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@IshaBalla there ?
@ZAFAR007 u mean i need to change in the loadfile function
you need to make sure file is exist or not
in else condition first make sure file is exist or not then write this self.directorie = (Utility.loadSavedFile(Constants.File.kDirectory) as? [Directory])!
@IshaBalla whats the update
solved ?
replace else condition to this, else if let haveFile = (Utility.loadSavedFile(Constants.File.kDirectory) { self.directorie = (Utility.loadSavedFile(Constants.File.kDirectory) as? [Directory])!
self.tableView.reloadData() }
or replace to this else if let haveFile = (Utility.loadSavedFile(Constants.File.kDirectory){

self.directorie = haveFile as? [Directory]!

}else {
print("File does't exist")
yea but that only checks whether the file is saved or not
you using this for network availability? if Utility.isNetworkReachable() {
@IshaBalla every time just else block execute?
it worked
welcome :)
hi i have an question
i have used salesfroce chatter api and i have downloaded the sdk from
then ?
now i want to make an apex call and also i follw this link salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/13294/…
here they used an httpreuqst class
but i cant see this class when i try to used in my android project
in this link they said apex is availble in
available in: Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Developer, and Database.com Editions
so what does it mean
hi all
@RituNagpal salesforce stackexchange :O
@RituNagpal why dont you ask your question on sales force site too ?
i have asked
lin link
Dont you think that is general http class he is referring? The one that matters is url that you wanna hit and how to make request
nope, the apex has more methods
If I understand your question correctly, this would be better asked on an Android forum. From a quick Google, it looks like HttpURLConnection is the recommended Android mechanism; you'll have to learn a bit about Java's streaming IO to use it though. — Keith C 2 hours ago
If I understand your question correctly, this would be better asked on an Android forum. From a quick Google, it looks like HttpURLConnection is the recommended Android mechanism; you'll have to learn a bit about Java's streaming IO to use it though. — Keith C 2 hours ago
This is what I said :P
req.setEndpoint(URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/services/data/v28.0/sobjects/CurrencyType/');
req ?
edit your question and post that the above method is not available in apache http of android
apex has its own request class probably
you sure?
yo yo
Q: Apex Http Request Class

Ritu NagpalI was trying to use salesforce apex classes. According to documentation we need to use System namespace, I am not sure how to use it with this, I want to use httprequest class of apex. https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_classes_restful_http_httprequest...

oh she posted Q here too
sahi pakde hai
I was searching on google, sub se pehla yehe Q :D
ab btao
httpget class kha se'
3 mins ago, by Shubhank
edit your question and post that the above method is not available in apache http of android
ok @Shubhank
but @NightFury there they used the class
i was thinking had i install the correct sdk ?
you can check if you have downloaded correct one and the one targeting android/java
Afajlkjdsjfsklk kljklsdlw Akljslfasfdsklow
jhalskkflahskahsfkahskfaj jkfas
ishwar where is my rakhi :\
u r a cheater bro
nooooo Sister.... wait....
@NightFury you have to give me rakhi.. then i will give you gift :D :P ;) you forgot to give me rakhi :P
ohh haven't celebrated rakshabandhan here yet ?
@GurpreetKaur wake up
show me your score
Hangman games : 2504
Most Correct letter found by : Dima Rostopira (1634 times) _ 2nd : Amira (1300 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (1090 times) Your score Gurpreet Kaur (805 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Dima Rostopira (731 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (592 times)
haha yes I am
805 wow :O
20 points away from beating @Rajat
gurya you are reaching top
ohh cool :D
@Shubhank i have a question
yes ?
@NightFury :)
umm my app actaully require using the same api call for every page
suppose there are two pages named directory and map
while calling the directory api it returns
list of categories
and those are the exact list i need to display in my map page list
to show the direction of each points
so instead of calling the api in each page
what will be the best approach?
either pass in segue if the two viewcontrollers are next in heirarchy
otherwise store in singleton
yea that is the main thing
these view controllers are not in hiearchy
ok so firt thing there is this home page
which has several blocks
liek map directory
but map and directoy are not related
i mean i can't pass segue between them
you know how to use singleton ?
did u get me?
home has two sections
map and directory
the user can click on any cateogry
so keep a singleton
and keep the api result there
use that in both the screen
currently i have done the api calling in directory page
what if user calls the map page first?
will the value be saved?
if he/she doesn't click the directory page at all?
that is what i m confused about
@NightFury this is nice rakhi for you :)
most vella banda for girls @Shubhank
@NightFury and this is the nice gift for you :) :)
nicee... @iShwar @NightFury
GurpreetKaur thanks :) :)
Awesome thank u so much ishwar. so lovely :)))
sub itna acha hy
n yeah I love chocolates alot :P
anything and everything for sisters... :) :)
what can I give you in gift? :P
@IshaBalla hmm, you need the data on startup ?
whatever... you want..... i will accept the gift from sister. ,
ok, so make a singleton
so should i call the api in home page itself?
before the view appears?
on app launch - call the API and store the result in say mySingleton.apiCallResult
but will that make my app slow?
then when user click categories - load data from that object
@NightFury u will share chocolate with me na
as well on map
network request are on background thread so it wont make it slow isha
@GurpreetKaur you dont like themm :P
oh thanks app launch means application did finish launching right?
yes, if you want
@iShwar haha ur gift coming up
or call it when user clicks category or map first time
next time - you will use the downloaded result
@GurpreetKaur sure ;) btw shubhank doesn't like chocs too :\
hahha... like to have a little sometimes :P
really :o
u dnt like chocolates @Shubhank
very bad
give me pizza
@Shubhank gtalk?
Shuuu :D :P ;) :O hahahaha what is this Shubhank you became Shuu... hahahaha ROFL...
@Shubhank u give me
are haan
there or gone
when ? :P
today wehn
@GurpreetKaur okie
evening or now ?
as ur wish
ok will ping
@Shubhank take a look at this question stackoverflow.com/questions/39076911/…
implementing marker now will take time with whole keys :/
i have implemented the marker icon with userimage in it. but i want this animation in it
you didnt add any code there
how can i know what you have implemented
i am going to use the google map delegate method did tap at the marker
show the stuff in your question so that i can guide
i dont remember the method names
update your question please
func mapView(mapView: GMSMapView, didTapMarker marker: GMSMarker) -> Bool {
in it get the coordinate of the marker
i gave you the question
did you check that
i know the coordinates. but i dont know how to animate those buttons
sorry location i meant
not the coordinate
yes i got the cgpoint
i am looking for the animation part
please update the question with cgpoint part
i will then show the code for DCM lib
Q: Why app is blocked by semaphore

Andrey M.I have the following function that suppose to return [CIImage]. func getCIImages() -> [CIImage] { var images = [CIImage]() let assets = PHAsset.fetchAssetsWithMediaType(.Image, options: nil) for i in 0..<assets.count { guard let asset = assets[i] as? PHAsset else {fatalError...

Nightfury level question
/t3 challenge @GurpreetKaur
Duel initiated. @GurpreetKaur, Shubhank has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
/t3 accept
@AndreyM. You are not GurpreetKaur. Back off!
/t3 decline
Challenge declined
/punch @GurpreetKaur
─=≡Σ(([ ⊐•̀⌂•́]⊐ @GurpreetKaur
sorry later
 |   |
- - - - o - o - - -
 |   |
 |   O
- - - - o - o - - -
/hang e
 |   |
 |   O
- e - - o - o - - -
 |   |
 |  \O/
- e - - o - o - - -
Hangman hint : first step into programming
/hang helloworld
 |   |
 |  \O/
h e l l o w o r l d
Success. Your boss is watching you play
@AndreyM. from where are you following code?
 |   |
- m - - -
 |   |
 |   O
- m - - -
 |   |
 |   O
- m a - -
 |   |
 |   O
- m a i -
@NightFury from raywenderlich.com/79150/… semaphores headline
/hang t
 |   |
 |  \O/
- m a i -
Hangman hint : you always have it open
 |   |
 |  \O/
g m a i l
Success. Your boss is watching you play
 |   |
- - - - - - - d
 |   |
- - - - - a - d
 |   |
 |   O
- - - - - a - d
@Shubhank updated
@NightFury yes sister.. i am back :P
 |   |
 |   O
- e - - - a - d
Already used
/hang t
 |   |
 |  \O/
- e - - - a - d
/hang g
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
- e - - - a - d
Hangman hint : type it
/hang keyboard
/hang keyboard
 |   |
 |  \O/
 |   |
k e y b o a r d
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
/hang keyboard
 |   |
- o - - - - - o -
 |   |
 |   O
- o - - - - - o -
 |   |
 |   O
- o - - - - i o -
 |   |
 |  \O/
- o - - - - i o -
Hangman hint : deadly air
 |   |
 |  \O/
- o - - - - i o n
/hang pollution
 |   |
 |  \O/
p o l l u t i o n
Success. You should get back to work
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
@AndreyM. why are you using DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER ?
@ishwar your gift is ready
@NightFury it's for wait until semaphore is signaled
@Ishwar your morning tea cup :P
ohhh niceeeeee.... too
@NightFury ohh thank you sister :) :)
i am fond of tea by the way :D

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