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Good morning @all
Good morning
@Ramona you have to initialize your image like this
ImageView maps = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.map_images);
Good Morning All
exoplayer on landscape orientation i m changing activity and giving current position but current position is 0 and it still trying to buffer video in next activity
1 hour later…
hii alll
Hello Everybody
@AndroidExpert have u ever tried to change width height of exo on orientation change
@RobinHood chuche kaisa hai
Hi, guys, I am trying to build a "YouTube" Channel app for content creators. Content creators can have their very own "Channel" app which has all their videos, push notifications and stuff. THe project is hosted here
What do you guys think of the project?
At present, the design is the mimic of the Channel section of Youtube's Android app.
good morning @all
2 hours later…
hello all
i need small info about ios
Good evening friends
1 hour later…
anyone have sample for Videoview audio player ... play pause option ?
using single button
@Erum have you tried any code?
whats the issue?
its not playing audio also its not playing ... after pause state .... everytime its playing from scratch ?
@Shailesh can someone pls see
i am checking your code
@Erum try like this to play pause your audio
u mean start and pause audio
> ?
its not playing audio at this time
how to use this audioLength = mediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); ??
i mean where will i apply this length ?
means resume audio
when you pause the mediaplayer then save its current position
after when you play again(resume) then see that mediaplayer to that length
like this
now resume then
ok trying to do same
@Shailesh pls check comment againt startAudio
you can call this method in you button click
and other thing is you need to seek your mediaplayer before its play
@Erum check this
pls write again pls
i did not check message
hello sir/ma'am any one tell me how to android programming get image size , please android my question
not understand my question please tell me
@RamaniHitesh you can do like this
Q: How to get the width and height of an android.widget.ImageView?

AZ_╔══════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ^ ║ ImageView ╔══════════════╗ ║ | ║ ║ ║ ║ | ║ ║ Actual image ║ ║ | ║ ║ ║ ║ |60px height of ImageView ║ ...

@Erum is it working which i have shared gist or if you fix from your side then how?
Hiya guys, anyone got experience of integrating facebook to their app?
thank Ninja
but not perfect KB/MB size find out any other solution
something like .... image1.jpg = size:2.12MB in this solution find out any one please tell me
i think all friend my question unstandard
@RamaniHitesh image is from server or in local?
directory get then
find size
i think Ninja my question Understand or not ?
in this solution not my question answe
@RamaniHitesh you can try like this
File file = new File("/sdcard/imageName.jpeg");
long length = file.length();
length = length/1024;
File img = new File(picturePath);
int length = img.length();
@Ninja My problem is a bit tricky you see. I got an custom action bar where I have put one item(Logout button) for facebook there. But exactly where should I have my onClick listener that logs out the user?
you just write this code for logout from facebook SDK
you just execute this code as per your requirement
alright, what happends after that? I guess I need to set anintent to send them out of the app at the same time? If I don't do that, it will seem like nothing happend even though I called the .logOut() function.
@Shailesh hi
@AndroCoderHelper yes
Should I work with a switch in onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) if I want to do stuff when it's activated or should I have a setOnCheckedChangeListener in my onCreateOptionsMenu instead?
@Shailesh Cookies not save when app is completely close in webview
First time when app start at that time cookies save completely but when close app not save
how you create your CookieManager instance ?
i mean in Application level or local?
In fragment i am using this code
try to move your CookieManager into Application level to initialize and use it in your rest of app
@Shailesh okk...thxx..I will try
Q: Does CookieManager loses the cookie when you close the app?

Sumit MittalI am working on an app which talks to server and have a login screen. I am using httpconnection to communicate with server (server sends Json response back). My login screen send email and password, which is validated by server - which sends the cookie and expects the cookie with each further req...

Check this
A: How do I persist cookies when using HTTPUrlConnection?

Mridang AgarwallaIts' taken me a few hours but I managed to build a custom cookie storage myself. You have to attach this by doing this: public class application extends Application { @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); CookieManager cmrCookieMan = new CookieManager(new M...

@AndroCoderHelper Check it
@Shailesh okk
Is Dipalis answer correct in this one? It's about changing margins of menu items.
hello to all :)
Q: how to add padding between menu items in android?

Anil M I'm having menu items being inflated from res/menu/menu.xml on to ActionBar, how do I add padding between menu items using android? <item android:id="@+id/home" android:showAsAction="always" android:title="Home" android:icon="@drawable/homeb"/> <item android:id="@+id/lo...

@sockevalley Check this
@Ramona hey how are you ?
@Ramona long time no see. @Shailesh ty.
im good thank you :) @Shailesh .yes, what u've been up to? :) @sockevalley
@Ramona for what?
what u mean? :)@Shailesh
@Ninja line 42 and 49 :) paste.ofcode.org/33PxTttDfa7aNCcnKfwUYQY. when i use ur line ImageView maps = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.map_images); it says
(ImageView) is redundant.
@Ramona just been working with my app. The functionality is now complete. Just design stuff left atm.
@Shailesh I'm not sure that Md Abdul Gafur answer is working, my switch should otherwise been moved.
@sockevalley cool :) what is it abt?
@Ramona it's a ticket notifier that notifies you if someone have posted that they're selling a ticket on a facebook event, just a school project. I thought it would be small and suitable for a first time project :)
wow :) that is great :) wish i was younger and started programming at school.. @sockevalley
@Ramona Same here! Wish I started when I was in high school. However I must admit that it feels like I've picked up a lot just over 1-2 years tbh which is great with having in mind the rapid development of techniques, languages etc.
i'v been studying on my own java/android for almost a year now. the statistics show that another two years and i'll be able to understand/write code ;) that is not very promising and uplifting to me :) @sockevalley
@Ramona I reckon everything is relative to what you're suppose to do ofc :)
yes, u right.
Dammit, lol. After I log out from my app I get serious nullPointer errors.
I clicked on logout which executed these two:
Afterwards it says:
java.lang.String com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseUser.getUid()' on a null object reference
@Ramona you have to pass resource id instead of boolean value
right :) but i have 20 different images in drawable. can i use one line code to pass different image every second fragment? @Ninja
great :)
you have to initialize your image view with its resource id and then set your image resource on that
and can i do so using boolean value - boolean mapImage;?
maps.setImageRecource(mapImage) give an obvious error
you can do like this
ImageView maps = view.findViewById(R.id.img_view);

maps.setImageResource(); // set resource from your array
whatever you want. hide or some different resoucre
@Ramona check your code that mapImage is boolean value not image resource
Lol I'm such a noob. I created several instances of FirebaseAuth mAuth which is a singleton.
u mean like so maps.setImageResource(R.drawable.image_file); ? :) @Ninja
but i have 20 images in drawable :) do i need to write 20 times this line with different image id? :)
the idea is to change image dynamically after swipe :)
im lost :)
you can pass image in your Fragment1() constructor when you initialize that in your activity
public Fragment1(String str, int imageView, String[] rb, boolean map ) {

            this.stringValue = str;
            this.imagesResId = imageView;
            this.rbData = rb;
            this.mapImage = map;
imageView is your drawable resource?
in else statement i have imageView for different images .and boolean map is for different too.
hmm... so one more thing, imagesResId is being used for other Fragments and mapImage for some others. pls have a look at layout with code imgur.com/a/3gSq2 @Ninja
fragment 1 and 3 imagesResId (else statement) and fragment 2 mapImage (if statement)
have you solved this NOR ?:) @sockevalley
@Ramona sort of! Still getting null by firebase for some reason.
@Ramona do like this
@sockevalley may i know what is log?
How is life?
@Ninja It's cool. I think I know the issue. I create certain firebase classes, such as FirebaseAuth before I actually have logged in.
I am having a serious issue in notifications redirection when app is closed,
When app is closed, android not redirecting to the specific activity rather than it redirects to the opening activity
It's an issue with android
Needs someones help
@Ninja this line maps.setImageResource(imagesResId); gives NPE.
@Ninja so the problem lies in this particular line:
currentUserID = MainActivity.getAuth().getCurrentUser().getUid();
It is in a fragments onCreateView() method.
There are methods in my fragment that are the need firebase user login cred in order to save stuff to the database.
Hello, guys
I think I know what's the problem. I send my intent to signedIn.class before the Auth if finished.
@Ramona, what have happend to the other guys I spoke with a couple weeks back?
which ones...?
I dunno there were so many guys but I believe it was another channel though?
i guess so, many people used to be in other rooms but those rooms where banned recently.
and a few users decided to leave SO permanently
but some of them have just changed rooms
@Ramona okey strange! Do you remember Mukesh for instance?
yes, sure. he was/is a great troll :)
yet, he is still around..
such great trolls
how come this line (the for line) can give NPE (everything worked not so long time ago)
 if (answer != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < radioButtons.getChildCount(); i++) {
                    ((RadioButton) radioButtons.getChildAt(i)).setText(rbData[i]);
what needs to be checked?
@Ramona what are you trying to do with this line?
((RadioButton) radioButtons.getChildAt(i)).setText(rbData[i]);
Shouldn't it be:
radiobutton = radioButtons.getChildAt(i)).setText(rbData[i]); or something like that? I reckon that rbData[i] is what is being null for some reason. or getChildAt(i)
actually this imgur.com/a/3gSq2
trying to read debugger but im not that good yet :)
It's good that u can hover on certain variables and see their values though :)
what you exactly mean? :)
when u do debugger you can sometimes hover over certain variables on the line you chosen to stop on and check what they contain :)
debugger says abt variables - cause=null, detailMessage=null, stackTrace=null, etc...
got it :) i didnt write this line in onCreateView - ` radioButtons = view.findViewById(R.id.radioGroup);`
only now left this
savedInstnceState=null :)
but i guess this shouldnt cause an error..hmm.
any idea why if(answer != null) give NPE? :) @sockevalley
eh enough for today :) see you next time .have a great evening @sockevalley
anybody know aidl in android?
anyone know why this doesn't work?

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