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in JavaScript, 14 secs ago, by Abhishek Hingnikar
Microsoft fuck you man
@mikedidthis ^^^
@ZachSaucier just wait for velocity.js
its pretty damn nice
yea it is impressive performance wise
@ZachSaucier I dm'ed you his email
@rlemon My user scripts just broke somehow - disappeared after trying to add one
if you wanted to check it out
refresh the page
I did ):
I'll try browser restart
what was the key/replacement
there we go
was trying to add a multi-line one
lemme try again
ohh yea, probably won't work right now
I'm going to add real inputs and not prompts
( •_•)>⌐■-■
it works
Just crashed it temporarily somehow
added a \ to the call though
not for me
not sure if that's on my part or the glitch
what was your key?
Alright, redoing it there was no issue
haha, i'm so happy with this script :)
makes SO feel a little like ST
@Loktar What will velocity.js do once ready?
@ZachSaucier I sent you a link
I had to add spaces due to stupid DM's and not allowing links :?
but yeah thats a quick playground demo and a link to the repo
i'm sure he'd be ok with you having it
want to see the source for that. Let me see if we have access
each char in its own span, lol
@Loktar Have any idea if it will allow timeline animations so that live slow down and such can be achieved easily?
no clue :? but there is a link to the velocity page with the docs so far
and features
so there is
I'm sure he would love your feedback for sure though
I haven't had alot of time to play with it yet, just did one quick stupid animation
I would think the jQuery need would slow it down some
thats my only complaint its jquery dependancy
he has some examples of it vs the other libraries on the page though
and it does perform better in his tests
but still
I'll ask about it if I get into developing with it
I think he mentioned it pretty much overrides jqueries animate
yeah I know
> I'm emailing you because I've developed a highly-performant JavaScript animation library that behaves identically to jQuery's .animate() but is 20x+ faster than jQuery, and at least 2x+ faster than GSAP and CSS transitions. And -- perhaps best of all -- it allows for performant and programmatic control over 3D animations in the DOM.
idk if anything its promising, just wish I could think of something cool to do with it
that's what I do (:
I'm a fan of pure js for all my demos :P
same here!
but using a library like this help in developing cutting edge large scale stuff
oh shit.. I think I have an idea
based off of one of my pens
hmm I need to try it
^ going to do that with the dom
going to try it anyway, with velocity.js
I updated the gist
just re-download and drag to the page
I know how to install :P
@Loktar Good start
haha I love it
It's much better!
gotta put it on stackapps when you're done
i'm going to write an import/export for the memory
nice! ^ typed friday and tab
it is like your own personal bot
love it man
now we can go through and remove some of the bots commands
is it unlearn or remove to forget a command?
!!forget doh
@ZachSaucier Command doh forgotten.
!!undo ^2
@rlemon I'm not sure how to handle that, see /help undo
!!help undo
@rlemon undo: Undo (delete) specified or last message. /undo [msgid0, msgid1, ...] (omit for last message); /undo xN for last N; /undo ~N for the Nth message from the end
!!undo ~12
@rlemon TimeError: Could not reach 88mph
man zombies are falling out of favor
> -$225.96 (20.8%)
^ currently this month vs last month
soon Ill be able to downgrade my server
maybe its just flash
haha and worry less about taxes at the end of the year
@rlemon probably, or flash portals in general
they def aren't as big as like 5-10 years ago
besides the big ones of course (kongregate, newgrounds)
wow, that's a dramatic change
yeah it dips around the first half of the year
and jumps summer-december
Christmas eve is always my highest day... its so weird
highest traffic and highest earning
made over $300 christmas eve in 2012.. it was insane
I've never understood the christmas eve thing.. ever since 2008
then it tanks hard again in January
^ but if you look at that you can see interest is definitely dwindling
I started in 2007 right before that first nice spike, got so friggin lucky
even was in PC Gamer.. ah the glory days :P
I might have read about you TBH
eh it was a super tiny blurb just mentioning the site
nothing too big, I was just pumped because I've always been a giant fan
it was like a dream come true lol
like.. I had no notice.. I was just an avid reader so I noticed it when I got the new issue. I was like WTFFF! Thats my site!!
that's the best
I would have been pissing myself
yeah man.. it happened at work too
I was reading it on lunch, I was like GUYS! WTF THIS IS MY SITE!
i was like :D because simon mentioned me
(still dk why)
dude @rlemon if you search Robert Lemon on Safari Books online it comes up :)
or Jason Brown
haha sweet!
I was really happy the first work I got on front page of codepen/cssdeck
<3 @SimonSarris
same goes for references on my articles
@ZachSaucier lol my first pen got on the front page.. I was like whats codepen? Eh Ill try something
it was back when it was pretty new, @rlemon may have told me about it
I also made it on "50 essential freebies for web designers" by web designer depot. For something that I have no idea why is on there, haha
first didn't get as much love
this was what was on the "essential freebies" list, haha cssdeck.com/labs/rotation-background-experiment
I like that one
both of the ones you guys linked
sure, but why it's "essential" I have no idea, haha
@ZachSaucier nice, I remember seeing that :P
search results from safari
being mentioned by simon was huge honestly
like I felt honored. I put it on my resume even.
I know.
I haven't gone that far (haven't had too)
man I don't even think I have a copy of my resume handy
not even digital
it definitely helps when you are going up for UI positions if you are thanked in a book about HTML 5
I suppose I'm in much more of a marketing myself phase than you guys, haha
I've been recruited for my last like 6 jobs
they didn't ask for a resume
no one knows of me still
element of surprise :D
@ZachSaucier lol
honestly this is 99% sales jobs
@rlemon I've never been turned down from a job I've wanted which pleases me
@Loktar same
@Loktar Same ;D
thats why I get dem fat checks
with my total of a whopping 2 summer internships
one of which I've yet to start xD
@ZachSaucier yeah once you're out of school itll be so easy to get a job. Front end devs are in demand
but my sales jobs were "we like you, we want you to work for us. how much do you make? okay we'll give you this."
I ask for retarded salaries and get them
but it was sales. so ultimately. yea, it sucked.
heh I never want to go back to any job out of dev.. since I've been doing IT (professionally) since 2000
working for an embedded systems place has gotten me crazy offers.
it would be a huge shock
yeah I think its like 10 jobs to 8 web devs currently
an amazing time if you're in development
@Loktar well tl;dr the company I worked for for years got sued and they were talking about sending me to texas so I quit. it was in 2007 tech recession and I worked for RIM and OpenText as a temp and shit then decided to try my hand at sales. I like people.
also easy to just jump ship if you don't like the way a building smells
did it for a number of years. was exceptional at it. got back into dev (which I think i'm okay at and make 2X more)
yeah 2007 sucked for most people, I was in the gov though so I weathered that storm
it was a mistake to leave
the gov?
I should have stayed until 2008-2009
eh you'd have less years of dev experience though
once you hit 8 years of prof experience its pretty much a garuanteed 6 figures
it was QA and c# dev
5 years of that
i'm ~4 years into this job
~8 months floating in other dev jobs
~5 years "under the table" dev for a satellite company before that
and here and there freelance ofc.
woot my ebay games came in Starfox 64 and Mario Kart for the SNES
Aight, after reading the docs I have a good perception of what velocity does
lol one shipped in a check book box..
!!afk going out
see ya
import/export feature
cc // @ZachSaucier @Loktar
easiest way I can think to do the pc bridge.
2 hours later…
making pxly.me prettier
I have an input form with a textbox and a submit button aligned to sit right next to each other and the button comes first in the code, then how would I make the button appear on top when the textbox and the button overlap?
@rlemon Great, now I want to dig up my old Flash game assets from a few years back and rewrite its code /cc @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BoltClock rlemon is afk: bed bug @BenjaminGruenbaum
1 hour later…
where were you since few days?
In bed sick
ohh take care bro
Now i m back to work, feeling a bit better
you should've taken proper rest first
Can't take anymore sick days tbh, took 2
@Mr.Alien morning
@PatsyIssa take care buddy
@TheDictator cheers ^^
@PatsyIssa :)
@SomeGuy This is awesome
@PatsyIssa alryt, tc.. @TheDictator mornin...
anyone available, friends?
Having a small issue.
In jQuery mobile, I have a sidebar menu. When I open the sidebar menu, one of its list item "Menu item A" overlaps a button say "Button B". If I click on item A, button B's tap event gets triggered, too. Already tried using e.stopPropogation() and e.stopImmediatePropagation. That doesn't help.
Hmm can we have a link ?
Didn't post a question yet.
I meant to the live site/ where it's happening
Its a mobile application. And not any live site for that :/
oh damn :/
Ya. And the issue is not reproduced in iphone. Just in android devices.
Any idea, guys?
okay. thanks :)
Check the user profile ^^^
suspension period ends on 2027
> This account is temporarily suspended for rule violations. The suspension period ends on Feb 1 '27 at 19:59.
:P User might have forgotten about stack till then
single question asked: 50 upvotes, 110 downvotes o_O
he was a spammer
I remember that account
Oh okay.
@ZachSaucier Thanks man :D
@mikedidthis ZachSaucier is afk: going out
posted on April 24, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by mckrillo */

hmm wasn't there a counterclockwise setting for rotation direction? or was I dreaming this at night?
trying to find a trial of office 2010 is like trying to find water in a desert.
Must use it or can have an alternative ?
@Purify piratebay has some nice trials xD
@easwee has to be legal
I know - just joking :)
@Purify openoffice yo
can't, has to be office 2010/2007
I need to test in outlook. <_<
I was using mailchimp
but can't really test <_<
iirc mailchip doesn't include tests
gotta pay?
7-day trial
7 day trial
For the price, I would still go with campaignmonitor: campaignmonitor.com/testing
testing will take less than a day
so no need to pay
this trial should be helpful though, thanks!
Morning all
@Will o/
Feeling better?

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