@Lorenz google w3fools.
43 mins ago, by mikedidthis
you can't have <ul><ul>
@Wes so you accomplished at last
Thanks for that link mike, I'm checking it out.
Yeah it should be <ul><li><ul>
@Lorenz read that properly how they do it
B-but I said I don't have <ul><ul> and Zach said I do have it, pointing at <ul><il><ul>, must be a misunderstanding then
You mean the w3fools link or the w3s tutorial thing? @Mr.Alien
@Lorenz w3 tutorial
they don't nest the ul element as A DIRECT CHILD to another ul, its invalid
@Mr.Alien yeah it's dog poo but it's working :|
@Wes than be happy :p
Yeah @Mr.Alien, this whole thing came because I (wrongly) understood that Mike was pointing out that my code is dirty because I have <ul><ul>
What did you do @Wes? Can I see?
not much, i'm just sending text through KeyboardEvent(s)
@Lorenz he just saved his ass
Ah, glad to hear that haha!
there's a timer that checks .value but i don't understand what it does (code is minified)
but modifying .value directly nearly crashes chrome
after lunch I can help figure out the minified code
thanks rlemon but i just started to not giving a damn of wp, wp plugins and my client xD
they always ask me tasks that in my mind are easy and that turn to be impossible missions
this should be for clients as well ^^^
this plugin is so fucked up that when i focus a field the text caret starts to blink... randomly... like there's some code that focus, blurs and resets the caret position at every cycle
a massive pile of sheet xD
only me. why i am not a farmer yet?
@Wes I have that feeling all the time.
Finally after putting the html in an orderly manner and getting rid of (a part of the) excess code it works flawlessly codepen.io/LorenzMacht/pen/gpfom
posted on April 25, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

You guys, I got the median on my math test yesterday! :D I thought I had done much worse
passing FTW
Congratulations! Another day kicking ass ;)
gj zach
@Lorenz In your codepen - id must be unique in html - use class if you want to repeat it - you have multiple id="menu"
one more week of finals, then coding whatever I want for a week <3
i started my holiday 1 hour ago
10 days free
Ouch, correcting it. But how come it works?
it works as long as you are applying css only - will cause a lot of trouble once you start using that same id in javascript
would have to check spec to explain exactly why it must be unique
it is a unique identifier- that's the point
only one element belongs to one id
^^ this
Q: How to retrieve data from an Unknown Database?

SarathHow can I retrieve data from a completely unknown database where I do not have any idea regarding the database tables, the type of data present in it???

Try my query which I don't have. — Raging Bull 3 hours ago
^^ that comment so good

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