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01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 18:00

@MDaimKhan internet is by default given to new apps in 6.0
@Shubhank RequestLayout() can slow on some lowend devices. how to detemine RequestLayout() has succeed to inflated?
i believe it happens on main thread only ?
A: Usage of forceLayout(), requestLayout() and invalidate()

Suragchinvalidate() Calling invalidate() is done when you want to schedule a redraw of the view. It will result in onDraw being called eventually (soon, but not immediately). An example of when a custom view would call it is when a text or background color property has changed. The view will be redraw...

read this
I know this. I changed LayoutParameters. It needs RequestLayout() to be apply.
then i believe it will force the call of layout then only
But it does not block Thread. lead next line of code still get old Layout.
it does not ?
yes it does not
same on Oncreate()
will not get layout on OnCreate bcoz it doesnot been inflated yet.
I cant get correct layout after RequestLayout() seems to be same on this problem
unless I Measure it right now.
A: Which method gets called the moment the activity is fully laid out and ready for user interaction?

Jason RobinsonI've found that if I post a Runnable to the message queue, it will run after the content for the activity has been drawn. For example, if I want the width and height of a View, I would do this: view.post( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int width = view.getWidth(...

check if this solves
Post on View. I never mention this before. thx.
@nyconing I have already tried cleaning and declaring the permission normally in manifest but it doesn't work, it shows the error 'Permission not Granted'
sorry for late reply, my internet got diconnected.
Q: RxAndroid Release Apk is not working for build 25.0.2

Zulqurnain JuttI have posted this on rxandroid issue page too but no response its been 4 days but no response , problem is in debug apk rxjava functionalities are working as expected , but in release apk , only functionalities related to rxjava or rxandroid are not working at all build.gradle(project) apply...

@ChaudharyAmar why should i check the storage permission??
Hangman games : 220
Most Correct letter found by : nyconing (201 times) _ 2nd : Ganesh Kumar (120 times) _ 3rd : Nazim ch (90 times) Your score Nazim ch (90 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : nyconing (117 times) _ 2nd : Nazim ch (95 times)
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- - - - - - o - - i - -
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- - - e - - o - - i - -
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- - n e - - o - - i n -
/hang g
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- - n e - - o - - i n g
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- - n e t - o - - i n g
/hang networking
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- - n e t - o - - i n g
/hang bla
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- - n e t - o - - i n g
Hangman hint : iOS
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 |  \O/
- - n e t w o - - i n g
posted on March 28, 2017 by Johann

ScrollingCardView is an open source Swift iOS component from Mozilla Mobile for creating custom card views that dynamically resize in height. As the name suggest ScrollingCardView provides scrolling content, and can be constrained to a specific height equal to or less than the screen size. You can customize the background color, corner radius, and also […]

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- - n e t w o r - i n g
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- - n e t w o r k i n g
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a - n e t w o r k i n g
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a f n e t w o r k i n g
Success. Your boss is watching you play
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- - - - s - - -
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- - - - s - - -
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- e - - s - e -
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- e - - s t e -
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r e - - s t e r
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r e g - s t e r
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 |   O
r e g i s t e r
Success. Don't you have work to do ?
/hang register
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- - - g g -
/hang s
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s - - g g -
/hang t
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 |   O
s - - g g -
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 |  \O/
s - - g g -
Hangman hint : yikes
How to use CryptoSwift
/hang m
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s - - g g -
/hang shaggy
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 |   |
s h a g g y
Success. Don't you have work to do ?
hi all
hello there ios developer?
no android
i have an issue
cany anyone help me
@User isnt you have an issue?
hi all!
@HimanshuJoshi whats a gone?
how you about your problem about constructing route by accelerometers?
constructing route by accelerometer? its so diffucult and critical on timing sequenced
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- a - - a
/hang e
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 |   O
- a - - a
CGDataProviderCopyData is not releasing memory of a CFGImage
/hang s
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 |  \O/
- a - - a
/punch @GaneshKumar
Hangman hint : shifu
─=≡Σ(([ ⊐•̀⌂•́]⊐ @GaneshKumar
any help?
/hang panda
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 |  \O/
p a n d a
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
haha @Dory
/punch @Dory
─=≡Σ(([ ⊐•̀⌂•́]⊐ @Dory
AOA, Hi @all
@AndreyM. module on hold since 4 months
have last used bluetooth laser devices to find the length, width and height
did you got any success>
@GaneshKumar give me your email.. i need to tell something :p
@GaneshKumar Dont ping meeeeeee!
No letter...
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- a - a
/hang data
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 |   O
- a - a
Hangman hint : sadke
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- a - a
/hang s
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- a - a
/hang java
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 |   |
j a v a
Success. You should get back to work
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- - - p - - -
/hang a
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a - - p - - -
/hang o
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a - - p o - -
/hang airpods
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a i r p o d s
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
@HimanshuJoshi unhopefully no.. but i found interesting repo github.com/reckonMe
 |   |
- - - - n - -
No letter...
/hang a
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 |   O
- - - - n - -
/hang o
/hang r
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 |  \O/
- r - - n - -
@Kamini is getting hanged t some place
/hang m
@Nagarjun Oii.. that hurts
/hang d
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- r - - n - -
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 |  \O/
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- r - - n d -
Hangman hint : all of us
/hang friends
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 |  \O/
 |   |
f r i e n d s
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
Hangman games : 227
Most Correct letter found by : nyconing (215 times) _ 2nd : Ganesh Kumar (136 times) _ 3rd : Nazim ch (92 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : nyconing (122 times) _ 2nd : Nazim ch (97 times)
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 29 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
/t3 challenge @nyconing
Duel initiated. @GaneshKumar, Nagarjun has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
have some work dude
A challenge has already been initated. Please wait for it to be declined to initiate a new one.
@AndreyM. reckonMe tries to detect your steps and their direction.
PedoMeter not a good option, I think
and also GPS, which can't respond good enough in indoors
Rest, reviews are best made after using the lib :)
is it xcode 8.3 working in ElCapitain????
beacons can be much accurate in this regards
@Priya its working fine with Sierra.
@Nagarjun....yeah that thing i know....i'm asking about ElCapitain
Xcode 8.3 requires a Mac running macOS 10.12 or later
ElCaptain supports xcode till 8.2.1
Q: Java\jdk1.7.0_06\bin\java.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1 android studio

AnkitI am getting this error while i run program in the Android studio.. There is no anyother is here i guess. Error:Execution failed for task ':app:createDebugMainDexClassList'. com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'C:\Progr...

please help me with this issue..
@[email protected] somebody saying it will work fine in ElCapitain also
anyone using xcode 8.3 in ElCapitain please let me knw about update
you may not get answer. Better upgrade ur system to Sierra or downgrade your xcode version
hmmm...ok thanks
Q: How to programmatically add a proxy in swift 3?

LionHI I'm trying to add proxy to kingfisher framework or URLSession as per the requirement but the customise sessionConfiguration is getting ignored in Swift 3. let downloader = KingfisherManager.shared.downloader downloader.authenticationChallengeResponder = self if isWifiAvailab...

@Priya xcode 8.3 is for seirra and above only
1 hour later…
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- - - b - -
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- - - b a -
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- o - b a -
/hang m
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- o m b a -
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- o m b a t
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c o m b a t
Success. You should get back to work
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- r - - - - - -
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- r a - - - - -
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- r a - - - - -
/hang u
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- r a - - - - -
Hangman hint : android dev hates them
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- r a - - - - -
/hang e
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- r a - - e - -
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- r a - m e - -
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 |  / \
- r a - m e - -
Game over.. The word is fragment
Sorry, but I wasn't able to find anything.
@GurpreetKaur I am awake!
/search generate latlongs from start and destination android
Q: How to get all the latitude and longitude of a route from location A(start point) to Location B(destination point)

user872525I have tried creating routes but I am not sure how to fetch all the latitude and longitude from start point to destination in prior. Here, I select a route of my choice when I search the route from start to destination in the map and I want to get all the latitude and longitude from start to dest...

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m - - - - -
/hang a
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 |   O
m - - - - -
/hang o
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m o - - - -
/hang r
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m o - - - -
Hangman hint : code for specific fuction
/hang module
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m o d u l e
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
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- o - o - -
/hang a
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- o - o - -
/hang s
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- o - o - -
/hang p
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- o - o - -
Hangman hint : beep beep
yo @GaneshKumar how's it going?
@RicardoAlves great mate.. what about you?
not much to do today in office
same here
been a boring day
I have a bug that needs to be solving, but a colleague of mine is working on it
I'm just trying to do some more debug to see if I can help
but bored as hell
yeah.. bug fixing wont be as interseting as development
I like bug fixing
but when I'm 3 days straight trying to fix the same one
it gets depressing XD
so I passed this one to the other guy
(asked for help)
what you been working on?
hello ..can anybody help me out
Q: Devlopment to production existing profile

vaibhavI have developed an application which supports GCM push notifications through APN, but the certificates are created in development environment now i need to upload that app to the App Store. What should i do now: So can i directly edit and upload the new CSR Or should i follow the whole new p...

guys.. having few doubt in notification service extension..
Anybody knows about it
how to generate latlongs between start and end latlongs in andorid ???
I'm confused now as to which Ganesh I'm talking to :o
Lol.. this is new ganesh.. just came to chat
@vaibhav the best choice is like what the other dude replied in the question. create a cert for live and use it. Just make sure all the steps are right
double check them
@GurpreetKaur can't help on android
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- o - o - -
Game over.. The word is coyote
you lost @nyconing
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- - - - - f - -
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- - - - o f - -
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- - - - o f - -
@Ganesh what doubts? don't know much, but I might be able to help out
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r - - r o f - -
hang you
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r e - r o f - -
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r e t r o f - t
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r e t r o f i t
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
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- - - - r - -
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- - - - r - -
@RicardoAlves, actually getting error "no certificates are available provisioning profile" when creating distribution profile
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- - - - r - -
Hangman hint : my swordd
/hang a
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- a - - r a -
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- a - - r a -
have you done all the process?
do it again from the start
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 |  \O/
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s a m u r a i
Success. Your boss is watching you play
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p - - - - p - - -
I had some APN issues for 2 weeks and was on my side, I jumped a step and messed everything up
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p o - - - p - - -
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p o - e - p - - -
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p o w e - p - - -
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p o w e r p - - -
can you hare which one step ?
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p o w e r p - f f
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p o w e r p u f f
Success. You should get back to work
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
actually apn working fine but it is in development environment, now i want to upload app ..
I don't really remember
so needs production env ..@RicardoAlves
@RicardoAlves I win(≧▽≦)
you need to download the new cert after creating it
you are saying finally i needs a new certificate with app id to change its env from dev to production ? @RicardoAlves
update the old one
but yeas
confused ?
update or create new ?
sry, my head is split into 2 issues right now
you should update the cert for production with the new settings
Hangman games : 234
Most Correct letter found by : nyconing (231 times) _ 2nd : Ganesh Kumar (141 times) _ 3rd : Nazim ch (92 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : nyconing (127 times) _ 2nd : Nazim ch (97 times)
@nyconing you are the first and the last XD
why. I was first both of them= ̄ω ̄=
@RicardoAlves, same prob facing since noon.. thanks anyway
the robot may learn try to edit last quotes
Q: Use regular expression to find and replace the string from Textfield in NSString

SabsI would like to use regular expression to find and replace the string. In my scenario {3} and {2} are UITextField tag values. Based on the tag value, I would like to replace the respective textfield values and calculate the string value using NSExpression. Sample Input String : NSString *cumput...

check answer
2 hours later…
posted on March 28, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Scott Main, Technical Writer If you love trying out all of the newest features in Android Studio and helping us make it a better IDE, we're making it even easier to download early preview builds with a new website. Here, you can download and stay up to date on all the latest Android Studio previews and other tools announcements. Android Studio previews give you

1 hour later…
posted on March 28, 2017

Test your apps with the latest release of macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS.macOS Sierra 10.12.5 beta (16F43c)iOS 10.3.2 beta (14F5065b)watchOS 3.2.2 beta (14V5465b)tvOS 10.2.1 beta (14W5563b)View all downloads.

01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 18:00

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