exoplayer on landscape orientation i m changing activity and giving current position but current position is 0 and it still trying to buffer video in next activity
Hi, guys, I am trying to build a "YouTube" Channel app for content creators. Content creators can have their very own "Channel" app which has all their videos, push notifications and stuff. THe project is hosted here
@Ninja My problem is a bit tricky you see. I got an custom action bar where I have put one item(Logout button) for facebook there. But exactly where should I have my onClick listener that logs out the user?
alright, what happends after that? I guess I need to set anintent to send them out of the app at the same time? If I don't do that, it will seem like nothing happend even though I called the .logOut() function.
Should I work with a switch in onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) if I want to do stuff when it's activated or should I have a setOnCheckedChangeListener in my onCreateOptionsMenu instead?
I am working on an app which talks to server and have a login screen. I am using httpconnection to communicate with server (server sends Json response back). My login screen send email and password, which is validated by server - which sends the cookie and expects the cookie with each further req...
Its' taken me a few hours but I managed to build a custom cookie storage myself.
You have to attach this by doing this:
public class application extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
CookieManager cmrCookieMan = new CookieManager(new M...
Is Dipalis answer correct in this one? It's about changing margins of menu items. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39843904/how-to-increase-padding-or-margin-between-menu-item-icon-and-title-in-app-toolba
I'm having menu items being inflated from res/menu/menu.xml on to ActionBar, how do I add padding between menu items using android?
@Ramona just been working with my app. The functionality is now complete. Just design stuff left atm. @Shailesh I'm not sure that Md Abdul Gafur answer is working, my switch should otherwise been moved.
@Ramona it's a ticket notifier that notifies you if someone have posted that they're selling a ticket on a facebook event, just a school project. I thought it would be small and suitable for a first time project :)
@Ramona Same here! Wish I started when I was in high school. However I must admit that it feels like I've picked up a lot just over 1-2 years tbh which is great with having in mind the rapid development of techniques, languages etc.
i'v been studying on my own java/android for almost a year now. the statistics show that another two years and i'll be able to understand/write code ;) that is not very promising and uplifting to me :) @sockevalley
Dammit, lol. After I log out from my app I get serious nullPointer errors. I clicked on logout which executed these two: FirebaseAuth.getInstance().signOut(); LoginManager.getInstance().logOut(); Afterwards it says: java.lang.String com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseUser.getUid()' on a null object reference
hmm... so one more thing, imagesResId is being used for other Fragments and mapImage for some others. pls have a look at layout with code imgur.com/a/3gSq2 @Ninja
fragment 1 and 3 imagesResId (else statement) and fragment 2 mapImage (if statement)
@Ninja so the problem lies in this particular line: currentUserID = MainActivity.getAuth().getCurrentUser().getUid(); It is in a fragments onCreateView() method.
There are methods in my fragment that are the need firebase user login cred in order to save stuff to the database.
@Ramona what are you trying to do with this line? ((RadioButton) radioButtons.getChildAt(i)).setText(rbData[i]); Shouldn't it be: radiobutton = radioButtons.getChildAt(i)).setText(rbData[i]); or something like that? I reckon that rbData[i] is what is being null for some reason. or getChildAt(i)