ok . i now have the following problem : for an offset of 50 my zero point should be 450 so the following expression float lengthInM = ((350 - weightYPosition) * .001033); *** should become ***float lengthInM = ((450 - weightYPosition) * .001033); em I right ?
Your zero point is always 350 according to what you stated, that the weight can move from a y cord of 140 to a y cord of 350. So are you changing the y bounds?
float lengthInM = ((450 - weightYPosition) * .0003875); I use this final expression; now, when I'm dragging the weight on the arm the final point is 87 instead of 1
dragging upwards *
I think it has something to do with the panGesture or the translation from meters to pixels because in my opinion, we must transform in points not pixels or I don't know... it's just a hunch
you don't have to necessarily synthesize your property ; xcode does this for you(the setter is array1 and the getter will be _array1)and I suggest you declare your array property as retain and not assign
if i have 3 views .. in the third view i add something to the array and now it has 1 object. when i return to the first view the object is gone and the array is empty.. how to fix this
hey guys, can some one take a look why I get an error when I call this url http://www.pururuka.com/json.cfm?uname=team&pword=pwd and try to parse the json? Error:Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 3840.)" (No string key for value in object around character 1.) UserInfo=0x74d61c0 {NSDebugDescription=No string key for value in object around character 1.}
hey guys I have a view controller that call a tableviewcontroller like this: self.view.window.rootViewController = test; but it doesn't look nice with no animation, how can I add animation like the new view coming from the bottom ?
first step i would like to ask that the pictures which we take from gallary after that all other images are added as a subview to this image or there is some other logic work behind there
Are you curious about what NFC is and how it can be integrated into your own Android applications? This tutorial will quickly introduce you to the topic before diving in and teaching you how to build a simple NFC reader app! What is NFC? NFC is the abbreviation for Near Field Communication. It is the [...]
I have worked on your problem, the resulting function is a complicated one, and as such there is not one that fits those three points exactly. I wanted to ask if it is ok to change the center point.
The original equation I gave you was a linear one, which given that you want your top to be 1BPM would not work, unless you had a much larger screen size
this equation is the curve y=0.000299758 e^(0.0480897 x)
Not linear, but will fit your two endpoints and a close aprox of your midpoint
120 BPM is now at an offset of 154.28 instead of 160
or a y cord of 295.72
the alternative is to make it linear, but then your center would be much lower
it is up to you on what ratio you want the BPMs to increase, linearly or curved, at first I thought linear, but that did not match your other points so I changed it.