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01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 22:00

> Use only english for conversation. Use of other languages can lead to banning you from the room.
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- o - - - - - - -
@Shubhank sorry shaktiman
/hang e
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- o - e - - - - e
/hang i
Jan 8 '15 at 6:11, by Shubhank
vo to nhi jeet ti
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- o - e i - - - e
@nyconing :P
AOA, Hi @all
it was 2015
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c o - e i - - - e
@Shubhank ab bolll
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c o r e i m a g e
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
@GurpreetKaur hurr
let others also play :/ @nyconing
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- - n - - - n
/hang i
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- - n - - - n
/hang a
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- - n - - - n
Hangman hint : drops
/hang e
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- - n - - - n
/hang monsoon
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m o n s o o n
Success. Your boss is watching you play
Kerle jugaad kerle, kerle koi jugaad....Kerle jugaad kerle, kerle koi jugaad
15 secs ago, by Saad Chaudhry
Kerle jugaad kerle, kerle koi jugaad....Kerle jugaad kerle, kerle koi jugaad
/rule2 @SaadChaudhry
> @SaadChaudhry Use only english for conversation. Use of other languages can lead to banning you from the room.
11 mins ago, by Shubhank
@nyconing how to copy like this ?
oly oly oly
pasting transcript on permalink
two two saad
@nyconing how how
can you make me learn i dont know how to paste like this
H meow meow ps://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/36614221#36614221
get it by right-click on permalink
@dory click that permalink and paste it here again.
it will display like that
28 secs ago, by Boominadha Prakash M
user image
10 secs ago, by Dory
28 secs ago, by Boominadha Prakash M
user image
18 secs ago, by nyconing
10 secs ago, by Dory
28 secs ago, by Boominadha Prakash M
user image
6 secs ago, by nyconing
18 secs ago, by nyconing
10 secs ago, by Dory
28 secs ago, by Boominadha Prakash M
user image
✋🏼 🤚🏼
8 secs ago, by nyconing
6 secs ago, by nyconing
18 secs ago, by nyconing
10 secs ago, by Dory
28 secs ago, by Boominadha Prakash M
user image
(≧▽≦)it can be infinite
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Commands: Super Admin only: /ban /unban
Admin only: /awake /suspend /learn /forget
Games: /hangman /hang <letter> /hint /t3 (tic tac toe) /jumble /jumbleHint
Trusted: /kill /annoy (needs permission)
/welcome /welcomeishwarstyle /greet /rules /rule1 /rule2 /search /wiki /youtube /stats /usercommands /help /info /hateyou /breakmyscreen /flip /middlefinger /boo /cleanup /cleanupHindi (gifs) /g_agree /g_omg /g_hi5 /g_i_awesome /g_dance /g_scare /g_userious /g_whut /g_fluffy /g_sorry /punch /swim /meow /joy More info to use can be found on https://github.com/Shubhank101/SO_ChatBot
> Don't be a help vampire.
> Use Gist to share code in the chat.
> Don't ping multiple people for help. Its considered rude, if someone is free he/she will help.
> Please use a non-generic display image if you intend to hang around in the chat. The plain simple SO avatars for profile is boring and confusing when 10 of you are talking in the room.
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
Hey everyone
hows it going?
its stoping....
Still not sure why ValueAnimator make my View disapeared when the end= =maybe hungry...
though there would be some tech discussion....
answer this:
Q: Error:Cause: org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils occurs when trying to configure databinding

Sanket PatelI have android studio 2.3 and gradle plugin 2.3.0 installed. When I try to configure data-binding in build.gradle file as, android { .... dataBinding { enabled = true } } and when I sync it, I get the following error: Error:Cause: org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils I tried adding commons io ...

Error:Cause: org/apache/commons/io/IOUtils
what is the error?
you getting hit by the error, then we need look for the error who beat you.
I am not getting the error
^ this guy is getting it xD
btw you tried data binding?
its very nice and makes everything easy
Maybe OscarMunoz in he IDE
data binding everywhere,, but Not sure in IOUtils
Q: Jerky scrolling when adding/removing views to ScrollView's child

AnderI hope someone can give an idea on how to improve the performance of the scrolling on my app. Basically I have tiles/images being generated in a secondary thread, and once they are ready I add them to a RelativeLayout on a specific position with LayoutParams. For now I'm setting the size of thi...

^ when you finally run the code after coding
No, I getting worst
I have facing a crash on App
But it crash whole Android frameworks, and causing a reboot
crash in what
good morning
I not remember what I done, long time ago.
@RicardoAlves Morning
But seems this are grant force-reboot permission.
why rebooting?
@Narendra use RecyclerView
I want to use horizontal recyclerview on google map
like this
done anything like it?
@TusharGogna maybe sometime with some reason. ables to crashing Android framework and causing a reboot are equavalent granting force-reboot permission.
on all devices?
or on specific device?
it seems fragment.
@nyconing I have try with recyclerView
scrollListener = new EndlessRecyclerViewScrollListener(linearLayoutManager) {
private static final int HIDE_THRESHOLD = 20;
private int scrolledDistance = 0;
private boolean controlsVisible = true;

public void onScrolled(RecyclerView view, int dx, int dy) {
super.onScrolled(view, dx, dy);
// if(dy > 0){
// hideViews();
// Log.d("TAG","Scroll up");
// }else{
// showViews();
// Log.d("TAG","Scroll down");
@Dhruv 1598583184
posted on April 13, 2017 by Johann

SwiftyOnboard is an open source Swift based component for developing onboarding tutorials in your apps from Juan Pablo Fernandez. SwiftyOnboard makes it easy to create your onboarding tutorials by simply supplying the title, image and subtitle for each page with nice built-in features such as page advancement using swiping, fading transitions between pages, and a […]

@Narendra Not sure what youre trying to archive
Showing View When Scrolling Up and vice versa?
then it should be CoordinatorLayout with CustomBehaviour
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c o - - - t
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c o - - - t
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c o - - a t
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c o m - a t
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c o m b a t
Success. Work or Nightfury will be furious!
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- - h - - -
/hang a
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- - h - - -
/hang e
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- - h - - -
/hang o
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- - h o o -
Hangman hint : homework
@nyconing Whats that ?
@Dhruv what?
school given the homework?
Whats that number ? 1598583184 ? phone number ?
you asking for QQ
thats account
me asking ?
40 mins ago, by Dhruv
/hang school
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 |  \O/
s c h o o l
Success. Don't you have work to do ?
@Dory told
@Dhruv what ?
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- - - t - - - - -
QQ with penguins ? @nyconing
I can't understand anything on that app
42 mins ago, by Dhruv
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- - o t o - - o -
@Dhruv (≧▽≦)
seems like photoshop
/hang e
/hang photoshop
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p h o t o s h o p
Success. You should get back to work
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- - o t o - - o -
@nyconing what
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| O
m e o w m e o w m e o w m e o w m e o w
Succes.s. You should get back to work
Hello everyone, I am working on RxSwift and having some issue
can someone have exp in RxSwift and help me out
never tried that
yes, its bit tricky some to work
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- - n - - n -
/hang e
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- e n - - n -
/hang o
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- e n - - n -
/hang r
/hang y
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- e n - - n -
Hangman hint : test
/hang jenkins
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j e n k i n s
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
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- - - - i - i - -
/hang e
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- - - - i - i - -
/hang o
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- o - - i - i o -
/hang w
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- o - - i - i o -
Hangman hint : evaluate
/hang condition
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c o n d i t i o n
Success. Work or Nightfury will be furious!
/kill @BoominadhaPrakashM
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @BoominadhaPrakashM
😂😂 mar gaya mai
play.. play Dory.. I am going to leave..
I won't disturb
good :D bbye @BoominadhaPrakashM
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- - i - -
/hang s
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- - i - -
/hang e
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- - i - e
/hang o
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- - i - e
Hangman hint : sharp
/hang knife
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k n i f e
Success. Work or Nightfury will be furious!
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t - - - t
/hang e
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t - - - t
/hang o
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t o - - t
/hang l
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t o - - t
Hangman hint : .show()
/hang toast
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t o a s t
Success. You should get back to work
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- r r - -
/hang e
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- r r - -
/hang o
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- r r - -
Hangman hint : collection of same type
/hang array
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a r r a y
Success. Work or Nightfury will be furious!
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- r - - - - - -
/hang o
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- r - - - - - -
/hang o
Already used
/hang e
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- r - - - - - -
/hang s
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- r - - - - - -
Hangman hint : 2 words. its not charts
Hangman hint : 2 words. its not charts
/hang g
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g r - - - - - -
/hang i
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g r - - - - - i
/hang graphapi
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g r a p h a p i
Success. Your boss is watching you play
anyone now how to fetch LinkedIn Connections email and Google emails ?
Q: LinkedIn API - get information about my ALL Connections

DeepakI have used Facebook API but I am new to Linkedin api. I need some help on how to get information (name, birthday, etc) about my ALL Connections, and I need help with both the token and the info-related API calls. As for the token -- in Facebook there is the Facebook Console to generate tokens...

@Ninja Update: LinkedIn has restricted their open API access, and this no longer works. ?
So we cannot fetch connections anymore ?
anyone have experience contacting ios technical support ?
6 hours later…
posted on April 13, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by George Burgess, Software Engineer FORTIFY is an important security feature that's been available in Android since mid-2012. After migrating from GCC to clang as the default C/C++ compiler early last year, we invested a lot of time and effort to ensure that FORTIFY on clang is of comparable quality. To accomplish this, we redesigned how some key FORTIFY features worked, which

01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 22:00

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