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good morning
Good Morning Bob!
i have morning question for you @iOS10
He..he.. getsocialize?
No different question
how to create navigationbase project in latest xcode 4.5.2 using xib
You mean create self.navigattionController in XIB?
How many navigationController in your project?
root view will be by navigationController
and so on
Init in Appdelegate.
how to do ?
UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:self.viewController];
self.window.rootViewController = navController;
sure it will work?
Yes, 100% sure
Battery low.Bye bye Bob. I'm in the coffee bar all the morning. Lunch time.
from start i need to create singleviewbase app?
Yes, create singleView or Emty(if you need CoreData and master about ViewController init).
SingleView instead if no CoreData.
With Core data, Empty and copy SingleView to it.
If you need 2 tableView, Master-Detail.
if you have any link then please share?
i need to study in detail
@Shaggy sub kuch itna simple tha in pervious version pr ye apple valy q complex krty j rahy hy..:P
iOS10 is a Link, I've share everything.
wait testing
Sleeping time
hello @BobApple
how r u @BobApple
me fine and you?
fine too
i need your help
are you work on sms related task in iphone
Simple sending sms from device
i successfully integrated Socialize yesterday in my project!
really working ios5 or lower?
Explain your problem what you wanna do? @FaheemRajput
iOS 5 and above
where is code?
will be better if it work on iOS 4.3 and above
in my project
how we can get it?
who said i will share :P
then i am first one who wanna to get it..:P
working fine @iOS10
I also success integrated Socialize, work Ok in iOS5, iOS6, don't have iOS4 to test.
Now, testing and make tutorial.
Good Morning
@ALL Hi Good Morning all
@ALL Anybody knows how to connect facetime app from our application. If any one knows please tell me how to approach it
check docs if apple provides FaceTime url scheme
@Shaggy Thank you for response
@Shaggy are you telling about this URL
hi guys anybody working on cocos2dX for android?
it should be something like that siva..i don't know exact format
Rashmi -> Harpreet has probably worked in installing it in eclipse but i don't think more than that.
he should be available in cocos2d room
@Shaggy thanks buddy
@PraviJay knows more about his timing
Hi @all
@Shaggy Ok
can anybody help me..
How can we help you? @Mohanaraj.C
@Shaggy : yeah i do lol
i have face some issue in camera functionality .i have upload image in server i have tried upload in multiple image but It's will crashed more then five or image how to solve this issue in iphone
check memory management using instruments
i have used custom camera.. but it's crash some time how to solve give any solution?
@iOS10 My apps received memory warning issue came that why crashed
i am not a magician that can magically found the issue when you just say it crash some times
you need to check where a lot of memory is being used
you are not a magician but you are jadughar..:P
@BobApple i want to detect sms sent and when sms sent from my phone them i want to call some functions
hmmm:) let me check
Q: Is there any private api for iphone that detect sms sent or received

virataI need to implement an app that detect an event when sms are received or sent on iPhone.Reading Sms is not required. my app is going to run in background using apple's background multitasking feature for voip and navigators. I can use private api as my client doesn't need this app on appstore. ...

@iOS10 your room is still active?
No admin remove it.
I'm so busy to take care it now.
Please manage it for me!
oky give me link

iOS tutorials

Place for beginner sharing, finding and requesting tutorials. ...
ohhh so many new faces there..:O
Speech is great; but silence is greater.
Love it because sometime you don't have time for rest.
moving to coffee bar :P
1 hour later…
The last message was posted 1 hour ago.
1 hour later...
when will be your app ready ?
New bugs when making tutorial
I subclass UITextView and setDelegate, but the delegate not call.
What's the problem? @Shaggy
I will finish all and maybe submit App tonight.
Hey guys. I'm new to objective-c. I have a jpg (both @2x and normal res) that I'm trying to use with a UIImage (imageNamed method).. Somehow it's not picking the @2x version. Any ideas?
naming is same and both are included to the project?
My simple code: pastebin.com/gaDbwJS2 What's wrong?
@2x use for Rentina
Auto picking when your iPhone or iPad is rentina
In your code, don't need to specify it.
Do you understand @FrankGordon ?
I'm just testing this in the simulator at the moment.. do I have to set it to retina somewhere?
(the simulator..)
img.png (320x50) / [email protected] (640 x 100) [UIImage imageNamed:@"img.png"];
Yes, simulator become 2x bigger when you select to rentina
Hardware, Device
Choose Hardware -> rentina
and to arange with your screen
use [apple?]+1 , 2 or 3
Hi all
I double who Geo is? :)
Can somebody help me?
have a windows keyboard ^^
:P @IOS10
just someone who shares time and knowledge with this community ;)
what's the problem @Rubik
Hardware -> Device in XCode? Where can I find it?
in simulator
or if want to set it as default:
@Rubik Just post your question when drop to any iOS room.
ahh, found it now. Thank you all!
yor xcode project, edit sceme
I write a program with many images (100-500)
and what is better to use, CoreData or Plist or SQlite>
your preference
lazy and small load : plist
not so lazy : SQLite
and rest : CoreData
Apple recommend CoreData as the faster options.
But not so easy to use.
so better CoreData?
Apple also said 3.5 inch screen is the best screen for mobile usage :)
and also no market for 7 inch iPad.
You don't love coreData Shaggy. Me too.
So complicate.
because in programm will be only review for images
to be frank use coredata
since most other dev will get irritated if you don't use core data.
their pride gets hurt :P
How do you store Images? On server or in the App bundle?
in app
I add it all to app and user just review images
like Album in iOS
all images will store on device
So many sample can be google.
@Shaggy Geo . My question, please help.
but I ask what be better to use
- (void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView{
NSLog(@"TEXTVIEW %@",textView.text);
Core data or SQlite or maybe Plist
what will you store in database @Rubik ?
Plist (root type is array of imageName) -> load to a NSArray -> display.
@iOS10 what is the question ?
i need store images
I subclass UITextView, then hook up to a UIViewController from Xib. But the delegate of UITextView in this UIViewcontroller not call?
I also check delegate and try to set it.
What's wrong?
@Rubik Hi, I want to create video chat application. I have seen HTTP Live Streaming concept.But I am not able to get the solution, Is there any sdk to implement that one.
but my questions is Where is better to store, SQlite, CoreData or Plist file???
THX for link!)))
siva: I'm just begginer)
@Rubik Ok
@BobApple Bottom line: I ended up choosing property lists because (1) I didn’t need the power of SQLite and (2) I didn’t want to alienate my potential iPod Touch buyers who have not yet upgraded to OS 3.0.
* @IOS10 included protocol in header
Not good conclusion. Your link not so good. @BobApple
thanks all for help
@BobApple @Shaggy Hi
@geo I don't rewrite UITextViewDelegate .
@BobApple @Shaggy I want to create video chat application. I have seen HTTP Live Streaming concept.But I am not able to get the solution, Is there any sdk to implement that one.
oky i will check for you
@BobApple Thank you
@siva It's big project, You need to learn, think and investigate step by step. I think.
@BobApple I have seen TokBox also
SDK just a took , not a way.
@iOS10 Ok
What's the best resource to learn Objective-c from the ground up?
From scratch?
Depend on you. Like food, one is good for me but not sure it's good for you.
Thanks Shaggy, I've seen that book mentioned in a few places so I'll give that a try.
read it.
@FrankGordon If you need to learn ObjC for iOS only. Go to tutorial room.
absolutely perfect for a beginner
@BobApple Have you got any sdk?
Shaggy, do you happen to have that book as PDF? :)
@Shaggy ^^
it is available as pdf on net if you can find it
how did iOS Tutorials got so filled up :O
Oh, my problem. Where does it come from?
Cant understand what's wrong.
Dinner! Bye bye. I must bring my bugs to eat in dinner.
also @dinner :)
guys help with new problem))
I just read that when I use core data and if I want update my program ( supposably I'll add some data in DB) my app will crashed!
Why? And how I can update app?
it won't crash just like that.
if you update scheme of database
then you need to implement migration
adding data to the database won't crash
changing scheme will
It crash maybe you change Entity in CoreData.
if iphone do not include built in support for some languages then how i can use these language in my app?
Build your language data.
use custom font ?
when i trying to write some text using these language the text show in boxes
But on Macbook it works fine
Do you know their font name?
how to know font name?
Use MSWord ..
A: Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application?

samvermetteiOS 3.2 and later support this. Straight from the What's New in iPhone OS 3.2 doc: Custom Font Support Applications that want to use custom fonts can now include those fonts in their application bundle and register those fonts with the system by including the UIAppFonts key in their Info.pl...

thanks let me check
Thx guys!
Anytime change CoreData Entity, remove App and install again. That's my way.
But if I update app from AppStore, it automatically reinstal on device or not?
I think it's auto remove and install. But not test yet.
Q: CoreData iPad App Crash

Josh KahaneI have made a new split view iPad app using CoreData. All I have done is added a new attribute to the entity which is a string. (The default being timeStamp, date). This causes the app to crash upon startup just adding it. How come? I was for example going to play around with it to display text...

This problem just for run from Xcode.
I think like you)
Don't know.
you have the font file ?
Searching for file
if i find it
then it will work?
you need to show font in your app only right ?
i want to develop a custom keyboard for that language then i using it in app
for writing text
copy text will be a problem then i believe
the custom font should work fine in your app
@iOS10 if you find file (amharic_font_1.0-3.deb) then please share it
I don't know. So many result on Google.
Yeah i tried all result but no one working
.ttf format and ttf in lower case.
@iOS10 you there?
I need some urgent help and it's quite easy I guess, but I'm working too much and I'm blind
I had some UITextField's working but now, I didn't touched anything and they are currently returning null the text property
Not clear question?
were they IBOutlets ?
I did programmatically
but I just fixed with two UITextField
I'm desperated because I have to present in public my app in some hours
and I put an image to a UIButton but the image is not chaning, anyway thanks
[button setImage:image forControlState:UiControlStateNormal];
but that thing I do through IB
than check which state you have set the image for
default/selected/highlighted etc
in the IB I see the button with the image, but in iPad i see the old image (the image is deleted from the project and I deleted the app in the ipad)
try cleaning the project and then re running
I always forgot to clean
it worked
thanks a lot
it had to
I leave to keep on working, thanks a lot guys
My eyes close. Good Night!! (::)
good night
good night @iOS10..:P
when you will share code?..:P
so easy
just create action bar and add to view
Hic hic
^^ this one is better
tum to pta nhi kis zamane ke chaat ke laate ho
Boss apni apni choice hy..:P
true that
kal vala suna tha?
share link again
let me share i think you will like it
site does not load for me
only song name comes
video only blank
hmmm check in youtube
So you are ready to apply for visa!
koi bualaye to sahi :P
Can you see what's wrong in this? The image on the first and second pages are the same
D.w, fixed it. Apple needs to fix its compiling -.-

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