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04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 18:00

good morning
good morning
Good Morning @all
GOod Morning all
@BugsBuggy dont suicide ...
@Dhruv good Morning
@Dory good Morning
let offer = dictValue.object(forKey: "offer") as! String
From this i am getting json value like.... 10% OFF,20% OFF but i am getting some values "+£","£" so i want these value to change in $50%, $30%
so whats the problem ?
gm all
@Shubhank: there?
@snehalrokade gm
@Dhruv from this i have change
let offernew = offer.replacingOccurrences(of: "+£", with: " $")
it is working
but at the same i want "£" to be converted to $ where i get these values
so how to do ?
var offernew = offer.replacingOccurrences(of: "+£", with: " $")
offernew = offer.replacingOccurrences(of: "£", with: " $")
something just like this
ok bro checking @Dhruv
ohhhooo DD ki jodi :P
@DilipTiwari @Dhruv
@Dory hahaha
bau bole che
ur name als start with "D"
@Dhruv bro only offernew = offer.replacingOccurrences(of: "£", with: " $") is working
at some places i am getting values from json "+£" or "£" i want where i get these values from json i want to change in $
Good Morning :)
Morning all :)
yeah, then write both lines
together as I wrote @DilipTiwari
@Dhruv still "+£' is not working
try debugging
extension String {
func convertHtmlSymbols() throws -> String? {
guard let data = data(using: .utf8) else { return nil }

return try NSAttributedString(data: data, options: [NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType, NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue], documentAttributes: nil).string
you can use this extension, but it won't convert +£
you need to ask for fixing it up
@Dhruv ok bro
@Dhruv also i am getting images from json key "image" with url but at some places i am finding that json shows values "image" to "" and i want to replace the image with another defalut image if value of key "image" is empty in swift
that sd_image can handle
on its own
you don't need to worry, just put your default image in its placeholder image
ok bro @thanks
@Shubhank morning
@Dhruv hello?
ha bol
imgur.com/a/GrPQ8 in this my text is hiding how to make it visible @Dhruv
as well as i want to work with star rating with json response @Dhruv
i have created star rating with this link github.com/evgenyneu/Cosmos
@DilipTiwari what is hiding ?
I cannot see
@Dhruv all the label's on textfield at some places ?
@DilipTiwari oh thats because of the color combination
@RituNagpal yo wassup!!
@RituNagpal good afternoon
/awake @Kamini
@Dhruv any solution for this
@DilipTiwari yeah, put some translucent black view behind that label
what is this.. these are the rights of the admin
that he/she cant awake the bot evem
hmm..? grrrrrrrrrrr
hi @dhruv
doing work on eid
good afternoon @DilipTiwari
rhene de ab
@Dhruv but i don't want to put label background
kamini just came back from solo trip
meri galti nhi hai @RituNagpal :p
@RituNagpal ya...
kuch bhi
@DilipTiwari then, remove label from that image, and put it below image
@Dhruv so u got ur work
nahi.. I really don't have one :P
seems to
label label
@Dhruv ok
wbu ? at work ?
m planning goa trip!! :D :P
bas looking for company
ask @Shubhank
are I'm not asking anyone
or who lives near your side
:P kaka ne lai ne ja @Dhruv :P he lives nearest to u
@Dory nah not kaka...
@Dhruv lemme take screenshot n send him
if kaka, then I've to take chetan bhai along
@Dory naradmuni jevu na karis
@Dhruv itna toh banta hai... :P
@nyconing eat @dory
@RituNagpal you can do fishing
@Dhruv i have both below image else what i will do
@RituNagpal yeah dory ko net me leke :P
@DilipTiwari no other option
@Dhruv how to work with star rating from json
i am able to show star rating on tableview cell
imgur.com/a/GrPQ8 as u can see i am showing star rating and near by that there is a circle it will show star rating
i want if label value is 1 or 2 star rating will be filled according to that values
@RituNagpal: Hi
have u done vertical recyclerview inside vertical recyclerview?
@Shubhank: have u done vertical recyclerview inside vertical recyclerview?
the problem is that the inner RecyclerView doesn't expand to # of items height.
ok let me search
@Shubhank have u worked with star rating
which rating
i am using cosmos rating in my swift project
i made touch to disable
so i am getting the rating in green circle with some values right @Shubhank?
i want i json response for "rating" key is 1 or 2, 5 .......i want to fill star rating according to this key repsonse in swift @Shubhank
check the library
how it allows the stars
i am unable to do @Shubhank
github.com/evgenyneu/Cosmos i am using @Shubhank
cosmosView.rating = 4
there is option to do using this
@Shubhank checking
hi all
it seems few people online
its monday ahahahah
@Shubhank: its done. Actually the problem was that the recyclerview item layout_height was match_parent, just changed it to wrap_content and it worked
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c - - - - -
monday == holiday
@Shubhank lunch mein kya tha
/hang o
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c - - - - -
@Cr02y its Eid today.. soo many people are on holiday.
/hang d
lachha parantha
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c - - - - -
Hangman hint : .draw()
@Shubhank bahar se ?
/hang canvas
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 |  \O/
c a n v a s
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
@Dory half bahar
half home :p
@Shubhank it means
@Shubhank party di ?
half bahar?
toh phir.. ?
two people didn't brought today
koie toh party de do mujhe kal :P
gurpreet is being bored at home
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- - - - - i - -
vo ritu ko paka rhi to go
ritu mujhe :/
eid ki party chahhiye @NightFury @Erum @SaadChaudhry
ritu kaunsi wali :P
they will come on thursday
ya wednesday
ritu kaunsi wali :P
@RituNagpal vaali rituu
acha mujhe laga tumhare wali ritu :P
bhabhi :D :P
tu pagal hai kya
ja apne messi k paas :p
mera messi kab kaise :P
@RituNagpal ko bhi chutti hai :/
sala mujhe hi nhi
she is in office
how she can go
kamini does not get awake from her
so she must be muh fulaying some where
@Shubhank this does not working
what code did you write
@DilipTiwari where is dhruv
2 hours se lunch pe gaya :P
@Dory pta nhi lgta hai bhai eid mna rha hai
@Dhruv @Dhruv
@DilipTiwari lag raha
@Shubhank u look so young in that pic, how old are u? :o
i look young :(
@FranciscoMelicias he is 30+
@Dory songss
@Dory ha bol bol
@Dhruv DilipTiwari ne doubt che.. help kar
@Shubhank i dont have any :/
u suggest me
@Shubhank when i imported import Cosmos it gives error no such module 'Cosmos'
@DilipTiwari try n install pod again
sunn bhi liya :P
Hi All, Anyone get me a link for Magical record in SWIFT ? Right now I can only see in ObjC! github.com/magicalpanda/MagicalRecord
i want to use cosmos rating in swift project
i have add a view and name that view class as 'CosmosView' and connected its outlet also
i ui is displaying properly and star also filled when i touch them
but i didn't want star to fill on touch for that i have disable the touch event of cosmos star rating so i want star rating to fill star with color accoding to json value in swift
create an Outlet
Maybe you should consider of other similar framework
hi everyone
i am getting Invalid Address issue in InApp purchase from last 48 hours. Does anyone facing same issue ?
any clue ?
paltform ?
In Apps were already working fine when i did sandbox testing before a week. And now suddenly before releasing app i tried again to do sandbox testing & now its not working. Shows Invalid address.
address ?
@Shubhank when i googled it, i came to know that it might be apple bug, but i don't think it should take so long
invalid addresss
where will that eeror show >?
When i tried to do sandbox testing for inApp purchase it shows me such alert message.
apple bug?
sounds interesting
i am in office
who is giving party
are u giving kya ?
@Shubhank let me show you screenshot
@kevz didnot get u
anyways u cn get it
i think
@Shubhank please check it
04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 18:00

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