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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

Good Morning @JohnSmith
3 hours later…
good morning
Good Morning @BobApple
getsocialize v2.4.4. @BobApple OK?
Your share Button?
Some other task i have to do now once i finish it after that i will do..!
I'm with my friend now. I've receive his help and it's OK now.
Get socialize, I'll share later.
Thanks i will inform you when i start work on it:)
Hi. About GADBannerView on iPAD, which size is suitable?
I place it on the top of screen.
like size of navigation bar i think will be suitable
// Leaderboard size for the iPad. Typically 728x90.
extern GADAdSize const kGADAdSizeLeaderboard;
This is standard size but not FullWidth size on iPad4.
Is this OK?
Lunch Time!
Difficult to understand @iOS10 when you understand it please explain..:P
1 hour later…
@iOS10 Hi!!
need some help
why only IOS10? @json
@all good morning
good morning!
@BobApple Hi!!
i have text an image in my project..
i want when i touch image and then touch text..both get linked internally..
how to do this??
both get linked internally mean?
that they will get linked..
suppose i have an image of rose which name is rose too..
i have text written red..
when i touch image and then touch red..
in a label it shows like this..
red rose
now got it???
Yes got it
so plz help me how to do this??
can you get the image name in string?
oky Now where your text red ? in label?
in label
oky get the image name in string x and label value will be in string y after that append both string
@BobApple but how to do this when we touch the image and text??
8 mins ago, by Bob Apple
oky get the image name in string x and label value will be in string y after that append both string
@json add tap gesture to UIImageView & UILabel & then use this link for reference stackoverflow.com/questions/10118785/…
@Akshay tnx a lot..
& dont forget to add imageView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
@BobApple tnx a lot..now get it why i am searching @iOS10 only..
moreover you will need to clear the values of the NSString variable in the function, and validate if any data is captured before, as there is a chance that the user may tap UIImageView twice, without tapping on UILabel
@Akshay tnx..
@iOS10 hi!!
Hi @json
Why me?
i have a question ...
Shaggy and BobApple expert of this room. Do you know that?
i asked above in the chat ..i need your help..
@iOS10 NO..
i always heard about you..
that sang is the expert..
Thanks! You direct to wrong expert.
Everyone can help you!
Just ask.
@iOS10 i think Azer and json like only your way of help ..:P
@iOS10 suppose i have an image of rose which name is rose too..
i have text written red..
when i touch image and then touch red..
in a label it shows like this..
red rose
@BobApple sorry for that but @iOS10 explains nicely..
@json is ur doubt not cleared?
@Akshay not yet completely..
oky let see how he explain for you..
:) Akshay also an expert here. His experience over me.
@all sorry for that..
Where do you want to show "Red rose"?
in label
@BobApple can you help me out with caching of url data that is used by NSXMLParser
inside UIImageView or UILabel which have "red" text?
uilabel has
Change the title of UILabel from "red" to "red ROSE"
yes..want to do so..
What would have you try? It not difficult task.
what problem you facing there @Akshay
when i am typing something for uilabel..such as red in text box and try to link with rose while touching image..how it show red rose in uilabel..@iOS10
how to get the image name from image to the text box..
Sorry, 1 is textField, another one UILabel?
@BobApple I am parsing an XML API, I want to cache the data received from the URL incase if the internet connection is gone, i'll be getting offline access to the data that was already cached
@json there are 2ways: use NSDictionary to store {"red":"redImage.png", "blue":"blueImage.png"}
Then search key and display value.
The second way is replace UIImageView by UIButton.
2nd one looks good..
Set select title of UIButton to "red", and the if([button titlleForState:UIStateSelected] isEqualToString:@"red"] -> action.
Learn UIButton and or NSDictionary to use .
Try it. That's all.
@iOS10 i can't fix it to red..
some user may type yellow rose..
white rose..
in that cases app fails..
i just given you red as an example..
programmatically setTitle for state
Not only set in IB.
i want to connect to any txt given by user..
Catch the connection and do the action yourself.
@iOS10 sorry didn't get it.please only let me know how to get image name in text box...when i touch image..
How do you fill imageNamed to UIImageView?
Think think think And you'll find your solution.
@iOS10 k..tnx a lot..i am going to try myself..but if didn't get it disturb you again..
OK. NP. But you must try hard first.
At least one week. :)
Better way Search search search and you'll find your solution...:P
Yes, it's better. I often do like that. But not so good like you @BobApple
@iOS10 @BobApple k..tnx..
@BobApple: Hi Bob, can you clarify my doubt regarding the in app purchase?
I have an app already in the app store (It have in app purchase). Now I wanted to add an updates to that app. Do I need to create new in app purchase for the new build?
Q: In-App Purchase in new version of the App

BartuI have a live app on the App Store, which is currently version 1.0 with 5 in-app. I just created the version 1.1 in the iTunes Connect but I was not able to configure my in-apps for my new version. Will my existing in-apps assigned to my new version automatically or do I have to configure it ? A...

@Akshay for that what you tried so for
new in app purchases are not required for updates
@BobApple I tried this cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad timeoutInterval:60.0
but it does have a significant effect
you could implement custom cache
yes save file in doc directory
and check if 30 days have passed since file downloaded.. re download to have new changes otherwise use from saved/cache
ok, same i can do for offline access, rite?
i can just use the cached data when there is no internet connectivity
otherwise i can request the content
yes no connection/ < <no> days passed -> use downloaded file
@BobApple: Thanks Bob :)
@Shaggy @BobApple also is there any kind of library that can help with caching
NSURLConnection does cache.
but i don't have proper information on it
@BobApple I am using SDWebImage for images, I want to cache the data that I am requesting from the API
this is how i am making the request currently
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:NDurlString];

NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url];

parser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithData:data];
@Shaggy I forgot to include Test device ID in AdMob request. Not I have money after test. Is there any problem. Google will disable my account?
Sorry, now I have money after test.
@iOS10 doesn't happen
although if you do a really huge amount of clicks from single device it will disable
@Akshay you should use NSURLConnection to implement automatic cachin
Any experience about getsocialize framework. @Shaggy
I use default actionSheet. But don't know how to programmatically call Like , Comment, Share...
i have to implement it today in project.
and by that i remember @BobApple left when i had to do implement expansion file :P
Ok. I'll upload code.
Run OK on iOS5
i åm going to s¬eep
ccause i am sleepy :P
well bye
good night
@Shaggy Sleepy in Afternoon :)
spanish siesta
ẵ :)
hello all.
how to add UIViewController view as a subView of another UIViewController?
Wrong concept.
why another UIViewController?
why?. We cannot do that? Or its a bad practice.
Only UIView and its subclass have subview and supperview
ViewController for control UIView on screen.
Ok, consider two view controllers first and second, So can't we do like this [first.view addSubview:second.view];
I think you want to subclass UIViewController.
Show your code?
>.< XD if you do that is something like, changing to uiviewcontroller 1 to uiviewcontroller 2
@iOS10, what code you want to see, I have initialises secondViewController in first, and then I added this code below [first.view addSubview:second.view];
In short words, let me explain my problem
I want to see -(id)initWith... in your secondViewController
I have two viewControllers, First and Second, now each perform some functionality, first my firstViewController opens on start of the app, now this has a button, on click of which I want to show my secondViewController, So what I did was, On ViewDidLoad of firstViewController,
I initialised by secondViewController and then wrote this [first.view addSubview:second.view]; and kept the secondViewControllers view hidden and then on some button click, I gain unhide the view, so user gets a feeling that he has been shown another View. I hope you got my point
And you never transition to 2nd Viewcontroller. Right?
you want to send some extra parameters loaded in first UIViewController to second UIViewController
for example first UIViewController is a login, and then second UIViewController know who was logged
@iOS10, I do , but the problem is that their are few array of buttons on my firstView, those are coming on top of secondViewController view and I wan to solve that
Use Button inside UINavagationBar (UIBarButtonItem) and you don't need to assign anything. I guess. Don't understand your target so much.
@ios10, their is no question on UINavigationBar here
Sorry, I can't get your idea.
anyone can helps me finishing this code: pastebin.com/PxbSWnBP ? I'm trying to make an asyncronous POST to a URL and get the response
I need help
@Shaggy ?
Hi @iProgrammer Shaggy go to bed.
@iOS10 ok
Please check this
I am trying to drop egg from top to bottom
it is working fine
but in checkforredeggcollision method
its y pos is not changing
sometime it changed
Sorry, only Shaggy know Cocos2d. I not try yet.
Please wait he get up.
@iOS10, no issues
@iOS10 whats about your keyboard?
I'm investigate getSociallize
It's Ok but I need customize Like, Share and Comment button
Still don't know. Keyboard free version finish @BobApple
oky i have a code which is better then getSociallize..:P
What network?
Can you know where user update your App?
anybody here to help me about in app purchase?
Maybe BobApple can help you @user1155939
Yup @user1155939 @Akhildas will help you..:P
@BobApple What's do you mean when it's better than getSocialize? How many function.
i need just clarification about in app purchase
what i am thinking is :
We have to create an App ID for the Application. And we need to go through Managing In app Purchase , and enabling the In app purchase in this application right ?
so that we will be able to perform in app purchase , using the sandbox account right?
addthis_ios_0.3.0.zip @iOS10
@BobApple Only for sharing? Don't check how many user use and update your App?
Don't check how many user use and update your App?
When people click share or comment. You know all about it (from where...)
Ok, I'll check. Thanks!
can help?
follow raywendlich tutorial
@user1155939 yes you need to do that
the same which i mentioned right?
Q: Can i post Text message on Tumbler in my app ?

Vishal Khatriits possible to post a message or image on Tumbler ? i referred following link, but did not find any way . https://github.com/tumblr/TMTumblrSDK http://developers.tumblr.com/ tumblr iphone integration Tumblr integration on ios

make an app id -> create app in iTunes Connect -> add in App purchases -> test
in my case, i have two applications
one is already in appstore, i want to purchase the 1st app in 2nd app.
that can't be done
what i am thinking is, i have to enable the in app purchase for 2nd application.
other apps can't be purchased from outside iTunes App
by using the store kit framework we can purchase right?
you can purchase and get money..but it is for content within the app
trying to purchase free app(1st app).
no dude.
i can't reply again and again.
it is not possible
@Shaggy hi
How are you?
I have uploaded game and waiting for review
now I am converting it for ipad
why lol
how is the conversion going :) ?
all is done
having one issue
@Shaggy I placed pan panSprite.position = ccp(winSize.width/2, panSprite.contentSize.height/2+20);
like this
and dropping one egg from top of the screen
collision is proper for this position
but if I write like panSprite.position = ccp(winSize.width/2, 100);
egg won't collide sometimes
try panSprite.position = ccp(winSize.width/2, 500);
see if still same issue is there of not colliding
not colliding
can you show important codes of your class
checkForRedEggCollision is called when
It is calling very late
when egg passes the pan and reached at bottom it is getting called there
@BobApple Finish customize button. I don't think AddThis better than getSocialize.
@Shaggy why it is calling very late
@iOS10 you are Boss what can i say..:P
i asked that only when do you call the method
Oh sorry
@Shaggy I am calling it in dropredegg method
and calling dropegmethod in init method for random interval
do you have any update method in your app ?
call the method in that
without any interval?
Hello, friends, I have a simple question
which is the first method that is called when i run my app ? is it viewDidLoad?
@Shaggy working but red egg disappered
not showing on screen
yaar tum omlette banao :P
egg dikhna hi band ho gaya
kabhi iss ande me problem kabhi dusre me
to omelte kasie banau
CCMoveTo *move =[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:2.0f position:CGPointMake(self.redEgg.position.x, 20)];

CCSequence *sequence = [CCSequence actions:move, nil];

[self.redEgg runAction:sequence];
what I did wrong in it?
I commented [self checkforRedeg] method
and it is showing egg
ye kya ho raha hia
ab kya karu?
something is wrong in that method only
got it
@iProgrammer share the link of your game...so we can check..
and play..
@json ok
I will
@Shaggy working now
Absolute silence leads to sadness. It is the image of death...:P
"silence is killing me"? :)
silene is the best time when i can sleep :D
its great to see atleast you all are alive..:P
bhaag to tum jaate ho :P
@Shaggy update method me 3 collision ki method call krne se slow ho jayegi app?
how much prtocessing each take
you can check FPS bt running on device
for different 3 eggs
15minutes sleeping .
don't like apple :( they prevent me from being productive :/ anyone already seen the remake of their developer.apple.com/ (part provisioning profiles)
stupid remake
60% time spent on loading indicator
not only stupid. cant work with it :(
i will consider myself lucky then
already being asked to choose the developer team I want to work with >.<
and now i want to request a new destribution certificate... have fun, good luck T_T
where is the button for uploading the request? :/
uploading request ?
have lost my keypair after system reset and now wanted to revoke my cert and get a new one
let me check
this has certificate on the left
cant use link, get again the window "select developer team" ^^ but by goingt to certificates, distribution, commit developer team, going to certificates, distribution, commit developer team (while random(0,1) == 0 like it seems), certificates, distribution, + (up right) i have the section "App Store and Ad Hoc
Sign your iOS app for submission to the App Store or for Ad Hoc distribution.". hope i dont stuck again in this loop x)
you must be so pissed :P
hope destroyed by @pple T_T
maybe boot it? -> youtube.com/watch?v=kAG39jKi0lI ^^
lol... no... they can't be serious...
after 20 times going back in that team loop, i got it to get throught just to get:
We are unable to process your request.

Please go back to the previous page, or quit your browser and try your request again.
wow, can't believe. i have a new cert now ^^ just try often enought x)
How can we work with Vocabulary data in iOS?
Can we access it?
Spelling check -> Where the data packet come from? How to access it?
don't know..most probably inbuilt feature with no access
A: Creating ARPA language model file with 50,000 words

HalleI thought I'd answer this one since it has a few votes, although based on Christina's other questions I don't think this will be a usable answer for her since a 50,000-word language model almost certainly won't have an acceptable word error rate or recognition speed (or most likely even function ...

ARPA language model, any information about it?
OK. I'll play with it later.
@Shaggy do you remember you told me to put colliding static BOOL variable in collision method?
to wo sahi to chal rhai thi but game over hone ke baad fir se play karo to colliding = YES hi set rah jata hai
NO hona chiaye use
It's mean when colliding = YES, don't know which is collision Object. :)
actally in block there is code which set collliding = NO;
but I set its time 10.0
I got the reason
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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