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Hi Everyone
i clone app from github then when running i got this error

Error:Execution failed for task ':libraries:Jumble:ndkBuild'.
> A problem occurred starting process 'command 'ndk-build''

How to solve it ? any ideas ?
this question for android
1 hour later…
good morning @user7345006 @RicardoAlves @nyconing to all
hi everyone
anybody is there who is having knowledge of phonegap
Good morning peepal
Q: NDKBuild Failure

ValrokI'm having trouble getting my NDK to compile properly in Android Studio. Whenever I try running to compile I am getting the following error. Error:Execution failed for task ':app:ndkBuild'. A problem occurred starting process 'command 'ndk-build.cmd'' I have the following setup And my ...

Also, please change your username and profile picture :)
Good morning
Hey! I don't know of this is the right place to ask, but I'll have a go: I'm on my phone (android) and when I go to developer options, and then mock location app, I see messages listed as an app. My question is how would I go about using it? Is there some number to text coordinates or something to spoof location? Or is the listing a mistake?
Did you play The Run @NightFury
Yup, I am playing it. Currently at driver level 6
@user7413060 message app as mock location app ?
you need to explore options in that app
fb is blocked here
I already tried exploring messages' settings a bit with it set as the mock location app. I didn't see anything stand out.
nfs is being sucks in PC
go consoles and get a driving controllers
anyonethere to help me with ios iisue
I am a PC Gamer @nyconing, because Counter Strike :D
@user7413060 well, if you really want to mock location, download "Fake GPS Location" app from play store
go try nfs rival (latest crack-able NFS) first
@BugsBuggy all social media blocked bhaaya. fb, twitter, youtube, song streaming sites, etc :p
it is un-playable in keybroad. and many bugs in Windows
@NightFury use proxy
@nyconing I have played (I didn't complete the game though, I will, soon)
don't want to. already much distracted from work :D
@nyconing I even prefer keyboard for Fifa :P
You will regret @NightFury, you will regret
I can watch later agr yaad agya to :p
I like NFS Rivals starting video, its awesome :O
nfs in the air
I'm not interested so much in mock locations as much as why the app is listed usable and I can actually click and it and it seems to be in use. I was wondering if there was some way to actually use it. Just curious as to there being a number or hidden setting, because that'd be cool.
what's the name of app?
It's literally the default messages app.
Here's an image: ibb.co/nutmv5
And after it's selected: ibb.co/mOKRv5
that's weird. What device you have?
Samsung s7
Good morning all :)
I think there are 2 possibilities you already mentioned. Either mistaken, or there might be there reason that app is selected and you need to figure out that option
Good morning
Hi evry1..
I know at the very least it's not just my phone glitching out because it's on my friend's s7 and it's listed on tutorials to mock location
mock location with message app? :p
They dont use the message app, but it's listed:p
haha alright
good morning to all
paste.ofcode.org/gfgQEuwVnUjPAduntyeKhM can any one tell me why i am not able to rename file where am doing mistake
Good Morning @all
It looks cool :P imgur.com/a/5s8SK
@ResearchDevelopment check out: paste.ofcode.org/E4tfNvLdFRAVNyDBMntbFa
I made it quickly and I have no idea what the rest of your code may look like, but this works so maybe you can compare your code against my simplified version
Good morning...
public void reNameFileName(String filePath, String newFilename) {
String path = filePath;
String filename = path.substring( path.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
File oldfile = new File(filename);
File newfile = new File(newFilename,".mp4");
if (oldfile.renameTo(newfile)) {
Toast.makeText( VideoPlayActvity.this, "Rename succesful", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show();
} else {
Toast.makeText( VideoPlayActvity.this, "Rename failed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG ).show();
While I was looking at your code, I had no idea why you used lines 2 and 3. I may not know why you needed it, but line 3 just looks wrong to me. Try adding in print statements and see if that's what you needed
can tell me where am doing mistake in my code @user7413060 @AshuKumar
okay, so what is filename?
like filePath vs filename
1498791090433.mp4 this old file name
is the name always 1 or smth?
yes it will always come in millisecond but i have to convert in to text
so if path was c/ResearchDevelopment/Documents path.substring( path.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 ); gives Documents
does that mean that the directory will have a file called "Documents"?
How to do a chat application using ejabberd
If so, are you SURE that the file has NO extension> because then you need to add it into line 4 like (idk the extension you used):File oldfile = new File(filename+extensionName);
lastly, are you in the directory that you're changing the file? or else you need the filepath in the filename
It's close to 2am, so I'm about to go to leave. Good luck with your endeavors and I hope I helped. Also, I like this chat's community very much, it's very friendly and relaxed :)
@RicardoAlves Good morning
@RicardoAlves means i know what error is i need to communicate with server side team to increase request time out
good morning
@Dhruv hiiii
@Dhruv hello
@Dhruv have to done? bro
wait a minute
@Dhruv ok bro
`main aaagyaaa
good morning :D
Welcome, welcome
/annoy @RituNagpal
@RituNagpal @RituNagpal
@RituNagpal @RituNagpal @RituNagpal
yo @BugsBuggy
Listen to mee @RituNagpal
Are you annoyed @RituNagpal @RituNagpal @RituNagpal
give me elastic search
will do it today :p
Nothing, again working on ElasticSearch using Rest API
Now we're using REST APi, I have hold of it, other than I am unable to solve a noob issue :P Parsing JSON correctly -_-
REST API are cool
you watch anime ?
I dont watch cartoons :P
Where am I making mistake? Please see :P Another noob question
GM @NightFury pls take your amount
@Erum give me :p
nope its only 1Rs @Shubhank will u take it ?
1 lakh :p
@Dhruv yes bro
i have checked
@BugsBuggy looks correct
you could have simply done JSONArray jsonArray = object.getJSONObject("hits")
I'm getting this
Json parsing error: Not a primitive array: class org.json.JSONArray
Because it has many values not just text
look who camee
Budhiya came
@BugsBuggy which line
and is that the full json ?
One change, lemme make :P
what error and at which line
Not error
Json parsing error: Not a primitive array: class org.json.JSONArray
@DilipTiwari wait, i'll give the code
@Dhruv ok bro and thanks for ur help
@Shubhank @Amira can you find the problem?
worth purchasing ? :
@BugsBuggy must be problem in faltu values
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
take your relevant code and ignore other
@Shubhank yeah seems so because the Array is not primitive but an Array of objects
what are those values
where is @Dory @Dory
normal key value pairs within qoutes
@Dhruv ok bro
"url" : "random url"
"_id" : "firebase id"
@Dhruv bro i have to take label als in tableview header
@BugsBuggy try debugging in IDE
@Dhruv is it possible to email me the sample code so that i can check working als @Dhruv?
check my image as reference
the titles are in header
@Dhruv it will be help full for future als
theres nothing much in that code, i just did code in my sample code that I'm currently working on
pls @Dhruv bro
it will be great
dilip you try now, no more spoon feeding please !!
@Dhruv nopee
@Dhruv bro i have to take label or not in tableview header?
@Shubhank ya, looks bit weird
okay, let me update that code @DilipTiwari
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
anyone use diagonal layout
@Dhruv bro have updated code?
HI i have a table view which has 3 custom cells [three tableviewcell classes] and for each custom cell i need to draw a shape to get rounding on bottom left and top left
i need to draw this in willDisplayCell of tableview i am unable to identify the cell

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
There i am unable to get which class how to get which class the cell belongs so i can do cell as! tableviewCellClass
can anyone help me how to make dynamic diagonal view list.
Q: how to make dynamic diagonal view list

Sagar Chavadai m adding diagonal cut layout to RecyclerView, but i m not getting expected result. my second view start with end of first view, and thats obvious. but what i want is that each view is join with each-other like this. My Output: and this is what i wanted: CutLayout.class: public class Cut...

I have a lot of kachra values when I make GET request on a URL, how can I query only for specific values?
use obj.has(_YourValue) for specific field
Umm, how do we add this in url?

Like, right now I make request on -- myurl.com/post?q=post:%my_post%*&size=10&from=10&pretty
THis returns not just post but all the other values like url, image links and all... I just need the post field
you do a post request ?
you can't filter what a api send
i guess this is wordpress one ?
Apparently, its &%fieldname%=false
now they want an Android developer to set up an intermediate server to handle our queries :D
Rather than directly querying our URL :D because unsafe :D
@ shubhank i did streaming by opentok
Is there any GreenDay fan here?
@snehalrokade password stuff ?
@BugsBuggy they aren't that good now
no need to do any server side task for this only have to register our app to their server and need to user tokan in our app.
But some of their tracks
21 Guns, American Idiot
@snehalrokade ok
@DilipTiwari yes
didn't you check the URL I gave ?
later one or first one
bro and also tell me i have to add the label also to header view @Dhruv?
yeah add it
bro @Dhruv is there any problem in sending the email to me with zip file
did you try ?
@Shubhank present !!!
where were you
good morning
@DeepakBorade thats good, its easier than what I said to do :)
your opinion also valuable for me bro
@Ricardo Alves. actually i am triying with multipart request in android let us see what will result
SUp @RicardoAlves stalker :P
but remember that you need to be able to know to which image that POST belongs, and the order it will add
yo @BugsBuggy

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