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01:00 - 16:0017:00 - 22:00

evening for me
though that statement was 5 hours ago
Hi @owengerig 8:50 AM here
Some experts always in NSChat room. You can join and post your question there if Shaggy not here. :)
im in nschat alot
they dont do cocos2d to much though
2 hours later…
Hi to All
@srinu will you please help me in ios imge processing ?
Good morning All!
Hi @Shaggy Today is holiday in India. Few people in other room.
if i don't reply today..assume i am celebrating :)
But after some time if your hair color remain same then we assume that you don't celebrating..:P
5 hours later…
@BobApple what's the best way to check object not exist and add to NSMulatbleArray
object not exist ?
not exist and add.
exist not add.
not exist in array ?
array = {A,B,C} , not add if object = A,
oh means you don't want duplicate in array
got it
  if (![arr containsObject:@"A"])

I don't want to loop in Array. Is this OK.
OK, thanks
@BobApple Hi
Very bad at array and string
its simple
birdman hi
I read up on the link you gave me but still have probs.
Hi @birdman
I think I understand the syntax now
How's it going?
but not sure about @interface section in .h and .m files
normally I have been declaring in @ interface in .h file, what is the @interface in .m file for?
Do you know setter and getter @birdman?
I normally program Visual basic so...
Have no prob with Java but trying to understand the Objective C syntax
I have an app almost finished, but having probs with this one function
@aăâ Where are you from?
Me Australia
Not good at English so much.
@BobApple Where you from?
Mr Bob from Apple
How does this look now?

withUIIV:(UIImageView *)myObject;
CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];

int width = (screenRect.size.width * percent_width);
int height = (screenRect.size.height * percent_height);
int x = (screenRect.size.width * percent_x);
int y = (screenRect.size.height * percent_y);

myObject.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
use pastebin to share code for better formatting and readability
And to call:

[self performSelector:@selector(MoveUIImageView:) withWidth:0.5 withHeight:0.5 withX:0 withY:0 withUIIV:imgMovie];
He's a newbie and not read FAQ yet.
but still getting:

No visible @interface error
@shaggy it's not that much code
3 mins ago, by birdman
How does this look now?

withUIIV:(UIImageView *)myObject;
CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];

int width = (screenRect.size.width * percent_width);
int height = (screenRect.size.height * percent_height);
int x = (screenRect.size.width * percent_x);
int y = (screenRect.size.height * percent_y);

myObject.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
it is
not readable because of formatting .. simply messy and cluttering in the room
Sorry just looking for help
been trying all afternoon
going crazy
no need for sorry but people here don't give multiple chances
so pickup things right along based on suggestion
[self performSelector:@selector(printText:andMore:)
withObject:@"More Cake"]
So is this OK? Only difference I'm not using strings

[self performSelector:@selector(MoveUIImageView:) withWidth:0.5 withHeight:0.5 withX:0 withY:0 withUIIV:imgMovie];
As far as I understand withObject is like the name of the parameter right?

Why do you use withObject twice?
Why don't you change your method first as my guide?
This line is bad line
-(void)MoveUIImageView: withWidth:(CGFloat)percent_width
@aăâ What do you mean?
you method need three steps
@aăâ So what should it be
MoveUIImageView:(UIImageView *)myObject withWidth:(CGFloat)percent_width
remove simicolons
at the end of method
thats the main error
as i understand
any : must follow by data type and parameter.
withUIIV:(UIImageView *)myObject;
check it
where he is wrong
can you seen the simicolon
withUIIV:(UIImageView *)myObject{

//some code

now it is ok
OK I removed that ...Arrhhhh!!!

But still get the @interface error
oky now second step is
OK with long style
Why didm't I get compiler error on the semicolon?
I copy your code and get warning
Maybe you use the old version.
I copy your code and get warning
- (void) performMethodsViaSelectors {[self performSelector:@selector(fooFirstInput:secondInput:) withObject:@"first" withObject:@"second"]; }
now write it according to your requirement
and now the final step it
A method has a method name @birdman
    - (void) performMethodsViaSelectors {self performSelector:@selector(MoveUIImageView:) withWidth:0.5 withHeight:0.5 withX:0 withY:0 withUIIV:imgMovie]; }
what is 0.5 or 0 etc there
- (void) performMethodsViaSelectors {[self performSelector:@selector(MoveUIImageView:) withWidth:0.5 withHeight:0.5 withX:0 withY:0 withUIIV:imgMovie]; }
In your case your method name is : MoveUIImageViewwithWidth:withHeight:withX:withY:withUIIV:
yes @aăâ 100% right
0.5 is half of the screen 50%
@birdman why you don't follow us?
@BobApple I'm trying
so stop writing
[self performSelector:@selector(MoveUIImageViewwithWidth:withHeight:withX:withY:withUI‌​IV:) withObject:15 withObject:20 ......
@birdman now follow @aăâ step by step
Can you explain what is withObject?
withObject permit you send object to your method from left to right order.
You have 5 object, so that write it 5 times to send.
if you don't like performSelector, you can use directly call for easy to understand.
[self performSelector:@selector(MoveUIImageViewwithWidth:withHeight:withX:withY:withUI‌​‌​IV:) withObject:0.5 withObject:0.5 withObject:0 withObject:0 withObject:imgMovie)];
[self MoveUIImageViewwithWidth:50 withHeight:60 withX:10 withY:5 withUI‌​IV:aimsgeView];
)] -> ];
You need to read more and understand basic of Objective-C.
We cant explain everything for you.
@aăâ Please don't give me grief...I'm trying to understand
Something is wrong with this: [self MoveUIImageViewwithWidth:50 withHeight:60 withX:10 withY:5 withUI‌​IV:aimsgeView];
What goes between MoveUIImageViewwithWidth?
space? :?
@aăâ Hic Hic ..:D
With this: [self performSelector:@selector(MoveUIImageViewwithWidth:withHeight:withX:withY:withUI‌​IV:) withObject:0.5 withObject:0.5 withObject:0 withObject:0 withObject:imgMovie];

I get "Expected expression" error.

With this:
[self MoveUIImageView: withWidth:50 withHeight:60 withX:10 withY:5 withUI‌​IV:imgMovie];

I get "Use of undeclared identifier withWidth" error
@birdman Objective like speaking language, so please use meaningful struct
there is no method which allows you to pass withObject more than 2 times
-(void)iGiveYouExample:(NSString *)aExample aboutObjective-C:(NSString *)objectiveC;
you'll get my example by
[self iGiveYouExample:@"objEx" aboutObjectiveC:@"firstTutorial"];
@BobApple @aăâ WHAT NEXT?
so I guess I'm back where I started
Sorry. @birdman I need to check. I read from the link
First use [self method:para] to send paramether
SO with this: what to change?
[self MoveUIImageView: withWidth:50 withHeight:60 withX:10 withY:5 withUI‌​IV:imgMovie];
You don't understand : @birdman
Can't you just tell me? Then I will understand by example
First, you need to change your method to moveUIImageViewwithWidth:
Or bring your imageObject to front like this: moveUIImageView:(UIImageView *)myObject
what does Hic means ?
Then call by [self moveUIImageView:imageView withWidth:20.0 .....];
oh shit
My ghost in vietnamese, sorry.
@aăâ Is there supposed to be something between moveUIImageView & withWidth?
you are driving me crazy!
haha.. this is going epic.
@birdman what is your issue tell me
I appreciate your help, but your are making me crazy with your criptic answers
@aăâ & BobApple have been helping me understand function call with multiple parameters
but I think we are close to the end, but I'm not getting straight answers
I'm frustrated because I have been trying to figure this out all afternoon
and I don't have the patience
sorry guys!!
you need to have patience. you are at the asking side here. so you have to be wise.
@Shaggy I know but it seems like they are playing with me by not giving straight answer
I could have been gone hours ago
I get a partial answer then nothing...
All I want to do is move an UIImageView
I wanted to make an imageview a certain size, and move it to a certain place on the screen. As I had to do this a few times, I wanted to put it in a function but couldn't seem to get the function to work. It compiled properly but when I tried to call it then I got an error.
So now I've spent all afternoon trying to understand the syntax of writing a simple function, but still can't get it to work. Driving me crazy
I spent 3months to understand the objective-c basic.
Well I don't really want to spend 3 months on this function
A lot of things you don't understand. How do you solve it?
How about begging?
Class, object, interface, parameter, UI ,viewController...
Tell me, what do you understand about them?
hi all
@Azar Hi
Hi @Azar
can you anyone help me
@birdman @aăâ
Old question again. Please post new question. @Azar
@Azar What you need?
how can using Animation with button
i want show 4 button next splash screen
first button show in after .3
second button show in after .5
thrid ........after .7
First set outlet or tag for each buttons
but in last time
show all button
let me show you code in paste
@aăâ & BobApple Goodnight...thanks for help so far.
i not have code
i want create from zero
but i can
i tring alot
but i can
can u help me by library
example or anything
@birdman where are you going?
@Azar wait
I'm too tired
And your guys stopped answering
check it
@birdman your method is not so simple i give you link so you can fix your problem
@Azar first set outlet for each buttons
@aăâ where are you why you don't help birdman
I've finish dinner.
How can I help if he don't believe me.
@birdman are you sitll there ?
yes he is there waiting for your reply!
hi all any body have knowledge in cocos 2d
^^ this goes in hall of fame
@Azar .... did u find the solution
@birdman You run away.
From iOS
40 mins ago, by birdman
@Shaggy I know but it seems like they are playing with me by not giving straight answer
@aăâ did you read this
is it right?
A beginner want to build App in a day.
Your guys are not very nice
Try to remember when you were a beginner
Thanks for your help though
@aăâ Maybe not build app in a day, but help to write a function should not be too hard. Hope you guys sleep well
You don't understand about our help.
stop wasting time all of you
I also give comment in your coding style.
He need to understand what's the right thing in stack.
I stop here.
pastebin.ca/2343375 @Ios10 it will help you when you work with multiple parameters...:P
@BobApple Thanks that helps: pastebin.ca/2343375
How to keep highlight state of UIButton stable. I use both selected and highlighted.
stable means?
not come back to normal state when [aButton setHighlighted:YES];
not tried before
Your search power?
but let me check
Sorry. I lost it.
i think highlighted is only when you tocuh it
Q: keeping a UIButton pressed(state selected/highlighted),until another button is pressed?

OccamsRazorI have 3 buttons at the bottom of my view controller, btn1 btn2 btn3, I'm using them instead of the tab bar as it is not possible to entirely customize a tab bar as per my requirements. Now the issue is, when btn1 is pressed, I want it to change its image, to a grey rectangle, instead of the no...

and here is your question answer
Q: Keep iPhone UIButton Highlighted

pionI have the following code snippets: @interface Foo: UIViewController { ... UIButton *myButton; ... } @implementation Foo - (void) viewDidLoad { ... myButton.highlighted = YES; ... } When I run the app, the button is highlighted in blue (default behavior). It works as I expected....

seleteted state is always stable.
[self performSelector:@selector(highlightButton:) withObject:sender afterDelay:0.0];
The third answer!
please help
how to start acceleration in background mode
no idea
@Azar You have friend. Are you still here?
@bob thank u for response
Use your search power @BobApple
for what?
acceleration in background
@Ios10 yup
@Ios10 if u know about this please help me
i have a lot of work to do..acceleration in background is not simple task i think :P
i done in foreground but not doing in background
please assist me
i will do that
may be Shaggy will help you!
ya k
@Shaggy please help me on accelerator start in background mode
I not use acceleration before. All task in background done in - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application{}
i tried but its not working
i tried block also
This is in AppDelegate.
yes i done
Show some code about calling in this.
- (void)startMyMotionDetect


NSLog(@"im from acceleration");
startAccelerometerUpdatesToQueue:[[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]
withHandler:^(CMAccelerometerData *data, NSError *error)


dispatch_async( dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
CMAcceleration acc=data.acceleration;
// NSLog(@"motion data is %@",data);

NSLog(@"x axis %.2f",acc.x);

NSLog(@"y axis %.2f",acc.y);
NSLog(@"z axis %.2f",acc.z);

NSMutableString *x=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f",acc.x];
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later.
If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits.

NSLog(@"i entered into background mode");
SampleViewController *sam=[[SampleViewController alloc]init];
im calling above method for starting accelerometer
SampleViewController *sam=[[SampleViewController alloc]init];
[sam startMyMotionDetect];
Why do you alloc init in this method.
SampleViewController is rootView or not.
im initializing object
my method calling that function
its printing NSLog(@"im from acceleration");
but after onwards not doing because accelerometer availabilty is 0
Alloc init in this fuction
Declare startMyMotionDetect in SampleViewController interface.
then [self.viewController startMyMotionDetect];
In applicationDidEnterBackground
i think no problem with above code because its working perfect in foreground.
im calling that code in viewwillappear
and also i want to call in background also
Alloc-init create a new one.
And nothing come to self.window
Do you use storyBoard?
If XiB, check this line : self.window.rootViewController = self.viewController;
Don't change rootViewController outside pplication:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
@srinadh Finish changing?
@Ios10 could I ask a question ?
most rooms luca just want you to ask, not ask to ask
i have a question posted (cocos2d-iphone.org/forum/topic/281826?replies=8#post-447746) that I was hoping you guys can help me with. Here is a link to the source (dl.dropbox.com/u/8352276/GridWars.zip). Basically Im having ALOT of problems with position I think
@luca you went away that day
@shaggy yes I tried to answer though did you receive it?
yes..but i have to find it again now
Some man runaway when I answer. :) @Shaggy What do you think?
srinadh also runaway.
In my storyboard I have an IBOutlet UIView (yellowView) that I want to associate with my customView uiview subclass. And I just did it through property inspector. The point is I need to push other subviews inside this outlet. since I'm not using the initwithframe method for Iboutlets where can I find a hook in the customView.m class?
self.view addSubview ?
or self.<property name>
and layoutSubview for positioning
so every ui inside storyboard give a call for this initWithcoder?
Just specify your class name in storyboard. Hook up IBOutlet to customView.h interface and do something in awakeFromNib.
I'm trying now
I'll let you know
Choose class name before drag IBOutlet. Remember import it to ViewController.h.
Don't runaway if I answer wrong :)
here I'm
I had my yellowView to be mother for this big uiview that actually is a uiscrollview
I have everything well positioned but the scrollview is not scrolling =)
I just implemented this in my customView.m class :
- (UIView *) hitTest:(CGPoint) point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if ([self pointInside:point withEvent:event]) {
return self.scrollView;
return nil;
set self.scrollView.contentSize in -(void)awakeFromNib inside customView.m
@Ios10 ok i try
@IOS!0k I'm done thanks .. I wasn't setting the content size at all =)
@Ios10 I just noticed I the buttons I have in my scrollview pages aren't receiving any click event
UIButton inside UIScrollView and inside customUIView?
Where do you drag IBAction?
The problem was with hitTest:
I had to say it to return my button when I clicked over
hitTest aButton inside UIScrollView. Right?
When tap?
it is solved @Ios10 .. no need to postmortem it anymore now :)
I often use hitTest inside tapRecognizer or touchesBegan. So I don't understand what do you do.
-(UIView*)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent*)event
UIView* child = nil;
if ((child = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event]) == self)
return self.scrollView;
return child;
@All Preloading a SearchResultsTable view results in a blinking of the loading table?
@weber67 TableSearch, sample code in apple.com have all this function.
@Ios10 okie,
Hello everyone, I wanna know if it is possible to move all the app icons from home screen & shift it to another page in iphone? This needs to be done using native app
not possible unless jailbreak
@Ios10 its a simple example on search, what I am looking for is preloading the search results table, which I am able to do it but only problem is that it blanks out the screen for a second or two
@Shaggy is it possible to make only the home screen wallpaper visible without any app icons, or reduce the opacity of all app icons on home screen
you can't do anything on home screen except notification/app badge number
@weber67 Don't understand. Blank out(nothing display when search mode active) or display all cells?
@Ios10 let me send you a video
if you have time today shaggy i think i made some advancements. Im having a hard time wrapping my head around this positioning stuff though.
i wil probably have time tomorrow morning
great! thank you
You want to hide navigationBar in searchMode?
no if you look at the video, screen blanks out for a second
overly causes blink effect
And you want to disable it.
Yes, load the search result but must not show a blink effect
Do you use searchDisplayController?
That effect come from it.
I don't know how to disable.
I leave it and make search function only with UISearchBar.
@Ios10 okie, then Perhaps I have to get rid of it and use only searchbar and its delegate
Need somechange
In SearchBarDelegate method
note searchbar won't provide moving navigationBarUp and using the space for itself functionality
@Shaggy okie, will do.
Bed time soon today. Good Night All!
@Ios10 Gd night
good night
01:00 - 16:0017:00 - 22:00

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