in else condition first make sure file is exist or not then write this self.directorie = (Utility.loadSavedFile(Constants.File.kDirectory) as? [Directory])!
If I understand your question correctly, this would be better asked on an Android forum. From a quick Google, it looks like HttpURLConnection is the recommended Android mechanism; you'll have to learn a bit about Java's streaming IO to use it though. — Keith C2 hours ago
If I understand your question correctly, this would be better asked on an Android forum. From a quick Google, it looks like HttpURLConnection is the recommended Android mechanism; you'll have to learn a bit about Java's streaming IO to use it though. — Keith C2 hours ago
I was trying to use salesforce apex classes.
According to documentation we need to use System namespace,
I am not sure how to use it with this,
I want to use httprequest class of apex.
Hangman games : 2504 Most Correct letter found by : Dima Rostopira (1634 times) _ 2nd : Amira (1300 times) _ 3rd : MSU_Bulldog (1090 times) Your score Gurpreet Kaur (805 times) Most Incorrect letter by : Dima Rostopira (731 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (592 times)
I have the following function that suppose to return [CIImage].
func getCIImages() -> [CIImage] {
var images = [CIImage]()
let assets = PHAsset.fetchAssetsWithMediaType(.Image, options: nil)
for i in 0..<assets.count {
guard let asset = assets[i] as? PHAsset else {fatalError...
Duel initiated. @GurpreetKaur, Shubhank has challenged you for a game of Tic tac toe. To accept the challenge ping back with /t3 accept or /t3 decline for declining. Challenge will expire in 60 seconds.
| |
| \O/
p o l l u t i o n
Success. You should get back to work
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then