i have one activity in that i have one fragement with two tab. in that i am call webservice to get data and store in hash map. now that hashmap clone i am pass on optionmenuitem click i am add other fragment that also have two tabs .and get that hashmap and pass it to both tab fragment via viewpager adapter. now i am getting data in tab fragments. first tab fragment i am get hashmap oncreateview and set it to
edit text and same i am getting in second tab and set data in edit text but its not set text in edit text.where in first tabfragment is set text in edittext but not working in second tab . i am also check data in second tab to print using log. its print data but its not set in edittext. @Shubhank @Rajat
then you should check if you are setting the title somewhere else
which resets it
@Shubhank if i click a button in my view, am showing one bigbuton like a popup view, how to avoid userinteraction only for view. but if i have to click big buttonactions....swift
Is there any way to download gif image from app and display that gif image in android real device programatically ?? Currently I have one problem when i am download gif image from my app and it display normal image
I want to display animated GIF images in my aplication.
As I found out the hard way Android doesn't support animated GIF natively.
However it can display animations using AnimationDrawable:
The example uses anim...
@Rajat I had done this functionality but i want save that Gif image in my real android device and display that saved image in gif format.According to my project I have one button to save that image
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Hangman games : 814 Most Correct letter found by : Rajat (1010 times) _ 2nd : Saad Chaudhry (518 times) _ 3rd : Amira (393 times) Most Incorrect letter by : Rajat (300 times) _ 2nd : chaaruu (285 times)
Hangman games : 814 Most Correct letter found by : Rajat (1010 times) _ 2nd : Saad Chaudhry (518 times) _ 3rd : Amira (393 times) Your score Boominadha Prakash M (283 times) Most Incorrect letter by : Rajat (300 times) _ 2nd : chaaruu (285 times)