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int isSectionIndex;

int isRowIndex;
where do you assign values to them @Purushothaman
@AVEbrahimi is the name correct
i am assigning the values in the Answersarray, it will convert into the string format and the it ll save into the server
explain full flow
sectionCount =sectionCount + indexPath.row;
that is for YEs and NA options, counting the values of YEs and NA and No
for yes i am sending 1 , for Na i am sending 0, and for No option i am sending -1 along with image and text
you need to start using models
directly assigning image to imageview in tableview cell will have weird results when cell is reused on a diff position
ohh , Please let me know: , what i should here
have you ever created a model class ?/
Hey Shubhank
working right now
yaa created @Shubhank
available to talk though
show that model class
for which one i have to send
UIViewController are not models
read about them @Purushothaman
ohh Sry yar, Not created the Model class @Shubhank
How can we initialize onoptionscreatemenu outside of activity ????
I meant init in the OnCreate() portion
I have a class with the implementation of oncreateoptionsmenu but I can't init the class only is there a way to init it ?
Anyone can help me ??
/youtube catalyst linkin park
@Purushothaman you should search on MVC then. it will improve your coding
@june1992 which class are you in ?
sure i ll do @Shubhank thanks for info...
Hi Gm
Had tiffen
I made my own class that implements oncreateoptionsmenu and extends AppCompatActivity ... But I have the menu inflator and all that inside the oncreateoptionsmenu but now it won't show when I instantiate my class object @Shubhank
I need something like my options menu.startCreatingMenu(); is their something like that maybe not so direct but yes
its better to explain using short terms like person A and person B .. class A class B
you can't instantiate options menu of other class unless its shown
Okay I have class A that extends AppCompatActivity and implements OnCreateOptionsMenu . how can I get class A to call out OnCreateOptionsMenu . or maybe a method that can call it to show up on the app @Shubhank
Good morning all :)
How can I get it to show ?
@june1992 you can't
you need to implement the options in your current frgment/activity
Are you serious ????
GM everyone
joke sunado
Daily kahase lau
maine dieting chalu ki...jo aur kuch din main shayad band ho jayegi :P
sunaya na ab hasoooo
me uploading app
whole day work finished
Good morning..
any one used firebase ?
chaaru is champion
in firebase
Hi All
Good Morning
Unable to use bindMemory property in swift 2
@Shubhank lol liar
help her
@Dory Shubhank is master in Firebase...even he took TV access of my PC and did it
@Shubhank....have you used any side menu with back controll
any one used sidemenu with back controll???
back control ?
i am not having much insight in what is firebase and what is used for,was just going through firebase docs,, and trying to find whether firebase can be used in application i m working on... wanted some functional advice...
@Priya See, I have one very old library... and I am still using it..U can easily modify everything...
what functionality @Dory
android how to show all map markers title ?
@faisaliqbal open all markers info window?
@Shubhank example - authentication of users and getting data through APIs from backend application server... can we achieve same functionality using firebase...
/search android show markers info
@Dory yup
Q: Opening InfoWindow automatically when adding marker Google Maps v2 Android

bondIs there a way to open the infowindow automatically when we add a marker? Using this code to add the marker but infowindow only opens when clicking the marker: myMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions() .position(latLng) .title("Title") .snippet("Snippet") ...

@Shubhank u r maddest
any videos or tutorials.. giving insights
would be appreciable
Commands: Super Admin only: /ban /unban
Admin only: /awake /suspend /learn /forget
Games: /hangman /hang <letter> /hint /t3 (tic tac toe) /jumble /jumbleHint
Trusted: /kill /annoy (needs permission)
/welcome /welcomeishwarstyle /greet /search /wiki /youtube /stats /usercommands /help /info /hateyou /breakmyscreen /flip /middlefinger /boo /cleanup /cleanupHindi (gifs) /g_agree /g_omg /g_hi5 /g_i_awesome /g_dance /g_scare /g_userious /g_whut /g_fluffy /g_sorry /welcomezeinstyle /universal_greet /declineforever /byeishwarstyle /samrtshubhank /g_givePresent /g_disapointed /@GurpreetKaur /noobqu
@Shubhank marker.showInfoWindow(); show only one marker title
not all markers
@Dory, welcome to the chat. Have a good day :)
@Kamini chat ?
@Dory Hu lu lu la lu
@Kamini manjee
@Dory :*
@Dory don't play with kamini..she will kill u
@faisaliqbal call it on every marker
@Dory videos i don't have
@chaaruu okay. roger that...
tutorials you can check here
thanks for saving my life...
> Please read the room rules here.
@Shubhank thanks...
80% app uploadedd
@Amira wake upp
Good Morning.....!
@Amira very good morning
@Shubhank congratulations
good morning...
@chaaruu...thankx ...let me try
@chaaruu...that is good but there is no back Controller...
currently i'm using slidenavigationController...is there any possibility to set Back Button in that
what will back button do
goto direct home page...or back to previous page...
use a navigation controller
slide menu controller provide side menu button
@Priya My dear when u r using reveal controller..it's calling new stack..u do one thing..create global navigation instance use it..
add your back button any where on header and call back functionality
NSInteger numberOfViewControllers = self.navigationController.viewControllers.count;
[self.navigationController popToViewController:[self.navigationController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:numberOfViewControllers-2] animated:YES];
U can use this code for back
and for present view u can use dismiss view
@Shubhank I think so , she want both on header
My boss asked me...I directly said no...Some extra ordinary people are still their in our life :P
what he asked ?
needs to discuss one thing ..... i m getting notification and checking if app in foreground then start splashActivity .... else start HomeActivity .... this is fine ..... but the issue user tap on notification1 ... so it starts from splash but when user tap on 2nd notification then again it starts from splash .... because when notification reaches in device on that time app was in background @NightFury @Shubhank
oh you came
what intent flags have you set on the notification
Hi.. Can anybody see my issue?
Q: how to read and display only transaction messages from inbox to an android app

AdiI have already know that how to read the messages from inbox but I want to implement a android app to read only transaction message and display it in a list view with transaction amount ,credit debit etc.For my complete code. current complete code for fetching sms data.how to filter the sms data...

> Please use a non-generic display image if you intend to hang around in the chat. The plain simple SO avatars for profile is boring and confusing when 10 of you are talking in the room.
@DimaRostopira your app released ?
read the rule
@Shubhank mail sent
@Rajat kisko
usko :P
yup good
Hangman games : 1185
Most Correct letter found by : Rajat (1010 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (742 times) _ 3rd : Saad Chaudhry (582 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : chaaruu (317 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (301 times)
 |   |
 |   O
- o - - - - - e - - -
@Shubhank don't ever ask this again
/hang x
 |   |
 |  \O/
- o - - - - - e - - -
@Amira cheater
/hang q
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
- o - - - - - e - - -
/hang g
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
 |  / \
- o - - - - - e - - -
Game over.. The word is concurrency
@DimaRostopira lol
 |   |
- - n - -
/hang k
 |   |
 |   O
- - n - -
/hang b
 |   |
 |  \O/
- - n - -
/hang f
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
- - n - -
/hang q
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
 |  / \
- - n - -
Game over.. The word is linux
 |   |
- - - o - - - o - -
/hang s
 |   |
 |   O
- - - o - - - o - -
/hang b
 |   |
 |  \O/
- - - o - - - o - -
Hangman hint : constraints
/hang autolayout
 |   |
 |  \O/
a u t o l a y o u t
Success. Don't you have work to do ?
inspired chat
@TeerathKumar welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
@AmarbirSingh lol
@chaaruu....yes charu...same my boss also asked me to do like android...
Good afternoon
currently in every page from side menu i'm going...i'm coming back to the Side menu, after that i'm going to home page
use screenshot to explain your problem
if i create custom layout then can i set size of imageview while image is from server ? codeversed.com/expandable-notifications-android @Shubhank
first download and set
I have a Fragment A, in A fragment I have Tablayout and viewPager. when I swipe to different tabs i want to handle back press and return to previous tabs. so how can I handle this inside a Fragment inside fragment.
onBackPress() {
  getFragmanager.getFragA.getViewPager.setPage = currentPage -1
what is "getFragA.getViewPager.setPage" ?
how can i access viewpager in activity level?
i gave you pseudo code
if you don't understand. you need to improve
i am not going to explain everything
this thing i got but if viewpager is in fragment level then how can we get that viewpager in activity level?
@Shubhank thre?
can i load image using picasso inside my gcm listener service clas ?
@Priya Don't worry..u can do whatever u want..Share your project or give me TV access...I will do it for u
it will take only 15-30 minutes...
@Erum try yourself ?
if u r using objective c
trying getting error java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method call should happen from the main thread.
at com.squareup.picasso.Utils.checkMain(Utils.java:136)
at com.squareup.picasso.Picasso.cancelExistingRequest(Picasso.java:571)
@Rajat /LOL
no star :\
posted on October 18, 2016 by Johann

RevealingSplashView is an opens source Swift based component from Chris Jimenez for creating opening splash screens inspired by the Twitter app featuring a neat zooming icon animation. RevealingSplashView allows for a customizable icon image, background color, animation and delay. The splash view can be added to the viewDidLoad function for automatic appearance on load. This […]

@Shubhank where r you munna
@Rajat call him kiddu :P
created first pull request in my life :D
AOA, HI @all
will it publish your app ? :p
@Erum solved ?
@GurpreetKaur are you alive
@AmarbirSingh you went to kingdom of dreams ?
yes once
@Amira hi
@SaadChaudhry hello kaise ho
@AmarbirSingh which event
hero moto corp event
company organised an event
Am good
how are you!
@AmarbirSingh lol
seriously yaar
any specific event of kindgom of dreams i am asking
no not yet
@Bunny hahah
@SaadChaudhry am awesome
@Amira heh
@Shubhank wht happn
planning to go their
which event
two theater shows
zangoora or other one
on 21
bottle wars
:33549542 now i will take 10 k more :p
yup @Shubhank
where is @NightFury today
@GurpreetKaur hey
hey @SaadChaudhry
hiiii @Amira
@GurpreetKaur jokeee
ur department :P
@Shubhank bhej to de
what ?
acha acc
at home
which is best library to play heavy videos stored in raw folder android?
why you include it in raw?
heavy videos must be in obb, so users won't download all of them on each small update
from here you can play them using intents, so user can choose his fav player
it's splash video that i need to play every time app starts and app works offline without any network
hi everybody
I downloaded a library for sqlite in swift from github
I dont know how I add it to My app?
I copy whole of its folder to My Project
try this
/annoy chaaru
@chaaru I hate you
@chaaru @chaaru I hate youuuu
like i love you love you @chaaru @chaaru
@chaaru @chaaru i will kill you in the dreams too :p
@Shubhank why u hate me :P
iOS, Topic:- Contacts.framework, i've checked these blogs (1) appsfoundation.com/post/how-to-use-contacts-framework-ios9 (2) appcoda.com/ios-contacts-framework but i can't find how to get Phone Number from CNContact Object. in CNContact Class there is property for number open var phoneNumbers: [CNLabeledValue<CNPhoneNumber>] { get }
@Shubhank :)
Ab bata bhi de...
@Vats there should be a question on main site regarding this i think
@DimaRostopira @Shubhank
/rule6 @Nak
> @Nak Please use a non-generic display image if you intend to hang around in the chat. The plain simple SO avatars for profile is boring and confusing when 10 of you are talking in the room.
@Shubhank i'm blocked
i am not suggesting to ask
i am suggesting to search for similar ques
brb 15 min
hi, can we publish IOS app as invite only for download ? in apple developer account
@Dory yes
use test flight
can we use enterprise account and have some link to download ?
if we dont want to use testflight
any ideas on it
@Dory Tune provide this functionality using adhoc or distribution cert...then archive your project..upload for testing..add email IDs with whom u want to share in internal testing (external testing will take 2 days for 1st build)...and share ur updated build with people with whom u want to share...u can also assign roles...and those people will get mail with link...
@Dory enterprise works also
@Dory they can download 10 times using 1 email
11th time police reaches the person home
@chaaruu okay, i want to publish application that should be visible to all but downloaded only on invite basis.. is it possible
Hi @Shubhank .can I help? how add a library from github to My Project?
tell them to download TestFlight app in device..and create apple account ..they can use same mail to link and create account
@Shubhank okay, enterrpise also has test flight thing ?
in swift
@zohreh give me link to github lib
@Dory No..it will not visible to all
do you know how to use cocoapods ?
@Dory test flight only for testing perpose
no @Shubhank
@Shubhank That's what I was thinking..why u r not giving him this solution :P
@zohreh watch a video tutorial on how to use cocoapods
yes thanks @Shubhank
...so my uncle got a drone now he's fucking with people😂😂😂 https://t.co/xFwnLDUYoa
@chaaruu n enterprise account mein sabko visible hota hai?
use testflight
it is best way to have restricted download
ok roger that
for upto 1000 external users
and why are you speaking like a soldier :p
@Shubhank...i created one custome baseViewFor that...i'm getting this error
2016-10-18 16:06:58.035914 Seller[613:446555] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<ManageProfileViewController 0x1007672d0> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key navigationBarButton.'
dory will solve
Hi All, Can you please suggest the best image compression library in android?
I tried the following one
are they any better alternatives to do this?
@naresh welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
whats the meaning of that @Shubhank
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<ManageProfileViewController 0x1007672d0> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key navigationBarButton.'
i mean ask dory to help you
@Priya this error means navigationBarButton is not available in your class(ManageProfileViewController)
@priya....but i taken ManageProfileViewController in Custom Navigation MPBaseViewController
@Priya show me that line where this crash happened..
at this line it was crashing
self.navigationBarMPView = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"NavigationBar" owner:self options:nil] objectAtIndex:0];
@Dory Don't know dear...I know..this is only for testing purpose..and only shared people can download this build..
@chaaruu ok np.. thanks mam
@Dory lol..I am not teacher :P
@Shubhank He is asking something else...he want to show app to everyone but restrict download
yes call her jhadu
@Shubhank /slap
@chaaruu sheeee
@Priya ?

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