It's not free.
It was included with Visual Studio
2005 Team System editions, but is not
included with Visual Studio 2008 Team
System. It can be purchased separately
as a retail product and is part of
certain MSDN subscriptions.
btw, the signal 9 is sent by your xcode. unix kill command. kill -9 for the interrrupt signal. I worrie a bit about the "libMobileGestalt copySystemVersionDictionaryValue: Could not lookup ReleaseType from system version dictionary" part ^^
would really try it in simulator first before run on device ^^
and if you have the possibility, try on other devices
@iSang if you can't handle kick press then try CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation]; animation.type = @"suckEffect"; in your app its new feature..:P
I saved the json parsing result in a dictionary which look like:
All the other answers are correct. You can not change the interface of the MFMailComposeViewController. But you have other possibilities. ;-)
Three20 SDK includes also an Mail Composer. Try it out. I think it should be that far changeable, that the "to" field is not editable anymore.
I hope my...